Boss • TaeGi


191K 6.2K 2.5K

Kim Taehyung, V, is a wanted criminal and drug lord. He goes around selling drugs, robbing banks, killing peo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

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Taehyung's POV

I made my way to the kitchen while thinking of ways that I could make it up to my Kitten.

I opened the door, "Kitt-" I didn't finish my sentence when I noticed that the kitchen was a mess and Yoongi and Kenta were nowhere to be found.

"Donghan! I thought you said they were in here!" I yelled at my butler as I looked around the room for them. Instead of finding them, I found a note on the counter.

"They are in the kit- Where are they?" Donghan burst through the door.

"They were kidnapped," I muttered and clenched my fists to contain my anger. Yoongi usually comforts me, but he's not here.

"What do you mean kidnapped?" Donghan walked over to me and took the note.

I pulled at my hair before kicking a chair and yelling.

Amber came in, "Jay's gone." The others burst in as well and say that their littles were gone as well.

"Yoongi and Kenta are gone as well," I told them before obtaining my composure. I looked at Donghan who looked like he as about to murder someone.

"Gather the others, lets find places where they would be and send off the groups." They all nodded and followed me to my office.

Yoongi's POV

When I woke up my head was pounding. As I regained my eyesight I looked around to see where I was. I didn't recognize the place and started to panic.

"Yoongi?" I heard a voice beside me and I recognized it as Jay.

"Jay! Where are we?" I instantly cling to her side. We have never been close, but I needed comfort. She didn't seem to care as she wrapped an arm around me.

"Shh. Do you hear that?" She looked around the room and you could faintly hear voices. As Jay listened, her face looked scared.

"I know where we are. And we won't be leaving for awhile." She let me go and got up and went to the bathroom on the other side of the room. I started to panic again and I looked around the room.

I looked behind the couch and saw Hoseok, Jimin, Kenta and Jin. I jumped over the couch and woke them up, and when I did, they all started to panic.

"Where are we?" Jimin cried.

"I want Youngjae." Hoseok hugged Jimin.

"Are we going to die?" Jin hugged the two younger ones in order to comfort them.

"We are not going to die. We'll be fine, the others will find us." Kenta said while standing up and looked around.

"I don't know. But Jay is also here and she said that she knows where we are, but we aren't leaving for a while." I looked at the bathroom and saw that she was still in there.

"What does she mean that we won't leave for awhile?" Jin asked, irritated.

"What I mean is to get comfortable and don't be to loud, we aren't leaving." Jay walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch and brought her legs to her chest. She put her head in her legs and you could hear soft sobs.

We all got up and went to comfort her, she's never cried, so this was all new for us.

"Where are we, Jay," Jin asked while rubbing her back.

"Some place I thought I could escape and never come back ever again. A place that's tortured me, a place that is the reason for my ptsd, depression, anxiety, and paranoia. And I'm sorry that you guys have to go through this. It's all my fault." She sobbed harder into her legs while calling for Amber.

"Hey, it can't be your fault for bringing us here. You didn't know that we'd be brought here," Hoseok comforted her.

"You don't understand. It is my fault. Because... because, my mother owns this place." This caused us to freeze and tense up.

"Y-your mom?" Jimin was the first one to speak up.

Jay nodded, "I ran away from this place two years ago. I was tired of being reminded of my past every time I looked at that woman. I was tired of being treated like shit, so I left." Jay seemed to have stopped crying and looked up with a blank face. She looked numb as she dried her tears.

I felt a sudden movement in my stomach that made me want to throw up. I got up and ran to the bathroom to empty my stomach. When I finished, I fell back against the wall.

"Yoongi? Are you okay?" It's was Kenta. He came in and rushed to my side.

"I-I'm okay. I think I'm just stressed. I'll be fine," I smiled weakly, but he didn't budge.

"You're not okay, come on, lets get you lay down." Kenta picked me up and carried me out to the couch. He grabbed a blanket and tucked me in.

"Sleep." He demanded before going on the other end of the long couch to the others. I let out a whine, but I was to tired to disagree, so I fell asleep right then and there.


An: So. The chapters will be pretty much be filler chapters until chapter 30. Which will be the last chapter of this book. BUT AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL BECAUSE ID BE HATED FOREVER IF I JUST LEFT IT LIKE HOW I AM PLANNING ON LEAVING THIS!

But, what do you think of finding out that Jay's mom took them? What will happen to them, and will Jay be right about being there for awhile?

As always, don't forget to vote and comment on my stories! Love ya Wolfies! ❤️

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