
By one_more

4.8K 35 41

Zac and Kayla were once in love. The type of love that few people ever get to experience. But it was a love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
I interrupt this program... to say Hi! :)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 20

85 1 0
By one_more

For the next few days, it seemed as though Kayla lived in their home office. Zac felt like he was going insane just waiting for her to come out. He figured at some point she'd have to eat, or at least use the restroom, but he always seemed to miss her.

"What are you doing?" Isaac asked, walking up on Zac and watching him jump slightly at the sound of his voice.

"Shhhhh," Zac hissed at his brother, "I'm trying to see if I can hear movement in there." Zac turned his attention back to the door, and pressed his ear up against it.

"Dude, she's studying, how much movement do you think you're going to hear?" Isaac asked, amused at his younger brother.

"I don't know. Maybe some paper rustling, or a pen sliding off the desk? She's been in there for days Ike, literally days."

"I know, but she told us she was going to be because she has her first set of finals on Tuesday," Isaac replied, in a slow voice adding a slight drawl to his words.

Zac rolled his eyes at his brother, "I'm not stupid, Isaac, I know what she said, I was there. I'm just worried, I've never seen her like this. I am not even sure when the last time she ate was."

Suddenly, startling both Isaac and Zac, the office door flung open.

"If I come out for a little while and give you some attention do you promise to let me finish studying for the rest of the night?" Kayla asked. Her tone was playful and directed towards Zac.

Zac stood up straight and cleared his throat, "I mean, I guess. I was just trying to look out for you..." he trailed off as he began making his way towards the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" he asked Kayla as she and Isaac took a seat at the kitchen island.

"I could eat," Kayla replied. She took her glasses off of her face and rearranged the bun she'd been wearing on the top of her head. "Are you gonna cook for me?"

Zac, who'd been staring in to the open refrigerator, looked over at Kayla and smiled, "You're so cute when you're delusional," he then said. Kayla laughed. "I will take you out to wherever you wanna go though," he finished.

Kayla was hesitant for a moment, before she agreed to go out with Zac for lunch. It was Sunday afternoon and she was sure she hadn't breathed fresh air since she'd dropped Taylor off at the airport Friday morning. They invited Isaac, who'd declined and retreated to the living room to lounge around instead. Kayla told Zac she was going to take a quick shower, before disappearing down the hallway and into her bedroom. He heard the bathroom door close and the shower turn on. He made his way to the living room to join his brother.

"Does Kayla look different to you?" Zac asked Isaac.

Confused, Isaac turned the T.V. down before turning his attention to Zac, "What do you mean different? She's wearing her glasses, but I mean, we've seen her with glasses before."

"No, I mean... how do I describe it? Does she look, I don't know, older or something? I feel like she looks like a completely different person for some reason and I can't think of why or what it is about her. You know like when Mom claimed to know we were all going through 'the change' because she said it was written all over our faces?"

Isaac chuckled at that, "Well, Zac, I think it's safe to say that you of all people know that Kayla went through puberty a while ago."

Zac rolled his eyes, "Shut up, you know what I mean, that was just an example. It's just something."

"I don't know dude," Isaac said as he turned back towards the T.V., "Maybe it's because you haven't seen her for a few days. Or maybe because you notice things about her differently than we do?"

"Maybe," Zac replied quietly as he dropped the subject. He watched Isaac flipping channels for a few more minutes before Kayla emerged from the hallway. Zac watched her walking around aimlessly, making sure she had all of her belongings before they left, as he tried to figure out what was so different about her.

"What?" Kayla asked, feeling her cheeks grow a little warmer when she'd caught Zac staring at her.

"What?" Zac asked, clueless.

"You were staring at me?" Kayla replied as she made her way over to where he was sitting.

"Oh," Zac said, trying to think of a cover up, "I always stare at you," he said nonchalantly, hoping his humor would get him out of the awkward scenario he'd just created.

"That's true," she said simply. She asked Zac if he was ready to go. When he confirmed he was, they both said their goodbyes to Isaac and headed towards Zac's truck. They climbed in and he started the ignition before turning to Kayla.

"Where to?" he asked.

"Where else?" she responded, playfully. Zac smiled back at her and put his truck into gear as he began the drive towards Taco Bueno.

The two teenagers sat in their favorite booth in the back corner of the restaurant, eating and enjoying the lull of the other patrons around them. Every so often, Kayla would glance over at Zac and catch him staring at her. He knew he was being obvious, but he couldn't help it. She looked different, but the more he watched her, the more he felt like Isaac was right, and maybe it was just from going so many days without seeing her.

"How's the studying going?" Zac asked, trying to so whatever he could to occupy and distract his eyes.

Kayla took a sip of her drink as she rolled her eyes, "Honestly at this point, I feel like it's overkill," she laughed a little bit, "I know I know the stuff... I feel like whenever I get to something I'm reviewing I know it by heart, but you know how I get obsessed. I just want to do well. These finals will make a big difference in what schools decide to give me a chance and I just don't want to mess it up."

"Well, I think you've never given yourself enough credit. You're smart, Kail, you know that," Zac responded.

"Yeah I know, it's just... this is it, you know? This is my last chance to show it and I just don't want to choke."

"Nah, you'll do great," Zac reassured her. She loved the way that his laid back personality was such a contrast to her worrisome way of being. "I'm sure as stressed out as you are, at least studying is a nice break from wedding stuff, right?"

"You have no idea. I feel like I don't even need to go with how much I've been involved," Kayla replied.

"Well, don't you dare flake on me, you're my date," Zac said, matter of factly.

"Am I?" Kayla replied. She tried to play it cool, but was honestly taken aback by the statement. They hadn't set in stone that they'd attend the wedding "together" especially because she just figured his partner in the wedding party would be his date.

"Aren't you?" Zac asked back, suddenly feeling a little nervous. "I mean, I guess I kinda just figured? Do you wanna be my date?"

Kayla could feel the blush creeping into her cheeks. "Of course I wanna..." she began.

"But?" Zac countered.

"Well, we've never really gone anywhere as each others dates and...."

"Spit it out, Kayla," Zac said, feeling anxious.

"What about Kate?" she finally asked.

"What about her? Taylor said she's bringing a date. What does she care who I go with?"

Kayla paused, trying to find the tone of Zac's words. It was easy for her to jump to conclusions about why Zac had asked her to the wedding.

"I'm not asking you to go with me because she's bringing a date, Kayla," Zac suddenly spoke, breaking Kayla from her thoughts. Kayla questioningly raised her eyebrows. "Come on, I know you better than that. I know that's what you were thinking. Taylor did tell me that Kate planned on bringing a date and that Natalie wanted to make sure I knew so that I wouldn't be caught off guard, but I told him I didn't care what Kate was doing because you and I were going to go together. And this was weeks ago. I always planned on going with you, I just didn't know that you didn't feel the same way about going with me."

Kayla almost chocked at his statement, "No, Zac, it's not that I promise, it's just.... I guess I was just used to knowing when it came to formal occasions that I was gonna have to go back to being 'Zac's best friend, Kayla' instead of 'Zac's date, Kayla' but... I'd love to go with you," she smiled at him as she finished her statement. Zac swore he melted right then and there. It had been so long since he'd heard her speak about him in admiration and he allowed himself a few seconds to bask in the feelings he was having at the moment.

"Good," Zac said after a few moments, "Besides, it's only right that the best looking guy at the wedding attend with the best looking girl, don't you think?"

Kayla smiled again, "Yeah, but I mean, Zac, Taylor is going to be there to marry Natalie, what are people going to think when he tells them I'm his date?"

Zac's face dropped as Kayla erupted into laughter. He tossed a few chips from his plate at her, "Haha, you're so funny," he retorted as she composed herself.

They fell into another comfortable silence as Zac finished his food. Kayla looked out of the window at the shining sun. It was a beautiful day.

"Hey, you wanna go to the park or something? It's so pretty outside to just go home and be inside," Kayla asked.

"What about your studying?" Zac asked, surprised.

"I mean, if I don't know it by now, I don't know it right? Besides I have all day tomorrow to study."

"Sounds good to me," Zac replied. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Let's go to the lake," Kayla replied, turning her face to the window again and closing her eyes. Even through the thick glass she could feel the warms sun rays. Zac watched her again, in awe of the beauty she possessed. He grabbed their trays and made his way to the trash receptacle. Once he'd discarded his trash he waited by the door as Kayla removed herself from the booth and made her way over to him. She had on blue jean shorts that were a few inches too short, a white tank top and a long gray sweater that was open in the front. Zac thanked God for the ability to control his body and held the door open for her as she made her way out of the restaurant and began walking towards his truck. He stayed a step behind her, admiring the way her body moved beneath her clothes. He knew he shouldn't be having the thoughts he was having. He still hadn't spoken to either Kayla or Kate about his feelings or what he wanted to do as far as a relationship went, but the more time he was with Kayla and only Kayla, the more his decision became clear.

They arrived at the lake about 20 minutes later, it was still early in the day and the sun was still shining brightly. Zac backed his truck into the banks of the lake, the way he always did in the spot they always sat in. They lowered the tailgate and sat in the truck bed, silently admiring the beauty of nature around them.

"I wonder why no one really comes out here," Kayla finally spoke.

"Me too," Zac agreed, leaning back onto his palms, "It's so pretty here."

Kayla mumbled in agreement as she removed the sweater from the top of her shoulders, the warm sun hitting her bare skin, "Too bad we don't have weed," she said, jokingly.

"Oh but we do my love," Zac said through a smile as he hopped off the tailgate and made his way to the side of the trucks bed. He opened his gear compartment and pulled out a small linen zippered pouch, holding it up and shaking it, "We do."

"Where did you get that from?" Kayla asked, giggling.

"Taylor told me to get rid of it before he and Nat get back. I guess she thinks he doesn't smoke anymore or frowns upon it, I don't know." He answered as he made his way back to the bed of the truck and rejoined Kayla's side. He pulled out a pre-rolled joint and handed it to Kayla.

"I get first hit?" She asked, slightly surprised. Zac nodded his head and leaned back again as she ignited the fighter and lit the joint. She coughed a little as she exhaled before hitting it again and then passing it to Zac.

"Wanna know something?" She asked, quietly.

"Always," Zac replies as he exhaled.

"I'm glad no one ever comes here. I feel like this is our spot.  If I saw anyone else come here or knew anyone else came here I'm not sure how much I'd like that."

Zac handed her the joint as he wrapped his arm around her, "Tell you what, when you're a doctor,"

"Surgeon," she corrected.

"Excuse me, surgeon, and we get our own record label, I'll buy this for you."

"Buy what for me?" Kayla asked.

"This," Zac replied, waiving his arm towards the lake and surrounding land. "This lake, this land. We'll make it private property and then no one will be allowed to come here but us."

Kayla was quiet for a moment, taking in his words. "You'd do that for me?"

Zac sat up, facing his body toward hers, "I'd do anything for you."

Kayla smiled shyly at him before lowering her eyes. She bit her lip, contemplating her thoughts.

"You wanna know something else?" She asked, moving closer towards him.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, raising his eyebrows at her?

She closed the gap between them a little more, "I want you."

Her words were almost too quiet to hear and for a moment, Zac wasn't sure if those were the actual words she's spoken. Before he could ask her to repeat herself, her lips were crashing into his, her leg swinging towards the other side of him so that she was straddling him.

"Kail," he breathed out as she made her way down the side of his jaw and towards his neck.

"I want you Zac," she said between pecks to his neck, "right now."

He grabbed her face in his hands and turned her eyes towards his. He saw the lust and desire he'd been trying to hide all afternoon screaming out at him. He gave in and kissed her. Hard.

They made out, loudly, clawing at each other's clothes until his pants and her shorts were off. She maneuvered over him and slipped off her underwear as he adjusted his own boxers. She sat up, using her knees and thighs to get her into the right position as he pulled down the straps of her tank top and bra. She lowered herself onto him as he threw his head back. She sat still for a moment, taking him all in as he continued to pull out one of her breast. He took her nipple in his mouth as his hand caressed the other.

His face shot up at her, starling her and making her stop, "What?" She asked.

"Your boobs are bigger," he said. She had to will herself not to laugh at how boyish he sounded.

"Yeah?" She said as she began to kiss him again.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, turning away from her mouth.

"I'm a teenager, Zac, it happens."

"Is it going to keep happening?"

Kayla rolled her eyes, growing frustrated that they were having this conversation now, "I don't know Zac, I guess. Are you complaining?"

He could hear her losing her patience, "No," he said as he began to kiss her neck, "not at all."

They picked up where they'd left off, making love to each other with a passion and hunger they'd never shared before.

In that moment Zac knew he'd made his choice.

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