autumn leaves [jikook]

By pjmowo

80.1K 2.6K 854

where jimin and jungkook finally realise they're much more than friends [completed 2018] More

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1.2K 56 15
By pjmowo

a few weeks later.

School had started again, and Jimin and Jungkook hadn't seen each other for about a week, both of them incredibly busy and unable to find time for each other, which brought a brooding fog of anxiety to settle over Jungkook's thoughts.

It made him nervous, because although their relationship was stable, he knew the unsolved drama of Jimin moving away was on both of their minds, and it wouldn't leave either of alone until they came to a compromise.

It was late, but Jungkook knew Jimin wasn't working tonight, so he walked over to the older's building, in dire need to talk it all out.

"Jimin?" He called out as he pushed the front door open, and with no answer he walked inside, shutting it behind him.

He called Jimin's name again, but no reply came. He looked around into the kitchen, then turned left into the bedroom. The bed was made and Blue sat above it, her wide hazel eyes blinking as she saw Jungkook. With a quiet mew she hopped down from the windowsill and ran across the bed into his arms, purring with familiarity and love.

"Hey, I missed you too," he giggled, stroking the cat's soft fur. "Where's your dad, hmm?"

She jumped onto the floor and walked over to the bathroom door, nudging it with her head and meowing.

"Go away, Blue." Jungkook heard Jimin choke, and his heart hurt when he heard the sadness in his boyfriend's voice.

"Jimin? Are you alright?" Jungkook asked, his heartbeat quickening when he realised the door was jammed.

"Kookie?" He heard Jimin's voice call out. "How did you know I wasn't working?"

"You never work on Tuesdays," He said, quietly freaking out when he realised the door was locked. "Jimin, open the door."


"Jimin, I swear to god."


"Open the fucking door, Hyung."

"Fine." He sniffled, and Jungkook was relieved to see the doorknob turn and reveal his puffy-faced boyfriend, who had obviously been crying.

He shot forward and held Jimin tightly in his arms, nuzzling his face into the older's neck.

"You scared me," he mumbled. "Don't do that again."

"I'm sorry," Jimin sobbed, melting into Jungkook's arms. "I've just been thinking about... Busan."

"Me too," Jungkook admitted, still not letting his boyfriend go. "Do you know what you're going to do?"

"I'm not going without you."

Jungkook pulled away and looked at Jimin in the eyes. "Really? Why not?"

Jimin stared up at him with those dark eyes, the ones that managed to capture him all those months ago, right at the beginning of autumn, where he'd first confessed a secret part of his identity.

Jungkook was still Jimin's best friend, among other things. They still messed around, play-fought and acted like normal male friends would, and the romantic assets just came with the relationship. He knew so well how to play with Jimin's heart strings and make him flutter and swoon, although he was no insincere devil. Jungkook was the purest of all people he'd encountered, full of spirit and sensitivity and unlike anyone he knew, had known, or would ever know.

They'd come so far, and Jimin, after twenty two years, knew one thing was for certain.

"I love you," Jimin breathed, staring into the younger's wide eyes. "So much, and I can't leave without you."

Jungkook pulled Jimin closer, fitting against him like a puzzle piece as he pressed his lips against the older's.

"I love you too, and I've been wanting to tell you that for a long time," Jungkook whispered, pressing his forehead against Jimin's. "You don't know how much this means to me."

"Same here," Jimin grinned ear to ear, pulling Jungkook up with him as he stood and crouching down to pick up Blue, who had been patiently waiting at the doorway.

"Sorry, little one," Jimin kissed her head, scooping her up with one hand and wrapping his other around Jungkook's own, taking them both to bed. "You can stay, right?"

"Anything for you." Jungkook smiled, letting Jimin pull the covers over them, Blue resting in between.

They stared at each other, smiles as big as anything, and couldn't keep straight faces for more than a few seconds, giggling like they would at sleepovers all those years ago.

"I love you I love you I love you!" Jimin peppered his boyfriend's face with kisses and Blue hid under Jungkook's arm, who was laughing uncontrollably.

"Kinda rolls off the tongue when it's true, huh?" Jungkook said quietly, and Jimin replied with no words, just pulled the younger close to him, with some space for Blue in the middle.

"Good night, Park Jungkook." Jimin teased, earning a chortle from the younger.

"Uh, more like good night Jeon Jimin."

"You're taking my name, sis."

"We'll see about that."


"And then she said 'sis, you can't dance,' and I was all like 'huh? What was that, hun?' and I fucking popped and locked in her ugly face." Maya cackled through the phone, taking off her makeup as she talked to Yoongi.

"Pff, you bad bitch. I'm also getting the bad eyebrow vibe. Am I correct once again?" Yoongi asked.

"Oh dude, they were really bad. Like, she draws them on with orange pigment, which is fine if your actual eyebrow hairs aren't fucking black."

"Oh no. Instead of slamming her, you should tell her," He replied, but a knock on the door pulled him from the depths of the conversation. "Oh, my Uber Eats is here, keep talking."

"She wouldn't listen to me. She thinks she knows what she's doing, and she can dance, but her brows got me crying on my lunch break."

"Okay, I'm back on the couch, and can I just say I have not had one attractive Uber Eats delivery person ever." Yoongi complained, sipping on his drink.

"Ugh, I know right? What did you get?"

"Just some sushi and an extra large bubble tea."

"I had pesto pasta an hour ago, get on my level."

"Gross," he winced. "I'd rather sushi than that."

"Pff, yeah me too," Maya got up and opened the fridge, scanning the shelves for something decent. "Yoon, can I ask you a dumb girl question?"

"Shoot." Yoongi replied, slurping his bubble tea loudly.

"Is Hoseok single?"

Yoongi spat out his drink and choked on a tapioca bubble, taking a few moments to compose himself. "Sorry, what?"

"Is it really that dumb?" She laughed nervously.

"Uh, no... perfectly fine," He replied. "He's um, not single, I'm afraid."

"Why are you acting so weird about it?" She asked, dissatisfied as she couldn't find anything to eat in the fridge, so she turned to the pantry.

"Ok wait," Yoongi said, putting his drink down. "What's your opinion on gay people?"

"Wait, what?"

"Just answer the question."

"I don't let the fact that they're gay change who they are to me and respect them like I would any other person?" Maya said. "But is he gay?"

"He'll probably kill me for saying this, but he's bisexual," Yoongi sighed, knowing if Hoseok found out that he told Maya, he'd get his ass whooped. "And so am I."

"Wait..." Maya stopped stirring her tea for a second. "Does that mean..."

"Hoseok and I are dating, yes," Yoongi said calmly, drinking the rest of his tea before throwing the empty cup blindly behind him. "You can't mention it to him yet, though."

"I won't, but that is so cute," she beamed. "Also, I just asked you if your boyfriend was single, I am extremely sorry."

"Don't worry Maya," He laughed, before yawning. "You know who you should think about dating, though? My friend called Taehyung."

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