Watermelons and Skies

By Yoonworks

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Secret Series - #4 Unbidden: - not asked, without having been commanded or invited. - (especially of a though... More

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3.8K 220 31
By Yoonworks

Yoongi's POV

"Do I have to beg?" my insides clenched at her words, the sound of her voice shaking almost eating my heart alive.

Why do I always have to bring her pain?

Why do I always have to be the person to hurt her?

I wanted to move, forward, close to her, and pull her close in my arms. But I can't. We both know we can't.

Not anymore.

Yesterday, I was summoned at her office, due to me breaking something I promised I won't way back. Back when she was still a trainee.

I knew when I heard my manager telling me about the meeting, right then, I knew it's game over.

I can't win this battle. Not at this time.

But what hurts to me the most is to see her breaking like this.

She was stubborn. She found a way to make me go out of my dorm to meet her. With the help of both of our managers.

Though afraid, I knew her manager was worried for her, probably why he agreed to help her.

"Chu, we both know we have to stop this," I told her, "for now..." I added.

I want to ask her to wait but I can't give her time. There's no way I won't have her back.

"Yoongi..." she was at it again, crying her eyes out.

Fuck. "Jisoo, please. Let's not make this any harder than it is. We both know we can't do this right now," she looked at me, pain evident in her eyes.

"I don't give a shit about everything Yoongi. You know I'd do everything just to be with you. But that doesn't seem to be the case for you," she snarled and I am not oblivious to the questioning tone on her voice.

If it was that simple, I don't even care that we're idols. But it wasn't...

But I can't tell you.

My eyes avoided her gaze. We were inside their van. "I'll get you home so you can rest,"

I saw her staring at the view before her, no words leaving on her lips.

I knew I messed up. But it was for her.

Everything was for her.

The entire journey back to her dorm, she didn't utter a word.

When she hops outside the van, I bowed to her manager to ask for permission to send her to her room and he agreed.

He knew this will be the last.

Still, Jisoo didn't utter a word. The silence inside the elevator is almost killing me.

And when we reached her dorm, she straight opened it and went inside as if she's all alone.

"Oppa, what are you doing here?" I heard Chaeyoung asking the moment her eyes landed on our form, she was sitting on the couch looking at us confused. "Hey, is there a problem?" she added, her eyes following Jisoo. I knew she was in a bad mood so I let her even after I noticed her giving Chaeyoung a glare before heading straight to her room.

A long sigh escaped my lips.

"Unnie.." I heard Chaeyoung called for her, Lisa and Jennie quickly following their unnie.

She's really upset.

I gave Chaeyoung an apologetic smile.

"Don't stress yourself, Chaey. She isn't mad at you." I told her.

"She glared at me. Why?" she asked, her voice low and I was sure she was more like talking to herself than asking me a question

Knowing Chaeyoung, she must be thinking that she did something wrong making me scratched the back of my head in shame.

"Ahh, YG found out that we are dating..." I stated, slowly, I walked towards her direction occupying the empty space on the couch.

The night has been exhausting, my body drained from energy, and my heart almost feeling empty. I'm not even sure how I can make it tomorrow.

Forget tomorrow, I don't even know if I can make it tonight.

"You two are dating?!" she exclaimed, her eyes had gotten bigger. And then she looked ecstatic and it broke my heart a little to wreck that little imagination she's started in her head.

Chaeyoung had always been like a little sister to me. After all of the struggles she had with Jimin, she had more became like a girl best friend I never thought I will ever have.

"That's why she's always flustered whenever you are near." she laughs, turning her head towards my direction, she smiled shyly.

"Wait, did you said YG Sajangnim found out?"

I sigh before nodding.

"Are you telling me that you two just came back after talking with YG Sajangnim?" she asked while biting my nails.

I nodded. Well, technically it was last night but I don't need to tell her that. I don't want her to know that Jisoo had been sneaking out.

She was looking at me expectantly and I knew she was waiting for me to say something.

"We broke up," I whispered.

Somehow, that truth still not fully sinking in.

In my head, I feel like Jisoo will be there to suddenly pull me for a hug and kiss my cheeks in surprise when someone isn't looking.

To me, we are always together.

"Oppa..." I heard her voice cracking which made me chuckled, a laugh that isn't even close to how I usually do.

"Don't worry about me. Just-" I stopped my words feeling my throat tightening as I try to stop my self from having a breakdown.

Fuck Yoongi. Man it up.

"Oppa.. " I heard her whisper but my gaze fell on the ground.

I can't do this.

"Why did you break up?" she asked and for a moment, I thought about telling her everything. All the things that are bottled up inside me. But even the boys don't know.

A painful laugh escaped my lips. I heard my heart-shattering.

"Don't worry about us." I tried to smile but I know she noticed my eyes getting a little teary.

I know I can trust Chaeyoung.

"Just please, always check on her for me, Chaeyoung, okay?" I pleaded. At least it will make me feel at ease if I know Jisoo is doing fine. She can't be alone again like before.

She nodded and I realized that Chaeyoung was already crying.

"But why can't you two be together?"

I slowly stood up from his seat and I watch as she runs towards me to give me a comforting hug.

And I let her. Coz I need it. My knees are starting to shake and I'm afraid any minute I'd march on Jisoo's room and ask her to be with me.

"Make sure she always eats. Make her smile and don't let her cry all night." I whispered.

"Ottoke..." Chaeyoung stifled a cry and it's making me realize how after this, I won't be any close to Jisoo like before.

Slowly, I released myself from the hug and headed towards the door.

With heavy steps, I made my way to the door, away from her, away from Jisoo.

And it killed me.

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