Waiting For My Mate

Door Veikari

518K 14.6K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 53

3.6K 116 76
Door Veikari

Couple of weeks went by fast and Freed noticed - relieved - that his nightmares had stopped after they had talked with Valdeghar and Makarov. He didn't know why, but he sure wasn't sorry because of that.

The winter had finally arrived, the snow was slowly falling from the sky and the whole town had a new white blanket covering it. Kids all around the town were of course excited because of the snow and there were lots of snow fights happening everywhere.

"I hate it."

The Thunder Legion was walking over from the small mission - well Freed was just accompanying them since it was in Magnolia, he wasn't actually allowed to do anything - towards the Guild.

"Can't help it", Ever chuckled hugging Freed's arm as they walked. "But it really does suit you."

"I hate it", Freed just repeated. He was wearing a new coat, black and much like his old coat with yellow buttons and he had of course green scarf and fuzzy earmuffs.

"You didn't want to do anything to your red coat but you can't walk around in the winter without one so we just had to buy you a new one that is big enough now", Laxus shrugged and he felt how purple eye glared at him behind the green bangs.

"Don't listen to him, you're not even that big yet, sweetie", Ever assured adjusting her fluffy scarf better.

"Big enough not to fit in his old coat", Laxus smirked and Bickslow cackled.

"And whose fault that might be?" Freed growled coldly. "Mister My Magic Is So Awesome I Knocked Up My Boyfriend."

"It wasn't like I did it purposely, I had no idea that could happen", Laxus defended himself.

"No matter what you say, you just can't win, baby", Bickslow smirked.

"Of course he can't", Ever chuckled. "Freed carries the ultimate card against Laxus where ever he goes and that card can win every quarrel you guys have."

"That sucks", Laxus grumbled annoyed.

"I'm sorry, is this all too much for you?" Freed snapped sarcastically. "I didn't realize you were having a hard time, maybe you should rest a bit?"

"Alright! I get it", Laxus said rolling his eyes. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to upset you."

"Sounds better", Freed nodded. "You're forgiven."

"But it's not like I'm the only one who's to blame..." Laxus muttered.

"And he's back in the dog house", Bickslow cackled, when Freed's cowlicks looked like they twitched in a really angry way.

"You're blaming this on me?" Freed asked terrifyingly calm, looking at his fiancé. "I'm sorry, of course this is my fault. I should have known that despite I'm a male, I would end up being pregnant so I should have taken care of the protection."

"I didn't mean it that way", Laxus assured.

"No no, I understand. It's not like the high and mighty Laxus Dreyar should take care of some petty little details like protection and if something happens, of course it's my fault to get knocked up", Freed said with cold and emotionless tone. Ever and Bickslow knew he was pissed as hell, since he was talking like that to his Thunder God. Laxus himself seemed to notice that too, Freed never talked like that.

"I'm sorry, of course it's not your fault", he said. "I would never blame you."

"So who were you going to blame if not me?" Freed just asked.

"Eh? Um... My dragon slayer magic?" Laxus suggested. "Me and my dragon slayer magic."

"Nice try", Bicks snickered and 'babies' giggled.

"I think I might as well go straight to Porlyusica now for my regular examination", Freed muttered. "You three go give your report at the Guild."

"Freed..." Laxus sighed.

"I'll see you back at home". Freed said and just started walking to another street, heading towards the forest.

"Fuck", Laxus cussed irritated. "Why is he that waspish?"

"He'll calm down soon", Ever smiled. "It's just those hormones. If you want, we can take care of the report so you can go after Freed."

"Thanks", Laxus said.

"But don't get too close, Freed needs time to calm", Bickslow grinned. "He should be calm enough once you arrive at the cottage."

"You're right. I'll just stay close enough so I can get to him quickly if something happens", Laxus said. "But far enough so he won't notice me. Last thing I want is to make him even more angry", he muttered and went after his green haired boyfriend.

Freed arrived at the edge of the forest and by then, he was already calm again. He had been muttering something the whole way, but he just couldn't stay mad when he knew that it was stupid and childish. According to Ever it was alright, sometimes he was allowed to act like that since what could he do about it? When those hormones decided now was the time to do something completely absurd, that is what was going to happen.

Freed sighed, following the small path between the trees. He felt still bad. It was not alright to act like that when he knew very well that Laxus had just as much information about this whole mess as he did. They had no idea what could happen so it was no-one's fault.

Freed crossed his arms and nodded to himself. He should apologize. Maybe he should make a good dinner after he returned back home? Something that Laxus really liked. Lately, they had mostly eaten what Freed was craving... But then again, when he thought about it a while, a lot of things had happened lately according to what he wanted...

The rune mage groaned ruffling his hair slightly. He was acting ridiculous! How could he be this selfish? It was not alright at all to snap to his Thunder God like that and without a good reason at all! He had to apologize at once when he would see Laxus again! And he had completely ignored all his duties as a captain! Though, it was because Porlyusica had forced him on this... Err... Vacation.

When was the last time he checked their budget for the important expenses? Had he even taken a good look in the fridge when they visited their house just two days ago? Were Ever and Bickslow eating just junk food and not proper food? He might be pregnant but he shouldn't neglect his duties!

"Hello, Freed!"

Freed snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head.

"Hello, Levy", he smiled. "How are you doing?"

"Fine", Levy smiled. "You're going to see Porlyusica too?"

"Yes", Freed nodded and they started their journey together. "I thought you usually went to see her at mornings", Greenette said.

"I usually do, but today I had no time to go earlier", Levy explained. "Gajeel is busy with other things so this is a good chance to have time for myself. You seem a little bit troubled."

"I am", Freed sighed. "I have came to notice finally that my behaviour has been inexcusable lately..."

"What happened?" Levy asked surprised and worried. "What did you do?"

Freed explained what had happened. Now that he said it out loud, it made him even more embarrassed that he got so angry.

"That's it?" Levy asked finally after a brief silence.

"What?" Freed said blinking.

"I snapped to Gajeel yesterday because for some reason I hated the color of the headband he was wearing", Levy giggled. "And he had to go all the way back home to change it and at the time he returned, I told him it was alright for him to wear that previous headband, I didn't hate it anymore."

"Oh..." Freed said.

"Your pregnancy brain is making you overthink even more than usually. You have to be more forgiving for yourself, Freed", Levy smiled patting Freed's arm gently. "This is exactly the reason why Porlyusica won't let us go into any missions."

"But I just feel like I'm acting really unfair towards Laxus", Freed confessed.

"Maybe, but how are you planning to stop these bursts?"

"That I don't know..."

"See? If you feel bad, then say you're sorry and then you can forget this. Laxus understands."

"What about all my self centered whims?" Freed asked.

"Too bad, he has to just adjust", Levy huffed. "Things change. Are you planning to keep doing everything just like before pregnancy, after the baby is born? I highly doubt that even you can do something like that."

"I... I haven't actually even thought much how things are going to be after the birth..." Freed confessed.

"You should", Levy nodded. "Because things won't stay the same. It takes at least two or three years before we can even go to the mission next time. Who knows, maybe even longer? I know I want more kids than just one", she smiled.

They kept walking in silence towards the cottage and Freed thought what Levy had said. Of course things weren't going to stay the same. There was no way he could take care of everything like he used to... It saddened him. He wanted to take care of his team, but he couldn't even go with them anywhere further than Magnolia.

Soon they stood in front of the door, both a little bit nervous. Obviously they were both waiting that the other one would knock.

"Well... You're a captain after all, you should do the honour", Levy said.

"Oh no, ladies first", Freed assured.

"Just open the door and come inside already, you wimps!" Porlyusica yelled from the inside making them flinch. "And quick, I don't want you idiots to let out all the warmth of my house!"

They looked at each other, neatly swept all the snow from the porch and cleaned their shoes, then they stepped in the cottage.

"It is unusual of you two to arrive together", Porlyusica said looking at them.

"It was a coincidence", Freed said. "Good evening, Porlyusica."

"I don't have time for needless chitchat. Let's start", the pink haired woman said.

Freed sat on the couch to wait while Levy followed Porlyusica to the other room.

After the examinations, they were sitting in front of the desk and Porlyusica took her seat behind it.

"Everything seems to be fine", she said. "Is there anything else new that comes in mind you two should tell me?"

"No, I don't think so", Levy said and Freed shook his head as well.

"Alright. Then we will see again after two weeks. There is one thing I can tell you if you're interested of hearing it. Some people want to know the gender of the baby before and some people want it to be a surprise. So what do you want to do?"

"So... You know?" Freed asked surprised.

"Yes, I know, I believe that was what I just said", Porlyusica said annoyed. "So do you want to know or not?"

"I want to know", Levy said excitedly. "Freed, don't you want to know?"

"Um... I'm not sure what Laxus wants", Freed said frowning. "If he wants it to be a surprise, it would be wrong for me to -"

"I'm going to tell you the gender of your baby, not the deepest secret of the life itself", Porlyusica snapped. "It shouldn't be that hard to say yes or no."

Freed looked at Levy who smiled expectingly and he thought about it more. If he let himself be selfish in this and only went with what he wanted... He wanted to know.

"I... I guess it's alright", the swordsman finally said and Levy squealed on her seat.

"This is so thrilling!" she said. "Please tell us, Porlyusica."

The old healer huffed but she also smiled slightly.

"As you wish", she said. "Levy is going to have a baby girl and Freed is having a baby boy, congratulations."

Freed just stared at her hardly believing his ears, when Levy screamed loudly and hugged him tightly as she was so excited for them both.

"Isn't that great news, Freed?" she giggled.

"Yes, it is", Freed chuckled. "Congratulations, Levy."

"You too, Freed!"

Porlyusica said nothing, but she knew very well how pointless it was to actually tell about the genders, since the reaction would be the same no matter what. At least with these two and she was sure Laxus and Gajeel would be happy too.

"If you're done now, you can get out", she said taking out her book to write everything down.

Freed and Levy stood up, but then the door suddenly burst open and both Laxus and Gajeel crashed in, falling on the floor.

"Get out of my way, you fucking lightning rod!" Gajeel snarled and tried to push Laxus aside.

"You're the one who keeps getting in my way, damn prince albert!" the blond growled.

"What are you two idiots doing, rushing into other peoples homes just like that?!" Porlyusica snapped.

"I heard Levy screaming!" Gajeel said and looked around, noticing Levy. "What happened? Is everything alright?" he asked shoving Laxus out of his way and stood up.

"Yes, everything is alright", Levy said. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't like it when you walk in the forest alone so I followed you."

Laxus stood up and stepped beside Freed who was still surprised because of this sudden hassle.

"Are you alright? That old hag didn't do anything?" Laxus asked.

"What? Yes, I'm alright", Freed said. "Nothing is wrong."

"What was with that screaming?" Gajeel asked.

"We just heard some news", Levy smiled brightly and she grabbed Gajeel's arm in her tight grasp. "We're having a girl, isn't that great?" she said.

"A girl?" Gajeel said blinking. "That's... That's... Really great!" the raven haired mage laughed loudly and lifted up his much smaller mate just like that. "That is awesome news!"

"That's what caused the scream?" Laxus asked crossing his arms. "Well, guess I'm happy for them."

Freed looked at his Thunder God, who stood still and said nothing more and didn't ask anything. But he could see how tensed up he was, waiting for Freed to say something. Obviously he was dying to know, but was too proud to just ask, thinking that would make him look like some overexcited fool.

He wondered how long it would take before Laxus would ask.

"Get out! All of you!" Porlyusica shouted pointing at door. "I don't have time for this!" she said grabbing the broom and shoved them all out of the door, slamming it shut once they were outside.

There were slight growling between Laxus and Gajeel before they took their own directions with their mates. Freed just smiled walking beside his lightning dragon slayer and for a moment the only noise was how their shoes flattened the snow under them.

"So..." he finally heard Laxus say, maybe even slightly timidly but he obviously tried to sound confident and like he was not even that interested. "What did she say?" he asked just staring ahead.

"That everything is fine", Freed smiled.

"Oh... That's good."

"We're having a boy", Freed finally chuckled and watched how Laxus jolted, then he stopped.

"A boy?" he asked now looking at Freed who nodded.

"Yes. Is that good news?" he asked and Laxus laughed, kissing him.

"That's really good news", he purred. "I can't wait to tell gramps and others. Hell, I feel like I want to shout it from the roof of the Guild."

"You would have been that happy if we would have been having a girl, right?" Freed asked.

"What? Of course!" Laxus said. "What the hell, Freed? You actually think I would be some bastard who hates his kids if they are not the gender he expected?"

"No, of course not", Freed laughed. "I know you're not like that."

"Good, because no matter what I would still be the proudest man in the Earthland."

"I'm glad to hear that", Freed smiled. "I'm sorry about the earlier, I shouldn't have got that angry over such a silly thing."

"It's alright, babe", Laxus said pulling his arm around Freed's waist. "I get it. Don't feel bad about it."

"I just needed to apologize."

"I know. I would forgive you even if you didn't. Let's just go home now."

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