You Are Mine ✔


796K 21.8K 2K

Book One Nikita Anderson, a young werewolf from the Blood Moon pack. Shortly after her twentieth birthday she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Eleven

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*Dominic's POV*

         Sighing I walk over to my desk, tossing the papers onto it as I pull my chair out and sit down. I quickly scan over the proposal, nodding along as I read it through. John wanted to send small groups of ten over at a time. Not wanting to leave his pack totally unprotected. Once they had all finished a majority of the training he wanted me to agree to letting a group of my men visit his pack to complete the training as one whole group. I had to agree with his logic and reasoning. It wouldn't be smart to send everyone over here all at once and I had to also agree that sending a group of my trainers their to finish their training was also a good idea. John really is a smart Alpha, even if we don't always get along. We tend to agree on many things, keeping our packs safe is a big priority and I couldn't agree more with him wanting to train his pack further. I've seen them in action before, yes they were skilled fighters but there was still many areas that they could improve on. As I think about this I instantly know who to put in charge with the first group. His way of teaching will definitely make things easier.

I sign the papers before standing from my desk and walking to the printer/scanner and fax machine. Punching in the numbers I set the paper work in the machine and watch as it scans them one by one. When it's finished I grab them, walking back to my desk I grab a small ring of keys from my pocket. Opening the bottom drawer I put the papers in before closing it back up and locking it before puting the keys back in my pocket. I stretch out, my arms going high above my head as my back pops and cracks. My eyes quickly scan the other papers on my desk, a small smile on my lips when I realize none of them are top priority and can be finished when I find the time.

'Let's find mate.'  My wolf chimes in. I think for a second before walking to the office doors. I don't have anything else to do, so why not.

'Pft, don't act like you aren't itching to see her too.'  He grumbles. I roll my eyes at him.

'Yeah, I do want to see her, but don't go all crazy on me this time. You need to control your urges.'

'I'm not crazy! I just want mate. You won't let me have her, sorry that I actually care for her.' I growl at his words, shutting the lights off before I close the doors behind me.

'I do care about her. Don't you dare say I don't. That is the only reason I've put up with all your crap over the years. You've been so puppy whipped since we met her. I couldn't even look at another girl without you wanting to rip my throat out.'

'Because we only need mate! Of course you shouldn't look at other women, stupid human. Mate would be sad if she knew what you have done. She has saved herself for us, but you couldn't keep it in your pants.'  He snaps.

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. Sure I was a stupid hormonal teenager who slept with girls. Once I found out Felisha wasn't my mate I saw no reason not to sleep with she-wolves from other packs. I hadn't found my mate yet and I needed a release from everything going on in my life. A year later, when I found Nikita I had felt horrible. Here was this sweet, innocent and perfect girl and she was meant to be all mine. Yet I had been a dog, I immediately stopped seeing those girls and haven't been with anyone in the past five years. I just hope that is good enough for her because I can't go back and change the past. If I could it would have saved many people a lot of pain.

'We just need to take things slow. Trust me on this one okay? I promise as soon as she is ready we will mark her.' I tell him. My words seeming to please him as he grumbles an agreement before retreating into the back of my mind.


      Following the scent of my mate, I find myself standing in the doorway of the living room on the main floor of the pack house. The room was full of people lounging around on chairs, couches, loveseats and random beanbags. Some of the girls had even made a giant sitting spot with pillows and blankets spread out on the floor. Two teen girls ran past me, their arms full of snacks.

As my eyes scanned the room I noticed they were just getting ready to watch a movie, the movie's opening credits were paused as people were still gathering and others were collecting snacks and drinks. My eyes landed on Nikita as she sat alone on one of the loveseats, her legs curled up under her. She was laughing along with the group at something one of the twins said. The sight alone was breathtaking, her happy smiling face was something I would never get tired of seeing. Some of the teens had noticed me standing in the doorway, their whispers spreading as they told others. I mentally rolled my eyes. Sure I wasn't the most social person, but was my being here really that big of a shock? As more and more eyes turned to look at me, I got my answer. Yes, apparently this was a big surprise.

I watch as Lilly whispered into Nikita's ear from the floor in front of her. My little mate turned to look at me, the smile on her face never fading as our eyes met. She waved me over before patting the open spot next to her. I quickly made my way over to her, stepping over a few random bodies as the lounged on the floor. Thankfully she wasn't all the way on the other side of the room. She had chosen a prim spot, dead center of the large tv screen. Sitting down next to her, she smiled again before turning back to Lilly. They were talking about how funny Jackson was during his bath earlier. He had made a beard out of the bubbles before accidentally sucking them in and gagging on the taste.

"Let's get this show started then shall we!" Someone cheered as the last group came into the room.

Nikita sat up, leaning back into the cushion when Lilly and the others turned their attention onto the screen. I could still feel many sets of eyes on us as the lights turned out. Nikita unconsciously leaned closer to me, her body heat radiating off her as she was mere inches away from touching me. I cleared my throat, causing all the prying eyes to suddenly focus on the movie instead of us. Settling in I figured I should get into a more comfortable position. My right arm stretched across the back of the loveseat, I could feel a few strands of Nikita's hair tickling my arm as she rested her head against it. I fought and lost miserably to keep my eyes on the screen, not even knowing what move we were watching.

The small gasp and jump she made had me looking at the screen finally. My eyes widened as I took in the bloody gory mess. Some guy has just cut off his own foot, blood going everywhere. What the hell are these people watching? I've never seen this movie before. I continue to watch the screen, my eyes glued to it as more and more people were dying. Each death seemed to be more painful, bloody and gruesome. About halfway through the movie I felt Nikita jump, nearly landing in my lap. She quickly scrambled to move away from me. My arms immediately wrapped around her, to stop her from toppling over the edge of the seat.

"Calm down." I whispered into her ear.

She gulped loudly before nodding. Her body was shaking slightly, her eyes wide as she turned back to the screen. Is she.. is she scared of this? A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. She is so adorable, honestly. Who is scared of this crap? It's just a movie, not even scary at all. I pulled her against my side, my right arm still wrapped around her shoulders. She didn't even seem to notice what I had done, her eyes remained fixated on the screen as another person was killed. She was still shaking, biting her lip as she whimpered. I wanted to pick her up and take her out of there instantly, but I was also enjoying the feeling of her pressed up against my side. A collective gasp sounded in the room, many girls screaming as blood sprayed everywhere.

Nikita screamed along with them as she turned her head, tucking it against my chest. I stared down at her fiery red hair as she slowly peeked out at the screen. She yelped, turning back into my chest. Her hands fisted in my shirt and I had to fight the urge to laugh. Instead I grabbed a blanket from the basket that sits next to the loveseat. Unfolding it I draped it over her and I before she looked up at me. Her stunning blue eyes peering into mine. I gave her a soft smile, or at least I hoped it was. Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as she smiled back.

"Thanks." She whispered as she pulled the blanket around her tighter. She snuggled closer to me, her head leaning back against my shoulder.

"No problem." I whispered back

Observing her facial expressions as she watched the movie. She seemed to have calm down now, but still jumped and yelped when she found something really scary. The smile on my face only grew because each time she got scared she tucked her face into my chest or into the crook of my neck. I could definitely get used to this, feeling her small little frame tucked under my arm, pressing into my side. The smell of her hair, had me puzzled for a moment. Her scent has always been a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon but as I inhaled I detected the faint scent of coconut in her hair. I nearly laughed out loud when the thought finally clicked, she must have used coconut scented shampoo and conditioner. Throughout the movie I would turn my head, inhaling deeply. I couldn't seem to get enough of her scent even if it was driving my wolf and I a little crazy. It was starting to be one of my guilty pleasures and I was quickly becoming an addict.

As the movies end credits were begging to play, my mood dropped. Soon I was going to have to leave her and I honestly didn't want to, but at the same time it felt like I couldn't get away from her fast enough. There was a constant war going on inside me. The need to be with her, claim her, make her mine forever was battling it out with the fear of betrayal and not wanting to open myself up to something like that again. I don't know if I'll ever be capable of loving someone ever again. Sure I love my brother and sister, but that's blood. People I grew up with, who have seen the dark and twisted shit of my past because they also lived through it. I cared deeply for my pack members and I would give my life to protect them, that's what an Alpha is supposed to do. Alpha's are supposed to protect their pack, keep them safe from anything and everything. My father never understood that, if it was a choice between him and the pack he would have sacrificed each and everyone of their souls just to save his own pathetic life. The day I took the Alpha position I vowed that I would never be like him, I would put my pack above everything else. The way it should be because the pack can always get another Alpha but what it a Alpha without a pack? He is nothing without them.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Nikita curled further into my side. I didn't notice that she had fallen asleep. Her head was still resting against my shoulder, my arm around hers. Her small but powerful fists still holding onto the fabric of my shirt. A small smile was on my lips as I watched her unconsciously snuggle closer to me. What is this women doing to me? She doesn't even have to be awake and she's still able to make me want her. Peeling my eyes away from her with great difficulty, my eyes scanned the room as people began to stand and stretch out their limbs. Some were passed out like Nikita while others were bouncing with energy from the sugary snacks and drinks they had consumed. A few sets of eyes traveled over to the loveseat Nikita and I shared but when they caught me looking right back at them they quickly averted their gaze. The chatter in the room was causing Nikita to stir in her sleep and I found myself frowning. Just as she opened her eyes I quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught staring at her. Surprisingly she made no attempt to pull away from me like I thought she would. She was practically sitting in my lap but she didn't seem to mind which only made me feel an odd sense of happiness.

A few people suggested watching another movie, instantly catching my attention. I would never admit it but I secretly wanted to watch another one just to keep the sleepy angel leaning against me by my side. As they debated over what to watch next Nikita rubbed at her sleep filled eyes with the back of her hand, the actions almost reminding me of a child but there was no way you could mistake her for one. Even if she was on the smaller side for a werewolf, her body was lethal. Every inch of her was a turn on, from her fiery flame colored hair, brilliant bright blue eyes, her perfectly straight nose and her plump lips that were dying to be kissed. Just the feeling of her perfectly toned body pressed up against my side was enough to make any man happy. As I looked down at her my eyes trailed down to her chest, the motion of it rising and falling as she breathed made my pants fit a little tighter in certain areas. Her baggy t-shirt had slide down in the front and from my angle I had a pretty good view of her cleavage. What can I say, I am a man. I couldn't help but stare at them, her gloriously perfectly round globes. My jeans were becoming very uncomfortable as thoughts of how they would feel in my hands or in my mouth began to fill my head. What the hell is wrong with me? What am I? It's like I'm some hormonal crazed teenager all over again.

'Well mate does have a smokin body.' My wolf chimed in. I groaned internally.

'That may be the case but now is NOT the time to be having these kinds of thoughts. We are in a room full of wolves, our unmarked mate in almost sitting directly on top of my dick. I don't perticerally wish to see what her reaction to my manhood would be right now, not in this very moment.'

That had him barking with laughter. Stupid mutt was enjoying this way to much. Blocking him out I focused my eyes on the tv screen as another movie bagan to play. As the previews played a few younger pack members walked around handing out snacks and drinks. When they stopped in front of Nikita and I she sat up slowly, looking over the selection in one of the girls arms.

"I'll take some of the twizzlers, reese's pieces and a can of pepsi." Her voice was groggy with sleep but by the time she finished she sounded more awake, almost excited.

Another teen girl quickly handed the candy and soda to her, a kind smile on her face. I could already tell people were starting to accept her, after all Nikita was really a likeable person. It was hard not to like her, she is always polite and respectful to elders and treats everyone the same. Which is why I was so shocked earlier when she was immediately hostile towards Agatha but once I found out the truth I understood instantly. Shaking myself mentally I cleared my thoughts as the two teens standing in front of me, looked at me and asked if I would like anything. Scanning the items my interest peaked as I noticed a pack of peanut butter M&M's. Before I could even voice my choice, Nikita's arm reached out, snatching up the M&M's before holding them out to me. As I grabbed them from I looked at her with an eyebrow raised, she was looking at me with a shit eating grin plastered on her face.

"I saw the way your eyes lit up when you spotted them." She said before shrugging and opening her bag of reese's. Blinking a few times I turned back to the two teens.

"Pepsi." Was all I said before they quickly handed me one.

"Is that all Alpha?" One of them asked, I nodded in response before they quickly scurried off to the couch a few feet away.

A snort sounded next to me causing me to look over at Nikita again, my brow raised as I watched her giggle into the blanket that was covering her face. What could possibly be that funny? Did I miss something? I looked at the tv, wondering if the movie had already started. A small frown tugged at my lips as I noticed the previews were still playing. Turning back to Nikita I watched as she tried to control her giggles and removed her face from the blanket. Her pools of blue locking with my own when she looked up at me.

"Um well the way they hurried off, it was like they were afraid you would eat them or something." She said in a rush, talking so fast I almost couldn't make out what she was saying. Opting to gauge her reaction I went along with her crazy theory.

"Because I just might have. You never know when my beast will have a craving for flesh."

I kept my face blank and expressionless as I watched her eyes go wide before she suddenly burst out laughing. Her loud laughter had everyone looking over in our direction, most faces were curious while some were shocked or even smirking. The last one belonged to my little sister Lilly. Ignoring her I turned my attention back to my little mate as she snorted through her laughter. Her hand shot up covering her nose and mouth as she continued to laugh.

"Sorry.. I.. get.. weird when I'm sleepy." She said between gasps of breath.

Her lip was suddenly between her teeth as she tried to control her fits of laughter. I had admit she was adorable until she did that, I could feel my wolf pushing forward and I had to quickly look away before we did something the both of us would surely regret. My left hand clenched into a tight fist as I stared straight ahead at the TV screen. Thankful for the distraction as the movie The Sixth Sense began. Apparently it was a "scary" movie night for everyone. I honestly never found a movie that scared me, I usually laughed at their sad attempts for jump scares but then again maybe it's just because of the house I grew up in. True horror is growing up with a abusive father and a mother that just looks the other way or worse actually participates in the "punishment".

I grunted as an elbow jabbed into my ribs, my head snapping in Nikita's direction. I bit back my growl as she was looking up at me with such an innocent look on her face. Her eyebrows were drawn together, creating a few wrinkles on her forehead. My head tilted as I searched her face with slight curiosity. How could she still look so damn beautiful even when she's frowning. My own eyebrows rose as she leaned over me, taking hold of my left hand and pulling it over towards her. Her small hands uncurled my stiff fingers, bringing back the blood flow into them. I hadn't even realized just how tight I was squeezing them. Nikita held my hand between both of hers, rubbing small circles on the back of my hand with her thumbs. My eyes were locked on her face as the shocks and tingles raced through me with just the simplest of touches. When she looked up her face was mere inches from mine, her eyes staring straight into mine before they traveled down to my lips. Her tongue slipped between her teeth, wetting her lips before disappearing back into her mouth.

Not a single thought reached my mind. I was leaning forward, pressing my lips to hers before I even knew what I was doing. Her eyes closed instantly as she pressed her lips into the kiss. My own eyes following suit, the arm I had laying on the back of the loveseat came forward. My hand diving into the hair at the back of her neck. Her hands released mine that she was holding, sliding them up my chest before tangling into my hair. The small tug she always seemed to do had me groaning in the back of my throat. My left hand slide under the blanket, gliding along her thigh and up her side before I curled my arm around the small of her back. I pulled her to me as I angeled my body towards hers before I turned. Taking her with me as I desperately needing her even closer than she already was. Her small frame was now successfully draped over mine as her tight little ass landed in my lap. My mouth muffled the small little moan that came from her as I nibbled on her bottom lip. I became vaguely aware that we weren't alone as I felt Lilly nudging at the family mind-link. I tried to ignore it until she shoved into my mind with a low growl.

'You do realize there are about twenty teenagers watching your make out session with your lovely mate right?' Her smug and sarcastic voice had me freezing all movement.

'Fuck!' I cursed before merging into the pack-link.

'It would be wise for you all to look away now.'

I could feel the venom seeping into every word, knowing instantly that they all averted their eyes. I could hear Lilly and Brent's chuckles before I put the wall back up in my mind. Nikita was still lying in my lap but she had noticed I was no longer kissing her even though our lips were still pressed together. I could feel her hands were now cupping my cheeks and when I opened my eyes I was met with her brilliant blues. I pulled back slightly, feeling slightly awkward having my lips against hers as we stared into each others eyes. She kept her hands on my face, a worried look on her face as she whispered.

"Are you okay?" I nodded, unsure what to say to her.

There I was kissing her yet again, in front of all these pack members and I had been totally lost. Whenever I was with her it felt like it was only her and I in this world. Everything else faded and became nonexistent, like we were in our own little bubble. I feared this because on one hand I relished in the feeling but on the other it made me feel weak. My senses were out of wack, only focusing on her and not my surroundings. Just like in the kitchen, I should have felt Lilly and her friends coming long before they ever reached the kitchen, but I was so caught up in Nikita that I didn't even know they were standing five feet away. I needed to be careful, I couldn't be around Nikita anywhere but in the safety of the packhouse, not alone at least.

"You sure? You look troubled. What's worrying you?" Her soft voice pulled me from my thoughts once again as I focused on her eyes.

"You are." I answered honestly, surprising even myself as I did. Her head cocked to the side at my words.

"I'm making you worried?" I nodded again. Her face turned hard, angered as she shoved my shoulders back.

"Move then." She gritted out. Her anger confused me as I watched her wiggle out of my hold. I sat there in a daze as she ran out of the room and up the stairs.

"You know, for someone so fucking smart you are the dumbest person I have ever met." Lilly's voice said from the floor. Looking at her I growled at the insult but she just shrugged it off.

"Don't growl at me just because you're the idiot who doesn't know how to talk to his own mate." I growled again but I couldn't argue with her, she was right.

I don't know how to talk to Nikita, not about things like this. I didn't really know how to talk to anyone about this kind of thing. Even talking to Brent about it was difficult for me and there was nothing I couldn't talk to him about. Sighing as I rub my hands over my face, I am a complete idiot when it comes to this shit. I've never been more frustrated or confused about something in my life. Hell strategizing war was easier than this shit. Why couldn't it all be as easy as cutting your enemy off as they run for their life, the joy of watching the blood drain from their face when they realizes that it's the end for them. Why can't it be as simple as ripping out someone's throat or tearing their head off? Why did this have to be so god damn complicated.

"You should probably go talk to her Dom." Lilly said, all smugness gone only to be replaced with concern. She was looking at me, worry on her face before she looked at the staircase. I could tell she was also worried about Nikita, not just me.

"I'll try." I grumbled before getting up and following her scent out of the room.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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