A Day In The Life // H.S.

By haileexoxo

28.8K 370 40

Chloe Green is an intern for one of the biggest magazines in the entire world. Her first job? Write a full pr... More

1. | So You're a Smart One?
2. | 7:10 A.M.
3. | Everyone Can Dance
4. | Welcome to Tour Bus Naps
5. | I'm Going to be Completely Honest
6. | So Was I
7. | Just Do You, Lad
8. | I Know Who I'm Looking At
9. | Be in Love, or Whatever
10. | He's a Model for Gucci, or Something?
11. | I Didn't Even Second Guess Him
12. | Not Now, Not Ever
13. | Yeah, that's about Right
14. | A Bloody Distraction
15. | Well, What do You Know for Sure?
16. | It's Brilliant
18. | You're Gonna Ditch Your Own Party?
19. | Just Let it Happen
20. | I Think this is Heaven
21. | Is This Some Kind of Game to You?
22. | Nothing?
23. | You've Got this So Wrong
24. | More Than You Could Have Imagined
25. | You're Feeling Beautiful, Then?
26. | There Goes That Plan
27. | Miss You Too
28. | 8:24 PM
29. | He Knew
30. | Tell Me About It
31. | Am I Wrong?
32. | That Was Actually A Lie
33. | Hopelessly and Endlessly
34. | Get It Together
35. | It's Just Another Day In Our Life
36. | Epilogue

17. | Always Such a Gentleman

678 7 0
By haileexoxo

"Hayley? You home?" I asked, coming into the apartment from a long day at Illusion. The article came out today, so there was a lot of stuff to take care of, and I also had to talk to the media about my experience with Harry, which required a fair bit of lying, because I knew far too well what would happen if I just straight up told them Harry and I were possibly an item. 

"Yeah, in here," Hayley said, and I walked over to the kitchen and saw her making dinner. "Watcha cooking?" I asked, setting down my bags and taking a seat on the bar stool. "Just some soup, we have basically no food," Hayley said and I groaned. We'd both been too busy to go out and get groceries. "Why don't we go out? We can celebrate my article being published and you booking your first acting gig," I said, and she contemplated it for a second. "Sounds good! Let me grab my jacket, "she said and I nodded. 

Right after she left my phone began ringing. "Hello?" I said, picking it up. "So, I've just read the official printed article," Harry's voice spoke smoothly over the phone. "Oh, did you? And?" I asked, playing with my keys. "It's just bloody awful," he joked, causing me to laugh. "Good, then I did my job," I joked back and he laughed. "But in all seriousness, it's amazing Chloe. Fans are going to love it," he said and I blushed. "Thanks Harry. So, how's recording?" I asked, just as Hayley came back into the room. I then put the phone on speaker so she could hear too.

"It's been good, really busy, but like a good kind of busy. Like really productive, you know?" he said and I smiled. "Good to hear," I said and Hayley then picked up on who was on the phone. "Oh, hey stupid!" she said and Harry laughed. "Hello, Hayley. It's always nice talking to you," Harry joked and she flipped her hair. "I know it is," she laughed. 

"What are you two up to tonight?" Harry asked, changing the subject. "Well, to celebrate the article and Hayley's first acting job we're going out to eat! I know, it's pretty basic, but we're pretty casual people," I said and Hayley smiled. "Casual, and poor," she added on and we both laughed. "I see. Do you think you could change those plans?" he asked, and my eyes immediately widened. I hadn't seen him in about two weeks, since I left LA. 

"Why? Did you have a better idea?" Hayley asked, and I was still frozen. "Yeah, kind of," he said, before there was a knock on our door. My heart started pounding. "Oh, no fucking way," Hayley said, laughing and going to open the door. And sure enough, there he stood, the phone held up to his ear, smiling at us. He hung up and gave Hayley a quick hug and they briefly traded insults before he looked over to me, a smile growing on his face. 

"Hi, love," he said, and I immediately ran over and wrapped my arms around his neck. He twirled me around and then set me back down on the ground. "How can you just show up like this?" I asked, still in disbelief. "Well, do you want the practical answer?" he asked. "Because, I mean, I have my own private jet, and I-" "Okay, I get it. But why?" I asked him. "Because I wanted to see you and help celebrate," he said, and I felt my heart melting. "But mainly I'm just here to crash on that really nice couch. Whoever bought that has excellent taste." Harry joked, throwing his bags on it. 

I just laughed. "Are we going to eat or no?" Hayley interrupted and we both nodded towards her before walking out the door.


After we were seated at Hayley and I's favourite diner, which was also a favourite of Harry's since no one recognized him, we began to talk and catch up, kind of like a little group of friends. "What's your acting job?" Harry asked Hayley, and she beamed. "Oh, it's amazing. I got a part as an extra in a three night production of Hairspray, isn't that just amazing?" she said sarcastically, and Harry laughed a little. "Sarcasm?" he asked, and she looked at him as if she was saying 'obviously'. "Hayley, remember that it's a start and that all actors have to start small," I explained and she just nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know," she said, eating her sandwich. 

"You know," Harry started, "I did a little acting job myself not that long ago. Maybe I could hook you up with an agent or something?" Harry offered. Hayley's eyes grew wide. "As amazing as that would be, I don't think I could accept that. I'd like to get somewhere based off my talent, not my connections," Hayley said, looking to the floor. "Well, then, that's extremely respectable," Harry commented and I nodded my head. 

"You've got lots of time. Don't rush it," I smiled, giving her a side hug. "Thanks, C," she said, a smile spreading across her face. "And, if you ever need an agent, just let me know," Harry reminded. "Thanks Harry, I appreciate it," Hayley said, and we continued to eat and chat with each other. 

Once we finished, I stretched my arms. "I'm tired," I said, yawning. "Yeah, same, I'm gonna head home, have fun though," Hayley said, and confusion fell over my face. "What? Have fun with what?" I asked, turning to Harry, who was smiling. "Harry?" I asked, and he just continued to smile. I turned back to look at Hayley but she was already gone. "Where'd she go?" I asked, full of confusion. 

"I hope it's not too much trouble, but I asked if I could have you for the rest of the evening," Harry said, and I felt my heart beat increase. "And do what? Are we going on another helicopter ride? Because the last time I checked this was one of the most boring neighbourhoods of New York," I said, and he laughed. "No helicopters today, but I wanted to take you out and just do some sightseeing," he said, as we began to walk out of the restaurant. 

"Why?" I asked stupidly. He looked at me confused. "Because I like spending time with you?" he said, half laughing. "Sorry, I'm just stupid," I said and he laughed as we got into a black SUV. I was shocked to see Andrew driving. "Andrew?" I said excitedly. "Hello, Ms. Green. Nice to see you. H, where to?" he asked, as I buckled my seatbelt. "Let's do Central Park first," Harry said and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Sure thing," Andrew said, putting the car into drive and leaving the restaurant. 

"Aren't we not supposed to be seen in public together, Harry?" I asked, starting to get worried. He shook his head. "I called Jessie to make sure it was alright. She said as long as we're not making out on the park bench that it's fine," he laughed. "So if you want to make out we have to come back to the car," he said, his laughing tone turning serious. "Oh get over yourself!" I said, hitting him in the shoulder. 

As we pulled up to Central Park my eyes caught the glistening Christmas tree that had just been put up. "Let's go look," Harry said, extending me his hand and I immediately grabbed it. "Christmas in New York is so pretty," I said as we walked up to the brightly lit tree. He nodded in agreement. "Speaking of Christmas, what do you do during the holidays?" he asked as we continued to walk along the path of lit up trees, Andrew following close behind us. "Usually I go to my parent's house on Christmas Day, or I go with Hayley to her mom's Christmas dinner. Other than that, Hayley and I buy each other a few things, but that's it. Nothing major. It's not like we a lot of options," I say, suddenly feeling extremely out of place walking beside a millionaire. 

"That sounds so nice. Christmas is a really big deal for me back home, but it's nice to always see my family and stuff," he said, his hands finding their way into his coat pockets. "That sounds like more fun than sitting in a stuffy apartment with a tiny Christmas tree and drinking store bought hot chocolate," I laughed, suddenly remembering that I didn't see a tree up in our apartment. 

"Speaking of which, the tree isn't even up in our apartment, I need to do that as soon as possible!" I said, and he laughed. "Calm down, we can do that as soon as we go back, for now, let's just chill. No stress, no work, just us," Harry said, his hand finally reaching down to hold mine. I say finally because I'd been waiting all night to hold it. Dude just can't take a hint. 

"Finally," I said, and he looked down to me and laughed. "What?" he asked. "I've been waiting for you to hold my hand, it took you forever," I laughed. "Oh, really now?" he said and I just blushed. "Yeah, kinda," I said and he held my hand tighter, squeezing it gently, as we walked along the stone path into the crisp night. 


"Where does this go?" Harry asked, holding up a sparkly ornament that caught the light just right. "That always goes right here," I said, pointing to the left side of the tree, and he placed it there. It was just Harry and I decorating the tree, Hayley fell asleep thirty minutes ago. 

"Where are you going?" I asked as he walked into the kitchen. "I'm grabbing my phone, I'm gonna put on some good Christmas songs," he said, and shortly after, Jingle Bell Rock came blaring through my Bluetooth speaker and we both began to dance horribly. After an hour of throwing tinsel at each other and high pitched singing, the tree stood beautifully in the corner of the apartment. "It looks perfect," I said, admiring it. "It is a nice tree," Harry agreed, snapping a picture of it. 

Not long after I logged into Instagram to see he posted the picture on his Instagram with the caption, 'Stay safe this holiday season, enjoy time with loved ones, and treat others with kindness'. "Wow, I can't believe my little Christmas tree made it to your Instagram," I said, acting like a fangirl, which, at times, I still was. "Yes, I thought our work needed to be showcased," he said, sitting on the couch. 

He turned on the TV and the opening credits of Home Alone were playing. "Home Alone? I love this movie!" I said, taking a seat next to Harry on the couch. "Well how about you watch it and I go make some of that store bought hot chocolate?" Harry offered and I nodded. "Yes please," I smiled, grabbing the blanket from the side of the couch and wrapping myself in it. 

Harry came back about five minutes later with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands. I gratefully took one from him and he sat down beside me. "Give me some blanket," he says, nodding his head towards the blanket that covered me. I tossed him some and he covered himself up with it. I looked over to him every now and then, watching the dimples in his face when he laughed, watching his face light up when something funny was said, and at times watching him run a hand through his curly hair to get it out of his face. 

When he finally caught me staring I quickly looked back to the TV, the redness in my cheeks unable to be hidden. "What's the movie here, Home Alone or me?" Harry smirked and I hit him with the pillow that was at my side. "No fair!" he said, hitting me with the pillow that was beside him. 

He then tackled me into the couch and I put my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, I give up," I said, my eyes still shut from being hit with the pillow. "Good," he said, still hovering over top of me. Butterflies in my stomach came flying back and I covered my eyes with my hands. Nerves were getting the best of me at this point. "Hey, open those eyes," Harry said, gently moving my hands from my face. Shyness had overcome me and suddenly all I could think about was how Harry Styles, a man who millions of teenage girls would kill to be in the same room with, a man who was worth millions, a man who was one of the most well known musicians on the planet, was the same man hovering over top of me on the couch that he bought me.

He put his hand gently on my face, the brown curls falling over his forehead. He searched my eyes endlessly, brushing his thumb across my cheek, filling me with all the comfort I needed to make the shyness go away. "You are so," he said, taking a long pause to stare at me, "beautiful," he finished, and I felt a smile crawl across my face. 

"I'm going to kiss you, is that okay?" he asked, and my heart leapt with joy. "Always such a gentleman," I said before connecting my lips to his and kissing him with all of the feeling I had in my body. I felt my heart pound as he wrapped his arms around my waist, while mine found their way into his beautiful hair. 

This moment was perfect and not a thing could ruin it. 


When I felt the sun shine through the curtains and warm my skin I immediately woke. I was in my room, but I wasn't alone. Next to me slept Harry, softly. I was glad to see we were both still clothed, since I didn't think I was prepared to go that far yet, and I walked out into the kitchen to get some coffee.

"So," Hayley said from her position at the kitchen island where she was sitting on a bar stool. "You and Harold finally did the dirty, hey?" she said, winking at me. I almost choked on air. "No! Oh my god, you need to chill, we're not even technically together," I said in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake him up. "Then you guys just decided to have a cute little sleepover together?" she said disbelievingly and I rolled my eyes. 

"I think we're like, more than friends, but like, I'm not quite sure. We haven't established anything permanent yet," I explained and she raised an eyebrow at me. "Girl that boy's liked you since I facetimed you guys like four months ago. Why else would he fly out here? He's not wasting his time just to chill with us for no reason. Don't be blind, you're gonna make him work so hard that he's gonna give up," Hayley said and I frowned. 

"I'm pretty sure he knows how I feel. I'm just waiting for him to, you know, ask me," I said and Hayley raised her eyebrows. "Ask you what?" she probed, sipping her coffee. "To, like, be an official thing. And there's no rush. I'm not even sure I could handle another relationship right now, not after Ryan," I said honestly. 

"Don't let Ryan keep you from what could possibly be the best thing to ever happen to you! Ever since you two met, you're always happy, no matter what. I really like seeing my best friend happy. And even if Harry isn't what I would consider good enough for you, since I doubt there's a single guy on this planet good enough for you, he's probably the best I'm going to come by," Hayley admitted and my jaw dropped. "Oh, so I officially have your blessing?" I teased and she shrugged. "I guess in a way, but don't tell him that. As far as he knows I'm still not okay with him," she said smiling.

We both sat down and turned on the TV where we pulled up a news channel to get headlines for the day. 

"And the latest article written about Harry Styles, which as been featured in New York based Illusion Magazine has now sold a record 100,000 Copies within it's first day around the world! Congrats to Harry, and congrats to Illusion Magazine!" the reporter buzzed and I felt excitement all over me. I barely had time to celebrate when my phone began ringing.

"Hello?" I asked, and Jessie's voice rang through the other end. "Chloe! Great news, I have your next assignment!" she said happily. "My next assignment? I thought I was staying here?" I said, suddenly feeling anxiety. "Well, with the success of this article right now, so many other celebrities are wanting to be covered as well," she explained. "Okay, so who's the next article on?" I gulped. I didn't want to leave home again, to be honest. 

As Jessie spoke through the phone, I felt my eyes grow wide. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

 "Chloe? Does that sound good?" she asked. "Uhm, yeah, sure," I managed to breathe out, then proceeding to say goodbye and hang up the phone, causing Hayley to look at me funny. Once I hung up the phone she immediately questioned me. "Who was that?" she asked. "It was Jessie," I said slowly, "She wants me to write a new story," I barely got out. "On who?" Hayley asked. "Taylor Swift," I whispered. Hayley's eye's widened. "Oh shit," she got out before I dropped my phone on the counter, placing my head in my hands. 


hey, happy December! hope you liked my little Christmas themed chapter

i'm writing final exams right now and as a university student they are extremely important so I may not be updating for a little while. 

thanks for understanding & all my love,


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