Fallen Angels || Destiel High...

By wingsandhunters

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Destiel Highschool AU where its Castiel and his family have been living on Kansas for three and a half years... More

Authors Note before i start writing this story!!
Chapter one: A day in the life of Castiel Novak
Chapter Two - That new kid
Chapter 3 - Baby in a Trenchcoat
Chapter 4 - The start of a new friendship
Chapter 5 - Confessions of a drama queen
Chapter 6 - An unexpected relationship (sabriel chapter)
Chapter 7 - the party from hell and strange revelations
Chapter 8- i will miss you
Chapter 9 - a new job
Chapter 11 - the letter
Chapter 12 - you used me!
Chapter 13 - i cant do this
Chapter 14 - broken promises
Chapter 15 - the fake Dean Winchester
Chapter 16 - Betrayal
Chapter 17 - i still hate you but...
Chapter 18 - forgive and forget?
Chapter 19 - a wedding and a funeral (the end)

Chapter 10 - you've changed Cas

4.2K 308 281
By wingsandhunters

Authors note: I swear of I read one more fan fiction where Gabriel dies I'm going to cry so hard! #stopkillingthetricksteroff should be a world wide trend on twitter I swear!

Dean (POV)

Like I said, the man standing in front of me was not the Castiel I remembered. This Castiel had snake bite piercings and ear piercings. This Castiel had a tattoo running up his neck and probably many more running across his body but was hid by a graphic t-shirt and a leather jacket. This Castiel wore combat boots and a nasty smirk plastered across his face. This was NOT Castiel.

"Hey Cassie!" The others shouted and ran up to him hugging him.

"Hey gang. How we doing?" He said without stuttering once which was quite unusual. His voice had changed, got deeper somehow and had a rasp to it making me assume he now smoked.

"We're fine Cas, how are you?" Zee asked smiling at her little brother and putting an arm around him.

"I'm great. Long time no see." He grinned and winked. Winked?! I didn't even know he knew how to wink.

"Got a boyfriend?" Gabe asked.

"Myeh." He shrugged.

"Is he hot?" Zee asked and Cas grinned broadly

"So hot! He has an amazing body."

"How's his personality?" Anna asked

"Myeh." He shrugged again. The others looked at each other with their eyes brows raised.

"How is he in bed?" Balthazar asked laughing

"Fantastic. He knows how to move in the right way." He said so confidently that my jaw dropped.

"Ew! Cas!" The others laughed and he just grinned and shrugged sitting down on the deck chairs. "Nice tattoo." Zee said

"Thanks, I've got more. Wanna see?" He asked and they all nodded. He started taking off his jacket then his shirt and I held my breath tightly. His body was amazing, muscles hard and skin toned. His tattoos were all across his arms and I noticed one on his chest that was exactly the same one I had. Why did he have that? As if reading my mind zee pointed this star within a circle tattoo out and asked;

"What's with the Dean Winchester tattoo."

"Dunno, it's just engraved in my mind so I decided to get it." He smiled

"Why is it engraved in your mind?" Gabriel snorted and Cas turned and glared at him.

"Because I'm still in love with him obviously." Gabriel's eyes went wide then he looked down at the floor mumbling his apologies.

"It's been 3 and a half years Cas." Zee sighed.

"I know, but he was gorgeous, and kind, and amazing." Cas sighed... Dreamily? I was shocked by his words to be honest. This guy was still in love with me? Two minutes ago he told everyone he had a boyfriend. What was going on with this guy?

"Alright Cas, you can be in love with anyone you like." Zee smiled and Cas grinned back.

"Plus he was hot." Cas whispered to her but loud enough for everyone to hear. They all laughed while Zee nodded her head in agreement and I looked at Sam grinning my head off while he just rolled his eyes and turned his attention back on Gabriel. "Is it okay if Danny comes by to stay for a while?"

"Who's Danny?"

"My boyfriend Zee, were you not listening?" Cas snorted

"You didn't tell us his name!" Growled zee shaking her head. "But of course he can."

"Great cause he's waiting outside." With that Cas walked back in the house to fetch his boyfriend. I had a pang of jealousy at the thought and wondered why the hell I was jealous. I wasn't gay. Nope. Never. But seriously I was so jealous. Cas came back with his arm around someone around the same height as him. The boy had a kind face and was tanned with strong facial features.

"Wow wait a go Cas! He's hot!" Anna laughed and Cas laughed with her while Danny just blushed.

"He's mine Anna."

"He is hot though." Gabriel said. "He Danny after Cas is done with you can I have a turn." He winked.

"Nuh-uh! I said it first." Anna exclaimed.

"He's gay!"

"He could be bi?"

"Are you gay or bi?" Balthazar asked Danny grinning

"Bi." He squeaked and Anna whooped in triumph.

"They're you go. I have just as much chance as you guys."

"There's enough to share boys and girls." Cas snickered and Danny looked to the floor obviously embarrassed by the whole situation.

"Nice to meet you David." Zee said smiling and Cas groaned.

"Danny, zee! His name is Danny!" And Zandriel just shrugged and shook his hand.

"You have a beautiful house Zandriel." Said the boy smiling shyly and Zee grinned widely.

"Why thank you very much Danny!"

"You're welcome." The boy was very nice but I couldn't help but hate him a little bit. Okay maybe a lot but I didn't really know why.

"Right. All of you inside, I gotta read these resumes and I could do without the distraction. Emily is making dinner so don't piss her off otherwise she will hit you with her spatula." The boys laughed and filed inside.

"Let's go piss off Emily." I heard Gabriel whispering to Balthazar and saw both of them grinning evilly. I shook my head at how much they haven't changed. Seriously, they were both still so immature.

"Alright lads." She said turning to us, "time to read these resumes." She picked up the file and opened it up smiling at us both. I stiffened slightly and looked at Sam nervously. He held in a laugh and we both turned back to Zee to see her reaction.

"Okay so names. Dean and Sam W-" her eyes widened and she looked closer at the paper then up at us. Down at the paper, then up at us. Then down at the paper one last time and back us at us once again.

"Dean? Sam?" She whispered and we grinned at her. She scared the living shit out of us when she jumped off her chair laughing insanely and hugging us both close.

"Oh my god! I cant believe this! I can't believe it's you! What are you doing here? Why? Who? Where? When?" She didn't know what to do with herself and she was doing a little jig around the garden while we laughed our heads off.

"Heya zee." Sam laughed

"Oh heya? That's all I get? Heya? Screw you guys." She said jokingly and shaking her head. With that she ripped up our resumes and flung them in the air. "You're hired." Was all she said before walking back into the house still dancing.


"Ew you can hear everything!" Anna cried putting her hands to her ears while everyone else was laughing. Apparently Cas wasted no time in dragging Danny up stairs and now they were being extremely loud.

"Apparently he sleeps with everyone." Gabe laughed over the noise.

"What do you mean everyone?" Zee asked suspiciously.

"I mean everyone. Girls and boys alike."

"But he's gay..."

"I don't think he cares anymore. He's a slag." Balthazar laughed and Gabriel grinned wildly.

"Why would he sleep around?" Michael asked shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Dean." Gabriel said and I looked at him thinking he was talking to me.

"What? Dean Winchester? Why would he sleep around because of him?" Anna's asked confused and Gabriel answered;

"Because Dean used to do it." I gasped slightly and looked at him hurt but thankfully he didn't notice. I could see Zee from the corner of my eye looking at me with her eyebrows raised and smirking. I huffed like a child and cross my arms.

"Did he?"

"Yep." Gabriel smirked and quirked his eyebrow.

"No he didn't Gabriel, he only slept with half the girls in the year." Zee laughed and I muttered under my breath. Just then Cas walks back is with perfect sex hair and a grin on his face. God he looked hot. No wait, he didn't. Yes he did. Everything goes silent.

"What?" Cas asked looking around at his brothers and sisters innocently as Danny walks in.

"Next time you wanna have sex Cas, try and keep it down." Zee smirked and the whole room burst into a fit of laughter, Cas just smirked confidently and Danny went bright red in the face. Hah! Welcome to the Collins family Danny, you're gonna love it. I grin to myself. Cas puts an arm around Danny and puts a cigarette in his mouth.

"Not in here, outside!" Zee shouts and he grunts moodily walking the living room and out the doors.

The next day

Me and Sammy had just finished our round and was now sitting in the kitchen enjoying a hot cuppa.

"Be right back Dean, I'm off to get a shower." I mumble okay not looking up from the morning newspaper and he walks out.

"Morning." I hear a voice from the doorway. I look up quickly and find Cas leaning on the doorframe in only his boxers smirking at me and showing all of his tattoos and perfectly toned abs. "Like what you see?" Shit he caught me looking.

"Erm, sorry." I mumble and look down.

"It's fine." I hear him laugh lightly and he walks into the kitchen grabbing a bowl and a spoon. He pours in some cocoa pops and milk into the bowl and comes to sit next to me. "What you reading?"


"What's it about?" I looked at him and laugh slightly

"Well you know, the news and stuff." He grins and and nods.

"Ah of course." He looks me in the eyes and frowns.

"What?" I ask

"You have really nice eyes." He says seriously and I smile.

"Thanks. So do you I guess."

"Aha, thanks." He chuckles and takes another bite out of his cereal. "I'm Castiel by the way, but you can call me Cas." He holds his hands out smiling charmingly.

"Dean" I hold my hand out to grab his and he freezes.

"O-oh." He stutters

"Is something wrong?" I ask tilting my head to the side like he used to do when he was younger.

"No no, nothing." He laughs nervously. "What's your second name?"

"Singer." I say. Why did I say that!? Why did I used Uncle Bobby's second name?!

"Oh. Nice to meet you Dean Singer."

"You too Castiel Collins." I flash him my best grin hoping to see him blush like he always used to when I looked at him like that but he just grinned back.you've changed Cas. I thought to myself. And I like it.

Authors note: hope you guys enjoyed! Loved writing this chapter

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