Where It Went Wrong » Larry

By jasminesx

49.6K 1.5K 349

Louis Tomlinson has everything he could want: a loving family, a good group of friends and he just released h... More

Where It Went Wrong » Larry
1 - The Fame Life
2 - Reunion and Declarations
3 - Welcome To My New Life
4 - It's Different Now
5 - Let's Forget Everything
7 - It's A Party
8 - Downfall
9 - Maybe I'm Not Enough
10 - Play The Game
11 - Loved You First
12 - In The Moment
13 - Tell Me A Story
14 - Maybe A Way Forward
15 - Kiss Me Like You Mean It
16 - It's Like Magic
17 - Baby We Were Fireproof
18 - It's Been So Long
19 - Can You Take Me Faraway?
20 - Attempts
21 - Explain It All
22 - Push Me To The Limits
23 - Too Damn Sober
24 - Come Back Home
25 - Get Up Now
26 - So Happily
27 - Say Hello To A New Beginning
28 - I Wanna Grow Old With You / Epilogue

6 - All The Support

1.8K 58 13
By jasminesx


Louis woke up at 9am again the next morning because he had a lot of sorting out to do. He knew for a fact that management were going to call him in today for a meeting and he needed to be on alert for whenever he was needed to come in. Plus, his phone couldn't stop buzzing from the notifications he was getting. All the events from last night started to sink again and he groaned, fisting up his sheets because he wanted all the thoughts to disappear. He wasn't prepared to go through his phone and have a permanent picture memory of all the mistakes he made last night. Louis clearly avoided taking his close friends out because something always went terribly wrong and this was a prime example.

Louis checked his phone, flinching slightly when he realised there was 10 messages and 3 missed calls from Liam and 20 messages and 5 missed calls from Niall. Louis knew they had heard what happened and were probably calling to check up, maybe sneak a lecture in and he wasn't looking forward to it. But, he felt even more bad when he realised that Zayn hadn't bothered to drop him a message or check up on how he was dealing with the whole media blowing up about the events - he wasn't surprised though. He couldn't blame Zayn for being angry at him.

Louis sighed, scrolling through the messages and saw that Liam and Niall had both sent a video someone had taken and hundreds of photos of the club last night. He tried not to look at them, not wanting to be reminded as he scrolled down to the messages.

'Its all over the internet! Twitter, instagram, everything. What the fuck happened?' Niall had left a message, his concern and anger could be practically heard from the text. Louis shook his head, clicking on Liam's conversation.

'I don't talk to you for one day and come back with news you punched Zayn? Call me asap.' Liam had said.

He groaned, deciding to call Niall first because he knew he was going to be more supportive about it. Instead of dwelling on what has happened, he would encourage and find ways to move on from it and that's why he loved Niall. He was still pretty tired, a headache from last night as he cleared his throat and put the phone to his ear.

Niall picked up after two rings. "Lou! What happened last night?" His worried, tense voice came from the other line, not even a greeting. 

Louis coughed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Is it bad?" He asked instead because he was too afraid to go online and see all the tweets, all the hate he was getting. He was brave when it came with dealing with hate but right now, he was already in a fragile state and he couldn't deal with it. He had enough going on his plate and he really couldn't be bothered to go through all his fans comments, other irrelevant people dropping their inputs in.

"So bad, Lou. The tweets haven't shut up since and it's been trending first worldwide since last night." Niall sounded strained, like he was purposely avoiding giving out too much information. Knowing Niall, he probably sat there going through each tweet and shaking his head to himself in disgust at the comments. 

Louis groaned, punching his pillow in frustration. "What kind of things are they saying?"

"That you're a terrible friend because you punched Zayn." There was a long pause on the line as Louis sucked in a deep breath.

"What else?"

"Well, they're assuming you're gay because you got ticked off about someone calling you a faggot."

Louis rolled his eyes. "I am gay though."

"We all know that but the public and your management doesn't. Remember, there was a clear reason why we didn't share it with anyone?"

"Yeah, in case it affected my career." He thought about the first conversation he had with Niall about being famous, his image and he remembers exactly how it went. They had decided it was best to keep his sexuality to himself, acting like he had no interest in boys and rather, stay out of love interests in general because it brought in a lot of trouble. Louis was too delicate, pain too raw on his heart to be bombarded with another issue that he had to deal with.

"Exactly now management are going to be on your case." Niall stated the obvious.

"I can't be bothered!" Louis pouted, throwing his pillow across his room. "This is so bad. What pictures are there?"

"Grabbing some guy, you drunk out of your mind, punching Zayn and then Alberto dragging you out. They've literally got a picture of your every single move."

"This is a mess." Louis sighed. He was ashamed of himself, disappointed that he couldn't control himself when he most needed it. "How's Zayn doing?"

"Haven't heard of Zayn yet. Liam went to his house, apparently he was really torn up about it. He really wasn't expecting you to swing him, literally"

"I can imagine. I didn't mean to hit him, he was just there Niall." Louis frowned, he had made a huge mess of everything and he had no idea how to fix it. He should've given everything a second thought but everything was a blur last night, it all happened so fast that Louis couldn't even comprehend what was going on.

"Listen, just forget what has happened. Apologise to Zayn, he will come around and just get on with your life. Ignore what people are saying, don't even bother reading it and if you have management meeting today - come over to mine after that okay?"

Louis nodded to everything Niall was saying like it was a checklist he had to follow. Niall knew what he was talking about, he knew what was best for Louis and he acted like Louis's second manager - the only difference was that Niall cared. Niall had spent a great deal of his spare time looking into the music industry, managements and record deals and learned what he needed to know, researched the ins and outs to make sure he could supply Louis with the best care.

"Thank you, knew I can always count on you. Let Liam know I called you. I'm going to get ready. Bye Ni." He hanged up only to receive a message saying he had a management meeting in exactly an hour and Louis was already dreading it.


An hour later, Louis was walking through the management headquarters and up the conference room. Alberto escorted him there, a sad smile playing on his lips as he noticed Louis's miserable smile. Louis just wanted to disappear, he didn't want to be here, he just wanted to sleep for longer and then make everything right between Zayn. He had just been bombarded by paparazzi outside the building, flashes going off everywhere as they asked millions of questions but Louis knew exactly what he had to do: keep his head down, keep moving without a backward glance. That was the rule, never actually talk or answer the paparazzi and he was getting much better at it.

Outside the office, Alberto just tapped his shoulders in a comforting manner and smiled. "It'll be fine, they won't be too harsh." Louis knew Alberto cared deeply for him and so he appreciated the small gesture, smiling warmly.

"I hope not. They've gone mental over these things before you know. It isn't fun." Louis admitted, rolling his eyes as he fiddled with his fingers and tried to calm his nerves. No matter how much he got anxious coming here when he knew he was in trouble, he tried to never let it show because he hated his team having the satisfaction of getting under Louis's skin. No one got under Louis's skin, no one made him vulnerable and he has never let it happen.

Louis knocked on the door, walking into the familiar, cold meeting room and nodded towards his manager: Richard that was sitting on the table with two people he had never met before. He sat down on the seat opposite Richard and tried to smile, tried to act like he was okay but truth is, he was still a little hungover from last night and his head was still spinning. He was finding it hard to adjust to everything and yet, he was put here out of his will.

Richard leaned back on his chair, just observing Louis for a few seconds which made him squirm. Richard tapped his fingers towards, closing his eyes and sighed. "Do you know why you're here?"

Louis raised an eyebrow. He was treating him like he was a little child who had stolen candy off someone and was being asked if he knew what he had done wrong. Didn't his management realise Louis is now 22 and he can do whatever he wants? He didn't need people running after him, looking after him and cleaning up the mess he was leaving around. "Yes, I do." 

"You went out last night, correct?" Richard continued. He had his laptop out in front of him, flicking through pages which Louis was really curious to know. It was probably twitter, checking up on the reactions that Louis was receiving.

"Correct." Louis spoke through his teeth.

"With your best friend Zayn?"


"Right... and I heard that someone was bothering you in this club?"

Louis didn't know what else to do except agree to all the claims so he awkwardly shifted in his chair, nodding again to the statement and tried to ignore how his heart was suddenly racing now. This was the first time sexuality was going to be brought up and he really didn't want to hide who he was. Before, he wasn't really hiding, he was just not announcing it or acting upon it because he's never wanted anyone else besides Harry.

"Louis, help me out here and explain what happened in your own words because I refuse to believe these rubbish websites." Richard grimaced, closing his laptop and glancing directly into Louis's eyes.

There was something strange, something off about Richard which always got Louis feeling like he needed to run a mile from here constantly. "Right, yeah of course. I wanted to have some fun, it was my day off so Alberto drove me and Zayn to prezzo, the club. It was fine, we had drinks, I met some fans. When I went to dance, someone kept calling me names-"

"Fag?" Richard interrupted.

Louis clenched his jaw. "Yeah."

"Alright, carry on."

"He kept saying fag and what not and I didn't know who he was so I ignored it. Zayn tried to get me to calm down but I insisted I was fine. I went to the bar to grab a few drinks and the guy followed me so I lost my cool." Louis said calmly, trying to expand the words carefully and smiling.

Richard didn't even have a hint of a smile though, he just looked more annoyed than before. "And why did the guy make you so angry?"

"Because he shouldn't be saying those words, it's highly offensive."

Richard chuckled, nodding slowly like he just nodded like he didn't believe a word that Louis was saying. "And why exactly is it so offensive to you?"

"It just is.." Louis said, uncomfortably.

"Louis Tomlinson, are you homosexual by any chance? If you are, your team should really know about this."

This was the moment of truth, this was where he admitted to something he hadn't even brought himself to talk about to anyone else except his three best friends. Louis sighed heavily, sitting up straighter. He wasn't ashamed of who he is, he would never feel the need to lie about it but he just didn't know what the management were going to do about it. His management weren't the most supportive people in the world, no matter how much good they've done for Louis. They only care about the money, what they're in it for.

"Erm, yes sir, I am." Louis smiled smugly.

Richard's facial expression didn't fall, it didn't change - it was a clear, straight frown. "And you haven't told us?" Louis nodded, trying not to let the smile fade off his face. This was a personal issue, he didn't need to share everything with his management. They had a abnormal control over his life. "Louis, I hope you know what this means?"

Louis's heart beat increased, feeling his fake smile wilting off now as his palms felt sweaty and he went a little red in the face. "What does this mean?"

"It means, as such a famous singer that can influence millions of girls lives - I think it's best you kept this... side of you private, away from the public eye."

Louis scrunched up his face, not sure what he was being told to do because you couldn't just hide your sexuality. "What do you mean? I've always hidden it, I'm just not ready to accept people who will call me names as such."

"Just don't tell anyone you're gay, don't let anyone know. You can have whatever relationship you want... just not in public, in front of others to see." Now Richard was smiling, looking oddly satisfied with himself as he pulled his chair back and relaxed back. "Plus, there must be a reason why people have started to pick up on something if they are calling you the words 'fag', right?"

"Why does it matter if they see?" Louis scoffed. "I haven't done anything different, I've stayed exactly the same. I have no idea how they picked up on it."

"Louis, please understand that your fans are majority girls and they fantasies. They imagine, hope they have a chance with you and by you being gay - it completely turns them away. You'll lose fans, and you'll lose them quick and we don't want that. You're at the peak of your career at the moment."

"But fans will understand?" Louis scoffed. He understood, somewhat, where Richard was coming from but he didn't want to obey it. He didn't want to follow this rule because this was the matter of his true identity, he never wanted to hide this. "My true fans are here for my music only. Not my personal life. I've never denied it but I haven't confirmed it."

"True fans want more than your music, they want to have you as a whole Louis."

"Then tough! I don't want to hide away, shy away something I've never been taught to hide away? My mums loved me with whatever I am!" Louis's voice was raising now, his eyes narrowing and his blood boiling.

Richard just laughed. "That's all good. I'm not telling you to stop being gay but I'm telling you to just keep it to yourself. It's a part of your contract, it is written in black and white and signed by you that we can legally control this."

"What the fuck?" Louis whispered, in complete disbelief because he didn't want this to be true. Sure, Louis knew he was a little gullible and innocent when he had first signed the contract, a little eager to get started in the music industry but he had no idea the depths it went into.  

"I hope you know we have complete access over your twitter and social media accounts and we will be checking up on you and your 'fans' more closely now after this incident. I don't want you to address it, whatsoever. Don't admit to gay rumours and interviewers asking. Just deny everything, just nod along and pretend it never happened."

Louis was gobsmacked, unsure what to say as he stuttered over his words. "Excuse me? What?"

"You heard me. We will be tweeting from your account every now and then, just to promote your work when you're off busy and doing work."

"So now you can control my social media? What I say and can't say?"

"We always have controlled it." Richard looked a little surprised, laughing again and the noise that filled the air was now just getting on Louis's nerves. He knew that his management never had his best interest at heart but he didn't know they were this cold. "It's just.. going to have to step up now considering you think it's okay to be make a complete fool of yourself."

Louis rolled his eyes. "This is stupid, so stupid."

"I believe I am doing this to protect your image, you should be appreciative of me for trying to help you. I bet you haven't checked the tweets people have been sending out?"

Louis shook his head. "No, I didn't have time."

"They really aren't positive, nothing to be proud of. It's embarrassing and downgrading, really. This incident will never be repeated. Sure, go out all you like but keep your hands to yourself. Don't you understand? You aren't a violent person, you don't smoke-"

"What are you talking about? I am violent and I do smoke," Louis clarified, a little confused.

"Louis!" Richard groaned, running a hand down his face. "Of course you do, I know that. I mean, towards the media and in the fans eyes. You are a perfect person, you love music and you are clean. We've made that your image from the beginning, and you need to keep that image going. This is a mistake which I don't ever want to hear or see you repeating. I suggest you take a look of the pictures so you are embarrassed and know never to repeat this."

Louis just gulped. He wanted to resist, he wanted to scream at Richard because he was being forced to hide away his true personality. He wasn't allowed to smoke in public, show the world what he's really like. Louis was never afraid of throwing a punch or two to a person who had annoyed him so why is it now that he's not allowed to really show who he is? He just shook his head, not wanting to believe this was happening.

"Is that clear Louis?" Richard asked, coming closer to Louis's face, all up in his personal space as Louis just nodded, weak and defeated.

He couldn't say no, he was binded with a contract that could tell him exactly what he could and couldn't do. He had no control over himself and it was only starting to sink in just how deep this was. It's been three years but management has never laid it down like this, they've never told him straight up like this. 

He sighed. "Yeah, okay."

"You're dismissed Louis, please see yourself out. Keep in mind what I've said. There's quite a few interviews lined up for you." He nodded, shooing him away with his hands and Louis cleared his throat, nodding and leaving the office.

What a mess.


 Louis decided he needed to stop by back at his house before he would go over to Niall to get changed, to take a quick shower and rinse off all the heavy topics discussed today. He couldn't believe what was going on, that his management could be so self absorbed that they would put their own money above him. They never had Louis's best interests at heart, he knew that but it was take to whole new extremes now.

He parked up his range rover outside his house, drained from all the discussions he's had to deal with today as he cut off the engine and just rested on the leather seats for a few moments. He wanted everything to rinse off him, he wanted to forget everything for a few moments and just enjoy the few moments he had to himself. Louis felt like he needed a break, he needed to get away from everything and relax but it felt impossible. After all, his tour was coming so soon and he needed to get prepared with everything before he really did get a chance to escape and enter a whole new world.

As Louis got out of the car, he was surprised to see Harry who was sitting on one of the chairs Louis had set out his mansion. Harry was fiddling with his jacket, looking extremely anxious and only jumping when he noticed Louis making his way towards him. 

Louis really hadn't been expecting to see Harry, he had really thought that their friendship had come to an end for once and for all. He was angry at Harry too, for all the harsh comments he had dropped for no reason and he wanted to tell Harry to go home, to get back to Dalton. But he knew those words could never actually leave his mouth. 

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked, beckoning Harry to get up as he went to unlock his front door and they walked in together.  He noticed how worn out Harry looked, but that was nothing new was usual. Louis could tell in the way Harry was moving that he was trying to hold himself together and Louis wanted to say something, but he didn't know what.

"I saw the news... I'm, I... what the hell Lou?" Harry demanded, eyes narrowing as he stared deeply at Louis with all the disappointment he could gather.

Louis was a bit taken back, raising his eyebrows. "Excuse me?" He really couldn't deal with this right now, he didn't want another person explaining how bad this situation was. 

"Yesterday! You bloody punched Zayn!"

Louis shrugged. "So what?" He asked, grabbing himself a glass of water and gulping it down. "Are you keeping tabs on me now?"

"No, I can't really avoid it when it's on news and being played everywhere."

"Great." Louis chuckled, rubbing his temples in order to get relief from the headache that had only been increasing since he had woken up and he needed sleep more than anything. Instead, he was faced by Harry and he still had to make an appearance at Niall's. This was going to be a long day. "That's awesome, what has it got to do with you?"

"I'm worried Louis, why did you do that?"

"Harry, I really don't understand why you're so concerned. You made it clear that you didn't need people from your past ruining what you have Dalton, since it's such a goddamn perfect relationship." He didn't realise how spiteful his words were until they left his mouth but he just rolled his eyes, not even taking them back.

Harry seemed a little offended, however. "Look, I'm sorry. I was angry and the words just slipped out. I came here because I was worried, wanted to see how you're holding up."

Louis laughed. "To be honest, I haven't even checked my twitter yet but my mentions are blowing up."

"It's bad, really bad."

"Don't understand what's wrong with people. Yeah, I grabbed a guy because he called me a faggot and I accidently punched my best friend - end of fucking story!" Louis was so angry, so tired because if he had any idea that it was going to cause a commotion, he wouldn't of gone ahead with it. He wouldn't of gone to a stupid party at a stupid club, he would've just stayed at home in the comfort of his own place

"I'm just... is Zayn angry at you?"

"He hasn't talked to me since, he'll come around."

"Damn, I really hope he does."

Louis nodded. "Harry, are you here to stay or?" 

"I don't mind. If you had plans, I can go home." But he didn't seem too keen on that idea, his voice trembling slightly and Louis didn't miss his lips that were shaking too.

"I don't have plans, I was only going to meet Niall. Why don't you come along?"

Harry looked down the ground, shaking his head. "He hates me."

"That he does, but he'll understand and plus it'll be fun us three. Just like the old times." Louis sighed out in the remembrance of the holy years where everything was all fun and games. It was so easy back then, to have friends and be able to maintain them and it was so fucking easy to fall in love there and then. Niall did despise Harry, he hated him for what he has done and all the scars he's left behind but Niall is a loving, protective guy and his personality was never made to permanently hate someone. He always forgave, he always forgot and Louis loved him exactly for that.

Harry shook his head, looking ashamed and Louis could practically feel the fear in his eyes. "No, Louis, he's not going to want me there and I don't want to."

"Let me call Niall," Louis mumbled, rolling his eyes because he knew this wasn't going to get solved until Niall actually spoke up and Harry's eyes widened, jumping up and down and shouting "no!" continuously.

After two rings, as usual, Niall picked up and Louis put it on speaker phone. "Hey mate, what's up?" His cheerful self voice came through the phone. "Back from the meeting?"

Louis sighed. Harry had no idea what his management was like and Louis wasn't sure whether he wanted him to know, he didn't need another person worrying or thinking about his situation. "Yeah, was shit man." He spoke quickly, hoping Harry wasn't catching on anything suspicious.

"Shitty management, isn't it? What are they doing now?"

Louis gulped, nervously glancing over to Harry who was giving Louis weird looks, narrowing his eyes. He sighed loudly, rolling his eyes. "Niall, mate, Harry's here with me."

There was a pause through the phone. "Oh." Niall said at last, sounding defeated and that he didn't really care. There was no hint of happiness, sadness - it was just monotone and Louis cringed. "How comes?"

"Well, he came over because he was worried about what had gone down and I told him we should all hang out together today."

"That sounds awesome, I have a few questions for him." Niall said and you could practically hear the smirk in his voice as Louis laughed out loud.

"Alright, see you in a bit." He hanged up his phone, pocketing it and looking over to Harry, shrugging. "See, no big problem!"

"You don't understand, you never will," Harry simply said, sighing. "I can't stay for too long."

"Whatever you say," Louis hummed happily as he grabbed his car keys and they both left the mansion. Louis locked up the doors, alerting Alberto where he was going and getting into his range rover.

Harry's eyes were twinkling like he's never been inside a car before, looking around the whole car and practically gasping at the leather seats. It was a little nervewracking for Louis to see because Harry was acting like a toddler and it wasn't normal. He tried to ignore him, tried to put that disturbing image at the back of his mind as he started up the car and backed out of the gates.

"Does Niall still in that old boring apartment?" Harry asked and Louis just smiled because it brought back memories, they were doing this after so long. They used to hang out together at Niall's house because he was the only one who didn't care whether his house was getting dirty and it was boring, plain and undecorated but for Niall - it was homely.

Louis nodded. "Yep, he does."

"Shocker, I don't expect him to ever move. Same room mate?"

"Neither do I. He's practically attached to his house. And yes, definitely." 

"Your house is pretty... amazing," Harry admitted in a low voice, blushing as he looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "It's so... wow."

Louis never knew how to respond to these compliments because he didn't want to seem like he didn't agree, he really did. But he owed it all to his mum for making it perfect, for decorating it to still it was sparkling and looking perfect from head and toe. "Say thanks to my mum, she did everything."

Harry's gasp was caught between his breathing. "How's Jay?" He asked and this was the first time he had mentioned Louis's mum in over three years. 

Louis was a little stunned but he tried to play it off, smiling and shrugging. "Yeah, she's good. More than good. She's getting married soon."

Harry's eyes were glistening. "Married? I'm so happy for her Lou, when?"

"Oh, not anytime soon! She just discovered she's pregnant like a week ago?" He loved talking about his family, he was so fond of them and he really loved being an older brother despite the bad media coverage his sisters had to hear and listen to. Louis didn't want his sisters thinking any different of him, not wanting them to believe all the bullshit that was created over the news. He was always going to stay the same brother with older brother responsibilities. "Twins as well, and I'm ecstatic!"

Harry clapped his hands in joy. "That's amazing news! So, marriage after the twins are born?"

Louis nodded. "I think that's the plan. She wants to have the twins there, I guess. I don't know."

Harry cleared his throat. "How did your mum react to... you know," he gestured to himself, his smile fading and Louis didn't want to lie - he wanted to tell him truthfully about how annoyed Jay was. She hated Harry, hated his guts and wanted to haunt him down but Louis found himself trying to remind her - he was at fault too. He also cut Harry off, didn't bother trying to keep in touch and when he did, it was too late.

"She was a little confused," at least it wasn't a lie, everyone was confused.

"I'm really nervous to see Niall after so long," Harry's voice was barely audible. "I just... he won't want me there."

"Mate, you heard him on the phone. It's fine."

"No sorry's can make up for the years I just went missing."

Louis wanted to remind him how he would still be missing if they didn't have that fateful bump in at the cafe, how Louis would still be and wondering where he is, if he was doing okay. He wanted to remind him how Louis would still be organising and leaving seats for Harry in his shows despite the fact that Harry never showed up. Harry never wanted to return in their lives, it was a twist of fate that made it what it is right now but he didn't dare speak up.

He just kept driving, nodding and turning up the radio to drown out all the depressing conversations. He was tired of discussing regrets, old loves, friendships gone wrong because he had enough on his plate to worry about - he didn't want to be reminded with more and more sorrow with every passing moment. Louis just wanted to smile and really mean it for once. His life was never going to be simple again and he hated it.

Louis parked up outside Niall's house, cutting off the engine and looking over to see a rather panicked Harry. He had no idea how Harry was feeling but he could only imagine how bad it was if it was making him shake, his legs moving up and down repetitive. Louis moved across, placing a tender hand on his inner thighs which just made Harry flinch slightly.

"It's fine," Louis ignored the flinch. "You know Niall's personality, you know he won't care."

"I feel like a terrible friend."

"Then don't." Louis simply said, like it was that easy. "We're going to go in there, we're going to have a blast."

Louis knew it was going to be the opposite however because Niall was just going to want to know what happened with the club night in complete detail with the management meeting. Niall hated their management and the hatred, the resentment was only going to grow with this. Louis sighed, climbing out of his car and opening the door for Harry who wanted to resist but finally got out too.

Niall was waiting by the door, welcoming them in and instantly throwing his arms around Louis, holding him close. Louis could feel his air being restricted as he tried to relax in the tight hold, tried to enjoy the hug. He knew Niall was probably worried about him and he hated that people had to think about him like this, he was fine and it was going to be okay. Louis pulled away slowly, giving a blissful smile. "I'm fine," he reassured him.

Niall just frowned, his eyebrows pulling together. "We need to talk."

"Yes, we do." Louis moved out of the way so he could bring Harry to view who had been hiding behind Louis all this time, running a hand through his curls and tugging at it. He looked frightened, his eyes wide and glassy and Niall just sighed deeply.

"Shit, come here," Niall mumbled, reaching over and pulling Harry to the same hug that Harry seemed to appreciate, going lax in his arms and crying softly. Louis could hear the small sobs coming from Harry's throat and he wanted to comfort him more than anything but instead, he stood back and watched Niall be the comforter. "No, no, don't cry!" Niall whined.

"I'm sorry," Harry hiccuped. "I, I, just, you've changed so much, you've grown."

"Well yeah, it has been three goddamn years!" Niall chuckled. "Look at your hair, ey? It used to be such tight, bouncy curls and now it's so long!"

"I can pull it into a bun, just like how you used to tease me," Harry laughed, clutching onto Niall's shirt and cried a little more. After a few minutes, he pulled away and wiped at his tears, glancing over to Louis who just gave a reassured nod, smiling.

They settled down in the living room as Niall warmed up some food for them. He was always the best caterer, always offering food the first thing to his guests and making sure they were completely comfortable in his natural environment. Louis doesn't think he's ever met someone like Niall, so chill and always putting others before him. Niall handed over plates of cheese pasta covered in mayo with water and sat down.

"Tell me how you been Harry?" Niall asked, settling back on his seat and flicking through a few channels.

Harry cleared his throat. "Been good, yeah. Really good."

It was like a stab straight to Louis's chest every time Harry said he was having a good time, he had enjoyed the past few years. It had been hell for Louis, he hated every moment even if he was doing the most extraordinary job and here Harry was, pleased about his life. Louis despised him for that, he wanted Harry to feel the pain he had in the past three years but at the same time believed he deserved all the greater things in life.

Niall raised an eyebrow. "Really good, yeah?"

Harry seemed to realise his mistake, eyes widening instantly and holding his hands up in surrender. "I mean, obviously, it was horrible missing you guys!" He quickly corrected and Louis just rolled his eyes. 

Niall laughed. "Right, of course. We missed you too."

"I doubt Zayn ever wants to see me!" Harry wailed.

It was true. Zayn was the one who could hold a grudge for longer, despite his loving and caring nature. He cared for everyone, he was too afraid to hurt anyone but when someone hurt him - it was game over. Zayn missed Harry, who didn't? But a part of his ego was too big to even bother trying to get back to Harry, even trying to meet him now that he knew Louis was in touch with him again. Louis knew it was going to take much more time for Zayn to come around to Harry, if he even did and he wasn't prepared for all the arguments that were going to follow. Liam, however, would be just like Niall.

"We'll work on that," Niall shrugged like it was no big deal. "Plus, you don't need to get back to everyone so suddenly. Work slowly, mend the relationships you've managed to break first." He gestured to Louis subtly, sipping his tea.

Louis flushed, glaring at Niall because he didn't want Harry feeling like he had to mend anything. 

Harry, however, seemed to take that to heart and nodded. "Yeah, totally. Nothing I say can ever make up for-"

"Haz, please," Louis said softly, wanting him to shut up as he tried to get down his pasta. He realised he hadn't ate all day and he was starving, his headache had died down slightly and he was feeling peaceful after a long time.

Niall turned his attention towards Louis. "So, tell me what happened at management?"

Louis sighed, he knew there was no way around this and Niall was impatient, he was going to want to know now. "Same old."

"Are they controlling anything else?"

"Erm, I don't know, not really," Louis lied straight through his teeth, not sure whether he was even allowed to tell the truth and it was better to just shrug it off for now. He could tell Niall privately later when Harry wasn't there.

"Controlling?" Harry chirped in.

"No, Niall doesn't know what he's talking about," I chuckled, trying to ease the tension that was growing in the room.

Niall caught on. "Right, sorry. I just thought-"

"It's fine," Louis said, cutting in before Niall could make the situation even worse.

So, for the next few hours, they talked and discussed the past. Harry told them about his last job and how much he hated it, how much they made him work and how he just had to quit. He talked about Dalton, a lot, always bringing good light upon him and telling the two lads how much Dalton meant to him. Louis tried to ignore the lump in his throat, gulping past it and trying not to zone out from the conversation because it hurt to listen. It hurt that Harry still hadn't figured out how much Louis adored Harry, how he loved his dimples and his curls and his beautiful, full, pink lips and he hated how he could never tell Harry. 

Niall joined in, talking about how he loved University and how his intern was going. He loved going to crime scenes, being able to pick out the DNAs and the amount of investigations he got up to. He loved the thrill he got, the way he was was obsessed with going into work because it was something he enjoyed, it's what kept him on his toes. Niall also talked about a little crush he had, Sophie, who was slowly becoming really dear and close to his heart and Louis couldn't help but feel the need to tease him.

Finally, it was Louis's turn and he didn't know what to say because everyone knew. They knew, they had the media picture and image of him and assumed it was all true. The truth was something completely different. 

"I love singing, that's all," Louis managed to say, shrugging. He was so sick and tired of talking about him, everyone was intrigued by his life.

Niall chuckled. "We all figured that out. Hey, when's your new album coming out?"

"It's out for preorder right now, in about a months time," Louis really did love recording his new songs, he had worked really hard on this album and he had tried his hardest not to make it all depressing songs. He added a few heartful ones, a one about his mother and family because he felt like hs owed it to his family.

Niall looked estatic. "I really can't wait, your work never ceases to amaze me!"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, it's really good."

Louis looked over to Harry to notice he hadn't even touched his pasta, the fork not used and he was just sipping on his water like his life depended on it. Louis frowned, wondering why he wasn't eating up but just assumed he probably had his healthy stupid food with Dalton.

"When's your tour?" Niall asked.

"Well, it's like November now so around next year February." Louis was excited to be back on the road. He loved everything about touring, it really was his way of giving back to the fans for supporting and showing his love.

"Will we able to come on the tour bus?" Niall pouted. He was obsessed with the tour bus and Louis just chuckled, nodding. 

"If you insist and there's a spare bunk."

"You should see the tour bus Harry!" Niall chirped in, smiling brightly.

Harry shrugged. "I guess, I will."

He didn't sound nearly as excited and it made Louis a little gutted but he didn't dare comment, he just smiled and nodded. If Harry didn't want to see the tour bus, Louis was no one to try and convince him - he had his own life and choices.

"Okay, let's watch a movie and have some beer now!" Niall moved out of the living room to retrieve the beer but Harry was getting up.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked, he didn't want Harry to go.

Harry looked at the time. "I need to go back home now. Thank you guys for having me, I really appreciate it Niall."

"Hey, don't even worry about it!" Niall shooed him with his hand, coming back in the room with lots of cans of beers, putting it down on the table. "Can I have your number?"

Harry paused. "I... don't have a phone, sorry."

"You don't have a phone?" Niall asked, a little shocked but just laughed. "Okay, that's fine. Please, feel free to drop by anytime! Plus, we have a party this weekend and was wondering whether you liked to come?"

Harry thought about the offer for a few seconds. "Can Dalton come along? Here, right?"

Louis coughed. "No, no... at Louis's other house we use for parties."

Harry froze, raising an eyebrow, he obviously wasn't expecting that. "Can you write down all the details?"

Louis nodded. He grabbed a piece of paper writing down the address, the timing and the dress code before handing it over. Harry looked over it, making a mental note before leaving the house and Louis walked the love of his life go back home to his own love and Louis doesn't think he's ever felt this shitty. Harry isn't his. 


Longest chapter I've written so far! I've tried editing this a few times but I've probably still missed out on a few details so please spare meeee. I always go back and edit each chapter once I've finished writing the whole novel so :) 

Enjoy! Poor Louis :( 

Jasmine xx

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