Geralt of Rivia X Reader

By LucienSilver

49.1K 1K 184

Your village is attacked by a horde of kikimores. lucky for you, the famed witcher Geralt of Rivia clears the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

1.9K 54 6
By LucienSilver

Author's Note: I'M BACK!! I am so sorry for such a long hiatus, writer's block is one hell of a bitch, I tell you. I plan on being around more and updating things more so, hopefully you all haven't completely lost hope in me yet. Go ahead and give yourself a refresher if you need to(I did lol) 

The sun was just beginning to rise when you awoke the next morning. When your bare feet touched the floor, you shuddered. Looking back at the bed, you saw that Geralt was still sleeping soundly on your bed, you smiled, he really was rather handsome. You blushed remembering what you whispered to him before you had fallen asleep. Did you really let that slip out? What did he think? What is he going to say once he wakes up? You hoped you hadn't scared him off with your words, but you couldn't help but to truly feel this way about him. How could you not? He was handsome, kind and funny. He made you feel things you've not felt since your husband had passed. 

No use in worrying about his reaction now, that'll have to wait until he rises. For now, you set yourself to making breakfast as soon as you had dressed. You dug around in your pantry for a moment before sighing to yourself. There really wasn't anything to make for breakfast. You cursed under your breath and closed the pantry door, turning around and let out a shriek, dropping and shattering the bowl you had in your hands with another, louder curse. 

Geralt was standing quieter than a mouse, dressed in only the pants you had let him borrow, right behind you for who knows how long. A tiny glint of amusement in his eyes was the only hint of emotion on his otherwise  expressionless face. "That was a rather ugly word for such a pretty mouth." 

"Oh you shut it!" You scolded him, "it was your own damn fault in the first place. You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" You both started to pick up the broken ceramic pieces that now littered your kitchen floor. You glanced over at him after a moment. "Did I wake you? I tried to be quiet."

"I woke up the moment you moved from the bed." He noticed your almost remorseful look before adding, "it's a Witcher thing, we pick up on the most subtle things that humans can't. Comes in handy when fighting monsters." 

"Yeah... I suppose it would." You disposed of the shards outside in your disaster of a garden. 

Geralt looked around at the ruined crops, "You don't have any food, do you?"

You sighed and shook your head, "no... I don't. Everything I would have had, would have been here..." you gestured at the muddy soil. "And you see how well that turned out. We got too much rain this year and it killed all our plants." 

The Witcher thought for a moment, "I could head to the inn to get a few things for you if you would like?"

"Oh, no, no, no! That's okay, you really don't have to. I'm sure I can trade a few of my husband's old things to get money for groceries."   you tried to argue, to turn down his offer, but he wouldn't let you. Each time he'd insist. Arguing that he could do it to repay her for saving his life, for taking him in. Finally, you relented and he headed into what remained of the  village to see what provisions he could scrounge up with what little coin he himself had.

The White Wolf was gone for a long time. Too long. You began to worry. Your household chores that you were doing while you waited, turned into absent-minded pacing, agonizing over what could have happened to him. It was no secret that he was a Witcher and the other men of the village were just as bone headed as any other, hating Witchers simply because of the rumors about them. Rumors that were very clearly untrue if you spent even a moment in Geralt's company. 

When he finally returned, your heart jumped just before it dropped. The poor man's face was bleeding, bruises already beginning to form. But he had a look of triumph about him, so whatever had happened. he must have been at the winning end of it. 

"What in the hell happened to you?!" You asked him as you wet a rag to clean his wounds with.

"A group of drunk townsmen decided to gang up and try to fight me in the inn. They didn't get too far with that." He winced as you gently pressed the rag to one of the wounds. "I'm fine, you don't need to do that."

"I have to clean them, I don't want them to get dirty and start to fester." 

"They can't, my mutations prevent infection." He stated blandly.

"Oh... well, they still need to be cleaned!" You cleaned off the last of them. "Did you manage to get anything for us to eat?" 

He nodded, "Mhm, only a couple things. Hopefully they will do." He handed you a sack with half a loaf of bread, a little parcel of meat, some eggs, a couple apples, and a few vegetables. 

What he got was more than enough. You fried up a couple eggs for him and yourself for breakfast, breaking up the half loaf into sections, you each getting one. You were too poor to afford any luxuries like butter for the bread, but you didn't mind. This may as well have been a feast compared to what you've had lately. 

It was midday before he finally brought it up. He was sharpening his swords while you watched him, almost hypnotized by the repetitive motion of him running the stone along the blades. "So you love me, huh?" 

The question jolted you out of your trance and you blushed, "Oh um, well... uh... yes, I do. Is that a problem?" The panic was back. You're not sure how you would deal if he was upset by this, if you managed to chase this man off with your feelings.

He stopped sharpening and looked up at you, "You know that I will have to leave here, eventually right? I'm a Witcher. I can't stay in one place for very long. I need to get back out on the path, I need to earn more coin. Roach needs her oats, I need more ingredients for my potions, and I need to be able to buy more food. Who knows when or if I'd ever be able to make it back."

"I know. You're a Witcher, I get that. But I don't care! I really do love you, Geralt!" you almost sounded like you were pleading with him.  

Geralt sighed. returning to sharpening the blades. "You should be with someone that you can have a normal life with. Someone who can be there for you. I can't do that."

"I don't mind Geralt! I'd cherish every moment with you... or... or...or you could take me with you on the path!"

He shook his head, "That's out of the question. It's too dangerous, for both of us. You're not a Witcher, you wouldn't be able to defend yourself against a ghoul or wyvern. And there's no guarantee that I could protect you each time. Its too dangerous."

"Please, Geralt..." it felt like your heart was breaking to a thousand pieces again.

"No. Out of the question."


He shook his head. 

You wept. 

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