Secrets {Zianourry Zayn Centr...

By paige_ttt

96.3K 2.2K 934

Faking a smile is easier than explaining why you're sad. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~

~Chapter 16~

3.4K 86 30
By paige_ttt

"After every storm comes a rainbow, right?"


Despite his many tries, Zayn wasn't able to get his phone from Liam until today, two weeks later. Liam had stopped with his ridiculous demands like holding a hand to cross the street, but he was still pretty strict about not leaving without a security detail.

Zayn had tried to take his mind off of the conversation he had with Harry in the car, but his mind kept wandering back to the fact that the boys viewed him as an attention seeker. It wasn't true, but Zayn thought so.

He scrolled through his missed calls, a few from his sister, some from his friends, but one caught his eye. It was an unfamiliar number that he had never seen before in his entire life from two weeks ago. He played the voicemail.

'Hello, this is the Penrose Hospital calling to inform Zayn Malik of the condition of Trisha and Yaser Malik as well as the condition of their two children. Please give us a call back when you recieve this message. Thank you.'

Zayn's heart froze. He hurriedly called the number back trying to convince himself that everything was okay, but he knew it wasn't.

"Hi, is this the Penrose Hospital? I'm Zayn. I'm calling about my family, The Malik family?" Zayn rushed out pacing around the small bathroom. The man asked him a few clarification questions before switching him over to a different line. The dumb waiting music rang out, but Zayn was too worried to care. After what felt like forever, Zayn heard a female voice on the othere end.

"Hi, I'm Beth. What can I help you with today?"

"I'm calling about the condition of the Malik family?" Zayn said for what seemed like the hundreth time that day. There was a small silence while she looked up the file number, but it seemed like forever to Zayn.

"Right, two girls were admitted two weeks ago with the last name due to a car accident; they were released nine days ago to the guardian Doniya Malik. Is that all?" Beth informed him in a voice that seemed too sweet to be real.

"Um, no. What about the two adults, Trisha and Yaser?" Zayn questioned with a terrible feeling in his gut. He tried to prepare himself for the worst, but he knew that he would never be ready.

"Oh, I'm so sorry love. They're dead."


Hey guys! This one is a bit short, but I hope you enjoyed anyway! Also, question of the day:







Did you actually think that I would leave the chapter here? lol


Zayn dropped his phone, his hands were shaking. He was frozen.

He could still hear the faint voice of Beth on his phone, but he didn't care.

They were gone.

The realization set in and he found himself on the floor in tears, fisting his hair, breaking everything around him. He was so far gone that he didn't hear the pounding upon his door or the worried voices behind it. All he cared about was his parents, and they were gone.

Black spots clouded his vision until he didn't see anything else. He wished he was gone.


Zayn woke up in his bed with a wet cloth pressed to his head. Confusedly, he took the cloth off. Then, everything came back to him. The car accident, his sisters, his parents.

He felt his eyes refill with tears. If only he had taken the chance to see them again, or answer the call, but no. He refused to visit his parents because he was scared. He was a coward.

A dumb, good for nothing, selfish, ugly, attention seeking coward. He loathed himself. He wished he was never born.

Out of anger, he knocked over the lamp he had on his nightstand and flipped it. He was going to destroy the entire room, but then he stopped in a moment of realization. He had no right to be angry; it was his fault.

He walked out of the room and hid when he heard the boys coming up. After they passed him, Zayn set out downstairs and dug through the cabinets until he found the bottle of vodka he hid a long time ago. It was only filled about a quarter of the way tops, but he knew the boys would be disappointed nonetheless due to the fact that he had to go to rehab for alcohol. Still, he couldn't find it within himself to set the bottle down.

He chugged what was left  ignoring the burn in his throat, the guilt, and bad taste, but it didn't help much. He was numb.

He knew he was giving himself away when he smashed the bottle, but he didn't care. He took a shard of glass and began slicing open his arm. He didn't cry. He just sat there with a dazed look on his face.

The boys rushed downstairs upon hearing the crash, but only Liam walked in. He was stunned.

"Zee, I need you to stay right where you are. Okay? I'm coming," Liam said approaching the dazed boy. Thankfully, Zayn didn't move, but Liam couldn't say he wasn't disappointed when he smelled the alcohol.

Everytime Liam got too close, Zayn scooted away. "Lovey, I'm not mad. I just want to help you," Liam sighed getting slightly aggitated. Finally Zayn allowed Liam to take away the piece of glass and pick him up, but he didn't say a word.

As Liam walked out, he gave the boys a look that prevented them from asking further questions while he carried Zayn to the bathroom to disinfect his wounds. He pulled out the rubbing alcohol and warned Zayn that it might sting a little. Zayn didn't flinch.

"Bubba, what happened?" Liam questioned finishing up the wraps around Zayn's arm. Liam knew something must have set Zayn off, but he wouldn't give a verbal response. Instead, Zayn felt his eyes well up with tears as he remembered what happened, but he refused to let them fall. His memory flicked back to the car ride on the way to the interview. He was not going to be an attention seeker.

"Nothing. I'm fine," Zayn said with an unreadable look on his face. He tried to walk away, but Liam pulled him back.

"That wasn't nothing. I only want to help," Liam pleaded, but Zayn just looked away so Liam couldn't see the tears in his eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it."

With that, Zayn headed upstairs into his room still kinda out of it due to the alcohol from earlier. He flopped onto his bed with the urge to scream, but he refrained. Instead, he called Doniya.


"Doniya, where were our parents going when they got into the car wreck?" Zayn questioned wasting no time.

"Zayn, I've been calling you for the past two weeks!"

"I said, where were they going?" Zayn asked ignoring the previous statement Doniya had made. "Zayn, it doesn't matt-"

"Where the fuck were they going?" Zayn cut her off though by now he knew. He just needed her confirmation.

"They were taking the girls on a road trip to surprise you," Doniya sighed.

Zayn hung up.

Maybe this was all a dream. Maybe he could just fall asleep, and everything would be okay when he woke up.

He tucked himself into the many blankets he had in order to replace the warmth from one of his boyfriends he was craving. He was determined to erase the fact that he was an attention seeker from their minds.

Rolling over, Zayn cried himself into one of the most restless sleeps he ever had.



Zayn looked around in what seemed like a car until a flash of light blinded him for a brief moment.

When he opened his eyes, his whole family was trapped in the car with none of them consious except for his dad. He was the one Zayn was always closest to, not that he didn't absolutely love his mom.

"Hey son, help me. Please help me," he said reaching out for Zayn. Zayn tried to reach out to help him, but his feet wouldn't move no matter how hard he tried.

"Hold on dad, I'm coming," Zayn said with tears filling up his eyes. He pulled and pushed, but he couldn't reach him in time.

Then he watched his father die, and he couldn't save him.


Zayn shot up with sweat beaded on his forehead. He had tears stained on his cheek as he rolled over to check the time. 2:24 a.m.

He rolled over and tried to fall back asleep, but he had no avail. Finally, after tossing and turning, Zayn sat up accepting the fact that he wouldn't get any sleep. He reached out and grabbed his phone, and then saw a small plate with half of one of his favorite cookies and a small note.

'Hope you enjoy this cookie! Or at least part of it, Niall ate the other half. I made it myself. I really hope you can come out soon. Love you! -Harry

......And me! Oh wait, Niall. Me is Niall.

P.S. Eat all of it because I will be sad if you don't because that means you hate my baking.

P.SS Or don't because I really like these cookies and I'm hungry

PP.SS. What does P.S. mean? I have to go because Harry will get suspectious? suspicuous? I don't know how to spell it. You know what I mean! Anyway, bye

Zayn felt his lips twitch up to form a small smile. He seriously loves them. He also loves the fact that he could picture exactly how this went down. Judging by the extra long tail at the end of the 'e'. Harry probably took the pencil away from Niall at the end.

Zayn allowed himself to nibble on the cookie in hopes to make his small headache part ways. Finally, Zayn got up and made his way to Harry's room to find Niall clinging onto Harry while Harry played the role of the big spoon. After contemplating for a moment, Zayn decided not to disturb them.

He walked into what he thought was Liam's room, but once he saw the bedframe it clearly was Louis' room. Zayn went to walk out, but Louis stopped him.

"Wait, you can sleep here. Actually, will you sleep here?" Louis questioned with a hint of nerves present in his voice. Ever since Louis found those letters, he and Zayn were not exactly on speaking terms. It wasn't that Louis didn't want to be, but it always felt awkward trying to start up a conversation. Surprisingly, Zayn didn't reject the offer.

Slowly, Zayn made his way onto the bed and into Louis' awaiting arms. Then, they sat in silence. It wasn't awkward nor peaceful, just quiet.

Zayn had a lot on his mind and was contemplating whether or not he was willing to share, but Louis pulled him out of his thoughts.

"You know, awhile ago I made a hard decision. It was probably the most important decision of my life, and I definitely had a hard time making it. I could either move on, or stay exactly where I was. Seems pretty easy right? Well, it wasn't. I felt like I was dying. Like the thoughts in my mind were working together to destroy me. I knew I needed to talk to someone, but I couldn't. I wanted to stay strong. I didn't want to look like a baby," Louis paused to compose himself.

"Then, I did something bad. Something that I'm not even willing to say out loud to this day, and someone caught me in the bathroom. I was afraid that this stranger would judge me and hate me, but then that someone told me that sometimes you don't have to be strong. Everyone needs someone to talk to, and it doesn't make you any less than anyone else. After talking to him, I was able to get over her death. That someone was Harry, and god I love him. I love him so goddamn much. Just like I love you. And my mum," Louis sniffed wiping his tears away.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've been where you are, and I know how it feels," Louis finished not really sure why he felt the need to share his story at this moment.

"How did you- just like that? How did you get rid of the sadness?" Zayn questioned desperate to be able to move on just like he did.

"By surrounding myself with happiness, why?" Louis asked hoping that Zayn would give him an answer instead of shutting him out.

"The-They're gone, Louis," Zayn choked out with tears streaming down his face. "They're gone."

"Oh, lovey," Louis sighed bringing Zayn closer to his chest. He knew exactly who Zayn was talking about. Zayn gladly took the support and continued sobbing. It was like he was finally able to talk to someone that understood, like a weight was being lifted off of his shoulders.

By the time Zayn's cries were reduced to sniffles, Louis' shirt was soaked, but he didn't care.

Louis had given Zayn a light at the end of the tunnel.

Real A/N


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so long. The wifi is down, so I couldn't publish the chapter when I wanted to. This lead to a really long chapter because I was able to continue writing when the chapter should have been done a thousand words ago. I apologize for my lack of self control and laziness because this isn't edited. Also, this book is coming to an end. I just have to write the epilogue, and I will be done!

I'm probably not going to write a sequel just because there is nowhere else for this book to go, but anything can happen.

If you have a new story plot in mind for a new book for me to write, just leave a comment at the end of this paragraph. I'm open to all ideas! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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