You Are Mine ✔


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Book One Nikita Anderson, a young werewolf from the Blood Moon pack. Shortly after her twentieth birthday she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirteen

23.1K 680 118

*!*! WARNING: Sexual content in this chapter !*!*

*Nikita's POV*

I woke to the sound of loud banging on my door, flinging the covers off me I jumped from the bed and raced towards it. Bright light blinded me momentarily before my eyes quickly adjusted. Standing before me was the brunette from earlier, if memory serves me. She is Jenna, Beta Female and mate of Red Dawn's Bate, Brent. Who apparently as it turns out is also Dominic's younger brother, that fact shocked the hell out of me when Dom told me last well a few hours ago.

"What is it? Has something happened?" I asked the woman before me. Her face was a mix of worry and concern as she looked at me.

"There has been an attack, Luna." My eyebrows drew together, from her manner it was not Red Dawn who was under attack. Before I could speak she answered my questions for me.

"It is Blood Moon, Luna.. Their Alpha sent out a distress call half an hour ago." My eyes grew wide before a snarl ripped from my lips. Shoving past the woman and the two men I had yet to notice, I raced down the stairs. I could feel the three of them hot on my trail as I descended each staircase. Once on the main floor of the pack house I noticed how calm and quite it was.. it was eerie as I knew my home pack must be screaming in fear and full of tears. I felt two hands wrap around my upper arms as I yanked the front door open, halting me.

"You have two seconds to release your hold on me before I make you." My voice was deadly calm as my wolf was at the surface. Giving me all her strength to remain calm and collected. A voice I did not recognize spoke from behind me.

"We are sorry, Luna but the Alpha has ordered us to keep you here." I could hear the determination in his voice as he spoke of his alpha's commands, normally I would be proud of this but right now it only served to further piss me off.

"Then I am truly sorry for what's about to happen."


His words were cut off as I swiftly spun around on the heel of my left foot, bringing my right leg up in the process. The wind was knocked out of him as my knee crashed into his rib cage. The other man holding me looked towards his comrade as he landed on the floor in a breathless heap. That was his first and last mistake, taking his eyes off his opponent. Shoving my left hand up, my palm crashed into his throat. The momentum from my blow causing him to fly back onto the floor next to the first man. Not wasting any time I spun around again and raced out the front door, jumping from the top step of the porch and shifting into my rusty red wolf as I flew through the air. My shredded clothing falling to the ground as I landed on four feet. I put as much power into my back flanks as I propelled myself forward.

Barreling through the trees that surround me I could hear faint sounds ahead as I grew closer to the Blood Moon pack lands. Shouts of anger, roars of rage and cries of pain hit my ears at the same time the scent of blood filled my nostrils. The smell so thick in the air I almost gagged but I pushed through the reflex. I didn't have time to waste, my pack needed help and that's all I could think about. I continued to push forward until I burst through the treeline and into a big open clearing. My body coming to a dead stop as my eyes took in the sight before me.

Bodies lay everywhere, some still in wolf form while others lay still in their nakedness. Blood was already seeping into the ground, the thick stench of death swirled around in the soft breeze. The scene before me only caused my worry to grow, reminding me so much of that dreaded night five years ago. My eyes quickly scanned the faces as I walked around slowly. A breath I hadn't realised I was holding escaped me as I did not recognise anyone familiar to me.

'Does this mean everyone is safe?' I asked Quinn, my wolf.

'I'm not sure Nik.. I can still smell a familiar scent in the air but all this blood is making it hard to pinpoint who's it is.' I whimpered at the thought of someone I love being injured or dead.

A loud roar caused me to look up from the countless bodies. It was a roar I didn't quite recognize and as I searched for its owner my whole body froze once again. Fear sprung forth inside me, the emotion feeling like a cold heavy stone in my stomach as I watched Alpha John stagger on his feet. The three rogues tearing into his side as he desperately tried to shake them off. My fear quickly turned into rage as I watched a fourth one jump on him causing John's legs to finally give out underneath him. I snarled loudly as my back legs propelled me forward. Ducking my head I pushed to go even faster than before. Putting all my weight and momentum into it I barreled into the side of one of the rogues. The force of my hit causing his body to fly into another one, knocking them both off John. The first one didn't even have time to react before I was snapping my teeth in his Face. He was the one closest to me and thus became my first target. As I zeroed in on him I continued to eye the other rouge who was just getting to his feet, never taking my attention fully off of him as I took slow cautious steps. From the corner of my eye I seen John get back to his feet. Our bodies instinctively moved towards one another in a defensive maneuver. My left back leg brushed against his rear right flank as we were each now facing two rogues. A wolfish smirk grew on my lips as I watched the two rogues in front of me. One lunged forward trying to distract me as the other went to leap over me, trying to get to John. An annoyed growl ripped through my lips as I ignored the first attacker, did they really think such tricks would work on me? I bolted upright, my powerful jaws snapping shut around the second ones left front leg. Using all my body weight I yanked him back to the ground, slamming him into the dirt as hard as I could. A ear piercing yelp echoed around us as my canines crushed the bones in his leg. Shaking my head violently a feeling of pride filled me as my sharp teeth dug in even deeper. His flesh ripping and tearing away before his arm was severed from his shoulder.

Using the injury of his comrade as an opportunity to try and attack John once more, the other wolf surged forward. As I tossed the mashed up limb from my jaws, I spun around in time to grab hold of his tail. Jerking my head back as quickly as I could, the pups teeth missed their target as I pulled him away from John. My eyes briefly took notice that he was making quick work of his rogues as well, causing a odd emotion to swell within me. Digging my paws into the dirt I yanked the rogue further away from the scuffle by his tail. The wolf's head whipped around, jaws snapping towards my snout. Quickly I released my hold and snarled at him. He wasn't much older than I but he was nearly double my size, his wolf could give John's a run for the money.

'Come on Quinn, let's finish this quickly and check on the others.' I said as I let her come forward, giving her more control of our body.

'Agreed.' she said as I felt a wolfish grin spread on our lips once more.

We may not be as strong as him but we had speed on our side. He lunged forward only for us to side step him. He growled out in frustration, turning towards us once more. From my position I could see John and a few others watching our fight. The other three rogues lay dead behind them along with the bodies of many others. Someone must have put the rogue with the missing arm out of his misery. Mentally kicking myself I growled lowly because in my distraction the rogue slammed into me. My feet flew out from under me as the force of the hit sent me flying into a nearby tree. My head bounced off the sturdy object before a searing pain ran through my skull. Judging from the impact and warm wetness forming at the back of my head I'm guessing I have a nice head laceration. Quinn pushed forward more, giving us a burst of energy. Jumping to my feet as the rogue lunged towards us again, we waited until he was close enough before ducking to the side. A loud thud, followed by a pained whine sounded from behind me as he ran head first into the truck of the tree. Snorts of laughter could be heard from around us as I spun around quickly to face him, I watched as he stood on all fours. Shaking his head, he turned to face me. Seeming to never learn the dumb wolf lunged forward once again. Side stepping him, we waited until his neck was inches away before latching onto it. Our canines digging in even deeper as he frantically tried to shake out of our hold.

I could taste his blood as it spilled into my mouth, only feeding the madness of my wolf as she growled lowly. His painful cries filled our ears as he desperately thrashed around in our hold. His powerful body flinging from side to side, causing our feet to slide through the dirt. Quinn dug our claws into the earth beneath us, anchoring our body down with all her strength. The wolf quickly grew tired, his body giving out beneath him. He lay at my feet with his chest heaving up and down in exhaustion. Quinn gave me more control when it was apparent the wolf had no fight left in him. He tilted his head to one side, submitting to me and admitting defeat. I let my eyes travel over the crowd that had seemed to grow even more. I could see a few of the Blood Moon pack scattered around but most were unknown to me, meaning they were of Red Dawn. My gaze halted as I found a pair of molting chocolate eyes staring right back into mine.

The wolf towered over me as he stood before me, his milky chocolate brown fur had more memories filtering through my mind. It was Dominic and he looked pretty pissed. Anger radiated off him in waves. A slight fear bubbled up in me as he stood even closer to me. He was more then twice my size in both height and body mass but this was to be expected seeing how big Dom was in human form. My teeth were still buried deep within the neck of the rouge as he looked it over. I withdrew my canines when I noticed the wolf had passed out at my feet. My eyes met Dominic's once again as I licked my snout to clean the blood off. A deep growl rumbled deep within his chest as he watched me. His eyes glazed over, alerting me that he was mind-linking someone. I looked around once more. With movements so quick I could barely follow, Dominic had the scruff of my neck between his teeth. His hold was tight but not painful as he lifted me off the ground like a mother would with a misbehaving pup. Quinn and I snarled at him as he took off towards the woods, his only response was a dominating growl.

'Clearly he is not happy with us...' I comment to Quinn who snarled in anger.

'Well he can get the fuck over it! '

'Chill out! You're only going to get us in more trouble.'

'Fuck that.' She snapped before blocking me out completely.

I sighed, her attitude will surely be the death of me one day if her big mouth doesn't do it first. Dominic's speed surprised even myself as he raced through the forest around us, for his size I would not expect him to move so quickly. Soon we were rushing out of the woods, the Red Dawn pack house coming into view. We came to a sudden halt a few feet away from the porch steps. My feet landing on the ground as Dominic released me from his jaws. He stood before me as wolf one second and man the next, a very naked man might I add. My eyes went wide as I took in his body before I quickly looked away.

"Shift." His deep rough voice commanded from above me. Quinn growled lowly, his command having no real control over us and yet the power in his words had my skin tingling.

"Shift. Now!" He roared with so much power.

Quinn retreated to the back of my mind and my body responded immediately. My fur turning to skin as my teeth and claws retracted. I curled in on myself as I sat crouched before him in my birthday suit. A small startled yelp left me as I found myself flung over his shoulder. My eyes took in the taut skin over the muscles of his back before drifting lower. Biting my lower lip at the sight of his bare ass I quickly closed my eyes. The sound of his loud footsteps on the wood of the porch had panic rising within me. The front door opened and my heart beat soared to a new high. The thought of others seeing me like this had me banging my fists into his back.

"Dammit Dominic!" I yelled, he ignored me as he walked further into the house. I growled in annoyance, my fists still pounding into his back.

"Chill woman." He chuckled as he started up the first set of stairs.

"Chill? CHILL? You want me to chill when everyone and their mother has a perfect view of my backside?!" I hissed out. Dominic growled lowly before a large rough hand smack my left butt cheek. A startled squeak passed through my lips, another growl rumbled in his chest from the sound.

"You think anyone but I is going to see this?" A dark chuckle came from him before he said. "I would scoop out the eyes of anyone and make the fool eat them if they dared to look at you."

My mouth suddenly become dry, a lump forming in my throat. I knew he would make good on that promise if someone were dumb enough to try. I quickly became aware that we were already on the top floor of the pack house as Dominic opened a door, the thick scent of man musk and spice filling my nose. I found myself upright on my feet, the soft click of the door closing as I looked up into the eyes of Dominic. His normal melted chocolate now darker as black swirled within them. His eyes roamed my face and I watched as he fought with himself to keep his eyes from traveling south. A warmth swirled within my belly as I realized how highly he respected me even if he acted like a caveman from time to time. My lower lip slipped between my teeth as I took in the sight of him. His skin glistened slightly with a thin coat of sweat, my eyes zeroed in on a drop as it slide down the front of his chest.

'I just want to lick every inch of his body.' Quinn commented from the back of my mind. I groaned in agreement.

'Weren't you just pissed at him a minute ago?' I replied.

'Yeah well you know how quickly my mood can change.' She said nonchalantly, I rolled my eyes mentally at her before turning my attention back to the man standing in front of me.

Dominic's nostrils flared as he sniffed the air and I knew instantly that he could smell my arousal. His eyes flashed pitch black before he scooped me up in his arms, my legs instantly wrapping around his torso as his lips crashed into mine. He groaned into the kiss as I nipped his lower lip playfully. A small gasp came from me as I felt his rock hard member against my abdomen. Grinding my hips forward I heard him growl approvingly before he tossed me onto the bed. I bounced twice before settling on the bed, Dominic stood before me at the edge. His eyes black as he took in my body, starting from the tips of my toes. His eyes roamed up my legs, I had a small urge to cover myself as they lingered on my lower region for a few moments. I watched him swallow and lick his lips slowly before tearing his eyes away. His gaze continued to travel up my body, stopping at my breasts for a few moments before moving up to my face.

I allowed my own eyes to roam over his body in return. His broad muscular shoulders just begging for my nails to dig into them. Looking lower I bit my lip again as I took in his hard chiseled chest and six pack abs. My eyes widened as I took in his member, the size of it had me worried but it also excited me. I have seen naked men before, seeing people naked is a pretty normal thing when you live with a pack of wolves. Men and Women usually avoided changing in front of one another out of respect for their future mates but sometimes it happened. The men I have seen before pale in comparison to the one standing in front of me. Dragging my eyes back up I took in every dip and curve of his body. Dominic's dark eyes bore into mine, his breathing was ragged, he had seen me checking him out and the innocent part of me caused my cheeks to heat. A low rumble came from his chest when I bit my lip once more.

Throwing caution to the wind I got up on my knees in front of him, my right hand reaching out, my fingers slowly brushed over the muscles on his chest. My eyes never leaving his as they traveled lower. Lust filled my mind, begging me to take him in my hand. Dominic's breath faltered as my fingers brushed against his shaft. He groaned when my hand wrapped around his member, a shiver ran through me as I felt it pulsate in my hand and in return I squeezed slightly. Dominic's lips were suddenly on mine, his warm hands cupping my cheeks before sliding down. A moan bubbled out of me as his large hands palmed my ass before he lifted me from the bed while he leaned down. His body hovering over mine as he laid me on my back, my legs instinctively spread wide to accommodate his large frame. I moaned again as Dominic pressed his throbbing member against the tender flesh of my thigh, just above my aching core. My nails slide down his back, pulling him closer to me when his lips left mine. Open mouthed kisses on my neck had me shivering, a loud moan filling the air when his lips found the skin where my neck and shoulder meet. He continued his slow torture as he kissed, sucked and nibbled on the spot. My body was on fire filled with lust and need as I bucked my hips into him.

"Are you sure? I'll only ask once." Dominic whispered before taking my ear lobe between his teeth and nibbling. I moaned and nodded my head, my hips bucking into him again.

"Yes, yes I'm sure." A growl of approval came from him before his lips found mine once again.

Shifting his weight to lean on one side I shuddered as I felt his other hand skimming over my stomach. The roughness of his palm causing chills to spread over my body. My fingers weaved into his hair as he palmed my breast before squeezing it. I moaned softly into his mouth as he twirled my nipple between his thumb and index finger. Dominic's lips left mine as I became breathless but they never left my skin. He trailed kisses down my jaw to my throat, tilting my head I willing submitted to him when he growled lowly. The feeling of his teeth when he nipped at my neck drew another moan from me. He continued to kiss down my neck, over my collar bone and in between the valley of my breasts.

His lips felt like fire as he took my other nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. My body jerked from the new sensation and a deep moan ripped through me. My hips bucked again as my core throbbed, begging for attention. Dominic's hand slide from my breast, brushing over my abdomen before coming to a halt just above my aching core. I whined softly as my hips rotated eagerly before I felt two fingers slip into my wet folds. His thumb rubbed against my clit as his fingers slide up and down my crease, stopping just shy of my center. I tugged on Dom's hair silently asking him for more.

"Please.." I asked breathlessly, my voice just above a whisper. Dominic groaned against the flesh of my breast as he continued to suck on it. His fingers began moving faster, building a fire in me as lust and heat pooled inside me. Goosebumps grew over my skin as his warm mouth left me, the air feeling cold to the wet flesh. A needy whine came from me as he pulled his hand away.

"Dom... please." A low growl came from him as he shifted his weight once again.

My eyes met his as he hovered above me, his hands gripped onto my hips as he looked into my eyes. Not being able to stand waiting any longer my left hand reached down and wrapped around his member, squeezing softly. Dominic's eyes closed briefly, he groaned as he rocked his hips forward. Pushing his length further into my hand. Biting my lower lip I pulled him towards me, only stopping when I could feel his tip against my entrance. Moving my hand I rubbed him against my folds, leaning up I nibbled on his ear moaning softly. A growl vibrated our chests before his hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled mine away from him, pinning it up above me.

"Look at me." His voice was raspy and deep when he spoke. Pulling away I released his ear lobe, my eyes locking with his as he cupped my cheek.

"Keep your eyes on me, never take them off me." I nodded not being able to find my voice.

His hand released mine, gliding over my side and down my leg to grip my thigh. His other hand angled his member to press against my entrance. I swallowed the lump in my throat and sucked in a sharp breath as I felt his tip push past my lips. Dominic leaned down, resting his forehead to mine.

"I'm sorry." He breathed, I didn't have time to question what he meant because in the next second he thrust forward. The breath in my lungs left me as a deep sharp pain shot through me causing my eyes to water slightly. Dominic remained still, the whole time I never once took my eyes from his. He was letting me ride out the pain. As my body adjusted to his size I drew in a deep breath. Dominic pressed a soft kiss to my lips causing my body to relax once again.

" that it? Is the pain over?" I asked once the pain dulled to a small throbbing ache. Dom grimace slightly as he shook his head.

"I'm only about half way in. Let me know when you're ready and I'll start slowly." I swallowed hard, taking in a few deep breaths before nodding.

"I'm ready." His lips found mine before he slowly rocked his hips forward. The pain nothing more than a feeling of pressure now as he pushed further into me.

With every slow and deliberate thrust of his hips I felt him going deeper and deeper into me. I nibbled on his lower lip as heat began to build inside me once more. Not needing anymore encouragement Dominic's thrusts became faster, the hand on my thigh was gripping tighter as he pushed further into me. He broke the kiss, leaving us both breathless as small moans escaped my lips.

"God, you feel so good." He gritted out between his teeth.

The heat inside me growing more at the sound of Dominic's groans of pleasure. Moving my hips along with him I thrust up to meet him, the sound of his moan greeting my ears only spurred me to go faster. My nails dug into his shoulders and scratched down his back, earning me another moan. Dom's thrusts became faster, stronger. The heat and pressure building inside me with the feeling of being so full. His throbbing hard cock buried deep inside me with every thrust of his hips. Desperate moans left my lips as his pace grew even faster.

"Mark me." I moaned out as he sat up, his hands gripping my hips.

One arm sliding under my lower back, lifting my lower half off the bed. The action giving him a even deeper angle. A lust filled growl rippled through the room as he rammed into me. I cried out in pain and pleasure, my hands fisting into the sheets beside me. His hands slide up my sides, pulling me up into his lap as he continued to thrust into me. My legs wrapped around him, pulling him impossibly deeper into me as he thrust up. My arms snaked around his neck, my fingers slipping into the soft hair at the nape of his neck. His right hand brushed the hair away from my shoulder as his lips pressed against the left side of my throat. I submitted to him once again by tilting my head to the side, giving him full access to my neck. I shivered and moaned as his teeth grazed over the tender flesh. Rocking my hips roughly against him I moaned out in pleasure as I felt his canines elongate against my skin. Dominic's teeth plunged into my shoulder, my eyes shot open as a flash of red hot pain shot through me. A small cry of pain came from me before it turned into moans of pleasure. His teeth sinking even deeper as he continued to thrust into me, my pleasure only heightened as I felt the bond between us growing.

On instinct my body took over, my canines popped out as I threw my head back with a moan. My mouth met the skin of his shoulder, where his neck meets and in one quick movement I felt my teeth pierce through the tender flesh. Dominic growled loudly before a deep moan came from him. Pushing my teeth in even deeper I moaned as the boned grew more. A rush of pleasure and emotions hit me, emotions I didn't understand. Ones of worry, pleasure, panic, lust, fear, need, want and lastly uncertainty. It took me a second to realize that these emotions were not my own, they were Dominic's. Confusion spread through me, as I felt them. But just as quickly as they appeared they were gone. Replaced with a hunger. A dominating need for the man in my arms. The cool sheets met my back once more as Dominic thrust into me, the pressure and heat inside me made me feel as if I would burst any second. His deep voice pushed me over the edge as he said.

"Cum for me." My head fell back into the pillows with a loud moan as something inside me released. It was like a damn broke inside me, every muscle in my body spasmed as a rush of pleasure flew through me.

"Dominic!" I cried out as my body shook, tingles and shocks spreading through me. He growled loudly as he thrusts harder and faster into me. His grip on my hips becoming almost painful. He cried out as he found his own release, his hot seed shooting out of him as he continued to pump into me. Moaning his name once more as I felt his member throb inside me, filling me to the brim.

Our breathing was ragged as his body covered mine. My eyes were closed as I laid there, My walls clenched around him as I could still feel him deep inside me. He groaned as his lips brushed against my neck. Traveling across my throat, I moaned softly when they landed on his mark. We laid there for a few minutes as our breath returned to normal. Dominic turned, holding me to his chest as he rolled onto his back. Resting my cheek against his chest I closed my eyes. A feeling of being complete filled me with joy, a smile spread on my lips as I listened to his heart beating in tune with my own. We were now as one. Two halves of a soul had come together to form one and nothing could change that, nothing short of death. Dom's fingers ran through my hair as we laid there in silence. I couldn't tell what he was feeling as I knew he had put up a wall to keep me out, but I let mine flow freely into him. I wouldn't say I loved him, no not yet. It was to soon for that but I knew I felt very strong emotions for this man. I was built to be with him, born to love him. Born to accept him no matter what. I would love him despite all the wrongs he made in his life, accept him even if he was the cruel beast everyone spoke of and I would love him even if he couldn't love me and the sooner he realized that the sooner we could work towards building our relationship.

As sleep began to pull me into the darkness I felt Dominic's lips press against the crown of my head, his arms holding me tighter to him and in my heart I knew he had heard me. He could feel what I was feeling and by his actions, I hoped it was a good sign. I fell asleep wrapped in his warmth, a smile on my face and a lightness in my heart as the feeling of hope was spreading through me.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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