Rescue Op

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Gerald R. Ford, Hangar #4

A lone M4A3E2(W)76 assault tank with the word "Fury" on the barrel parked by the side of the hangar, which was the operations center for Unit 5 of the Boys Freedom Force. This force was made of of boys based around the world, trained to be the best of the best in rescue and recovery ops, behind hostile lines. The crew of the tank dismounted and headed inside the building.

The team leader was Jay, a 6'2" African American with a long history in military combat. A sensha-do prodigy and skilled shot. His gunner, a close friend and vice captain of the schools sensha-do team, Pascal. A 6'0" brit with an excellent and elegant touch with the gun. The loader, a native west coast, was Cody. Another excellent shooter but very quick with reload. The Driver and bow gunner, twins roughly the same height, same build, but one was a skilled machine gunner and the other a hell of a driver. Riding on the engine deck was another friend of Jay's. Peterson, a skilled rifleman. The boys got their equipment ready, since this was going to be a "weapons free" mission, the got bullet-proof vests and their own firearms ready.

"You guys see the sensha-do match last night?" Jay asked, while putting on his vest.

"Yeah, who knew that katyusha launchers could be so effective?" Peterson asked. Everyone looked at each other and and simultaneously said "The russians."

"Speaking of which, command just assigned us their latest R and R mission." Pascal said, walking toward a blackhawk helicopter with their school flag painted on the tail.

"That's right. We've been tasked with the rescue of two girls of Kuromorimine High. Maho and Miho Nishizumi themselves." Jay said, with a smug grin.

"The Nishizumi sisters?" Cody asked in disbelief.

"The aces of Kuro. That's right. Our covert agent Kenji, who we will also be recovering says that they are being held in a prison camp about an hour flying time away from here. Official orders say 'to use any and every means necessary to rescue the girls. Priority 1.'" The boys were stunned, this was their first official priority one rescue op.

"Hell, we may even be hailed as heroes after this." Caleb said, donning his flight suit. The boys nodded, donning there assault gear as well. They boarded the helicopter and a tug pulled it out of the hangar. The boys were silent as the helo began to start up. The turboshaft engines spooled up before the rotor blades began spinning and soon became a deafening roar. A ground crew member signaled Caleb and Courtney, the helicopter pilots, to take off. The rpm of the blades increased to maximum and the helicopter lurched off the ground. The occupants saw their home, the lights from the carrier drift away from them dimming in the distance, in exchange for the lights of Japan off to the west.

Pravda Prison Camp

The helicopter flew low over the snow covered forest before finally pitching up and descending to let the rescue team out.

"Alright boys, you know the objectives, we'll do a quick recap once we find a good vantage point!" Jay shouted. "Move, move! Lets go!" one by one, the team all disembarked the helo, and Jay gave the signal to take off. "Freebird, you remember the waiting point?" Jay said into a radio.

"Anywhere within 5 minutes of the rendezvous point." Caleb's voice crackled in. The noise of the helicopter soon faded into silence as the boys trudged their way to a bit of underbrush with a good vantage point of the camp.

"You guys got your silencers?" Jay asked. They all responded by showing their pistols. "Good." Jay pulled his pistol, an Uzi.

"So, what's the plan?" Pascal asked, holding his Makarov.

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