Should Have Walked Away | Aar...

De LovableTabbyCat

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"I'm unique, what can I say?" Book 1. Completed: 1 January 2019 *Second story I've ever completed* ⠁⠓⠕⠥⠇⠙⠓⠁⠧⠑... Mais

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𝔱 𝔴 𝔢 𝔫 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔰 𝔢 𝔳 𝔢 𝔫
𝔱 𝔴 𝔢 𝔫 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔢 𝔦 𝔤 𝔥 𝔱
𝔱 𝔴 𝔢 𝔫 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔫 𝔦 𝔫 𝔢
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𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔱 𝔴 𝔬
𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔱 𝔥 𝔯 𝔢 𝔢
𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔣 𝔬 𝔲 𝔯
𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔣 𝔦 𝔳 𝔢
𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔰 𝔦 𝔵
𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔰 𝔢 𝔳 𝔢 𝔫
𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔢 𝔦 𝔤 𝔥 𝔱
𝔱 𝔥 𝔦 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔫 𝔦 𝔫 𝔢
𝔣 𝔬 𝔯 𝔱 𝔶

𝔱 𝔴 𝔢 𝔫 𝔱 𝔶 - 𝔬 𝔫 𝔢

422 23 12
De LovableTabbyCat

• eight weeks, five days •

Aaron's father gave me more insight when we got a second alone. He wanted me to teach some of the younger recruits of the Guard Academy what I knew about fighting, and I accepted the offer.

It was my first day training. Today was men.

The sky above me was dark, the sun setting only a few minutes ago.

I wore something more simple and mobile and made my way to the Academy courtyard. My upper half was adorned with a loose shirt over a sports bra, and I paired those with leggings and combat boots. Rather than gloves, I had wrapped my fists in bandage.

Walking down the long stairs, I began speaking.

The students were all sitting around and polishing swords and armor.

"First of all, I want to thank all for you for," I motioned around the lantern-lit courtyard as I came to a stop in the front of everyone. "Coming out at night so I can be more helpful."

They all scrambled to their feet, and lined up orderly, before sitting back down for the first part of the lesson. Most of them wore simple clothes that allowed them the movement, while some wore guard armor.

"If the armor is comfortable for you, you can wear it, but you won't be needing it so you can take it off if you wish."

The ones that wore armor all filed over to the stands and put the metal pieces in their respective places.

"Ok, so first. Let me tell you some things you will need to know about vampires. You've already learned a lot, but you haven't learned all the secrets they have - especially from a vampire," I motioned to myself with a smile, and noticed that they all seemed tense.

I looked around for a second and found a stand of swords and knives.

Grabbing a dagger, I walked back in front of them and made a slit along my wrist and arm.

I showed it to them and they stared in wonder. I guessed that they had heard rumors of my healing and had questioned the truth of it. As it healed in front of them, I spoke up again.

"I was born with this ability. Most vampires cannot do this, cannot heal like this. But I know that some guards and servants in the castle, have taken royal blood or adapted to pain and can heal faster. Not my speed, but faster than they could before."

I dropped my hand and placed the dagger on the floor.

"They fear fire. Don't ask me why  they just do," I shrugged. "You've been told that it has to be a big amount. It doesn't. Of course, it has to be bigger than a match, but even lighting a stick on fire will scare them. Because it has the ability to spread.

"Vampires also have increased senses and endurance. We're faster, stronger, and have longer resistance and endurance.

"I have it more than the normal vampire, being royal," I smirked, kicked my hip out and crossed my arms.

"Which is why you'll be fighting me."

Everyone exchanged looks and whispers.

"No, I will not kill you. If you get injured, I will heal you as well, but if you can beat me then you can beat any vampire."

"What if we can't beat you!" Someone from the crowd shouted, earning similar responses in others.

"You can. Trust me, not even I'm invincible."

A few looked confused, so I explained.

"For example. If a weapon is dipped or enchanted with a certain venom and I'm injured by it, it will act like I'm being injured as a human. Once the wound is cleaned, it heals at a human rate, the rate you all know.

"And all-powerful beings have a downfall. As you might know, the sunlight is lethal to me. Which is why we practice at night.


I stepped the hilt of the dagger on the floor, sending it spinning up in the air. Catching it, I tossed it to an armored castle guard to my side, guarding the academy.

"Get any weapon you're comfortable with. We'll start with those. Then, feel free to try me."

They all scattered to find weapons and I walked to the center of the courtyard, standing with my hands on my hips.

The students seemed to not know where to start, or how to get around me so I ended up standing there for a minute as they all gathered around me, allowing me a deal of space.

I blew my bangs slightly. My hair was in a high ponytail, but a few of my bangs hung on my forehead, some behind my ears.

Someone let out a battle-cry and I turned to them, just as they were aiming a spear at my stomach.

I grabbed it and used it as a platform, doing an aerial over him, and landing perfectly. They stumbled and fell.

"The battle-cry gave you away. It's best to have the element of surprise unless you're the distraction," I informed.

While I was doing so, someone else charged, their loud steps giving them up this time.

They had a sword, so I turned and caught the blade in my hands, cutting my fingers and palm a bit but allowing me to maneuver with the weapon and toss it up.

I caught the hilt and my wounds healed as I pointed the blade at him.

He gulped but calmed as I flipped the handle back to him, and he accepted defeat before grabbing the blade and slinking back into the shadows with a bewildered smile.

* • •

The sun was going to come up in about twenty minutes, so the class finished and they all slumped over to relax.

I hadn't gone easy on them by their standards, but I hadn't injured anyone.

My plan was to go easy now, then gradually get more difficult so they could adapt to it slowly and almost subconsciously.

Maybe by 4-6 months, one can knock me on my butt at least.

I looked to my right, seeing a kid about 15, who had wanted to participate earlier, showing up late in the middle of the night.

He hadn't been allowed to come, and so he had snuck out, but the guards informed him and I that you had to be 18.

He had his head down, swinging his legs on the high bench.

My head tipped, and I walked over to him, sitting beside him.

"Hey, kid."

He jumped and looked up, blushing in embarrassment.

"Relax," I laughed.

He cleared his throat and sat as before, but with a straighter posture and still legs.

"What's your name?" I asked him after a moment.


"You're from the orphanage, right?" I remember Zoey telling me that he was always fascinated with weaponry, guardianship, and all that. He was also going to get adopted soon by Molly and Dale, just as Aaron suspected.

He nodded quickly, before turning to stone once again.

"You came because you want to learn to fight?"

Sighing, he nodded again.

I thought for a moment, before getting up and standing in front of him with an arm extended.

He looked up, and his eyes widened.

I motioned to the yard. "C'mon. I'll teach you."

"B-but don't you have to leave?"

"Eh," I shrugged, "Worst case scenario, I get my cloak, and burn a bit. No big deal. But I have a feeling you can be a top guard."

It was true. Since he came barreling in asking if he was late, I knew he was passionate about being a guard, and that he truly wanted to learn. Sometimes that's all you need to be one of the best.


He gulped and took my hand, allowing me to help him to his feet. I could tell my statement excited him but he still doubted his own ability.

"Hey, Aph," I turned a bit and saw Laurence coming over, fully adorned in guard armor.


"The kid's too young. The Guard Academy doesn't train kids until they're 18," he shrugged helplessly and Malachi looked at the ground, defeated.

I smiled and put a hand on Malachi's shoulder. "Good thing I'm not a part of the Guard Academy," I told Laurence before he sighed and walked back to his post.

Malachi stood still as I tried to walk forward, so I kneeled down a bit to his height. I wasn't too short, and I also had heels on, as always.

"I don't want to get you in trouble."

I gave him a look. "You think I'll get in trouble? Anybody who tries to punish me for something I believe is right is the one who'll get in trouble," I laughed and he smiled.

"Trust me, you'll be fine."

I guided him to the center of the courtyard, and everyone moved to the sides, giving us space.

"Oh! Wait for just a second, Malachi!" I ran back over to Laurence. "You think someone could get my cloak and gloves for me?" I pointed to the blue and yellow sky, the sun rising.

He shook his head with a smile and went out of the yard, and me, myself, going back to the courtyard's center.

The kid took a fighting stance, a bit awkward with his footing and he had his hands in fists in front of him.

"Your footing is off, adjust so your feet are aligned, but facing the opposite way," I did so with my feet, "Like this."

He did as told.

"And having your hands up is a good defense, but you can't always be on the defense. You need a stance for both offensive and defensive, so if they take defense you take offense. There is always one or the other, never both of the same."

The lesson continued, and I was glad to notice everyone in the courtyard was paying attention.

The sun began to come up so I stepped farther back into the shade, and Malachi continued to train as I described scenarios.

"Your opponent is taller and stronger than you. What do you do?"

"Hit them really hard?"

I smiled. "No, you use their strength against them. If they charge, doge at the last second and it can take them off balance. Maybe you can even trip them but make sure to pull away quickly.


A guard came forward and charged at him, something we'd been doing for ten minutes now. Malachi stood in an almost perfect stance and dodged, rolling over and kicking the guard's leg. He stumbled and Malachi smiled brightly.

"You're getting the hang of this, kid."

He looked at me and smiled, as I smiled back and walked into the shadows.

Laurence handed me my cloak and I put it on. "We will continue twice a week. Monday's and Thursday's." Women will be taught every Tuesday and Friday, giving me enough time for sleep and private teaching.

With that, I walked off.

Word count: 1845

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