Live Ammo?!

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Jay was up bright and early, just waiting for everyone to get up. He sat on the couch and looked at his phone. 5:30am? Might as well go on a walk. He thought to himself. He wrote Miho a note with his phone number in case she needed him to come back. He quietly left the apartment and walked along the quiet street. The air was cold and crisp, like a sip of ice cold water.

He continued to walk until the sun came up over the bow of the large ship. He walked all the way to where the tanks were being stowed. As promised by the SATS leaders, they left a V-22 Osprey for personel transport. He walked up to the grey hybrid, feeling it. He opened the door and began to do a preflight check of it. He grabbed the checklist off of the seat next to him and began going over it. Once he was done checking it, he locked it up and decided to check on the tanks.

He walked over to the tanks, which were covered with tarps, and uncovered the M18. As he did, he began whistling his school's anthem, "Bridge over the River Kwai". He inspecting the breech, making sure there was no damage. As he opened the breech, he felt the tank rock a little. That was normal, but it was the amount of rocking, it felt like someone had climbed aboard the tank. He looked up to see someone looking in through the hatch.

"Hello there!" Jay said, just before the person disappeared from sight. He scrambles out of the gunner's seat and out the hatch just in time to see the person dip behind the Osprey. Jay closed up the Hellcat before slinking over to the Osprey. He walked around the nose of the aircraft and bumped into her, causing her to jump.

"I'm Sorry! I just wanted to see your tank!" She said. Jay chuckled to himself little.

"It's alright, i'm surprised you didn't see them yesterday." He said, after he got his laughs out. "And may I ask who you are?"

"Yukari Akiyama!" She said, very cheerfully.

"I'm Jay, very pleased to meet a fellow tanker." Jay said, extending a hand. She shook and and seemed to relax a little. Jay then got back to doing the pre-flight check of the osprey.

"What are you doing?" Yukari asked as Jay was looking at the rotors.

"I'm doing a pre-flight check, just making sure everything is in working order before we fly this bird." Jay explained. "Alright, everything checks out. This birds ready to fly." Jay said, turning back towards Yukari.

A few hours later...

The engines began to spool up with a crescendoing whine, starting low and then getting higher and higher as more air was sucked into the intakes, blowing out plumes of smoke.


we're good to go, nothing out of the ordinary." Jay said, advancing the throttles. The noise of the blades, slicing the air increased and the aircraft took off. The aircraft climbed to about 8,000 feet before the rotors were tilted fully forward and flew like a plane. Once the aircraft was cruising toward its destination, Jay decided to get up and stretch his legs.

"Your aircraft." Jay said.

"My aircraft" Pascal replied. Jay got up from the seat and walked to the cargo hold, where everyone who was going to the order announcement was sitting. Jay walked towards the back of the cabin, surprised to see that some of the passengers were sleeping. He walked over to Miho, before deciding to probably not bother her, since she was sleeping. He saw that Yukari was awake and decided to speak to her for a little.

"So, Yukari..." Jay said, nearly startling her. "What tank are you in?"

"O-oh! I'm in the Panzer IV with Nishizumi-dono. I'm her loader." She said. "It's really fun though!"

JayPac High: YukiyukiteWhere stories live. Discover now