Nightmare's Nightmare[Finishe...

By flowey2424

14.4K 494 172

"Nightmare struggles to fit in dream does not But they both are not normal Join them in thair quest to free d... More

Nightmare and dream
The voice of the devil
Dream big!
Nightmare's dream blood will spill blood
Help me!
It will kill part 1
it will kill part 2
It will kill part 3
Undertale genocide pure blood
Not gonna die
new reset new brothers and a new dream
one good night two good days
A meeting with the devil part 1
A meeting within the devil part 2
One soul two soul no soul
Underswap sans and papyrus
Never ending cycle
Find home
Destroyed home
trap fight part 1
trap fight part 2
torture part 1
torture part 2
Talking with an error
Glitch magic
Power unknown
practice with a sans
Glitch through
devils castle
The glitch story of dreamtale
A glitches secret home
On foot
Pain of healing
up and open hug
Stand up
before Christmas prologue
Counting stars
Times running out
Children of Dreamtale part 1
Children of Dreamtale part 2
Children of Dreamtale part 3
On the way
Black out
Christmas part 1 breakfast
Christmas part 2 rotations
Oh my Starclan!!!!!!
Christmas part 2 made of strings
Christmas part 3 best gift
Happy birthday Dream and Nightmare!
Quick A/N
Gold to black and games of Sorry
Singing battle!? part 1
Singing battle!? part 2
Aftermath of singing
Its totally a regular day. . . . . .
Thats some good shit over there!
Own little world
Truth or Dare part 1
Truth or Dare part 2
Truth or Dare part 3
Afternoon dew
Cleanings ask part 1
Cleaning's ask part 2
What's that voice?
To late to turn back
. . .
The end

united in pain

133 8 2
By flowey2424

Underswap:popcorn pr1nce
Undertale:Toby fox

Dream1's pov

They finally caught up with me
"Dream1 where are we going i dont understand"ink said
"I think i know where my brother is"i replyed
"Oh"ink said

Infront of dreamtale castle

"Ok now how to open it?"ink asked
"Dunno"i i answered
"You mean you brought us over here for nothing!"ink yelled
"No, i sware nightmare opened it"i said
"Thair is the crack between the doors"error said
"Right error"dream2 said
I walk up and put a finger between the doors to measure what i need to do
The ground rumbled

We stepped back
"What the f-"i was cut off by swap papyrus
"Dont finish that sentence!"he yelled
I sighed still trying to find balance
The doors fully opened
"Woah!"i say
We stepped in
About half way thair a voice said something
"Whats your name?"they asked
We could barely see them but it was for sure a female
"Thats ink,blueberry, sans,swap papyrus,dream2,and im dream1"i say
"Thairs two of you now?"they say
"Um... yes"i say
"Mhmmmm"they where thinking
"Im looking for my brother his name is nightmare and i think he came here"i say
"You said nightmare correct?"they ask
"Um.... yes i did"i reply
"Stay right thair"they say
And they went
"Nightmare must be here then"ink said
"Dont state the obvious ink"error said
Ink put his arm on errors shoulders
Error blushed and tried not to react
"Ink take your arm off errors shoulder"dream2 said
"Ok"he said and took his arm of error
Error still blushed but not as bad
"Back"they said and walked to me
"Now which one is looking for nightmare"they ask
"Me?"i said
"So dream come with me"they said and pulled my hand
"dream1"i corrected
They took me to a room and stood right infront a door
They cracked it open and said
"Nightmare thairs someone here to see you"
"Dont tell me its that crazy one that came in ten minutes ago"he said
"No its not,and ill leave you two alone"she said
Then turned to me
"Whatever you do dont touch him,and if anything bad happens like if he's in pain get me"she said
"Where will you be?"i asked
"Ill be with you friends"they said and pushed me into the room then closed the door
"D-dream?"Nightmare asked
I started to smile
I walked over and sat in the chair by the bed
"Are you ok?"i ask
"I dunno being shot by a needle in the neck was very fun"he said
"Sarcasm detected"i said
He started to laugh
He clenched his chest and coughed
I was about to get up when nightmare said something
"Dream dont,dont go"he said in pain
"She told me to get her if your in pain--"i almost said
"I dont want to be hurt,i dont want the needle dream!"he yelled
"And i dont want no need a dead brother!"i protested
"O-ok"he said crying
I ran as fast as i could to get her whoever she is
She was just talking with them getting to know them
When i came down she knew that something happened
"You all stay"she told the others "you come with me" she grabbed my hand again and pulled me to where nightmare was
When we got thair he was bleeding from his chest coughing
"Hold him down!"she instructed"but dont touch his chest"
"Ok"i said and ran over to him holding his arms down
He was trying to stay calm
Did the needle hurt that much!?
"Ready?"she asked
"Ready"Nightmare said
She put the needle into his neck
He squirmed and screamed
Ive never seen him like this
After that nightmare fell asleep
I came off of him
"Good night nightmare"i say
The maid shows us my room everyone else joins in my room and soon fell asleep
I did too a bit after

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