Elemental Miraculous Hero (My...

By L0nelySha2ak1

22.4K 382 437

"Shit..." he said as he looked at her shocked and scared, "She's re-discovered her quirk." "We need to leave... More

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Exams
Chapter 3: First Day
Chapter 4: Costumes
Chapter 5: Accustoming
Chapter 7: Havoc Begins
Chapter 8: Last Resort
Chapter 9: Fight to Survive
Chapter 10: Over
Chapter 11: Visitors
Crack #1
Chapter 12: Familiar Face
Chapter 13: New Face
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Sports Festival Begins
Chapter 16: Challenged Ahead!
Crack #2

Chapter 6: Craziness

1.1K 22 29
By L0nelySha2ak1

(A/n: Up above is the seating chart. Some people were obviously moved around. (Y/n) is 14 while Brandon is 13. If you'd rather have something else please comment. Also, Brandon's voice actor is Mx Mittleman.)

(Y/n) was in her bed fast asleep with Shadow curled up on the pillow she was on.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Her alarm clock sounded with the time of 7:00 AM.

She groaned as the alarm kept sounding.

"Shut that thing off already..." Shadow groaned sleepily.

(Y/n) pressed the button shutting off the alarm. She sat up with her hair having strands randomly standing and her hair was a bit fluffed up.

She yawned and ruffled her head for a second and then got out of bed, "Come on, wake up. We've got school."

"I don't need to go though..." Shadow whined.

"It isn't Paris anymore where you could stay home. Besides, we need to stick together when we go to school."

"Oh, right," he yawned, "They know about me..."

(Y/n) got her clothes out and quickly changed into her uniform and fixed her hair.

She walked past the living room and dropped her jacket onto the couch where her bag was. She walked into the kitchen and quickly cooked some eggs for breakfast.

Shadow sat on the table eating some cookies with a small cup of milk next to him.

The two ate in silence.

Once done, (y/n) quickly washed the dishes, watered Ayame's flowers, and finally left the house.

"How do you think it's going to go today?" Shadow asked as he sat on her shoulder.

"Well, most likely classes and some training," (y/n) said.

She was riding the train now.

"Mr. Aizawa sure likes to push the class," Shadow said.

"Well, I don't mind. To be honest, I like him. He's blunt and gets to the point quick, despite the rest thinking he's mean. I'd call that meaness strictness."

"Well, All Might's the same. He did put us in a fighting scenario."

"True. It feels good doing those moves as myself and not Komori. No offense."

"None taken."

(Y/n) was walking towards the school now.

"Huh?" she was surprised to see a large crowd of people outside of the school entrance.

"What's up with the crowd?" Shadow asked as she stopped.

"Hey, (y/n)!" a male voice called.

"Huh?" (y/n) turned around.

"Glad to finally have some real alone time with you," Brandon said stopping next to her.

"Not fully alone," she pointed to Shadow on her shoulder.

Brandon then had a confused look, "What's up with the crowd?"

"We don't know..." Shadow said.

"Shadow, I suggest you hide. I know the cameras can't catch you, but we can't risk more people finding you."

Shadow nodded and hid in her hair.

"Why do you need to hide him?" Brandon asked.

"Well, wouldn't more people want to try and find more familiars like Shadow. Some may even try and use them as slaves."

Brandon nodded and she walked away.

"She's not dropping the spirit facade," Loki said.

"Well, she's not wrong about creatures like him being used like slaves," Brandon mumbled and then followed her.

"Hey, you two!" a woman suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, the two had a microphone in front of them and cameras were pointed at them.

"Are you some of All Might's students!?" the woman asked, "Tell us, how is it with him being a teacher at this school?"

Brandon had a neutral look, "I don't believe we're allowed to say personal things like that."

"I'm not dealing with this, I'm heading to class," (y/n) said annoyed and walked past the crowd.

"Wait, please answer some questions!" the woman insisted and even following her, "What's it like being in a school with him? What are you learning from him?"

(Y/n) had a tick mark appear on her forehead and she could feel the heat starting in her hands.

Brandon quickly ran next to her, "Can you just let us get to class already!?" he said annoyed.

"We just want answers!" the lady insisted.

(Y/n) had it, "Just shut it already!" she snapped turning to her with an annoyed look, "You want something for your damn TV report, fine! We haven't been in this school long enough to get a full idea and that's it! Now leave us the fuck alone!"

She walked away with her hands in her pockets gritting her teeth.

"You heard her," Brandon said, "Wait up!" she jogged after her.

The two were walking down the halls.

"That was quite the scolding you gave them," Brandon said.

"Tch. People like them just want to know everything and are capable of doing crazy shit to get it," (y/n) growled.

"You say that as if you've dealt with it."

"Yup. One time back where I used to live. The reporter there would come to my house constantly trying to get answers to things. She almost broke in once if I didn't catch her in time."

He sighed, "Media's getting crazier as time passes."

"I'm glad I hid then," Shadow said, "Who knows what they will bombard us with about me."

(Y/n) then stopped and looked to the side.

"Hm, what's up?" Brandon asked.

"......" she looked across the street and saw the crowd of newscasters wanting interviews from All Might.

She wasn't interested in them though. She was interested in the single person standing across the street that was staring at the school.

She couldn't see his facial features because she was so far, but his hair seemed it was a very light blue and he wore black clothing.

Brandon noticed her staring at him, "Why's he just standing there?" he asked.

"I don't know..."

"I think that's just some All Might Fan," Shadow said, "But... I feel ominous vibes from him."


Brandon had a neutral look and narrowed his eyes at the strange man across the street. 

~Time skip~

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys," Mr. Aizawa started to the class, "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams' results. Bakugou."

Katsuki frowned, most likely already knowing what he's going to say to him.

"You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

"......" he glanced away annoyed, "Yeah. Whatever."


Izuku flinched.

"I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again."

He lowered his head with a nervous sweat.

"Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old."

He slightly trembled.

"You can't keep breaking your body while training here," he lowered his head, "But your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it."

Izuku raised his head with a smile.

"So show a little urgency, huh."


"And finally, (L/n)."

(Y/n) simply sat there with a neutral look.

"I understand you can't get separated from your familiar unless told so but try to avoid having him help you out during training for the most part. The training's meant for you, not him."

"Yes, sir," (y/n) simply said, not mad at the idea.

"Apologies for my participation," Shadow apologized hovering up a bit and bowing, also not mad, "I'll try to avoid it next time."

"Let's get down to business," Aizawa started, "Our first task will decide your future."

'Is it another quirk test?' the whole class thought with some nervous.

"You all need to pick a class representative."

'Oh good. Just normal school stuff.'

"Pick me, guys!" Kirishima said raising his hands up high, "I wanna be class rep."

"I'll take it," Denki said.

"Yeah, you're gonna need me," Jirou said.

"Someone with style would be--" Yuuga started.

"Yeah, I'm totally the right pick!" Mina said.

(Y/n) and Shadow sweatdropped at the class' enthusiasm to become a class rep.

She glanced up and saw Brandon sitting on his desk calmly.

"Hey, how come you don't want to be rep?" she asked.

"Hm?" Brandon turned to her, "Well, I don't think I'm the right guy. Being rep means being in charge and I don't really want to do that. What about you?"

She shook her head, "I've got enough responsibilities as it is. Also, I'm not that much of a leader. I'm more of a follower, as long as the leader is a good one."

"If a leader isn't good then there's no point in following them," Shadow added, "But man everyone is loud..."

"Well, being the rep means more work and you can even meet with big agencies if I remember since you show good leadership qualities."

"That sounds like a good benefit, but sounds like a lot of unnecessary work too," Brandon said.

"You can get there by normal means so no need to be a representative," Loki said.

"Silence, everyone, please!" Tenya shouted.

Everyone went quiet and looked at him.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is Democratically."

'Finally, someone who knows how it works,' Loki, Brandon, (y/n), and Shadow thought.

Tenya's glasses glinted, "We will hold an election to choose our leader," his form was trembling as his glasses glinted over his eyes as his hand was in the air.

"It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you," the whole class said.

"Is this really the best idea?" Denki asked.

"We've only known each other a few days," Tsuyu said, "How do we who we can trust?"

"'Sides, everyone will just vote for themselves," Kirishima said.

"Most people will," Tenya said, "But that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job. It's the best way, right sir?"

Aizawa was already in his sleeping bag, "Do what you want. Just decide before my naps' over," he fell sideways and slept.

"Thank you for your trust."

"More like laziness," (y/n) and Shadow sweatdropped.


"Election Results"

Izuku Midoriya - 4
Momo Yaoyorozu - 2

"How did I get four votes!?" Izuku shouted.

"Okay, you idiots!" Katsuki shouted standing up with an irritated look, "Who voted for him!?"

"What? Did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?" Sero asked him.

"What did you just say!?"

"Seeing Bakugou this pissed is oddly entertaining," Brandon whispered to (y/n).

"Yeah, until he's threatening you," (y/n) said randomly doodling on her notebook.

"Still entertaining," Loki said.

"Zero votes..." Tenya said to himself as he shook in his chair, "I feared this might happen, but I can't argue with the system I chose..."

"So you voted for someone else, huh?" Momo said with a sweatdrop.

"But you knew it was best to vote for yourself, right?" Rikido said, "What're you trying to prove, Iida?"

Todoroki closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"Sometimes the smart ones end up fucking themselves up..." (y/n) said with a sweatdrop.

"I'm suddenly worried about broccoli head..." Brandon mumbled.

Shadow looked at him confused then to where he was looking and then sweatdropped, "...Same."

"Hm?" (y/n) looked at them confused.

The two pointed to Izuku. She looked at him and she sweatdropped, "Why am I not surprised...?"


Izuku stood in front of the class trembling in fear.

"All right, the class rep is Midoriya," Aizawa said, "Our deputy is Yaoyorozu," she stood next to Midoriya completely calm.

"R-Really?" Izuku asked nervously as he seemed terrified, "Uh. It's not a mistake (A/n: Dude, you wanted to be representative. Why're you terrified? -_-)

Aizawa went back to his desk still in his sleeping bag.

Momo sighed annoyed, "How'd this happen?"

"This might not be so bad," Tsuyu said.

"Yeah. I can get behind Midoriya, I guess," Kirishima said.

Tenya remained in his seat sweating nervously.

"Yaoyorozu was totally on top of it when it came to our training results."

"He shouldn't be this down considering he didn't even vote for himself," Loki said.

"You said it," Brandon mumbled.


Uraraka, Tenya, Izuku, (y/n), Shadow, and Brandon sat at a table together and the cafeteria was extremely crowded.

"It's always so crowded on here," Ochaco sighed.

"That's because students from the support management and hero courses all share the same cafeteria," Tenya explained.

Ochaco stuffed some rice into her mouth with a smile, "This rice is delicious..."

"Tastes almost as good as my mom's cooking," Brandon said with his mouth stuffed.

"I should ask for the recipe sometime," (y/n) said as she stuffed some food into her mouth.

"I'm glad I can finally enjoy lunch like you guys," Shadow said stuffing some food into his mouth.

Izuku sighed sadly as he stared at his food, "Guys, I'm kind of worried about the class rep thing. I don't think I'm qualified."

Tenya and Ochaco sat opposite to Izuku, (y/n), and Brandon.

"Sure you are," Ochaco said.

"You'll be great," Tenya said.

"Mm?" Izuku looked at him confused.

"Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help you be a worthy leader. Not to mention the strength you've already demonstrated. Those are the reasons I voted for you, at least," he stuffed some food into his mouth.

"You're one of the four?"

"I've got to agree," (y/n) said, "I've seen all of that in action. That is not always easy to do," she stuffed food into her mouth.

"I do see him being a good leader," Loki said, "He just needs to stop being so easily intimidated."

"Mhm," Brandon hummed with his mouth stuffed.

"Didn't you want to be rep really badly?" Ochacho asked Tenya, "I mean, you do look the part. Cause of the glasses."

'That's not exactly how we should be choosing our rep,' Izuku thought with a small sweat.

"Looking the part doesn't mean you can be good at something," Shadow sighed with a sweatdrop.

"Wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things," Tenya said, "Observing the Iida family's hero agency has taught me that much."

The five looked at him surprised, "Agency?"

"Hold on, what does your family do?" Izuku asked.

"Uh..." Tenya realized what he said and looked at them, "Oh, it's nothing."

"You know, I've been wondering something about you," Ochaco said and then smiled, "Admit it, Iida. You're filthy rich!"

Tenya panicked, "Uh..." he looked away, "I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family."

Ochaco and Izuku stared at Tenya intrigued.

Tenya sighed, "You see, the Iida's have been heroes for generations. It runs in our blood."

"What? That's awesome!"

"Are the five of you familiar with the turbo hero Ingenium?"

"I know all about him!" Izuku said with a blush on his cheeks, "He's a super popular pro with 65 sidekicks working alongside him at his Tokyo Agency," his eyes then dilated, "Don't tell me..."

"He's my Elder Brother!"

"Your family's famous!" Ochaco said.

"I can't believe it!" Izuku said.

Tenya had a proud look and pushed up his glasses, "Ingenium is an unmasked commander who honors the hero code. As the second oldest Iida-san, I strive to be just like him," he lowered his head with a smile, "However, I think it might be a bit soon for me to be in a real leadership role," he looked at Izuku, "You, for example, you figured out what the judges were looking for in the practical exam. A rep needs that sort of insight," he then had a surprised look seeing all five of them looking at him surprised and amazed.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile, Tenya," Ochaco said, "You should do it more."

"Uh... What are you talking about? I smile all the time."

"Wow, I think my respect for you grew more," (y/n) said, "That's the first time I hear someone wanting to honor someone in their family."

"Why do you say that?" 

"Back where I used to live, The Mayor was someone named Andre Bourgeois. He was kind of a weak mayor though by easily giving into his daughter's demands. That daughter liked pushing everyone in the city down simply because of her father being the Mayor. She didn't honor her family name by doing that."

"Literally everyone in the city hated her," Shadow said, "She caused so much trouble for the city."

"Oh. Where did you use to live?" Tenya asked.

"Paris. Barely been a few months since I left."

"Wait, isn't Paris a quirkless city?" Brandon asked.

The other three looked at him confused, "Quirkless?"

Brandon nodded, "Strangely enough, anyone born in Paris is subjected to never getting a quirk."

"You mean everyone in that city has no quirk?" Izuku asked.

"Mhm. Nobody has discovered why though, at least not yet."

"How do you know?" Shadow asked.

"My Dad once went there for... some business with my Mom some years ago."

"That's why I was almost immediately antagonized by that place," (y/n) said with an annoyed sigh and shoved food into her mouth.

They were about to ask her more when...


A bell began ringing loudly alerting everyone.

"Gah!" Shadow screamed in pain as he covered his ears, as he had sensitive hearing.

"What is that!?" Izuku asked.

"Warning. Level 3 security breach," the announcement said.

"No way," a student on the table said.

"Please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

Immediately, the whole cafeteria began getting up.

"What's a level 3 security breach?" Tenya asked.

"Means that someone's managed to get past the school's barriers," the guy next to Tenya said, "This hasn't happened in the three years I've been here."

"I think I remember reading something about that," (y/n) said as she picked up Shadow and held him close worried, "Someone without a U.A. ID or special pass got inside. There's sensors everywhere so that caused the alarm."

"Could it get any louder though!" Brandon complained covering his ears.

"We should get going!" the guy got out of his seat and ran off.

"We should get out of here too," (y/n) said quickly getting up and putting Shadow inside her jacket.

Students were crowding the halls in a panic and were shoving each other left and right and some were even screaming from the panic.

"Ow! This is a total mob!" Ochaco groaned.

"Everyone was quick to react," Tenya groaned, "As expected from U.A. students."

"I like up close and personal, but this is too much!" Brandon groaned.

"Sure, but they're also causing a huge panic!" Izuku said, but was then shoved away harhsly, "Crap! I can't stop!"



"Broccoli Head!"


(Y/n) was then shoved harshly away.

"Guys!" (y/n) groaned, but was then shoved through the crowd.



"Gah!" (y/n) harshly hit the wall with her back and was being pressed up against it, 'Dammit! Crowds weren't this bad back in Paris during an Akuma attack!' she looked down to her jacket, "Shadow, move into my hair. I don't want you being crushed."

Shadow quickly did as told and hid in her hair.

'I've got to get out of here,' she thought with her eyes closed as she could feel her panic setting in.

She took ragged breaths trying to compose herself.

'Calm down. Breathe, (y/n),' she told herself in her head, 'You're not in an enclosed space. You're not inside that box. You're not somewhere dark and small. You're okay.'

With the sudden crushing against her chest, she felt panic slowly starting to get worse and worse.

She shut her eyes tighter and clenched her teeth.

'I need to get out of here!'

Suddenly, she felt someone get pressed up against her and felt some heat radiating off something besides either side of her head.

"Fucking hell," she heard a male voice growl.

She felt panic a bit as she could feel something between her legs.

She opened her eyes to see who it was and was greeted with Katsuki's tightly shut eyes. She lightly blushed feeling the position they were in and how close he was. Somehow, she felt some of her panic go down just a bit.

Katsuki opened his eyes irritated, but his eyes widened as his red eyes met with a pair of (e/c) ones, with the right still being slightly covered.

"Bakugou!?" (y/n) said surprised.

"What the hell are you scream--" Katsuki stopped mid-sentence realizing the position the two were in.

His hands were on either side of her head practically caging her, he noticed his right leg was in between her legs, and their chests were pressed up against each other.

His face immediately flushed. He quickly tried to push away, but it just made things worse.

He was pressed even harder against her and his leg accidentally went up further and their chests were pressed against each other even harder.

(Y/n) flushed even more feeling his knee somewhere she would never let anyone touch, 'God fucking dammit!'

Katsuki was pressed even harder against her chest.


Katsuki looked at (y/n) surprised and his face flushed even more.

One of (y/n)'s eyes was shut closed, her face was flushed red, she was lightly panting from her previous panic settling in her, and her hair slid away from her right eye.

"Dammit..." she whined pushing Katsuki just a bit to lessen the pressure from her chest, "Why is it that I always get in a position like this by a blonde..." she lowly mumbled remembering the last time this happened was with Chat Noir and Adrien, "You mind getting off me!?" she whined.

He furrowed his brows and glared at her, "You think I wanted this to fucking happen!?" he shouted back.

"Okay, arguing won't help either of you!" Shadow scolded with his ears still covered and popping up from (y/n)'s hair.

"Shut it, you winged rat!" Katsuki growled.

"Hey, don't scream at Shadow!" (y/n) growled getting up close to his face, "He is not responsible for this!"

"Well, he's bitchin' instead of trying to get us out of this!"

(Y/n) then groaned in pain as Katsuki was pressed even harder against her and one of her eyes closed in pain, she bit her lip, her face flushed more, her breath became heavier, and her hair had slid back looking almost messy "Okay... this is... starting to hurt... more than needed..."

For some reason, a surge of pride rushed through him hearing her groans. He gritted his teeth in anger of this, 'What the fuck is wrong with me!?'

"What in the world is causing this panic?" Shadow mumbled. He shot up and hovered over (y/n)'s head and pressed his hands on the glass to look outside.

He narrowed his eyes managing to catch something, but then his jaw dropped.

'THEY'RE THE ONES CAUSING ALL OF THIS!?' he thought, seeing the crowd from the entrance now inside and could see Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic trying to stop them.

"Did you see anything?" (y/n) asked, still flushed from Katsuki pressed on her.

"Uh..." he sweatdropped, "Well..."

"Just fucking spit out already!" Katsuki growled, "I do not like being in this fucking position."

"Feelings're mutual," (y/n) said.

"The ones causing all this havoc seems to be the press from this morning at the entrance..." Shadow said with a sweatdrop


"Those assholes are fucking responsible for this shit!?" Katsuki growled.

"Hey, say it don't spray it, Blondie!" (y/n) growled back.

"What was that, bitch!?" he growled.

"I said, you need to stop spitting when you're screaming!" she growled back.

The two were face to face to where their noses were close to touching.


"Huh?" the three looked up and saw Tenya spinning in the air.

"Shadow, help him out!" (y/n) told her kwami.

"On it!" he quickly shot to Tenya.

"Iida, slow down your quirk!" Shadow said.

"Shadow!" Tenya did as told and slowed down, "Where is (l/n)?"

"She's caught in the crowd against the wall so she can't help out."

"Can you help me, then?"

Shadow nodded and quickly grabbed his hand and stopped his spinning, "Where do you need to go?"

"Take me to the exit. I need to get everyone's attention."

"You know what's happening then, right?" 

Tenya nodded.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Shadow pulled Tenya to the exit sign.

Tenya stood on the sign and grabbed the pipe above.

Shadow went higher hiding by the pipes and seeing everyone split up because of the crowd.


Everyone immediately calmed down.

Katsuki and (y/n) took the chance and they pushed away from each other.

"Never talk about this," Katsuki growled looking away with a flush.

"Talk about what?" she agreed, getting her breathing back to normal and hugging her chest while messing with her necklace and she was still flushed.

"It's just the media outside! There's absolutely nothing to worry about!" Tenya continued, "Everything's fine! We're U.A. students! We need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best!"

Everyone looked at him amazed.

Shadow and (y/n)'s ears twitched and looked outside hearing the sirens of the police.

The students began murmuring among each other.

"Finally," Brandon sighed.

"You do know you could have just shifted into something that flies, right?" Loki asked.

"Oh right. I forgot."

Loki sighed.


"It's time, class rep," Momo said as she and Izuku stood at the front of the class, "Let's begin."

"Um..." Izuku started as he trembled and his cheeks were flushed, "Okay! So we need to figure out who the other class officers will be," he clenched his teeth and glanced down, "But first, there's something that I want to say."

"......?" she looked at him confused.

"I thought a lot about this," he shut his eyes, "And I think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep!"

Tenya raised his head surprised.

"He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line," he smiled as he looked at Tenya, "So I believe that he should be the one leading our class form now on."

Tenya's eyes widened in surprise as he heard this.

"Yeah, you know what," Kirishima said, "If Midoriya's vouches for him, I'm good," he looked at Denki, who sat in front of him, "Plus, he was a big help. He totally manned up and took charge, right?"

"Yup," Denki said, "Oho, did you notice he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs on the wall earlier?"

Tenya looked up at Midoriya and the two smiled at each other.

"He definitely did take charge," Shadow said with a smile.

"He'd give Ladybug a run for her money," (y/n) snickered.

"Should you really be insulting your ex-leader?" he sweatdropped.

"When she's most likely one of the people that talked bad behind my back, yes."

"Fair enough," he said with a shrug, as he did know who Ladybug was. (A/n: All of this takes place sometime after the Dark Owl incident so Shadow knows their identities)

"This is a waste of time," Aizawa said as he was in his yellow sleeping bag next to the podium.

Izuku trembled terrified.

"I don't care who the rep is. Just hurry up," he laid back down.

Tenya closed his eyes and stood up, "If Midoriya is nominating me for this job..." he opened his eyes, "Then I humbly accept. I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities."

"Sounds good, emergency exit," Kirishima joked.

"Emergency exit Iida," Denki joked, "Don't let us down, man."

(Y/n), Shadow, Brandon, Ochaco, Tenya, and Izuku smiled.

Momo stood next to the greenette with a deadpanned look, "How? I got two more votes than him..." she mumbled defeated.


"(Y/n), make some new rose bouquets. We're fresh out," Ayame said as she stepped inside.

"Give me 20 seconds to finish with this customer," she called and turned to the woman in front of her, "That'll be 1,000 yen, ma'am."

The woman handed the money on the counter.

"Okay..." she quickly went on to the cash register, "Here is your change and I hope you have a great day," she gave her a smile, "Please come again."

"Thank you. You're so nice," the woman said. She dropped the change into the tip jar and left the store.

"You sure know how to handle customers so kindly," Ayame said with a smile.

"Well, it's business. Besides, they're nice to me so I'll be nice back."

She nodded, "Are you sure you don't mind wearing that? I know I said you need a floral kimono, yukata, or hakama for work, but you could just wear a floral or colorful outfit instead."

(Y/n) was now wearing a short (f/c) floral hakama with the bottom being brown, some sandals, and a(n) (f/flower) hairpin that held her bang out of her face letting her eyes be seen.

"No, it's okay. I was lucky enough since this was on a sale," (y/n) said, "You were letting me stay in my clothes and uniform because of school and trying to accustom to the city, but I'd be pushing my luck if I kept at it though."

Ayame smiled, "Well, thank you for getting yourself a uniform," she then scratched her head, "I should get a hakama as well then. This yukata sometimes doesn't let me do some things."

"Well, there's a store in Shibuya that is having a sale today. Maybe they'll have it tomorrow too. Now, I'll get to fixing up those bouquets."

Ayame nodded, "Shadow, could you help me in watering the plants?"

Shadow got out from behind some statues, "Sure thing."


(Y/n) was in the back and quickly fixed different bouquets of roses and placed them in buckets of water.

"Ayame, I'm done with the roses," she stepped out from the back room.

"Oh, thanks. Just put them back outside," Ayame's voice came.

"Wait, isn't she one of the students in U.A.?" a male voice came.

(Y/n) opened her eyes and was greeted to see Ayame sitting down on some chairs with a skinny blonde man sitting next to her.

"Oh, hey All Might," she said walking past them with a shocked male looking at her, "It's nice to see you outside of school."

"A-All Might? What are you talking about?" All Might stuttered.

"You can't pull that on her, Nori. She's a lot smarter than she looks," Ayame chuckled.

(Y/n) closed the door behind her as she had placed the new flowers outside.

All Might looked at Ayame surprised.

"What's your relation to each other?" Shadow asked.

"You're here as well?" All Might asked.

"I always stick by (y/n)'s side," he sat on said girl's shoulder, "Even at work."

"Well, Toshinori here is my older brother," Ayame smiled proudly leaning a bit on her older brother's shoulder.

"Huh, who would've known that your brother was the top pro hero and a teacher at U.A." (y/n) said with her hands on her hips.

"Well, I'm always gonna be his number one fan," she chuckled.

All Might scratched the back of his head with a blush, "How did you know it was me?"

"Well, you don't look all too different," she then made her finger into a circular motion, "Other than the huge size you've been in... You still have the blonde hair and your hair is slacked right now, but stand it up and it's close to how it looks when I see you."

All Might looked at her with a sweatdrop and shocked.

"I told you she's smarter than she looks," Ayame said, "No wonder she's in 1-A. By the way, you never told me who your homeroom teacher is."

"Oh, it's Mr. Aizawa," Shadow said.

Ayame's eyes widened, "Aizawa... As in... Shota Aizawa..."

(Y/n) and Shadow tilted their heads confused, "Yes?"

"Is it important?" (y/n) asked.

All Might smirked mockingly, "Still have that crush on him, I see," he said in a teasing tone and with his arms crossed.

Ayama flushed, "Nori!"

"You have a crush on Mr. Aizawa!?" (y/n) and Shadow asked surprised.

Ayame's whole face was flushed and she was covering her face with her hands, "Nori! You jerk! Why'd you say that outloud!?" she slapped his shoulder.

All Might chuckled, amused at his little sister's reaction, "Well, I'm still wondering why you grew a crush on him? What do you see in him?"

"Most likely something not many see," (y/n) said crossing her arms, "Beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that."

"You really get me," Ayame cheered.

"Why is it that you're working?" All Might asked (y/n), "You're obviously too young to work. Are you and your parents in some financial issues?"

"......" (y/n) remained quiet and glanced away.

"Um... Nori..." Ayame started.

"Do you know about her situation?" Shadow asked, "They told you about me, but did they tell you anything else?"

"Well, they said they were paying for the house, but nothing else," All Might said.

"I live by myself with Shadow," (y/n) said monotonously.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"That's why I work. I need to make money somehow for food, clothes, and anything else I will need and future problems."

"...Are your parents... dead?" he asked carefully.

"Oh no," she said and then glared to the side while clenching her fist, "But I wish them and my siblings were dead at times."

"Why would you say that about your family?" he asked upset.

"Nori... Her parents are in prison," Ayame cut in.

He turned to her surprised, "What?"

Ayame nodded, "Her parents are in prison for 20 or more years because of Child abuse, neglect, and endangerment..."

(Y/n) nodded, "My siblings are back in Paris, happy to have ruined my life over there..."

All Might looked at her confused.

She sighed and took a seat on another chair and explained everything. 

'I never expect to tell my life to a Pro Hero... Well, just some of it. I'm pretty sure I can trust him though.'

As she talked All Might would look at her surprised as Ayame frowned and Shadow hugged (y/n)'s neck.

'Hopefully, this doesn't change anything. I'm still trying to live a life free from abuse and large amounts of hate at me... I have enough emotional, psychological, and physical scars. I don't want anymore that could potentially lead me over the edge...'

By the end, the sky was already orange.

"Wow..." is all that All Might could utter, "You've been through a lot..."

(Y/n) shrugged, "To be honest, my life here is better than it would be back in Paris. I'm happy being here."

"Well, I'm always here if you ever need help in something," Ayame said with a smile.

She smiled back at her. 

~Next Day: PM 0:50~

"Today's training will be a little different," Aizawa told the class, "You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

Everyone looked at him a bit surprised

"So three professionals will be present," Loki said.

'Is it because of what happened?' Shadow thought.

"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asked as he raised his hand.

Aizawa took out a card, "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that."

"Disasters, huh?" Denki said, "Sounds like we're in for a big work out."

"Totally!" Mina cheered.

"Real hero stuff," Kirishima said, "This is what separates men from the boys. I'm shaking with excitement!"

"This should be a bit nostalgic," (y/n) said with a small smile.

"Except you'll be using your quirk and yourself instead of being transformed," Shadow whispered.

"Finally, I'll get to show off how good I am in water, ribbit," Tsuyu said.

"I can shift into more forms now," Brandon said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet," Aizawa said.

The whole class went quiet.

"What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes," he took out a remote and pushed a button and the panels slid open once again for the class' costumes, "But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready," he walked out of the class.

Everyone else got up and went to go get their clothes.

'Hopefully, I can handle this training just like how I handled it as Komori,' (y/n) thought as Shadow sat on her shoulder, 'It's different since I won't have the powers Shadow gives me. Fortunately, I can do some decent fighting with my quirk right now and know some rescuing basics.'


Everyone was soon outside in their costumes, except Izuku.

"Deku, why are you wearing your P.E. clothes?" Ochaco asked as she walked up to the said boy, "Where's your costume at?"

"Most likely because it was extremely damaged after the combat training," (y/n) said walking up to them and had her hood down and her goggles around her neck.

Izuku smiled nervously and nodded, "I'm still waiting on the support company to fix it up."

"Well, guess you'll just have to wait until it's ready," Shadow said.

"Stop staring at them, you fucking wanker," Brandon growled stomping on Mineta in the background, who was staring at the two girls in skin-tight clothing with a perverted look.

A whistle then blew loudly.

"Ouch!" Shadow whined and pulled his ears down.

"Gather around Class 1-A!" Iida shouted, "Using your student numbers to form 2 neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently," he then blew the whistle again.

Ochaco, Brandon, Izuku, and (y/n) sweatdropped while Shadow glared at Iida for blowing the whistle so loudly.

"Iida's kicking it into high gear as our class rep, huh?" Izuku said.

"Could take it easier with the whistle!" Shadow shouted.

Soon everyone was inside and were sitting wherever causing Iida to slouch in defeat.

"This bus' open layout ruined my boarding strategy," Iida whined.

"Iida, you really need to chill," Mina said.

"Yeah, relax once in a while, will ya," Brandon said as he sat next to Kirishima as last.

"If we're pointing out the obvious then there's something I want to say," Tsuyu started and then looked at Izuku next to her, "About you actually."

"About me? What is it, Asui?" Izuku asked with a blush.

"I told you to call me Tsu."

"Oh... Yeah, right..."

"That power of yours... Isn't it a lot like All Might's?"

Izuku panicked, "What, really!? You think so, huh?" he looked away, "I never really thought of that. I guess it's similar..."

"Wait, hold on, Tsu," Kirishima said, "You're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference."

Izuku sighed in relief for Kirishima's save.

"Still, I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting type of quirk. You can do a lot of flashy stuff with it," he stretched out his arm and hardening it, "My hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive."

"Oh, no way. I think it's really awesome looking. You're definitely pro material with a quirk like that."

"You really think so? Seems like it'd be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier."

"My naval laser's got the perfect combination of pinash and strength," Yuga said.

"But it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache, sweety," Mina said putting a hand on his shoulder.

Yuga had dread on his head hearing that.

"I don't really care much for flashy moves, to be honest," Brandon said.

"I've gotta agree," (y/n) said and she sat opposite to Brandon and next to Denki, "Why do a flashy move at the expense of it not being as effective? At least, that's what I think."

Shadow nodded, "I guess flashy moves to help out times though."

"Well, if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Todoroki, Bakugou, and (L/n)," Kirishima said looking at the back for the two guys and glancing at the girl.

Katsuki had glanced away and Todoroki seemed to be asleep in the back.

"Sure, but Bakugou's always angry, so he'll never be that popular," Tsuyu said.

Izuku immediately panicked, and Brandon, (y/n), and Shadow snorked a bit, and Katsuki was immediately pissed.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" he screamed as he got off his seat.

"You see."

"Nice one, Tsu," Brandon complimented with a toothy smirk.

Shadow and (y/n) were chuckling.

"QUIT LAUGHING!" Bakugou shouted at them.

"Point proven again," Brandon chuckled.

"You know, we basically just met you," Denki started, "So it's kinda telling we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage."


"You sure you want to be saying that from how you lost it at the combat training and lost because of your explosive temper?" (y/n) mocked with a sly smirk.


"Do you want me to?" she said with an innocent tilt of her head and a sadistic look.

"Damn, (y/n)!" Brandon cheered, "You're on fire!"

"Nice come back," Denki complimented and nudged her.

"Last time you were this savage was with Chloe," Shadow snickered, "I still remember her expressions."

"I don't believe it's a good idea to be mocking him considering his temper," Loki warned with a sweatdrop.

Izuku was slowly panicking at hearing Katsuki was being teased and knowing that was not smart.

"This is such a disgusting conversation," Momo said as she covered her mouth.

"Yeah, but it's kinda fun listening to them fight," Ochaco said with a smile.

"Hey. Hey, we're here," Aizawa said and stopping the arguments, "Stop messing around."

"Whatever/ Yes sir." (A/n: I love how Bakugou was the only one to say something else XD)


"Hello everyone. I've been waiting for you," someone said.

Everyone was soon out of the bus.

"It's the space hero, Thirteen," Izuku said, "The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!"

"Whohoo!" Ochaco cheered as the greenette fanboyed next to her, "Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!"

"I can't wait to show you what's inside," Thirteen said.

"This is gonna be awesome!" the whole class cheered.

Everyone walked inside the dome building and looked around in awe.

"Wholy crap," Kirishima said, "It looks like some kind of amusement park."

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc." Thirteen said, "I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint" but you can call it USJ!"

'Just like Universal Studios Japan,' everyone thought with blank looks.

"Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already?" Aizawa asked, "Let me guess, he booked an interview instead."

"Actually, it's something else," Thirteen said quietly stepping close to him.


"Apparently he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and he used up all his power. He's resting in the teacher's lounge."

"That man is the height of your responsibility." 'Well, we should be okay with just the two of us.'

'Something's up with wanting three pros all together...' Brandon thought with a skeptic expression.

(Y/n) crossed her arms, 'I'm getting bad vibes from this situation...'

She and Shadow glanced at each other.

'I feel like my identity as a hero is gonna be at risk...'

"Clock's ticking," Aizawa announced, "We should get started."

"Excellent," Thirteen said, "Before we begin, let me just say one thing... Well, maybe two things... Possibly three... four... five..."

"We get it," the whole class said with dread.

"Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk. It's called "Blackhole." I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

Ochaco was nodding vigorously.

"Yeah, you've used blackhole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?" Izuku said.

"That's true, but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill."

Most of the class gasped.

"Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and strategically regulated. So we often overlook how unsafe it can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your quirk's potential, and because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others."

'Thirteen's got a point,' Shadow thought, 'Quirks can be just as dangerous as they are useful and there's nobody to tell you what and what not to do... Miraculous users have their kwamis to help them, but even we don't have much control over their actions, especially when transformed. Hawkmoth is an example of someone who doesn't listen to reason,' he glanced at (y/n), 'If she had let all her anger and hate control her she could have very easily destroyed Paris and hurt others out of revenge. It's a Miracle she hasn't let all those years of hate and anger corrupt her heart. I hope it stays that way... even when...'

"That's all I have to say," Thirteen said with a bow, "Thank you so much for listening."

The whole class cheered.

"Right," Aizawa said, "Now that that's over--"

Suddenly, the lights started to spark and go dark.

Everyone looked up confused. The water fountain began going on and off.

"Something's coming!" Loki warned sensing something wrong.

Suddenly, a purple cortex opened up.

"Something's opening up down there," Brandon said.

Aizawa gasped seeming to sense it and began looking behind him.

(Y/n)'s instincts kicked in immediately and she stood in front of the whole class, "Shadow, hide," she whispered.

A hand reached out and then someone began coming out of it.

Whoever it was, he had a hand on his face and on his head.

Aizawa, (y/n)'s, Shadow's, and Brandon's eyes widened.

"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa ordered, "Thirteen, protect the students!"

Kirishima looked ahead, "Uh!" he had a worried look, "What is that thing?"

Someone was walking out of the vortex and other creatures began coming out as well.

"Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people."

"STAY BACK!" Aizawa ordered.

"You idiot!" Brandon scolded stepping up, "This is not training!"

Izuku looked over to Aizawa and gasped seeing him putting on his goggles.

"This is real," Aizawa said as more monsters walked out of the vortex, "Those are villains!"

The whole class gasped and all seemed scared.

"Wait a sec, I recognize that guy!" (y/n) said.

"He's that guy we saw at the entrance yesterday!" Brandon said.

Aizawa looked at them surprised.

"I was right about the bad vibes he gave," Shadow said.

(Y/n) clenched her teeth quickly pulling up her goggles and pulling her hood up to hide Shadow, 'Instead of training to rescue those in danger, we're the ones in danger right now,' she reached up to her ear and gripped the bat on her earring, 'I'm still not experienced by myself with my quirk. I have to do this on my own! I have to! I have to avoid revealing Komori unless it's completely necessary! I won't be able to rely on Shadow always without risking the existence of him and the Miraculous! Although, if it comes to it, I will risk my life!'

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