By AliceGhostWriter

125 3 0

Since the Villains stopped being evil the fairy tale protagonists got time to spare, but a cup of coffee and... More

1. Unsteady stools
2. Too sweet coffee
3. Royal headache
4. French fries Prince
5. Shut up
6. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
7. Heat wave
8. Insane
9. Unwanted tail
10. No
11. Sussy Cottage
The witch hunt (part II)
14. Spellbound
15. Unashamed
16. F for Fairy
17. Hilltower
18. Bad gal
19. Odd looking flowers
20. Paramedics
21. Danger
22. Is that enough?
23. What did you do?
24. 9 to 5

12. The witch hunt (Part I)

5 1 0
By AliceGhostWriter

If you're Maleficent's daughter you gotta be dramatic. In any given occasion you're going to exaggerate whatever its going on and make it look bigger than in actually is...

Or that is what aunt C used to tell me, she was quite a drama queen herself and she wasn't one of maleficent child. I'm not that dramatic, but I'm certain that the situation is fucking huge... We're in the court room used only for the Lord's trials, it's the bigger and it's only used when every representative is called here.

And by here I refer to the impartial lands, nobody owns them and they're keep in good state by the effort of everybody, the only two structures here are this huge court room and the castle that acts like hotel for anyone that has to travel huge distances to get here. Jeez, I use the word huge way too much.

My high heels click against the marble floor of the reception of the hotel, the rainbowy reflection that the cristal chandelier makes its beautiful and the way that it moves against the white walls takes my breath away. At least I feel good about my outfit election now. The white fitted pant and jacket are perfectly ironed, my makeup is full coverage, but light and my hair is up in a smart bun. The only thing I'm not so comfortable with is that my mother made me use lenses - not just for my vision problems- colored lenses to take away a bit of my fairy looking appearance.

I'm anxious more than anything, but I was raised to be strong so that's what I do while I wait for my mother, Fye and our lawyers. Fye is in a pre-reunion meeting and my mother and lawyers are stuck in traffic. But the reunion doesn't start until 2 and she's just 30 minutes away from here. Someone security detail moves closer to the meeting room and I know that the per reunion is done. A tiny blonde with a hard expression walks out in an angry haze and her body guard follows her close, she can't be older than 20 and she's breathtakingly gorgeous.

The rest of them pours out and I step back trying to not be recognised, but the side looks don't take long to come. This is the first time that I see this people, but I know about the kingdoms history and they're the kings and their first born. Fye walks in my direction and immediately his security detail closes lines around us, but even like that I catch a glimpse of the clenched jaw of the Prince Dawn.
I don't get why he hates me so much, I get that my mom did wrong, but I'm a innocent here. What he expected me to do? To go to him and say that my mother broke the treaty? When she didn't, well she kinda did, but who's keeping track?

Fye pulls me by the arm in the court room direction and we follow the rest of the people, when I enter the room I gasp.

It is gorgeous, the ceilings are high and made of a cristal that's protected with an intricate gold structure that holds little led lamps that somewhat look ancient and expensive, the room is a huge circle with white stone walls that have engraved the kingdoms names. Our kingdom's name Nouvelle has our history before the treaty written under it. The other kingdoms either have the history illustrated or written under their names too.

There's a huge oak dais in the middle of the room, it is circular too and has multiple chairs on it, the dark wood talks about the power, the money, the history and the soul of this court room. It has something to it that intimates me, maybe I'm just nervous because I'm in deep shit, but I can't help to feel repelled by the dais. There's a rumor, one I'm almost certain that it's true, people says that the dais is magical and it forces you to say the true when you sit down.

Deep breathes, G. You're Maleficent's daughter and nothing is going to bring you down.

I feel the need to run for my life I march down the hall and into our kingdom section of the stands, Fye rubs my arm gently and keeps moving to the front, I take a sit a row behind the balustrade that divides de dais from the stands and my brother takes his chair in the dais. Even when I'm deeply involved in all of this, I'm not the first born and I'm not the one that is technically being judge, therefore I don't get to be in the dais and I can't help.

The rest of the Kings and their first born are still slowly filling the room and some wives, lords, generals and princesses are taking sit in their kingdoms stands. I almost jump out of the bank when someone gracefully takes a sit by my side and when I look up and recognize Princess Stolen my stomach clenches, she's breathtakingly gorgeous and the greeting smile in her face makes me make a double take at her.

"How do you do?" She's calm and collect while I'm here being a big mess.

"Very well, thank you" even I can hear the lie on my words, but she's educated enough to not say anything. Prince Aube sits next to her and gives me a polite smile, but looks away when his mother walks by us. Queen Belle don't recognizes me and silently takes a sit in the end of the bank with a blank expression in her face. From what I have heard she's usually sweet, warm and polite, but today she don't seem any of it, there's something zombie-ish about her that preoccupies me.

A loud bell rings and the room goes silent and almost like she planned it my mother walks into the room looking flawless, a white mid thigh dress hugs her figure and night blue heels click in the marble floor, her dark hair is up in a high ponytail and she obviously had her makeup done professionally. She sways her way to the sais and takes her sit at Fye's right, my brother looks up and winks at me and I know that we both think the same.

She as dramatic as always decided to get here late so she could have a big entrance, momma stopped doing evil things, but the villain in her needs the drama to live.

The bell rings again and everyone goes silent, the court is suddenly dense with the tension in the air and I can feel the magic go crazy inside of me, I breath through the impact of it and my vision gets blurry, its like something is calling at it. I desperately look up trying to catch Fye attention, but he's looking at his hands with a hard expression on his face.

Next person, mom. She's going to know what is happening. When I look at her, she's as stiff as a stick and her jaw is clenched, one of her perfect brows is up and she looks mad as hell. Something is definitively going on, I scan the room with my eyes and some people looks agitated too.

King Adam walks to the center or the dais and talks "Good evening, everybody. For those who are new here, we've officially started the reunion and therefore the court room has conjured a spell, that restricts those who have magic from using it and us the ones sitting in the dais from lying" Bastards. "The reunion has as intention to judge the crimes of Maleficent against the kingdoms, my son Dawn will enunciate those crimes".

THE BASTARDS. THEY'RE JUDGING HER LIKE SHE IS A CRIMINAL JUST BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T FOLLOWED LETTER BY LETTER SOME DAMN RULE. She interpreted it in her way, that's not what we all do? Bend, but not break the rules.

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