My Love

By NataliaIsNautilus

71.8K 2.4K 579

Alec starts a relationship with Magnus Bane the High Warlock of Brooklyn after the unlikely but fateful night... More

The Party
The Drinking Game
The Healer
Story Time And The Date
Where Is Alexander?
Extreme Demons
Court of Demon Kings and Queens
What Magnus Didn't Say
A Late Night Visit
A Late Night Visit
What's A Day Off?
Downworld Ball (pt. 1?)
Downworld Ball pt. 2
The After Party
Happy Holidays
That's Low
He Killed An Angel?
"We Don't Have To Fight"
His Past
The Rescue pt. 1
The Rescue pt. 2
I Like Jace More (teaser)
I Like Jace More (full)
Meeting Paris
The Meeting
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say (teaser)
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say
Some Things Are Better Not Heard
The Arrival
I Understand Completely
The Breaking
Beautiful Pain
Downworlder Meeting
The Waking of a Lover
Date Night
Don't Go Easy On Me, They Said. I Can Handle It, They Said.
I Can't Be Held Responsible (pt 1 of the Institute Gala scenes)
The Heir Of Hell Indeed (pt. 2 of the Institute Gala scenes)
Surprises All Around! Many Bad! Some Good!
Telling Friends and Family
The Brothers Grimm
Out Of Love
Sorta, Kinda, Homecoming
ALMOST Mundane
The Last Battle
Homecoming & Transfers
Bachelors For One More Night
The Wedding
The Honeymoon

The Apology

1.7K 56 8
By NataliaIsNautilus

3rd Person POV

A man sat staring out of a window when his phone rang. He picked it up.

"I've made contact with the subject. Well spotted him anyway. I'm sure he doesn't know we're here" the woman said through the phone.

"Not yet but soon" he responded. "When do you say we should make contact".

"I'm not sure, but soon. Nephilim might be a challenge though, they seem very interested in out case" the women replied.

"I'll have someone sent to take care of them" he assured her.

"A- sir, we must get him away. Whenever you give me the clearance, I will make contact"

"We want no casualties" I told her. "Injures can be dealt with"

"Yes and what shall I do with the other agent?" She asked.

"Keep him with you. But we'll move soon, I want the islands back" he man responded and hung up.

"This is going to be fun" he thought sarcastically and tried to sleep, upset that he didn't have the ocean nearby to lull him to his slumber.

Robert POV

It was 12 o'clock at night and Alec had left after that warlock. Again. I traveling to the warlock's house to collect my son.

I reached the house and drew an open rune on the door. The door silently opened and I walked inside.

I crept around the house, looking for my son. I walked towards a door and drew a hearing rune on myself.

I heard laughter. Alec is laughing?

"Babe you should go home" that warlock said.

"I don't want to. I wanna be with you" Alec replied.

"Darling, your father is already upset with us and I don't want you to be in trouble because of me" Magnus responded.

"I'll be fine" Alec assured him. Sure he will

"Alec I don't want you to go bu-" Magnus was cut off. There was silence.

"Alexander I need to breathe" Magnus said between breaths.

"Breathe through your nose" Alec responded and silence filled the room again.

A few minutes later they spoke again. " My nose is against your sharp cheekbones and anywhere else would be pressed against another one of you beautiful features" the warlock replied.

"Stop saying that"

"Stop saying what?" Magnus asked.

"That I'm beautiful"

"Alexander it's not right to lie to people and I would never lie to you. You are absolutely stunning" Magnus replied.

"I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie" Alec protested.

"You look gorgeous in anything. It doesn't matter if it's pajamas or a tux"


"Anytime love"

"You're right I should probably get going" Alec admitted. I heard the bed creak and feet pad against the floor. I was about to leave my spot when I heard a thud. What was that?

"Alec? What happened" Magnus asked.

"I'm fine. I kinda just fell" Alec replied.

"How?" Magnus asked, confused.

"I think I drunk too much" Alec said.

"How much did you drink?" Magnus inquired.

"That bottle you gave me" Alec responded, like it was normal.

"The entire thing? You drunk an entire bottle of vodka and your still alive? I told you to get a glass" Magnus replied, shocked. 

"I got a glass and a couple more, then the bottle was gone" Alec explained.

"Whatever get back in bed. You're staying the night". Magnus told him

"My dad" Alec protested weakly.

"If he has any problems he can come tell me". The warlock told his boyfriend.

"Okey dokey" Alec responded.



"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Good night"

"Good night".Then Alec's soft snores filled the air.

I stood confused. Alec really seemed happy with Magnus. Maybe I had judged too quickly. Maybe.

(Time skip - Robert is at the Institute. Also important info; Robert has been sleeping in a separate room from Maryse cuz she kicked him out after he punched Alec)

I knocked on the door to our bedroom, which I've been exiled from since the incident when Alec showed his affection towards Magnus. And I responded by punching him

"Come in" Maryse replied. I walked in."Oh hello Robert. Now where have you been in the dead of night?"

"I went to collect our son from Magnus" I replied.

"So what changed your mind?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" I replied.

"You called Magnus by his name. Not warlock and not it. Now what changed your mind?"

"When I went to his house I overheard them talking. They care about one another and I understand now that I overreacted to the situation" I said.

"Good. You will invite them over and apologize. Tomorrow" she instructed.

"Of course" I replied.

"Please leave me. If tomorrow goes well you may return to our bedroom". I nodded. "Oh and Robert?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"Put his name back in your recommended successor. He has truly earned it"

"The Clave will not have him if he is in a relationship with a warlock. It doesn't matter if I place his name there" I told her.

"Just do it Robert" she said. I nodded and left her room.

(Time skip - now it's about 10 am and both Magnus and Alec are at the Institute)

I was waiting for my son and his boyfriend to come. They were already late but then again, Magnus didn't work early so he probably hasn't seen my fire message yet. I left my office and walked the hall.

I saw my son and Magnus. They were speaking in low voices. This wing of the Institute was currently empty aside from my family and Magnus. I walked over to them.

They both looked up and before I could say anything, three masked figures were walking up to us. "Magnus watch ou-" I began.

One person pushed Alec away and the other two grabbed Magnus. One was definitely female and the other two were built like males.

"This didn't work in France so it won't work now. Just take off the masks and tell me what you want" Magnus said.

"It worked in Jakarta" the one who was holding Alec responded.

"That isn't fair" Magnus objected.


"I was like drunker than the drunkest person you've ever known and you were all sober" Magnus protested. 

"Damn, you did the most insane things while drunk" another man spoke up.

"Who are these people to you?" The female of the group asked.

"Well the one that he" Magnus pointed to the one holding Alec "is holding is my boyfriend. And these are his family. Very harmless to us"

"Harmless?" Isabelle asked.

"Yep" Magnus replied.

"So are we going to speak or are you going to pull the trigger against my head? Either way it's your choice" Magnus said. "But this is reminding me of when I playing Russian Roulette with a certain green cabbage and it was not fun since I nearly died because he gave me the wrong gun. My gun was supposed to he empty since we were playing with some who was stealing from me and he was supposed to get the loaded gun and so to say the least that night was not fun"

"Who many times have I told you not to call me green cabbage?" Someone roared.

"Oh dear" Magnus whispered. Louder, he spoke again. "You hate it when I call you a sea monster, like those waitresses did in Peru. What can I call you?"

"You can call me by my name, Ragnor Fell. I promise you it's not hard" Ragnor said.

"Ah my dear Fell, why are you here?" Magnus asked.

"My dear Bane, why is there a gun to your head?" Ragnor asked.

"Oh. My friends have decided to visit and they decided to get my attention by a gun" Magnus explained.

"Oh. I remember them, the girl hated me" Ragnor reminisced.

"Yes but they hate most people,so don't feel special. So why are you here?" Magnus replied.

"Oh yes. You don't happen to have any Herondales here, do you? Tessa misses her family and they all seem to have relocated from London" Ragnor said.

"I have been summoned" Jace yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh dear, he reminds me of Will. I still have nightmares about that boy" Ragnor shuddered.

"I told her this generation won't be any less obnoxious. Does she listen to me? Noooo" Ragnor dragged on.

Ragnor looked around and his eyes landed on Alec. "And that one looks like him" Ragnor groaned.

"Stop complaining. Alec is hot and a Lightwood" Magnus relented.

"Ha. You're dating a Lightworm. You of all people are dating a Lightworm. After all they did. Ah" Ragnor laughed.

"Guess what you nasty sea monster" Magnus said.

"What?" Ragnor asked.

"They are parabatai. Which means they can kill you simultaneously" Magnus said.

"Has one of them died yet? Because what happened to Jem and Will, well that wasn't fair" Ragnor asked .

"Please excuse my friend he is a bit slow. No Ragnor they haven't died. If they had died, I think we'd be aware" Magnus said.

"So I'll go tell Tessa there is in fact a Herondale here and that we have a Lightworm. They isn't a Castairs here, is there?" Ragnor asked

"I don't believe we do but they do have Church" Magnus responded.

"I hate that cat. He doesn't like anyone but James and yowled for weeks on end after Jem left"

"Well I have a new cat you can meet. He's adorable and I just had his birthday party a few weeks ago"

"Great fun I'm sure it'll be, however I'll have to meet him but for now, goodbye. And do get those people what they want. They've had that gun to your head since I walked in" Ragnor said.

"Goodbye" Magnus said.

"Finally. Come on Magnus we have places to be" the female said.

"Not until you tell me what you want" Magnus replied.

"Whatever. Everyone take you masks off. This kid won't let us have any fun" one of the men said. They released Magnus and Alec.

The one who had been holding Alexander was the tallest and visibly the most muscled. The other boy was slightly less tall and less muscled. The female of the group was very tall and visibly, she was lightly muscled but I didn't doubt her strength. Kind of like Isabelle.

They all had black hair, her hair was well past her waist. I couldn't see any Marks so they must have been wearing glamour.

"Well. This is Alpha" Magnus said pointing to the most built of the group. Then moved on to the female and then the other man "This is Nightshade and that is Romeo"

"Where are their Marks?" Jace asked.

Romeo spoke. "There is a thing called glamour"

"I know. Magnus uses it all the time" Jace retorted.

"Okay. Anyway, Alpha's Mark is that his shadow detatches from his body. Nightshade's skin can harden into diamond. And I have black blood" Romeo said.

"I've never heard of any of those Marks" I said.

"We're ancient" Alpha said.

"I want to see these. Out of curiosity. You know Blue, Green and Yellow's Marks don't do anything" Jace said.

"Who is Blue, Green and Yellow?" Magnus asked.

"Catarina has blue skin, Ragnor has green skin and you have yellow eyes" Jace explained.

"Don't you love being freaks to be shown off to colonizers?" Nightshade asked sarcastically.

"Do lighten up" Magnus said. "And who said cat eyes are my only Mark?"

"Alec?" Jace asked. His parabatai blushed and looked down.

"Isabelle! You need to grill our dear older brother for whatever he's been doing with Magnus. He basically just said he's seen something that isn't visible to the rest of us" Jace yelled. Alec rolled his eyes.

"Yes! You're so telling me later" Isabelle exclaimed.

"So can we see your Marks?" Jace asked.

"I don't see why not" Romeo said. He pulled up his sleeve, revealing a vein. Romeo closed his eyes and something black became visible on his arm. His veins were full of black blood. Black veins crawled up his neck and splayed across his cheekbones.

"Whoa. That's cool" Max said. Dammit, I forgot Max was in the Institute.

"You look like one of those manga characters" Max exclaimed.

"Max?" Alec asked, excited.

"Allie" Max said and ran to his older brother.

"Hey. He looks like that guy you have a drawing of in your room" Max said pointing to Magnus.

"Haha. You're funny" Alec said, to his younger brother. Magnus smirked.

"So can anyone else of you look like anime characters?" Max asked excitedly.

"I can turn into diamonds. Does that qualify?" Nightshade asked.

"Definitely" Max said. Nightshade closed her eyes and her body turned into diamond under her clothes.

"So cool. What about you?" He asked, looking at Alpha.

"I don't look like one but I can do something similar" Alpha responded.

He snapped his fingers and his shadow detached from his body. The dark, shimmering colored form was in the air beside Alpha. He rolled his wrist and the shadow stayed still. Then it moved, flying around his head and then landing beside Max.

"Wow. Why can't you do anything like that?" He asked Alec.

Why can't you do anything like that" Alec retorted.

"Touche" Max said.

"Ah, mon cher Max je ne t'ai pas parlé Francais aussi" Magnus responded. (He said "Ah, my dear Max I did not know you could speak French too". Sorry if it's wrong, I used Google translate)

"Stop flexing" Alpha said, rolling his eyes.

"I shall do no such thing" Magnus replied.

"Come on. I want to see my son" Nightshade said.

"You have a son?" Clary asked. The four warlocks looked at one another. They were clearly tense. 

"He's adopted but I love him like my own flesh and blood" Nightshade clarified.

"Yeah we should be going but Magnus we'll hit you up later" Alpha said.

"Until next time" Romeo said.

"Bye baby" Nightshade said and kissed Magnus' cheek. I felt a fire grow inside of me. That lying, faking mutt.

Apparently Alec felt the same because Magnus spoke up since Alec was glaring at him. "Alexander calm down please. She's like a sister to me"

"She called you baby" Alec objected.

"She is six years older than me. I'm the youngest in our small group. I grew up with them. They pose no threat to our relationship. I promise" Magnus replied.

"Okay" Alex said and looked up. Magnus smiled and pecked Alec on the lips.

"Back to what we originally came here for" Magnus said with a laugh. They both turned to me.

"I realize now that I was too harsh and quick to judge on your relationship. I'm sorry that I acted the way I did. This morning I put Alec's name back in the suggestion for my successor and removed Jace and Isabelle's" I told them.

"When did this come about? Was it the fact that Maryse kicked you out of your room? Or last night when you were in my apartment? Or after that when you went to speak with Maryse?" Magnus asked.

I stood there frozen out of shock

"Please don't act surprised. I know people in this city and I know what happens in my house" Magnus replied to my silence.

"We accept your apology" Alec said. "But we are going out for lunch and we'll be late for our reservation if we do t hurry"

"It's only ten o'clock" I objected.

"Magnus still has to take a shower, put on an outfit, complain about, try on a dozen more, pick the first outfit, do his makeup, complain about what I'm wearing, change my clothes and then drive to the restaurant" Alec explained.

"Just like Izzy?" Jace asked.

"Just like Izzy" Alec confirmed. Magnus punch Alec lightly and Isabelle punch Jace not so lightly.

"Well you two should be in your way. And I'm deeply sorry that it took me so long to realize my mistake" I told them

"It's okay dad. Better now than never" Alec replied. And they walked off.

Hey guys, long time no see. More like a day or two but anyway the new chapter is here. So Nightshade, Alpha and Romeo are my characters, they belong to me so please do not use them without my permission.

Tell me how you like the new chapter or the story in general by sharing, commenting and voting. You can also ask questions about me if you want. I might start asking questions at the end of chapters, they will be about the book or something else.

Be happy, stay strong and Love Yourself.

- Nat

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