Best Day of My Life (Adoption...

By alldayeverydaybeebo

3.7K 73 21

Emmy a young girl that has been living in the orphanage. She's been there her entire life, ever since her par... More

A Big Change
Things Have Changed for Me and That Okay
Feeling Loved
First Timers
New things everyday
Chaos in the House
Chillax Bro!!
"Stop Babying Me"
A Long Day
Just A Dream
Phew Phew
Weird, but in a Good Way
We Got a Problem
Is it really you
Decisions (A/N)
Another A/N


119 1 0
By alldayeverydaybeebo


I woke up checking the time it was 9am. Strange, I would be in school by now. I guess no school for me today then.

Wait how did I get into bed. I sat up in bed thinking, wait Brendon brought me in last night, but how he was so weak and he was sweating last night too and was barely catching his breath.

Wait did something happen, because usually he would wake me up. I got up and threw on my bathrobe. It was cold.

I rushed into Brendon's room he was wrapped in his blanket still asleep. I decided not to disturb him and gave him a kiss letting him sleep some more.

I walked downstairs. I started to make toast and scrambled eggs. Then I started the coffee machine to make Brendon's drink.

After I finished cooking I placed it in a plate and spread the jam over the toast. Put some fruit and put ketchup on the eggs. Then I placed both plates on the tray with the drinks.

I slowly crept up the stairs trying to avoid it creaking.

I knocked on the door slowly no response so I opened the door. Brendon was still in bed.

I placed the tray on the night stand and walked over to open the blinds in Brendon's room. I fluffed the pillows and laid them against the bed frame and helped Brendon sit up properly.

I turned on the heater in the house so it wouldn't be too cold. I placed the tray on Brendon's lap.

He was rubbing his eyes. Trying to rub the sleep away.

"Good morning dad" I said handing him the coffee. He took a gulp.

"Good morning baby" he said back then looked down at the tray.

"This is delicious" he said with his mouth full.

"I learned it from the best" I said looking at him.

I gave him his pills to take.

"You know you don't need to do all of this. Like yes I'm weak, but I can do it" He says.

"I know, but I wanted to do it, because I know that you are struggling." I said hugging his side.

We continued eating breakfast. As we finish I took the tray downstairs and left Brendon to himself.

I put away the dishes and Brendon was now out of bed walking down the stairs. I fed the dogs and let them outside.

I didn't want to baby Brendon because he would've got mad or something like he always do.

He finally made it to the couch.

"Guess who's birthday is tomorrow?" He asked.

I gave him a grin knowing what was tomorrow.

"You remembered!" I squealed.

"Of course, I remember. I know I have cancer, but I can't not remember my own daughter's birthday" he said. I nodded.

He patted the seat next to me gesturing for me to sit down.
Once I sat down he put his arms around me squeezing the living out of me.

"Okay, Okay Brendon I know that you're weak, but damn this strong" I said.

"Well... What's the plan for tomorrow then huh?" I asked.

"Hmm, it a surprise so not telling" He said, pretending to think.

"Well come on, you're really not going to tell me." I pouted, and he nodded his head.

"Fine" I said crossing my arms

"Alright, Alright no school for you tomorrow either." He said.

"YESSSSS!" I shouted, he let out a chuckle.

"So what are we gonna do today then?" I asked.

"Well, Sarah is coming about ..." the door bell rang. I ran to go open it and Sarah was there "NOW" I shouted from the door.

"So we were thinking let's go shopping." He said.

I got up and ran to my room to go get dressed.

I wore black jeans, a black vans t-shirt, a green bomber jacket and my black vans. I combed my hair and let it flow down.

I walked downstairs to where I was at and Brendon was already dressed.

He glanced at me and chuckled. Then I looked at him and looked at my outfit. We were kind of wearing the same outfit. Strange.


I found it kind of cute that Emmy and I were sort of matching.

We walked to Sarah's car and hopped in. Sarah drove us over to the mall.

We all walked to hot topic knowing that was Emmy's favorite store.

We walked in and Emmy bought a Panic!, fob, and tøp shirt. She also got a few accessories as well. I walked around in the store it was pretty big and very emo and dark.

They had the Pray For The Wicked album t-shirt. So I decided to buy one for myself. Sarah got a matching one too.

After that we walked over to the cash register. The cashier was ringing our things up.

"Hope you guys, found what you needed." A young girl wearing a Death of a Bachelor tour shirt said in her early 20s.

She took the panic! shirts and looked at them and folded them.

"Yass, I Stan Brendon Urie and I love that band good choice." I let out a chuckle.

"Yea, Me and my daughter sure does too." I said.

"Well that's awesome I hope you enjoy." She said not looking up.

She was still ringing the stuff up.

"Wow you sound so familiar sir." I let out another chuckle and coughed a bit.

"You really, do. Alright that would be $40." She said.

I handed my credit card.

"Woah. Are you for reals? " She asked. Looking down at the name on the card and back to me

"Uh huh, wait it's not you is it." She said.

I pulled down my glasses and looked at her giving her a shh sign. She nodded.

"I can't believe I'm talking to you. I totally mean it that I Stan you. You are my #1 idol and Emmy and Sarah is so cute by the way" she rambles it was quite cute.

"That's so sweet. And I'll let you know they said hi uh..."


"Yes, Hilary. I'll maybe see you around enjoy your day" I said leaving the store.

I actually enjoyed talking to fans.

Sarah and Emmy went to go to another store while I was paying.

Emmy and Sarah was in forever 21 and papaya getting some cute clothes and more bomber jackets.

They bought many clothes and bonded together. I insisted on Sarah helping Emmy since she's more in style and told them to pick out a dress for Emmy tomorrow just something cute.

After that we went to the vans store and bought some slip ons checkered vans and a all black vans.

After that we went home. Once we got home I had to take my pills which I did. Then we helped Emmy put away the stuff.

Emmy was excited and showed me her dress that we got for her tomorrow. It was a casual black and white lace dress. It looked cute and nice for her.

After that we decided to eat take out for dinner. After eating dinner we just played a few video games before getting tired and going to sleep to end the day.



SARAH POV (Haven't had Sarah on for awhile)

Brendon and I woke up early that morning to make Emmy's birthday breakfast.

Emmy was still sleeping upstairs in her bedroom.

Brendon was cooking bacon while I was cooking the eggs and setting up the table.

"So, I was wondering since you are apart of the family, I was thinking that you should move in? Like we have plenty of space here!" Brendon said.

"Yes, I would love too" I said kissing Brendon.

Then I heard the door ring. I opened it and shushed the people. It was Mike, Dan, Nicole, Dallon, Brezzy and their kids, Pete and his kids, Megan, the wicked stings, the rest of fall out boy and their family, Spencer, Linda, Zack and Kala and tøp. They all had gifts with them. I told them to place it on the couch in the living room with mine and Brendon's gifts.

Me and Brendon were done cooking breakfast. I told them not to eat while Brendon went to go wake up Emmy.


Alright this is how we start our plan. First thing first gotta go wake up the princess.

"Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty" I said walking into the room.

Nothing alright. Time to jump. I jumped on the bed and she got up running to the bathroom.

I died of laughter.

"Sleeping Beauty is awake!" I shouted so that people downstairs can hear.

Emmy opened the door with her hair tied up and in a robe with a big smile on her face.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS!" I shouted at her giving her a hug.

"Let's go get breakfast" I said lifting her up in my arms.


Today is my birthday and I was excited for it. Brendon woke me up and now he's carrying me to breakfast.

"Dad, you don't need to do this. Plus you forgot to close the god damn door" I said.

"Well I want to and it's your birthday my princess and haha." He said. I nodded not wanting to argue with him.

As we approach the kitchen I was humming  ready to go for some reason.

Then Brendon opens the door and stands in front of it like he's about to pull a I Write Sins Not Tragedies.

Then all of a sudden everyone pops out near the dinning table shouting "Happy Birthday Emmy" I shouted and was happy.

I ran over to them hugging. There was a feast on the table and it looked delicious.

I turned around and saw Brendon and Sarah hugging each other. I ran over to them,  "Thank you so much Mom and Dad." I said. I paused wait did I just call Sarah Mom.

Oh my. I laughed and sat at my seat awkwardly. I sat between Sarah and Brendon.

"I'm sorry Sarah." I said looking over at Sarah.

"Hey it's, okay no need to apologize and hey you are like a daughter to me." She said.

We decided to eat Breakfast.

I ate about 3 pancakes, 4 pieces of Bacon, scrambled eggs, a French toast and some orange juice. I was completely stuffed.

Once we finished. I cleaned up my area. Then Brendon and Sarah blindfolded my eyes and walked me over to the living room. Then they took off the blindfold and it was filled with presents "Alright I want you to open ours first" they said. I gave them a nod.

I opened the bag that Brendon handed to me. I opened it to reveal a bunch of candy, a $100 iTunes gift card. $50 Starbucks card, a laptop. A vinyl player and many panic! vinyl. The handed me a large box to open. I opened it to reveal a pair of headphones. A glittery phone case and a new black ukulele. He told me to turn it around and I turned it around to see a golden name plack with "Emmy Grace Urie" carved in it. I placed it down gently and hugged Brendon. He tune the instruments and placed them in an empty spot in the music room.

Now it was my turn to open Sarah's gift. It was also a box. I opened it to reveal a small long box and I opened the box to see a gold chain with my name spelled out.

I awed and put it on hugging Sarah. She also got me a few other bracelets and flats to go with my dress for today.

I opened the other's gift. I got the trench album from Josh and Tyler. A guitar from Mike, A bass from Nicole, and many more stuff from the other's.

Brendon urged me to put on the dress that I had bought last night and put on the flats Sarah got for me.

Brendon wanted us to take pictures. We went to a nice park to take pictures. Brendon and Sarah looked so cozy.

Their outfits:

After that we went near the beach and took some pictures and walked along the boardwalk. It was now around 3pm and we decided to go home. Brendon parked the car into the garage and Sarah put blindfolds on me. They helped me walk out. I felt the furbabies come to me. I giggled and I heard loud music and felt grass surrounding me and lots of conversations.

Sarah took off the blindfold. I opened my eyes and adjusted my eyes to see the backyard filled with a lot of people and celebrities. There was a mini stage and the hot tub was running and a fire pit and the fairy lights were up and hanging. People were singing along. Then I felt Brendon pull me up on the small stage and I see everyone clapping their hands.

Then I saw Pete come out of the house and walk towards me with a cake in hand. They all started singing and Brendon took the cake and kneeled on his knees singing. I was surprised and I blew out the candles while everyone screamed and Brendon ran over to me and kissed me on both sides of my cheeks. I saw Zack taking pictures for us.

"Alright lets get this party started" Brendon shouted into the mic. I shook my head and ran down the stairs of the stage and into the my room to grab my leather jacket and Lily was sitting on my bed.

"About time you're here" she said.

"Sorry, there's a party downstairs" I said. I opened my curtains to reveal the balcony and sat there watching everyone partying on the balcony.

This is the best birthday I've ever had.

Oof this is a really long chapter. Actually the longest chapter I've written. Hope y'all enjoy. I've decided to post today bc I have school on Monday and I just got home and had a good time, so here's a special for y'all Much love 😘

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