Swimming Lessons | AI

By lovebug5sos

2.9K 367 25

Ambitious college student, Raegan Mills, had it all planned out until 5 Seconds of Summer band member Ashton... More

Cast List
Turbulent Waters
2 - Grand Theft Auto
3- Too Drugged
4- Google
Chapter 5
Chapter 6- Approached
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11- Wasted
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15- Ears Open
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18- New Years Eve
Chapter 19- Apologies
Chapter 20
Chapter 21- Penthouse Suite
Chapter 22- Unexpected Shopping with Michael Clifford
Chapter 22-Blurry
Chapter 24- Played
Chapter 25- Motherly Advice
26- Advice Followed
27- Unsupportive
28- Prove Them Wrong
29- Old Bed Room
30- Hidden Beach
31- Happy

Chapter 23- Back Tracking

56 9 1
By lovebug5sos

Raegan's POV

"The marriage is legal," Luke said hanging up the phone as we sat in a circle on the bed. After looking through both Ashton's map history and mine on our phones we had found a wedding chapel in the heart of Vegas. Luke made the call and confirmed it was legit. Marriage license and all.

My heart sank and I didn't know what to do, so I just remained quiet as they continued talking.

"That happened about 2am." Luke added as Calum noted it down on a piece of paper. He was keeping track of the time line. "So Ashton remembers midnight, care to retrace your steps with the group.?"

Ashton let out a deep sigh, "Midnight hit, people cheered, bells and whistles went off. Raegan and I kissed on the balcony." Everyone smirked as Ashton rushed the last bit off his tongue. "After that, we had some champagne. I remember talking to Michael and then that's it."

"I remember Midnight as well." Michael pipped in. "I remember the conversation with Ashton and I remember seeing him getting cozy with Raegan on the make shift dance floor shortly after that. I never noticed them gone, but I was preoccupied with our guest."

"Then we must not all have went to the chapel." Calum said. "You should have asked more questions, Luke."

"I'm trying to keep things discreet. The media will have a hay day with all of this if they find out." Luke tapped his phone on his leg. "That's if things aren't already circulating."

"There's speculation." Ashton said scrolling on his phone. "Fans are questioning because I guess someone seen Raegan and I leave...with Calum apparently."

"So I went." Calum repositioned himself on the bed to get comfortable.  "What else are they saying?"

"That we looked happy." I was looking over Ashton's shoulder quickly reading while he continued scrolling. "Wait stop and go back up!" Ashton did as he was told. "There, that picture. Tap on it. You can see the ring. It's just a matter of minutes before they notice it. If I can, they surely would."

I wanted so badly to remember everything, but no matter how hard I thought about last night nothing would come clear. My head just ended up hurting, and I left feeling confused. I wish I wasn't so determined to drown my sorrows of everything in the subject of Blake Averys.

"You know," Luke said pointing at Ashton and I. "I think I remember seeing you later or actually earlier this morning. I think it's about the time I for whatever reason passed out on the floor."

"Maybe we were celebrating." Calum suggested. "Check photos and videos on your phone."

We dipped into silence as everyone became glued to their phone, searching for answers in our eventful night. All the pictures and videos in my phone were from days previous to last night, none of which would be of any help. I sat it over on the night stand. "I've got nothing on mine."

"I have a video." Calum said and then we gathered around him. In the video Calum was holding the phone and I could see Ashton, Luke, and I. I couldn't hear what was being said because of the loud music in the background, but then then the back ground noise subsided as the video showed us coming into the room. Mumbles of words were said followed by loud congratulations.

"We should tell Michael!" The video Luke announced. "Where is he?"

"Whoa now!" Video Calum said loudly. "We're still in the room. Keep your clothes on." Giggling could be heard on the video, but it was impossible to tell from who. "Luke cover your eyes and come on."

"Oh shit!" Luke's voice could be heard as the camera moved with Calum and you could tell they entered the bathroom and closed the door.

Calum flipped the camera on his phone to front facing. "Their naked in there." He laughed. "Luke we nearly watched a live porno. How does that make you feel?"

Luke fell to the ground just as Calum flipped the camera back around. He was laughing hysterically. "Mate, I'm so wasted so I don't even know. I can't believe I just seen Ashton's wife's tits."

The video continued with them jabbering on and laughing. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them quietly after pulling myself away from the video. I saw all I needed to see from it to feel embarrassed. Drinking last night was definitely a mistake.

"Turn the video off," Ashton said frustrated. I watched him remove himself from the bed and start pacing back and front . Calum did what was told and laid his phone in his lap. "Obviously a lot happened last night and I think most of it needs to stay just between us. Calum you should delete that video."

"On it, Ash." He whispered. The room was quiet because everyone was lost for words. "Do you want to watch the rest of it before I do it?"

"No," Ashton said firmly. "It's pretty clear what went on from there."

"I have something to say and it's probably really insensitive. Should I wait?" Michael said and Ashton gave him the look of keep your mouth shut. "I'll just keep it to myself then."

"I think Raegan and I need to talk about what to do next." Ashton pressed his lips together nervously. "Can we have the room for a little bit?"

Luke, Calum, and Michael pushed themselves off the bed as the trailed out of the room leaving Ashton and I alone. I could sense the tension and uncertainty in the room as Ashton comes back to the bed and crawls in beside. I don't budge as he scoots close and hooks around me with his arm. "I'm so sorry about the video. Calum will delete it." He said trying to comfort me but the damage to my internal self was already done. I was already hating myself.

"I guess if I ever fail at being a doctor, I could pass as a porn star." There I go turning to the humorous side of things in an attempt to make myself feel better. However, it didn't work.

"You won't fail at being a doctor." Ashton chuckled. At least my humor brought him a laugh. Wish it would have done the same for me. "I guess the pressing question here is, what should be do about our marriage?"

A/N:Please tap that star button down at the bottom and leave a comment telling what you think of it so far. Next update will be Friday. I already have a chunk of it written. :)

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