Where It Went Wrong » Larry

By jasminesx

49.5K 1.5K 349

Louis Tomlinson has everything he could want: a loving family, a good group of friends and he just released h... More

Where It Went Wrong » Larry
1 - The Fame Life
2 - Reunion and Declarations
3 - Welcome To My New Life
5 - Let's Forget Everything
6 - All The Support
7 - It's A Party
8 - Downfall
9 - Maybe I'm Not Enough
10 - Play The Game
11 - Loved You First
12 - In The Moment
13 - Tell Me A Story
14 - Maybe A Way Forward
15 - Kiss Me Like You Mean It
16 - It's Like Magic
17 - Baby We Were Fireproof
18 - It's Been So Long
19 - Can You Take Me Faraway?
20 - Attempts
21 - Explain It All
22 - Push Me To The Limits
23 - Too Damn Sober
24 - Come Back Home
25 - Get Up Now
26 - So Happily
27 - Say Hello To A New Beginning
28 - I Wanna Grow Old With You / Epilogue

4 - It's Different Now

1.6K 62 10
By jasminesx


"It was proper weird Li," Louis sighed over the phone, rubbing his stubble that was growing and that he hadn't bothered to shave today. He had to do some shopping but he made a mental note to also go to Harry's house and ask if he's okay since he hadn't heard or seen of him since the day he ran out. It's been almost 3 days since that incident and Louis was hoping that Harry would just drop by innocently, out of nowhere.

"I'm sure there was a reason why he was rushing out?" Liam suggested. "I mean, maybe he had something planned."

"He said Dalton was coming home late from work, what could of they planed?" Louis rolled his eyes.

"You never know Lou, stop overthinking. I'm sure he's fine. Are you going to meet him?"

"Later on. I'm going to get some shopping done, then go and find his goddamn apartment." Louis groaned as he parked up his car, cutting the engine off and taking a few heavy breaths. He looked over to his security guard, Alberto, who was grinning at him. Louis was so glad he had his own personal security guard because it meant he could go out and not get surrounded by girls all the time. He would meet a few of them but most of the time, Alberto didn't allow it which was really good most of the times. The fans didn't even want to talk to him really, they just wanted a picture and never even said hi. Before, the fans were thoughtful and focused on making Louis smile instead of just crowding around, nearly suffocating him, only asking for a picture and walking off. Just so they could tell the world they had met him.

"Okay, let me know how it goes. We need to meet up soon, it's been ages."

"It's been like a week?" Louis scoffed, rolling his eyes but it was true. He couldn't stay too long without meeting Liam because he needed his friends to keep him down on the ground. "Okay, I'll drop by tomorrow. See ya." He hanged up, pocketing his phone and he climbed out of the car and started shopping.

Louis walked past one of the cellphone provider shops and wondered whether he should pick up a phone for Harry. It didn't have to be the most expensive one so Harry didn't feel like he was taking advantage of Louis but he was hesitating. He only just got Harry back and he didn't want to make him entirely uncomfortable with the fact that he had just splurged all this money on him. Maybe later.

Alberto smiled at Louis. He seemed way too cheery for someone who worked for Louis. "Where do you want to go today little boy."

"Little boy?" Louis laughed. "Just because you're huge and got muscles yeah?" He punched one of Alberto's arms, recoiling at how rock hard it was and sticking his tongue out. He loved his playful relationship with Alberto because it made it easier to get along with his annoying management team that were always on Louis's back. They were forever trying to mend him, change him and Louis would resist it, fight it as much as he could.

They walked into the first shop, Nike, as Louis just picked out new workout bottoms and tops for himself to use since he could never get enough. He also went into Hollister and got himself new jeans, new vans. It was a blessing that he was able to go into these shops, not worry about how much he's spending and just do whatever he wants. There was never restrictions, budgets - it was so easy and within reach. Louis also picked out a necklace for Harry since he knew how much he loved wearing it, it was a paper plane necklace and he felt proud of himself for picking it out.

Finally, after a few hours of shopping and only being noticed by some teenage girls who were waving frantically at him, they were back in the car as Louis started it up and started driving towards Harry's apartment.

"Where you going?" Alberto asked, his voice husky and deep as he watched Louis take cautious turns into different, unknown roads. He had his tomtom on for directions and it was taking him into the most disgusting areas, with chavs around and all in all, it just didn't seem like a safe place to be. Obviously, Louis had nothing to worry about with his security guard because he was protected at all times but he hadn't driven down to these areas in the longest time and it wasn't appealing. 

"I'm going to meet a friend.." Louis told him, not taking his eyes off the road as he finally approached Garden Road. It was a little, tiny road that was closed off right at the end so he had to park up outside the flat blocks. "You stay here, okay?"

"Sure thing, let me know if you need anything." Alberto nodded as Louis ran off towards the dirty flat block. It wasn't the most glamorous place, it was a red and white building and it stood quite tall with a balcony for each apartment. He was sure these one of those low budget flats that stunk of pee inside and he was internally cringing and considering backing down. He hadn't been in one of these areas for ages and it was making him a little queasy but he fought against the feeling and stepped into the building.

He rang the doorbell for Harry's flat since he didn't know the code to get into the whole building and hoped that Harry was home.

After a few minutes of waiting anxiously, someone spoke through the intercom but it didn't sound like Harry at all. "Who is it?" The deep, raspy voice spoke like he had just rolled out of bed and Louis realised, straight away, it was Dalton. For a second, he was dumbfounded because he had never expected to actually be so close to someone who had ruined his best friend and his life. He was suddenly so close to someone he had despised all his 3 years.

He paused, exhaling sharply. "I'm Louis Tomlinson."

"The who?"

Louis was a little surprised that Dalton didn't know who he is considering the fact the media could never shut up about him. He ignored him. "I'm here to see Harry."

He heard Harry in the back asking. "Who is it babe?" And Louis had to squeeze his eyes shut, he didn't even know why he was doing this anymore.

"Some guy called Louis?" Dalton replied.

There was a pause and Louis thought he had been disconnected and just before he had backed away, Dalton spoke again. "Why you here?"

"I... just want to see Harry?"

"Alright, come through. Codes 1245." And with that, the intercom was shut off and Louis punched in the keys that made the flat door swing open.

It was much better inside than he had thought it would be. It didn't smell, it wasn't messy or ugly but rather, it was decorated and painted. The walls were a nice cream colour with mint green decorations as he got the lift to the 6th floor where Harry lived. He was a little more anxious now, his heart racing and his palms sweating - the feeling he got just before he went on stage and it was nervewracking.

He finally found the door labelled clearly '78' and rang the doorbell, standing back and clasping his hands together to try and calm his nerves down. There was quite a bit of shuffling behind the door, a little squeal before Dalton opened the door and for the first time in three years, he was face to face to the guy who had stolen Harry's heart. The guy who Harry was completely gone for, completely whipped over and the guy who made Harry happy. And for a second, Louis was envious of Dalton. He was a lot older, just like he's been described, but he was attractive. He had a oval face shape, just the right bit of beard on him with a lip piercing and piercing green eyes. Louis shifted uncomfortably on his feet, not sure what to say to the guy who had made Louis's life misery whether he knew it or not.

"Huh, you're the famous kid, aren't you?" Dalton scrunched his eyebrows together, looking confused as he opened the door further to take a better look at Louis, yet not inviting him in.

Louis laughed, coughing. "Erm, yeah, I guess you could say that."

"How the fuck did Harry bag himself a friend like you?" Dalton asked, probably not realising just how rude that sounded. It wasn't really downgrading Louis, instead it sounded insulting to Harry like he wasn't capable of making a friend that was famous, like he wasn't worth it.

Louis tried to control his breathing, tried to keep a smile on his face. "We used to know each other since school."

"You did, yeah? That's funny, Harry never mentioned you at all."

Louis tried not to change his facial expression. "Yeah, that's good for you mate. I came here to see Harry, where is he?"

"Harry's just doing a little something, he'll be out in a minute. I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about." Dalton smirked, moving out of the way and gesturing for Louis to come in. Louis was a little surprised at how small the apartment is, leading straight to the living room which is connected to the kitchen and dining table. There was only one bedroom which was locked and shut and Louis realised Harry was in there. He tried not to think about what he could be doing when he knew Louis was here as Louis made himself comfortable on the sofas.

Dalton sat right opposite him, not taking his eyes off Louis. "You're famous man, it feels weird to have someone like you in my apartment." It sounded like a compliment but with the smirk that wasn't fading from Dalton's face, it seemed a little rude and Louis tried not to squirm. There was something about this guy that was making him uneasy and made him want to run a mile.

Louis tried to relax, tried to remind himself he had more power over this guy and could destroy him if he wanted to with his money. It probably wasn't the best thought, using his status and fame as an advantage but it automatically happened when he stumbled across people like so.

"You know, just here for Harry," he reminded him with a slight chuckle and he noticed Dalton's eyes darkened.

"Right, of course you are. How's your singing going?"

"It's erm... good," Louis said.

"I remember Harry telling me he got some tickets for a singer or something a year ago, we didn't have an idea who you are."

Louis gulped, letting the words sink in. Had Harry pretended he didn't even know who Louis was in front of Dalton? That seemed to hurt him more than he expected as he sank down on the couch, smiling fading. "Oh."

"Now, you turn up for Harry. So, obviously Hazza baby was lying." Dalton chuckled, a hint of something deeper in his voice. "I wonder what's taking him so long."

Just on cue, the bedroom door and Harry wobbled out. His face was written all over in discomfort, flinching with each move and not a single hint of smile on his face as he went over and sat right besides Dalton. He finally looked up to Louis and all Louis could see was worry in his bottle green eyes and it made Louis even more anxious. He wanted to know what was going on. Had he walked right in between an argument or something? There was thick, clear tension in the air and it made Louis even more uncomfortable. This was definitely the last time he was going to turn up here. The weight of the necklace sat in Louis's back pocket but now, he didn't even dare giving it.

"Here you are, baby boy," Dalton said, his voice seductive as he latched onto Harry's inner thigh and planted a kiss right on Harry's lip, in front of Louis. Louis looked away, looking down on his lap and fiddling with his fingers. He would rather be anywhere than here right now, he would rather be sitting with the head of Modest management right now and that was saying a lot considering how much he hated it.

Harry just smiled lovingly up to Dalton like he didn't see anyone else in the world, like Louis wasn't even sitting here and waiting. Finally, Harry turned his attention to him and smiled too. "What brings you here Louis?" Harry was talking to him like he didn't even matter, like he was coming in the way of something.

Louis cleared his throat. He considering for a second what to say. He definitely didn't want to mention the two meetings they've already had because it was certain that Dalton had no idea and he didn't want to mess things up, that wasn't his place. He was also afraid of mentioning just how close their friendship was because yet again, Dalton was completely oblivious to the fact. Maybe Harry was ashamed, embarrassed that he used to know Louis which is why he never brought it up to his boyfriend.

"I just wanted to catch up, see how you're doing," Louis lied straight through his teeth.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm good, yeah.." Louis's voice hesitated, his eyes flicking back and forth between the couple, unsure where to look. He was a bit afraid of looking straight into Harry's right now and a little shattered to do so.

"That's great, is there any reason why you're here?"

"No, I just didn't have anything to do and was curious to stop by."

"How do you know where we live?" Dalton asked, a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"We... erm, I asked around the neighbourhood."


"Me and my security guard, Alberto."

"Oh," Dalton smirked, "has Louis got his own security guard now?"

Louis felt a little intimidated but didn't let it show. Who did Dalton think he is by talking to him like that? Didn't he realise who exactly Louis was? "Of course, I got a whole selection of them."

"Selection? Do you pick and choose who you want every other day, yeah?"

Louis chuckled a little at how annoyed Dalton sounded, for no good reason. He stole a quick, sneaky glance at Harry who was squirming and fiddling on the couch non stop and it looked a little unusual. Dalton looked down at him, smiling fondly and lightly giving a squeeze to Harry's inner thigh and Louis couldn't help but think how cute they actually are. Harry relaxed, didn't move a bit after that and it was obvious it was all down to how gentle Dalton was.

"Not really, each security guard has different roles." Louis decided to explain the whole boring situation since Dalton was so concerned and curious. "Alberto is just for when I'm doing errands and practically lives next door to me.. also with me today and then I have different ones for events and what not."

"Little rich boy, ain't ya?" Dalton smirked and Harry closed his eyes. It was clear that Harry didn't like how he was talking to Louis but he didn't say anything, didn't even open his mouth. Louis wanted him to say something, stop Dalton from talking to him like this but he wasn't expecting anything.

"Of course, if you say so." Louis shrugged, a huge grin playing at his lips. "Money's not a problem in this world."

Harry shifted around once again and he was met by a sharp slap down on his thighs. Obviously, Dalton didn't mean to tap it so harshly and hard but it made Harry jump. "Oh, shit, sorry babe but can you sit properly please?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to move so much. I'm just... so hungry."

Dalton's smile grew. "Of course you are, it's okay. Just relax yeah? I'm sorry again cupcake."

Louis rolled his eyes at the sweet names Dalton was calling him because they were the same names he used for Harry when he was younger. He didn't like the fact that he has now been replaced, in all ways possible. Plus, it was quite sickening to see a young couple so loved up, right in front of his eyes. 

"Harry, why don't you go and prepare us some dinner? You're hungry, right? I think we should allow Louis to stay for food, don't you think?"

Harry didn't even argue, agreeing instantly and jumping from the sofa and it became apparent that Harry was the one who did the cooking around here. He turned around, giving a quite glance to Louis and smiled at him. It was one of them reassuring, sorry smiles that made Louis's heart melt and he returned the small smile. But, it was a little annoying how Harry was going off to cook now and leaving Louis here with Dalton. He didn't even want to talk to Dalton considering how uneasy he felt around him. 

"Dalton, I don't mean to be rude but really I came here to see Harry. Not you." Louis said, frowning.

"Of course, you can help Harry in the kitchen." He gave him permission, dismissing him with his hands as Louis followed Harry into the kitchen. It was like he needed to know if it was okay with Dalton before he could follow Harry and that worried him a little bit but he pushed the thought at the back of his mind.

When they reached the kitchen, they didn't even say a word as Louis leaned against the counter and watched Harry get to work. He pulled out a bag of pasta, different vegetables including onion and bell peppers and then brought out some chicken to use as well. Louis watched him worked, stealing glances when Harry leaned down and his perfect butt was on display but he quickly looked away before Harry could notice.

After a few minutes, Dalton got up, wandering off in the bathroom which is when Harry finally turned to Louis and frowned. "What games are you playing at?"

Louis had been expecting him to say something more welcoming, explaining his strange behaviour when he ran out of the house 3 days ago. Yet, he was faced with a boy who seemed confused and horrified at the fact another boy was standing in his apartment. Louis was confused, pulling his eyebrows together. "What do you mean Harry? I just came to see if you're okay since tha-"

He didn't even get a chance to finish off his sentence, Harry cutting in and interrupting. "Do you want to ruin mine and Dalton's relationship?" His voice was barely audible, nothing more than a whisper.

"How am I ruining it if I just came to see you?"

"Because you just can't turn up, out of nowhere!"

"I had no other way of contacting you, Harry! And I was worried, genuinely worried about what happened and where you were." He paused. "I'm ruining it because you lied about not knowing me and I turn up out of nowhere, right?"

Harry ignored his last comment. "You haven't got anything to worry about! I have a perfect boyfriend and a perfect little life here and I don't need people from the past thinking they can mess it up for me!"

Louis was beyond agitated now, not even sure what he had done wrong. He was just here to check up on Harry considering his overprotective nature. "Harry, are you hearing yourself right now?"

The bathroom door lock was unlocked and Harry's eyes widened, he turned out and began pulling out different ingredients. Louis groaned. "You don't need to cook, I can order you guys take out?" He suggested. He could see how worked up Harry was and it was probably not the best mood to be cooking in.

Harry looked at Louis. "I don't think Dalton will like that. He prefers healthy cooking and he loves the taste of my cooking."

"I'm sure one day won't matter. Dalton can break his little diet for a day." Louis scoffed. 

"He'll think you're here to rub your money in our faces. After all, look at the state of this place."

Before Louis could reply, Dalton came up behind Harry and wrapped his long, slender around his waist from behind. "What you making for us babe?" He asked Harry, whispering before chuckling and dropping Harry a soft, tender kiss right on the jaw which Harry completely relaxed into, looking peaceful. 

"I'm making that healthy pasta you love." Harry hummed happily. He had already brought the water to the boil and had put in the pasta. 

Louis looked away, fiddling with his phone and awkwardly replying to a few friends to avoid the fact that there was people making out practically in front of him. He really didn't want to be here, he really didn't want to be faced with this.

"Mmm, you know exactly how to please me. Love you baby. If you need anything, I'll be in my bedroom." He winked before giving Louis a nod and walking off. 

They were finally alone, finally given some peace and it made Louis feel so much better. He felt like he could finally say what he wanted to without overthinking each word and incase he tripped up. He has no idea how Harry has with this guy. Louis was literally scared of him. But, he kind of liked the way he treated Harry - with respect, with the up most respect like he was afraid of hurting Harry and it was sweet. It was refreshing to see Harry was happy as much as it hurt Louis to admit it.

Harry had a deep red blush growing on his cheeks and he was glowing now, his features lit up as he worked to cut up the onions. 

"Harry.." Louis sighed, moving across and stopping Harry from picking up the pasta packet. "Honestly, we can order takeaway."

"It's fine, 'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're like, overly happy now."

"You shouldn't of come here. You should of waited for me to come back." Harry changed the subject, his voice rock hard and emotionless. The smile faded off his face  and all of a sudden, his guard was up and he didn't even look up from the vegetables he was cutting.

"It had been three days! I was worried, I had no idea what had happened!"

"So you could wait and not care for three whole years but all of a sudden, three days is too difficult for you? Really?" Harry's word stung as Louis took a step back. He was a little shocked by the words that had flown from Harry's mouth and had no idea what to think.

It was clear, he wasn't wanted here. It was like this place was just for Harry and Dalton and he had interrupted something for which, he felt bad. But not only that, Harry kept reminding him that he shouldn't come here and he shouldn't be here and he hated it.

Louis shrugged. "I just wanted to make it okay because it had gone wrong one too many times. But, I can see where I'm not wanted." He edged towards the door, smiling sadly. "I'll see you around Harry."

"No wait! Don't leave!" Harry practically cried, his volume shooting up as he frantically tried to stop Louis but he just shook his head. "I didn't mean it Lou, don't go." He added, slowly and pathetically pouting.

"It's just different now. Have fun with your dinner." Louis simply spat, leaving the door and leaving before anything could be said to stop him and keep him there.

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