More Than Just You

By mimmohmimmih

367 30 37

I'm not your basic go lucky bubbly girl. I'm broken and not interested in anything about life... because it a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Six

19 1 0
By mimmohmimmih

♧Rainie's POV ♧
"...will you play with me Rainie? "I look down and see my baby sister holding two dolls.

I kneel down so we're at eye level and gently pat her head.

"No baby, I can't now. I have to go somewhere, "I tell her and her cute dimpled smile disappears and she looks down.

"Hey, what about you play with your friend Tina then I'll take you to the zoo immediately I get back, "I tell her and her face lights up.

She throws her tiny hands around my neck in a hug.

"You're the best Rainie. I love you, "she says.

I get up after she ran off to her playroom.

Raine and dad had just finished moving everything to the car.

"Lilly, it's time to go, "my dad shouts and Lilly comes downstairs.

"To the zoo? "She asks her big emerald eyes looking at my happily.

"No baby, we're going to the airport, "my dad said picking her up.

Slowly the room darkens and things disappear.

I'm looking at Lilly who's still in my dad's arms though I can't see his face clearly.

"You disappointed me. You left me
knew I'd die, "she started saying and I felt tears in my eyes.

"No... Lilly I just... "

"You killed me Rainie,you knew we'd die, that's why you didn't get into the car. You knew... "Her voice was getting louder.

"No, Lilly I didn't know. I didn't kill you. I, I love you so much... "

"Liar,"I hear a new voice and it's Raine. "You killed her, you killed dad Rainie. You killed your twin, "

"No, I didn't kill anyone. "I yell and my eyes open up.

I'm in my room and my tears are trickling down.

I look at the time on my alarm clock and I see it's 5:09 am.

I couldn't go back to sleep. I was too scared.

I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror.

I was a mess. My eyes had dark circles underneath. My hair was now pointing at different directions.

I sighed and stripped of my clothes that had sweat from all my screaming.

I stood under the shower head after it had warmed up and enjoyed the feeling as it ran down my body.

I slowly took my shampoo and scrubbed my hair.

Puddles of black coloured water formed at my feet as the dye cleansed off.

I finished washing my body and stepped out of the shower.

I go back into my room and put on some Charlie Puth before retreating to my closet.

I pulled out a short black dress with a bit of lace on the chest area, a black coat and a pair of knee-high boots.

I set them on the bed and head to my bathroom where my vanity is.

I put on my normal make up and curl my now brownish hair.

I go back to my room and find that it's only 6:15.

School starts at 8:00.

I sigh as the lyrics sink in.

"...I'll be there to save the day, super man's got nothing on me. I'm only one call away'

My mind immediately wanders to my dream and I feel tears threatening to fall at any moment.

I stop the song and put on my clothes for the day.

I clean my room and head downstairs when am done.

I eat my cereal quietly as I wait for time to go by.

"...Now, as much as I want you to do this on your own, I know it'll be hard for you. So I'm pairing you up, "Mr Huggins, my Literature teacher says.

"Do we get to choose our partners? "Some random kid asked.

"No, I have all the boys names in this basket. All the girls will pick one paper. The name on it is the name of your partner. "He says and signals the girls yo start picking them.

"I wish I get Mason Ace, or Jake Parker, "I hear girls giggle in front of me and I roll my eyes.

This is why I don't do girlfriends.

I pick my paper and go back my seat.

"Who'd you get? "One of the girls ask.

"Booger Bob, "she says sad that she didn't get who she wanted. "What about you? "

"Hairy Harry, "she says also sad.

Ha. Take that whores.

I smile and open my paper.

Jake Parker.

I groan.

I see Jake look around and since I'm the only one without her partner, he smiles and walks cockily to me.

God, if you exist, please make him trip.

He gets to my desk and smirks.

"Howdy partner, "he says tipping his imaginary hat.

"Don't, "I say and he opens his mouth to say something but Mr Huggins beats him to it.

"Your assignment is to come up with a play, out of your own creativity. To portray modern day romance and clichés, "he says"it'll be presented at the end of the semester. It takes 50% of your  total grade"

Ugh, why does the universe fucking hate me.

I'm currently at Jake's house to work on our assignment.

"So I'm thinking we do like a prom thing, like a major proposal and we'll think of a story along those lines, what do you think? "I say looking at Jake.

He's looking at me like am an alien monster.

"What? "I say and he shakes his head.

"I just never thought you're uh, human, "he says like it's obvious.

"Okay Jake, let's do this. Be serious so that we can be done with this stupid assignment"
I say like am talking to a baby.

He still looks at me. I sigh and put my pen down.

"Do you have something you want to ask me? "I ask him.

"If that's okay, "he says.

I nod and he clears his throat.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend? "He asked me.

"Yes, why? "

"I just wondered whether you ever let people close to you. I haven't seen you close to anyone at our school, "he says.

I'm taken by surprise by his words and I just look down.

Images of Noah flooding my mind. I thought he loved me, that bastard.

"Next question,is this, "he says pointing my whole body, "the real Rainie Myres? "

I shift in my seat. "Uh, I... Uh. It's mh... "

"You don't have to answer Rainie. "He says and I look up to see a warm smile. "One last question, can we be friends? "

I look up and for once I don't see cocky gray eyes, I see genuine warmth.

I smile. "Sure, why not. I could use a friend anyway, "I say and he squeals.

Oh boy. What have I done.

After about an hour of script writing and tearing, we get one page done.

"Just say it with a little bit of emotion. Act like you're in love Rainie, "Jake says.

I groan and sink into the couch.

"Ugh, I've tried. It's not working. "I say.

I am beyond frustrated. We've been redoing the scene where our characters admit to their love.

"Uh, act like it's Mason you're telling, " Jake says.

My cheeks tint pink.

"What the eff. Jake! Why would you say that? "I ask and pick a pillow from the couch.

I beat him once but he gets away before I do it again.

"I'm just... I think you and him would make a lovely couple. I... Hey" he's interrupted by a pillow to his face.

"Say one word about Mason and me and you won't live to kiss J Law."I say.

"How did you know? "He asks.

"I have my ways, "I say and smile. "Okay, I think I can do it. Cone sit so I can say my lines."

I take in a deep breath and get into character. I'm Raquel in this simple play Jake and I made.

"...God, why would you think that? I liked you so much. You asked me out and I was the happiest I could be. Then that night. That night when you broke up with me, saying we couldn't be together, that night I knew. I loved you. "I pause. "I'm still in love with you Justin. Believe me. "

Tears we're flowing. Not because I was such a serious actress, no. It's just that this scene is so close to my break up with Noah.

It's been two years and I can't seem to get over him. It still hurts the same if not more than it did that night.

"...hello, Rainie, "Jake snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

I looked at him. "You alright there, you kind of zoned out, "he says.

"I'm good Jake. I'll just get home, "I say as I gather my things into my bag.

"Hey, Rainie, "I turned to him. "I'm here if you wanna talk okay, "he says and again in his eyes I see concern instead of the ridicule I expected.

I smiled and gave him a tight nod before leaving the house.

Fuck you, Noah. For making me fall for you.
Fuck you for leaving me after I'd told you everything. Fuck you.

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