The Holt Conundrum

By DarknessAndLight

814K 65K 20.3K

It's September and I need a roommate. I couldn't live in the dorms anymore. I was fed up of being paired with... More

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eighth august
ninth september
author's note

second august

7.7K 663 135
By DarknessAndLight


It's August and Holt is listening to music in the kitchen while making his dinner and an Elvis Prestley song starts playing.

I press my hand against my heart and say very dramatically, "my poor fangirl heart, how could you let something like that play?"

Holt just rolls his eyes. "What are you even talking about this time?"

I grin. "It's because of a Destiel fanfic called Twist and Shout. Oooooh, you sooooo have to read it."

He rolls his eyes yet again. "No thanks."

"Come on, read it. It's short! It's good, you have to read it," I press.

He refuses again and for the next half an hour I pester him so much about reading it, that in the end he finally caves in. Now, if he gives in like this so easily when I pester him long enough, maybe I should start being more persistent about playing in his pants.

A couple of hours later, when I'm in my room, getting ready to fall asleep, Holt almost kicks my door open. "What the fuck did you make me read?"

I'm laughing hysterically, "Oh my god, are you crying?"


"Did you read it till the end?"

"Of course I read it till the end! What the fuck Eliah?"

I'm still laughing like a moron while he's glaring at me his eyes obviously watery. "I can't believe you're crying."

"Yeah, because I have a soul, while clearly you don't."

This is freaking hilarious. "I was just really curious at how you'd react. So you liked it?"

"I don't think you can like something like that. I seriously thought at first you were just making me read gay porn and I was pissed, but then what the hell happened? Oh also, you said it's a Destiel fanfic though and that bothers me. That's not Cas and Dean. It's their name but it's not them. It feels more like a gay remake of Forest Gump."

"Hmm, kind of," I agree, nodding a little. I never really understood the point of fanfic when it's a completely different universe, when it's just the same names and everything else is different. It feels like it's just people riding on the popularity of something and using their names. "So, did you like it?"

"I didn't like it. God damn it Eliah, don't make me read stuff like that again," Holt whines.

Totally ignoring that. "Did you liiiiiike it."

And once again, Holt rolls his eyes. "Yes, it was good."

"Of course you did you emotional mess. Wanna to snuggle with me to feel better?" I ask opening my arms wide in front of me.

He flips me off as he stumps out of my room.

I'm still laughing alone in my bed.


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