Our Pack is Our Family (Hiatu...

By heyimcorie

30.5K 749 193

This is a very lgbtqia inspired book. Everyone knows about everyone's sexuality or identity. Stiles is pack... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (*smut*)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
NEW STORY (not a chapter)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
*Not a chapter*
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Dear Readers

Chapter 7

1.2K 33 9
By heyimcorie

This chapter is really fucking long, enjoy. Also, sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes 😊

Ugh, my head hurts so much, maybe putting wolfbaine in the alcohol wasn't a good idea. Where am I? Maybe I should open my eyes and check?. I quickly open them but regret it instantly, Fuck it's so bright. I blink a few times to adjust my eyes and I notice I'm in mine and Derek's room, naked with Derek's arms around me. I never sleep fully naked, god I do not miss being able to get drunk. Wait isn't God technically my grandad? I'll ask Gabe.

"Ugh my head hurts!" I hear Derek mumble into my back.

"No shit sherlock. You got drunk, your heads gonna hurt." I state turning around to face him. I don't mind derek seeing me naked, I mean he's my mate and he loves me for me not the way I look. I only sleep in a shirt because the pups come in a lot.

"Shut up babe!" He growls pulling me closer to his chest, one hand resting on my ass, squeezing it a little. If he thinks he can squeeze my ass and growl at me he's got another thing coming.

"Or what sourwolf?" I start to trail me hand down his bicep. "You gonna rip me throat out... with your teeth?" I trail my hand to his pecks and pinch his nipples hard.

"Stiles, ouch. Babe I'm not in the mood" he grumbles squeezing my ass even harder.

"Oh really? Then why are you squeezing my ass? If you keep on I might not be able to control myself." I slowly lower my hand down his torso.

"Mmm babe, the pups and your family are around the house, we shouldn't." His hand that wasn't on my ass is now squeezing my other ass-cheek.

"I'm pretty sure we had sex last night, multiple times by the feel of it. I think we can squeeze another round in." I gently grab his cock and caress the tip.

"Wait how many times do you think we did it?" His hands stop massaging my ass as he suddenly questions.

"I dont know. Why? You're ruining the mood Der-bear." He growls and gets out of bed walking to the en-suite bathroom. I hear him open the cupboard, the I hear the thump of him dropping something.

"Stiles, how many condoms did we have left?"

"6, why?"

"Because there's still six in this box. And we definitely had sex last night."

Oh shit. That means I could be... Fuck alphas, there stupid status meaning my hormones don't work when it comes to not getting yunno...

" Der what if I'm... we've never talked fully about this! Do you want kids? Are we ready for kids? Are we-" derek rushes in and kisses me, getting me your shut up.

"Yes I want kids, and babe we run a pack, we are parents already. I've seen you with babies, stiles, you're a natural. We got this. And hey you might not even be pregnant. Now let's go get dressed and get breakfast. God knows what the house looks like or what happened when we came upstairs." What derek just said made me smile, I honeslty love him so much. But damn my head ache is getting worse. Ugh. I flop back down into bed and earn a chuckle from derek. He throws some clothes on top of me whilst putting some sweat pants on. I slowly put my clothes on, glaring slightly at every move thanks to my hangover headache.

Once i finally make it out the room, I honestly don't care for my binder right now - can you blame me though, it's a struggle fighting with my binder and every slight move of my head increases my headache- it's all good though cuz everyone that was invited knows I'm transgender and respect it.

Holy! Shiiiiiit! What happened? Loads of random pack members were passed out on the floor drunk, some where naked. Solo cups and food lie everywhere. And I can't seem to find my pack, though they might be in there rooms, I can still sense their presence so I'm calm for now. I think my headache is so bad cuz the pups must have headaches too, god damn it. Everywhere looked the same- random packs everywhere, solo cups and food rubbish scattered around, and a few bits of broken furniture here and there.

Me and derek trudge to the kitchen and we find my mum making a massive pot of coffee. COFFEEEEEEE!

As quickly as I can I make my way to the the coffee, poor myself a massive pint of coffee, add 7 sugars and some milk and down it. Ah coffee.

"Slow down there kid, bad enough you have ADHD." My old dad, Noah, says walking in with Mrs McCall. They don't seem hungover, just tired.

"I'll be fine pops, besides I gotta start a massive breakfast for all the packs so I need the energy and I need to do something to distract me from the fact all my pups have headaches and it's making mine worse. So coffee helps." After I finish derek comes over to me and tries to pull my pain but had to flitch away a soon as he starts.

"Stiles, babe, stop. I'll make breakfast you go lie down. I'm sure Melissa and Cas will happily help me make breakfast." He tries to sooth me but I refuse to let him help.

"Babe my job as Luna is to feed and make sure my pack are okay, make sure our den is clean and comforting and be there when they need me. It's not my job to just sit around whilst other people do my job. So I will make the breakfast, you go wake the pack up. Let the other packs wake up by themselves, plus hey will all probably wake up once they smell bacon." He just nods - knowing there's no changing my mind-, kisses my forehead and goes around the house finding the pups. Right I need bacon, eggs, toast, beans, sausages, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, mushrooms, French toast and fruit. Damn that's a lot of food,good think I picked up 5 times more then we usually get.

Half way through making breakfast half the pups are fully awake, I've roped Isaac, Melissa, Mum, Mason and Lydia into helping make breakfast as well as some Lunas  from the other packs. In the corner of my eye I can see Brett and Theo walking in, that's old where's Liam.

"Hey pups, where's the other amigo?" I ask as curiosity got the better of me.

"He wasn't with us when Dad woke us up so we thought he was with you but he's not." Brett states and I drop the frying pan.

"What!" I yell probably waking everyone in the house up. If it weren't for my headache I'd be able to tell if liam is okay. "What do you mean he's not with you? Search the house! NOW!" And every pup- mine or not- looks round the house. I swear to god liam is never drinking again, as soon as i find him I'm grounding his ass for a century. Derek comes down with a distraught look on his face.

"Stiles grab your shoes we gotta look round the reserve." Usually he wouldn't let me go but because of my powers it's easier to find people, plus there's lots of packs here.

"OKAY EVERYBODY LISTEN UP, PETER, CHRIS, KIRA, SCOTT, BOYD, JACKSON, BRETT, THEO AND HE TWIN YOU'RE COMING WITH. IF ANYONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO COME, YOUR HELP WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. THIS RESERVE STRETCH OF THE WHOLE OF BEACON HILLS. THE REST OF YOU HAVE BREAKFAST AND PROTECT THE PACK HOUSE." I can tell my eyes are red and I can see the the lights breaking around me but right now I don't care. And I swear to god if it's those hunters imma murder them all. Good thing Gabe has been teaching me how to control my 'pack mamma' mode else I would have flipped by now. Derek throws me my shoes and everyone is ready to leave. All the alphas from the other pack know we've had a bit of trouble with some hunters and they all are outside awaiting orders to help.

"MUMMM!" mason screams running out the house. He runs straight into my arms. "COREY... BED... SLEEPWALKING... GONE"

"Mason breath then tell me." I calmly say. And after a few seconds he's calm enough to talk.

"Corey wasn't in bed when I woke but thats normal since he's always sleepwalking. But when you were ordering people to help look for Liam he wasn't around. I got Jackson to see if he can smell him but he couldn't. Corey's gone too." I hold him tighter and look to everyone. Those fucking hunters, I'm gonna kill every last one of them.

"Mason go back inside and inform the rest of the packs! Stiles calm down, your anger won't help. We need a plan." Derek orders. I can see the other alphas and betas nod in agreement. And I hold mason tighter, not wanting to let him go, he smells like Corey.

"Stiles, buddy come on. You're gonna crush your pup." My dad says slowly walking over to me.  I look as mason and realise how tight I'm holding him. I let him go then run into dereks arms.

"Hey stiles it's okay, you're okay. We're gonna get those fucking hunters and kill every last one of them. But we can't go in, guns blazing. We don't know how many there are or where they are for that matter." Derek grumbles whilst rubbing my back trying to sooth my anger. He's right, there's a higher chance of us all getting killed if we just attack now. We need a plan, a strategy. Come on, stiles think, do it for your pups. Come on! Well we have a hunter in out basement, let's start there.

"Okay, we need to interrogate the hunter we have locked up. Dad and Sam you guys try first as you're hunters. I'd ask Chris but they know he's on our side. Once we get the information we need we will think of a plan." I demand slowly getting out of dereks grip.

"Okay my pack, training is doubled. No arguments. Those hunters got us when out guard was down, all defensive my go up. You do not leave the house alone, even if it's just going to the store to grab milk, always take at least one other pack members with you. Maybe even 2. Always tell us where you are going." The pups nod, a couple are whimpering at the thought of their pack members being taken.

"Other packs, you are welcome to go back to your territories or stay and help. Obviously some of you guys are from around the world so your tickets will expire soon. We have accommodation for the ones who will stay." I continue for Derek.

"Now everyone back inside. Dean, Sam, you no what to do." And with that we head of to are respected destinations. Inside breakfast is served, all the packs are scattered around the downstairs eating. Everyone must have heard what we said as no one is moving to ask anything. The people who were gonna help grab breakfast and I kindly thank the lunas that helped and Melissa, the pups and my mum. I notice Brett and Theo huddled together not eating anything. So I go over to them and hand them my plate of food.

"Hey pups. Eat! You need to be strong for when we fight the hunters." I order. They just whimper but don't move to eat.

"Mummy, he's gone and we didn't notice." Theo crumbles, Brett holds him tighter as Theo sobs. I quickly sit down next to them in the sofa and pulls them both to my chest, realising that I haven't got my binder on.

"Baby, it's okay. Well find him. We were all drunk, we all didn't notice. There's almost 100 people here, most of them werewolves, and none of us noticed. Well find him. I promise not only as your Luna but as your mum." I hold them as they both start sobbing. I see some Lunas looking over sympathetically and I give them a little nod.

2 hours later, every pack stayed but only a few from each as they need some people to go back. If a luna stayed the Alpha went home and vise versa. They left a few of their strongest betas too. Good thing have a main pack house and have started to build more houses around its for the pups when they get older and start a family. 2 hours later and dad and Sam finally come back with information. Though I've just noticed my mum was with them.

"Okay so at first he didn't cracking, but we got cas to come in and we go the hunter talking. The hunter said that there are at least 15-20 of them still." Dad starts.

"Did they say why they are attacking my pack? Specifically Liam and Corey?" Derek questions, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That's the thing, this hunter isn't sure. He said it might be to do with you guys being gay or the fact Liam and Corey are Transgender. He said he doesn't know much he just follows orders. The boys who where bullying Liam and Corey where the sons of the main hunter in charge. Which I'm think those boys are the reason the hunters are after you guys, Liam and Corey specifically." Sam continues.  That's so fucked up.

"So your saying that of the boys found out about liam and Corey being werewolf and didn't like them already because they are transgender. They could have told their parents and their parents could have told the rest of the hunters, causing these attacks?" I then question. Sam and dad nod. Those fucking cunts. Imma murder each and every one of them.

"Whats the next move?" One of the lunas, sage, asks.

"Well the next thing I'm gonna go is have a lil chat with this hunter we have. Derek will start training, other packs are more then welcome to join or go off and train their pups. After all, you guys know your pups better, you know the best ways to train your pups." I wait for a response from everyone then leave to talk to this hunter and I quickly grab some food. We may hate those hunters but that doesn't mean we should starve or harm them. We're the good guys after all.

God this basement is creepy. All the rats and the cobwebs don't help either. I quickly make my way to the cell we put the hunter in.

"So you don't know the reason for them taking my pups, right?" I sinisterly ask, hiding a little in the shadows. I can smell his fear already, he must know it's me, but that was the point.

"I don't!" He screeches, crawling back a little to lean against the back wall.

"I'm guessing you're hungry right now, as you haven't had breakfast. I have food with me if you want it. So why don't you take a guess as to why my pups where taken." I place the plate on the floor and slislide it just our of reach from the barred, cell door. I can hear the packs training outside but I can sense derek at the entrance of the basement. He's to far away but I can smell slight arousal coming from him. Cheeky sourwolf.

"Come on, little hunter. Take a guess. The food's not poisoned I promise. And hey if you answer correctly I might even let you go. I mean someone's got to inform the other hunters that the luna of the Hale Pack isn't human. I'll tell you what I am and I'll give you the food if you just take. A. Guess." I start growling at the end, getting a little frustrated.

"I few years ago the boys snitched of one of their frnds as soon as they found out hey were gay. A couple days after the poor kid was found dead in his room from suspected suicide but I knew the truth. The main hunter, is a homophobic, transphobic bitch, if he knows anyone who's even bi-curious he'll murder them. The boys are the same. Their dad killed the gay kid, along with other hunters and made it seem like a suicide. I was supposed to help kill him, but I made an excuse I couldn't kill him. If he betrayed us then yes I would but just in can't kill him for just being gay. Especially when I'm gay myself. The boys hate supernatural creature and anyone who isn't cis gender and straight. That's probably why the hunters are coming after your pack." Wow that um wow. I pass him his food. And he gingerly takes it.

"Thank you for your cooperation. My family appreciate it. Once this whole thing is over we might let you go. But if what you say is correct I may know a guy who will take you in. Do you have a family?" He nods whilst stuffing his mouth with cold half cold breakfast leftovers sandwich. I go to say something but he swallowed his food and beats me too it.

"Save them! They aren't in the wrong. My husband and 2 daughters live in the house 6 houses down from you." He quickly takes his wallet out and pulls out a picture. " If they aren't in the house, then they are training with the hunters. This is what they look like, save them even if it means you offer my life for theirs."

"How's do you have a husband and kids?" I question, finding it oddly suspicious.

"He's been my best friend since I was 6 and he was 8. We get away with it because they just think we are roommates,  we are never affectionate in public. My daughters are adopted, they are kids of fallen hunters we've taken in as we have the living space. They know about me and Nat and we secretly adopted them."

"I'm sorry you have to hide. I'll talk with the packs. Your information is highly appreciated, I'm sure we can save your family. Now is that all? Do you know anything else?" He shakes his head and hands me the picture.

"Thank you, you're giving me and my family a chance to be free. I am undeniably grateful." I nod and head out to find derek still standing there. He gives me a little nod as a hello, then I turn to the packs.

"Lets get these sons of fucking bitches!"

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