Battle of Pravda

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The two trudged through the snow, trying to keep on their feet as the wind howled over them. The walked for a good two miles before stopping to take a rest.

"Hey! We should probably call in the rest of our forces!" Pascal Shouted over the wind.

"Way ahead of you! I had them gather in two seperate forces! Hopefully they're gonna be safe!" Jay replied. "What's the current temp?!"

"-54 degrees and dropping! We should head back!" Pascal suggested.

"Yeah, I don't think Pravda can even move in these conditions!"

"Well, Nobody wants to bail out on a Mountain of ice!"

"Damn right!" Jay said. And with that the two began heading back towards the group. On the way back they saw something that both scared and relieved them.

"Hey! There's some T-34's and Ski troops!" Pascal shouted. Jay got his binoculars and saw them.

"Confirming two T-34-76's and about 7 personal! Let's approach them cautiously!" The two converged on the group and soon were met by with cold lifeless bodies and tanks to match.

"Poor bastards froze to death..." Jay said, looking at one of the then spotted two other people heading down the snow drift towards them. He got his Uzi ready and gave the signal to Pascal that there were people heading towards them. Wait a minute...That Erwin and Yukari!

"Stand down Pascal, they're friendlies." They waved them down and they waved back, heading towards them.

"So you two are on your way back as well?!" Jay asked.

"That's right O'Davis! I see you And Churchill there are fine!" Erwin replied. "You boys see anything?"

"Negative! No Hostiles that I could see over that ridgeline! Its White out conditions!" Pascal replied. "And even if we did, we have no tank support to help us!" They agreed and began heading back. "Wait, where's Sodoko?"

"I don't know! Most likely she's gone back to the others!" Yukari suggested. However the truth that would reveal itself would be much more sad. Stay alive Miho, you better be alive when we get back...

Oarai holding position...

"God damn cold..." Mike muttered. "This make Snoqualmie look like a tropical resort." The Boys grumbled and groaned. Miho was still in high spirits though, at least she tried to be. While the scout group was out, the rest of the group tried their hardest to warm up the tanks so that they could function. And for the moment, it was going really well.

"Hey! The turrets turning!" Leon shouted to Cody.

"Same thing Here! Quick, keep warming the tank!" D-ray yelled.

"Here you go! Be careful it's ho-..." Moyoko suddenly collapsed and started bleeding. Everyone stood still for a moment.

"SNIPER! GET DOWN!" Miho yelled. It was absolute panic, everyone in a high place quickly climbed down and took cover behind the tanks. Moyoko was still alive though and she was trying to call out for someone

"Moyoko! She still alive! Someone get me a first-aid kit!" Pazomi raced out of cover to try and help her friend.

"NO!" But it was too late, another shot rang out and killed her, before she could even reach Moyoko's side. Miho grabbed a mirror to try and locate the sniper.

"For fuck's sake If your gonna shoot someone, Shoot me!" Leon shouted, coming out of cover. "Come on! Do it you Bitch!" Leon stood right in the open, and he was signaling his crew to be ready to pull him out of harm's way.

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