DanganRonpa- The Despair of M...

By monocelestia

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16 students awaken in a school, no exit to be seen. Marina can't seem to remember everything, as well as the... More

DanganRonpa- The Despair of My Life
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Author's Note (update)
Author's note
Episode 14.2-
Ep. 14.3
Author's Note
Episode 15- The End?
Poststory- Our Lives

Episode 14 pt.1

469 11 6
By monocelestia

*Author's note- This episode will be in Kyojuro's point of view. *

Kyojuro- My name is Kyojuro Komaeda and I am Super High School level Despair, but my real talent is Math Genius. At eighteen years of age I'm one of the best mathematicians in the world. I've had chances to work for the military and space program, but here I am. I have short black hair, green eyes, and dark grey framed glasses. I sport a grey hoodie and black jeans. I know, not really exciting but who is going to see me anyways? I work with Shannon Enoshima who has been my best friend for years now. What do I do?

While Shannon is downstairs pretending to be one of those insignificant students, I am controlling Monokuma. No offense to Shannon, but she isn't exactly up to my genius self. All of this is a highly intelligent procedure with a plethora of variables and equations to work through.

Today is the first day the students "arrive" and boy will they be in for a surprise. I am watching on the monitor in front of me as the students start introducing themselves. Oh god, there is a guy down there, covered in dirt and filth. In my files, it says he is a farmer. Great...

So far none of them seems to remember anything. It looks like my calculations were correct. Shannon wanted to give them double the dosage of the amnesia formula, but I warned her it would make them forget everything. She didn't like that I was correct, but then again I am always correct 86.7% of the time. She's correct less than 50% of the time.

The last student had just spoke up, so I activated Monokuma. I put on my headset and made the first announcements. Of course everyone thought it was ridiculous to have a stuffed animal boss them around, but I don't make up to rules here. I loved hearing the cries and yells after I told them their lives are basically over. This job fills me with joy as I spread melancholy all throughout their unintelligent bodies. Shannon is fitting in pretty well down there. She has makeup all over her face though. I don't get that. Who is going to guess she is the Mastermind this early? She seriously does not think.

Now the fun has just begun. The otaku, umm Vicky...no Victoria, yeah that is her name. She is trying to act all badass and what not, so I activated the bomb in the bear. Ok, I know Shannon would not be happy if I blew up one of the students already, but c'mon! If my calculations are correct, blowing someone up at this moment would raise the chance for future murders by 15%, there by leaving only a 10% chance of survivors. I laugh. There aren't going to be any survivors.

Victoria ended up throwing the bear because the gamer, what's her name...Shelby, told her to throw it. I must have missed the possibility of someone realizing it was a bomb. Eh, it will help with future calculations. But look at the look on her face. It is priceless. Oh...Shannon was glaring into the camera. Well, she isn't here to make the rules. I brought Monokuma back after I threatened their lives and watched the monitors. There were two students that I wanted to keep a close eye on. Shannon wouldn't have the same thoughts as I would but Hankuri and Marina need close surveillance. Shannon is in this to avenge her Aunt, so she chose all of the descendants or family of past victims or survivors. She was unfortunate to get all of them, but she did get some major ones. Marina Naegi, the daughter of Makoto Naegi, or better known as the SuperHigh School level Hope. He ultimately defeated Junko Enoshima and escaped with 5 other students, one of those students being Kyoko Kirigiri. Her father was the original priniciple of Hope's Peak Academy and was the one who wanted to protect the students from the horror of the outside world that Junko and Mukuro created. Little did Junko know that the outside world was already fixing itself, little by little. Kyoko Kirigiri's daughter, Hankuri, is also here in the school. I may have blocked their memories of the past, but I am concerned that she may unlock the secrets. She is a detective after all.

Day two. I have decided to stir the students up a bit, make them want to leave. If my calculations are correct, this disturbance will cause at least one student's mind to increase in insatiability. Shannon and I had taken there memories of coming to this school and some of what they loved most, creating a simulation of a scream based on the voices. In all actuality, most of their parents, friends, or fans were still alive. Of course, I will not let them know that. I looked at all of the monitors, deciding on whom to stir up first. I grabbed the can of Carbonated Coffee I had next to me and took a swig. I haven't slept since I have gotten here. I noticed Marina looking a bit uneasy in her sleep. I gave a wide smile and pressed the button that turned on the intercom in her room. "Good morning you little bitch."

I pressed the button that started her brothers simulated screams. The fun is about to begin. She jolted awake and I started everyone else's motives. Shannon's was just a horror movie scream. She was pretty good at acting though. Oh god, she has more makeup on her face. I noticed the other Shanon freaking out. I gave a sinister look and adjusted my glasses. I wanted to watch this. I zoomed in on her face and turned the volume up in her room.

See, Shanon didn't really have anyone too special besides her fan club. So I decided to let Monokuma make a special announcement to her. I put the headset on and said "Shanon Kuzshi, one of the most famous authors to this day. Living a life of luxury and fame, your fans are your family. Your agents are the closest things to parents you have. But what if they all disappeared from your life? What if your fame suddenly vanished? Well, Pupupu! I hate to break it to you, but you are nothing in the world anymore! You are broke and homeless now. Oh, your fans and agent? Let's say London's bridges are falling down! Ahaha! Some how their bus is at the bottom of the world right now, getting an aquatic tour! Ahahaha! Am I lying? I might be Pupupu! You can find out at graduation! It's easy Shanon."

I turned her intercom off and started laughing at the hysteria she was going through. She doesn't even know they are alive! I looked at Shannon who was close to...Cratos. Ugh. Shannon does not think. If he falls in love with her, his chance for surviving could increase; especially if he ever finds out she is the one behind this.

I watched almost everyone freak out for the next thirty minutes before anyone calmed down. Damn I was tired. I noticed Hankuri snooping around a bit, but there is really nothing important on the first floor. Let's see, where is Shannon...

"Oh god. Ewwww." I couldn't hold it in. She was making out with Cratos already in the bathing house. What the hell? This isn't helping kill the other students. Shannon never thinks logically. Not even in middle school did she think logically. Shanon and Nikki could have been much better partners, but they weren't filled with despair. They used to be my good friends but Shannon has been there longer, even when she is completely useless.

All day I basically sat around the monitors, activating Monokuma every now and then, but nothing was going on. The same happened for the next few days. Boring as hell, except when Jowe would cry. That was quite entertaining. If my calculations are correct, I believe he will be the first to die. He seems weakest out of all the students and his mental satiability isn't too high, so I believe he will be the first gone. He was crying again in the gym. I was leaning back in my chair, sipping on some soda when I noticed Marina walk in. I paid attention because the daughter of the original Hope student could cause variables in my equations. I leaned forward and pushed my glasses back up my nose.

Marina was trying to calm Jowe down. Marina giving hope to Jowe didn't concern me all too much after I noticed Shanon listening in. "Looks like despair has found their first victim" I whispered to myself.

I zoomed in on the three and noticed Shanon's hysteria. I bit my lip and knew she was going to murder someone. If my prediction is correct, she will murder Jowe. Her and him are going at it between hope and despair and I am just sitting here watching them like a young child watches cartoons. But the excitement was over quickly and Shanon left.

That night I noticed Jowe write a letter and take his locket off. I also noticed the amount of dirt in his room. My OCD senses were tingling, but there is nothing I can do. Unless it causes diseases, bodily fluids, or anything that can rot, I cannot clean it. How can he live in that mess? Ugh, I will never understand because Shanon just invited him to have tea with her.

I didn't think too much of it until I noticed her dump about twenty-three peach pits into the water she was boiling for tea. Ah... Cyanide from the seeds. Shanon was pretty smart. I watched her bring the innocent looking drink to Jowe, watched him drink about half of it before he vomited blood. He gave a surprised look at Shanon before fluttering into an eternal slumber. I smiled. "One down, 14 to go."

Shanon's murder may have been smart, but she definitely made some flaws hiding the evidence. Why would she throw the pits in the trash? It would have been much wiser to toss them in the incinerator. Plus, she wrote a note to Jowe. She may have erased name but her handwriting will give her away if it is analyzed correctly.

About thirty minutes later, I called them all to the trial room. I noticed earlier that Shannon had vomited after seeing blood on Jowe. She wants to kill all of these students in brutal ways but cannot stand the sight of blood? Weak.

I announced the rules and did what Monokuma was best at doing before the trial made way. I began munching on some chips. This was like the release of a brand new series. Accusations were being tossed around and I noticed Marina was being pinned a lot. The trial went on for about 20 minutes before Marina finally accused Shanon of the dirty deed. Like my intelligent self, she noticed the peach pits and figured out about her handwriting in a way I did not see before. "Well, well. Marina, you are turning out to be just like your father. I will be watching you."

Everyone voted for Shanon. And that is where my fun began. I began to punch in calculations for the upcoming execution as Shanon explains her sob story of a motive. I need to make sure every single function and equations are correct and punch in any variables that can pop up. I began muttering to myself like a mad fool. "If I square this by the power of the index, the chance of increased pain proportion will exemplify..."

I began to get tired and announce that it was time. She, out of normal human reactions, began to beg. I couldn't help but cackle. "It's punishment time."

I pressed the button that would drag her to her death and pushed the others forward to watch their friend die. "Let's see how the super high school level writer likes her punishment."

I pushed up my glasses and began her execution. I had made it so the velocity of the paper and the thickness of it would insure cut her deep enough to keep her alive for most of it. One by one the beautiful cuts would appear and I noticed Shannon vomit once again. I pinched the skin between my eyebrows. Doesn't she know I have to clean that every time she does it? Eh, I went back to watching Shanon; she was almost there. I couldn't even recognize her after the last paper was thrown. I laughed, but deep inside I felt strange. She used to be my friend...and I killed her. I tried to shake away the feeling but it just wouldn't leave. I guess I still have some guilt left in me.

Once everyone left, I began cleaning right away. "I don't understand myself sometimes. How can I love blood and hate it at the same time?"

When I knew everyone was in bed, I went down to the execution site and collected Shanon's body up. Her blood got on my hoodie, my only hoodie, and I bit my lip. She's dead, so it's not like I can kill her. A piece of her scalp fell off and splashed in the puddle of blood beneath me. "Ok, now I see why Shannon got sick."

I put her body carefully in a body bag, making sure what was left of her hair wouldn't get caught in the zipper. I may be a bad person, but c'mon, you have to respect a dead body. I picked up the body bag and began to head out the door, not before I pressed the button that would soak this entire place in alcohol and bleach.

Well, that was the first execution and I couldn't be anymore proud of myself. But that aching feeling in me kept going on. Why do I feel guilty? Didn't I make a pack with Shannon that I would do this? I can't go back now. Shannon would kill me. Of course I would like to see her try.

The next couple of days were pretty boring. That was until I released everyone's secrets out to them. I gave them a warning. I sighed. Why am I bored? The despair should be exciting me like it does for Shannon, but it just isn't. "This is bullshit."

I began reading some of their secrets to myself. A couple made me laugh. "Manoto admitted he was gay when he was 16 because he was caught making out with a man after a photo shoot"

"Shelby put a person in urgent care after playing a video game with them, warning that the lights could give seizures. Shelby had worn goggle to protect herself from the lights and didn't think to give her opponent any."

"Cratos is a huge crybaby. I don't even need to explain more."

Oh, it's like reading the comics. You get a little laugh out of them. I noticed Nikki just drop hers. If I was her, I would hide that. That one can get her killed. Plus, she really doesn't have a good relationship with anyone here. Marina picked it. Well, screw her getting brutally murdered. Viviana is sure freaking out though. I could imagine why. Her worst enemy was standing about 6 feet away from her. Shannon.

Now I hope Shannon doesn't do anything, because then I have to stage her a death which means a lot more calculations and variables to consider. Hmm, maybe Shannon will get murdered, at least then I can stick with my own rules and procedures.

About three days went by and my patience was up. I need to see a murder. So I announce something. "AHHHH! There haven't been any murders yet! -steam coming out of his head and face red with anger- I thought my threat of reading your secrets would work, looks like I was wrong. Fine, I shall hold true to my threat! And if there aren't any murders by tomorrow, everyone's secrets will be revealed ahaha! Now, I shall read, oh looky! -Takes folded out paper from bingo machine that appeared randomly before him- Viviana is our lucky winner! -confetti streams down the monitor- A few years ago, Viviana and her best friend Kihana went to get their makeup done for Prom. Kihana was the first one up, but the makeup reacted funny. Her best friend was killed in a chemical accident! Trying to save her friend, she touched her, getting the chemicals on her arms and right half of her face, which is why they are always covered! She is horribly burned hahaha! She looks like a freak"

I hated talking like that goddamn bear, but its Shannon's rules. I rolled my eyes. Stupid to talk like a five year old brat, but I think I did the trick. That night, Viviana planned on murdering...Shannon. Shit!

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