My Love

By NataliaIsNautilus

68.5K 2.3K 577

Alec starts a relationship with Magnus Bane the High Warlock of Brooklyn after the unlikely but fateful night... More

The Drinking Game
The Healer
Story Time And The Date
Where Is Alexander?
Extreme Demons
Court of Demon Kings and Queens
What Magnus Didn't Say
A Late Night Visit
A Late Night Visit
The Apology
What's A Day Off?
Downworld Ball (pt. 1?)
Downworld Ball pt. 2
The After Party
Happy Holidays
That's Low
He Killed An Angel?
"We Don't Have To Fight"
His Past
The Rescue pt. 1
The Rescue pt. 2
I Like Jace More (teaser)
I Like Jace More (full)
Meeting Paris
The Meeting
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say (teaser)
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say
Some Things Are Better Not Heard
The Arrival
I Understand Completely
The Breaking
Beautiful Pain
Downworlder Meeting
The Waking of a Lover
Date Night
Don't Go Easy On Me, They Said. I Can Handle It, They Said.
I Can't Be Held Responsible (pt 1 of the Institute Gala scenes)
The Heir Of Hell Indeed (pt. 2 of the Institute Gala scenes)
Surprises All Around! Many Bad! Some Good!
Telling Friends and Family
The Brothers Grimm
Out Of Love
Sorta, Kinda, Homecoming
ALMOST Mundane
The Last Battle
Homecoming & Transfers
Bachelors For One More Night
The Wedding
The Honeymoon

The Party

5.3K 92 18
By NataliaIsNautilus

Alec POV

I was sick of Jace following Clary like a dog on a leash. Right now they were at the Silent City meeting with the Silent Brothers. 

I sighed and pushed thoughts about Jace and Clary aside and returned my attention to the book I had taken off the shelf earlier. After a few minutes of trying to read, I threw the book. It was no use, I couldn't focus. I ran my fingers through my midnight black hair, everyone said it was too long but I liked it. Isabelle, my younger sister, had given up on trying to cut it. 

There was a knock on my door but I ignored it, whoever it was would just barge in and tell me whatever they needed. A few moments later my door swung open and i was greeted by the sight of my sister in a dress that was a couple inches too short for my liking and leather boots that reached mid-thigh. 

 "Come on, Alec. We have to go." she said.

 "You aren't going anywhere dressed like that." I responded .

 "We are going to a party!" She explained . "I can't go if my dress it at my ankles". I groaned inwardly.

" Why are we going? " I asked.

 "When they went to the Silent City, Clary saw something and the only thing she could actually grasp was the name Bane. So we're going to his party tonight."

 "You don't need me." I responded coldly.

 "Yes we do. Just get dressed and meet us downstairs." She said and closed the door.

 I sighed while walking over to my closet. I quickly put on my gear and grabbed my bow and quiver. I did a quick sweep of my room, looking for my boots. They were hidden in a corner with my stele sticking out from the side.

(Time Skip. They just arrived at the party)

I was walking behind Isabelle and some mundane I didn't care enough about to learn the name of. In front of them was Clary and Jace.

The door opened and standing there was easily the most beautiful person I've ever seen. His hair was down and it fell into his eyes, which were a deep shade of brown. He was wearing black eyeliner and a royal purple eyeshadow to match the glittering purple jacket he wore. Underneath the open jacket was a black dress shirt and he was wearing incredibly tight black leather jeans. To top it all off, he was wearing a few pounds of glitter. It was sprinkled all of his features; all through his hair, across his cheekbones, and it drenched the rest of his outfit.

There was a large smile on his face but it faded when he saw us. "I didn't invite you Shadowhunters. Leave."

 " Please we need your help. " Clary begged.

 "No Clarissa, I will not help you or your kind. It always more trouble than its worth. Go" he went to shut the door but Jace held it open. 

 "We aren't leaving until you let us in and help her" Jace demanded.

 "Fine but only because of the hot one" he said. 

 "Thank you" Jace and Clary said in unison.

 "Not you" he said, sounding annoyed. "The pretty one, with the blue eyes." Magnus then smiled and winked at me.

 We began walking in but then he stopped us "Don't kill any of my guests or break anything".

I walked in behind my siblings and the mundanes, my head down to hide the blush that adorned my face, Magnus was basically flirting with me. I don't know why though, my siblings are much more attractive, it was probably just a joke. 

I felt a hand on my wrist and spun around to see who it was. It was Magnus. I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest and gently pulled my hand away so he wouldn't be able to feel it too. We were standing so close together and I noticed he was a few inches taller which almost never happened. 

" Want a drink beautiful? "He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't drink much" 

 "What could one drink hurt? I'll help your friends with whatever they need. I just want to talk with the most stunning person in this party. Second only to myself but even then, I might have to try harder when you're around." He purred.

I nodded slowly and he gestures for me to follow him. We took a seat at the bar. "What would you like Love?" He asked.

I blushed at the name but said " Vodka".

"That's a strong drink," he said " especially for someone who doesn't drink much" Magnus chuckled but got me the drink I wanted and himself a glass with teal colored drink in it.

 "What's your name, beautiful? Tell me about yourself." He said.

"My name is Alexander Lightwood but everyone just calls me Alec. " and I continued to tell him about myself. How I was always stuck in the shadows of my siblings, how I was never noticed because of them, how they wouldn't even be alive if I wasn't constantly getting hurt because of them. That I knew the Clave didn't think I was good enough and how I knew my parents wished I was more like my siblings. I told him that I actually loved my siblings even though they drive me insane most of the time. I told him their names and some stuff about them. Then about the most recent, awful problem: Clary. I didn't tell him why I hated her but told him that she messed up my life. She was putting me and my family in danger because of her mom and her problems. About how I hated that she was bringing her problems to us because Jace and Isabelle never backed away from a fight, even when it wasn't theirs to fight. 

"That's pretty much it" I concluded.

"I don't understand" Magnus said.

" What do you mean? " I asked.

"How could anyone was beautiful as you be caught in anyone's shadow? " He explained.

Heat crept up my face and I sure that I was as red as a tomato. I tried to play it off with a shrug "I dunno, maybe  because they actually make an effort to do something with their appearance of how people think of them." 

" You are naturally beautiful and perfect. I guess they have to try, but you don't " He said making my blush even darker, if it was possible.

I finished off my glass. As much as I didn't want to leave him because I was enjoying myself more than ever, the only reason we had come here is because of that mundane brat. "I'm done. Can you come help her please? "

"If you insist, love." He said and downed the rest of his drink. 

Magnus made everyone vacate his flat and thanked them for celebrating his cat's birthday. After the last person was gone, Magnus returned to us. 

 "What do you need me to do? " He asked.

"There is an address I need to remember. You have to take off the mind block." Clary said.

" No" Magnus responded.

"No ?" Jace asked.

" No " Magnus confirmed. ' I'm not removing the mind block. I'll allow you to retrieve something from your memories but I will not remove it completely. "

"Why not?" Jace asked.

" Because I'm not erasing years of work, plus that is a bill you could never pay" he stated simply. 

"Fine . How do I remember it? " Clary asked Magnus.

"Come with me. I have to make a memory potion."

I watched as Clary, Jace and Magnus left the room.

" Where were you? " Isabelle asked me.

"At the party" I said, acting as if I didn't understand the question.

 "Who were you with? Because I can smell the acohol on your breath. Who in this building could get you to drink?" She asked

I didn't answer. "You and Magnus came back at the same time. OMG! WAS IT HIM?" she asked me excitedly.

I nodded reluctantly. "He's really nice." I said.

Magnus then came back with Jace and Clary tailing him. Magnus gestured to the table "Sit" us all he said. Magnus grabbed a pen and paper, putting it in front of a sitting Clary.

"Figure out whatever it is as quickly as possible. You have tweleve minutes before it wears off." Magnus put the bottle in front of Clary and sat down beside me. Isabelle smirked and moved to the other couch. 

Clary picked up the bottle and swallowed the contents. Her brow furrowed in concentration. Suddenly I felt nails digging into my skin. I looked over at Magnus. His eyes were halfway open and ohh....

Magnus' eyes were gorgeous without the glamour. They were gold-green and I could see blue near the outermost edges of his iris. His eyes were so stunning that they were hyponotyzing. I pulled my gaze away from his eyes and looked at him. He was biting into his lip, which looked like it was going to bust at any moment. Sweat was pouring down his face and his jaw was clenched. Magnus was in pain. 

"I've got it" Clary yelled. She scribbled down the address.

Magnus opened his eyes and sighed in relief. "Fantastic now where's my money?" 

"Two hundred dollars cash" Jace said, handing over the money. 

Magnus laughed. The sound wasn't happy like it was when we talked, but cold. "Good you only need 1,800 more.

"You want us to pay you 2,000 dollars for a small potion?" Jace asked. 

Magnus opened his mouth to say something but I spoke first "Let's just go get the rest if the money"

"Fine" Jace said. 

We we're about to leave when Magnus spoke. "Alexander stays"

"No" Jace objected 

"Do you really think I was going to trust all of you to go get my money and come back? I'm going to keep Alec here to make sure I get my money." Magnus said. 

"It's okay. Just go get his money" I assured them. I heard  Isabelle snicker as she walked out the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Fine, that potion is just tiring." He responded. " It uses my energy while the customer uses it. I just need some sleep"

"Ohh" I responded. 

Magnus leaned in, our lips were almost touching  when I pulled away. The look in his eyes was unmistakeably hurt. "I'm sorry"he said.

"No. Don't be" I said. He looked up. "I've just never kissed anyone. I don't know if I'm bad at kissing or not."

"There is only one way to find out" he said and pulled me closer. This time I didn't pull away.  Our lips collided and I was in Heaven. Magnus' lips were so soft and the kiss was gentle. I loved the taste. I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip, I sighed giving him access. His tongue skillfully ran across my teeth, the top of my mouth and over my own tongue. I moaned in pleasure and he responded with a moan of his own. My fingers slid through his hair, which was soft as silk. I knew I needed to breathe hut I couldn't pull away from Magnus. He was so intoxicating and I couldn't get enough. 

I was about to pass out and had to pull away. Once our lips were detached Magnus looked at me and smiled. "Wanna go on a date? " He asked.

I nodded, still too breathless to talk. "How about Friday?" he asked.

I smiled. I knew my smile was big and goofy but I couldn't help it. "Awww you look so cute. You should smile more." he said causing me to blush.

"Well love, I should go to sleep before I pass out from exhaustion. Wake me up when your siblings and Clary and Sherman get back?" He asked. 

I laughed "I will Magnus" I tell him. 

"You should laugh more too. It's better than any music I've ever heard. " Magnus said, making my blush deepen even further. 

Magnus snapped his fingers and a blanket descended over our legs. I got up and moved to the chair so he could lay down and sleep. Magnus stretched and laid down. He grabbed the Hem of the cover and brought it up to cover his body. I watched him as his breath slowed, muscles relaxed and fell asleep. 

(Time skip. It's two hours later)

There was a knock at the door and I moved from the chair where I had been watching Magnus sleep for the last two hours and went to the door. I had no idea the types of people he kept company so I had my hand on the hilt of my daggar as I opened the door. 

"How is King Sparkles?" Jace asked.

"Magnus is fine. He's just asleep." I responded.

"Should we just take the money and go?" Jace asked. Holding up an envelope that was full of money. 

"No. We'll just leave it on the table and leave" I decided. "Wait outside. I'll be there in a second."

"Okay." Jace said and they walked outside as I told them too.

I walked over to his table and grabbed a paper and pen from the ones scattered across the surface. On the front side I wrote : Thank you Mr. Bane for your services. It was a pleasure working with you. Here is the money you were promised.

I turned it over and wrote: Hey Magnus I was going to wake you but you looked so adorable asleep I couldn't. I had a great time and can't wait for Friday. ###-###-#### call me. Or text. It doesn't really matter. Also I counted the money and Jace or anyone else didn't take any. -Alec

I flipped it back over to the not flirty side and placed it on top of the envelope filled with money. Satisfied with my work, I walked  over and placed a kiss on Magnus' forehead. Then walked out the door making sure to twist the bottom knob in place so the door would be locked. 

Magnus POV

(Time skip- noon the next day)

I groaned. My head was pounding from all of the acohol I drunk last night. Then the events came flooding back to me; the potion I made, the kiss I shared with the blue-eyed boy and ...the money! He probably left as soon as I fell asleep. He didn't seem to be someone to do that but his parabatai had hated the idea of both getting more money and him staying with me. Maybe Alexander was convinced to leave after I had fallen asleep.

I pulled myself off the couch and went to make coffee. I was walking toward the kitchen when something caught my eye. There was an envelope on the table. "Did I forget to send something?" I asked aloud. 

There was a piece of paper on top of it. I picked up the paper and read through it. I sighed because it was so formal. 'He shouldn't have been so formal after what happened last night. He definitely wasn't that formal when he was biting my face off" I bitterly thought to myself. 

The paper slipped out of my hand and fell to the floor. It swirled through the air and landed on the backside which also had writting on it.  I read what was written and my smile got bigger by the second. This side was so sweet and undeniably Alec. Especially since he sighed his name at the bottom. I giggled like a school girl and it felt like I was one too. 

While I made my coffee, only a few thoughts occupied my attention. Those were that Alec said I was adorable, he gave me his number and we had a date Friday. That I was planning. Maybe if I start today I can pick the perfect outfit. Oh and the place and what we do and that stuff. Because that was the entire point of the date. Definitely


Hope you like the story. It's my first time writting fanfic so I hope you like it. Tell me what you think in the comments below and thanks for reading . Be Happy and Love Yourself.

Also in case anyone was wondering the pound symbols/ hashtags were in place of Alec's number on the letter. 

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