
By nurix5

121K 5.9K 1.9K

Forth chases Beam but in reality, it's Tee who chases Tae. How can he win Tae's heart now that he knows he li... More

1: Truth and Lies
2: Underwater
3: Skinship
4: Stop copying me!
5: I'm not his boyfriend!
6: Fan Meeting
7: Mr. Nice Guy
8: Tee likes Tae
9: The Jealous Queen
10: Tae's true feelings?
11: Going Solo
12: Everything Went Awkward
13: Falling Even More
14: Crazy Tee
16: Tae's Scandal
17: Drowning
18: Hot Cocoa
19: Tae's Lies
20: TEEory
21: Debut
22: Missed Calls
23: Suspects
24: Caught
25: Breaking Up. Making Up.
26: Scripted

15: Quarrel

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By nurix5

AN: I will be using pictures from their fanmeet and not from their actual birthday fanmeet.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates recently. I went on a much needed vacation.

15: Quarrel


Christmas Eve. It's the day of our fanmeet.

Well not really eve, but the afternoon before Christmas. We are now on stage doing various fanservices for our fans. Finally, after our endless practices and workshops, the fanmeet is almost over.

I can see a sea of faces and smartphones and cameras pointing at us. So we are required to do a lot of skinship in this.

Surprisingly, P'Tae is not cringing away from me like he used to do in the past. So I can freely hug him now!

I could feel his warm back on my stomach. The fans started screaming like crazy. 

However, I can definitely feel a dark aura among them.

Aaand. Ahh, yes, disguised as one of the TaeTee fans, positioned at the far right corner, is Savannah. One look and I can already identify her due to her height. No one is paying her attention of course, all eyes are on us.

However, if P'Tae overcame his tense moments with me, I don't know about other people touching him. Skinship isn't only between us but with some fans also.

Currently, at least six fans were on stage, doing a group hug with us.

I told you before, right? I like popularity more than the other members, so I'm definitely enjoying this. I looked at him.

He looks like he's enjoying it too. Maybe because they are girls?

It made me annoyed all of a sudden.

The games with the fans took me back to our fanmeeting in Korea where I accidentally pecked his lips. Here, I have to get random post-its on his t-shirt using my lips. At the corner of my eye, Savannah was glaring at me. P'Tae did the same with me. I thought she walked out because I haven't seen her in her position since the game. But then, I saw her now lurking near the stage.

Then there's this singing portion.

The cheers were louder for P'Tae. I mean, I would cheer with them too. He looks so damn gorgeous playing that bass. Even his girlfriend is cheering for him.

If he wasn't an actor and a model, he'd definitely do well in being a singer and musician.

I'm happy for him.

I've liked a very talented and kind person, and that's enough for me.

I came to join him on the stage to thank those who have come and we can't help but get emotional about it.

Who is Tee Jaruji really? I was just nothing. I only have my face. My acting is not top-notch. My singing voice is just okay. I am just riding in this BL thing for my career.

And who is Tae Darvid? He also have the looks. He can sing. He can act. He has multiple endorsements. He has a good-looking body. He is a model, a singer, a musician. Even without 2moons, he'll survive in this industry.

The fans prepared something for us, a video featuring all of our journeys this year with them, and a video of thanks for us.

My eyes started to sting when he thanked the fans in English. When I saw that his eyes were a bit red too, I felt that the tears are about to fall. He was wiping his own tears with a tissue and I didn't dare look at him, for fear of breaking down.

Really, my fans mean so much to me no matter how silly I may have acted. I love them.

We love them.

He hugged me a bit after the video, and I know that we're feeling the same type of gratitude towards our fans.

Of course, I felt that negative aura again from Savannah.

I was kind of nervous before this fanmeet. Had she really said nothing to P'Tae about my 1 minute of craziness? P'Tae didn't confront me or anything. In fact, he doesn't talk about her at all. 

I cheered up at that thought. 

It means he's not paying enough attention to her!

For the final event, we were given roses by the fans. There was also a picture taking portion where fans need to go up stage to take a group picture with us. Predictably, Savannah stood beside Tae. I'm surprised she still wasn't recognized by the fans. She's wearing a wig, and her make-up made her eyes look bigger. She's also not in her usual high heels. Today, she's just wearing a plain t-shirt and long pants and sneakers.

After their group finished, she passed by me and gritted her teeth before going back to her position. After that, I noticed that she finally disappeared from the crowd.

After the picture taking session, we took pictures using our phones.

"Here Tee." he tapped my shoulder and handed me a water bottle.

Good, because I am so thirsty.

I drank it but almost spat it out because the fans started screaming.

I looked at P'Janean who was clapping like a seal and then at P'Tae who had a surprised expression on his face. I mouthed a 'what?' at him.

I closed the water bottle and handed it to a staff, but some fans wanted to get it from me.

What the heck just happened?

With a final picture, a final thanks, a final bow, the birthday fanmeet ended. We waved at the fans and went back to the dressing studio when the curtains fell down.

Backstage was full of busy people. The moment our stylists saw us, they immediately handed us new clothes and towels to freshen up. The staff was also packing. P'Janean was talking to the events coordinator, and various people who we don't know were exchanging business cards. One of them, I noticed, was looking at me.

"Congratulations, my babies!" P'Janean greeted us after he conversation. She hugged both of us. "Job well done. The fans are so happy. That indirect kiss was a killer, Tee!" she exclaimed.

"What indirect kiss?" I asked.

"The water bottle! Tae drank from that bottle too."

I must've looked stupid because P'Janean started laughing at me.

"You didn't know? I was surprised as well. I thought you will hand the bottle to the staff."

"I was thirsty." I said. "I didn't know he drank from it, I was taking videos of the fans."

"Nevermind. At least they got crazy. Aw, you cute thing." she pinched my cheeks. "We'll celebrate next time instead of tonight. I know you guys are super tired. You were practicing at the studio since dawn."

We both nodded then she went to talk to several people.

I looked at P'Tae.

"Um, sorry." I told him.

"For what?"

"That.. the indirect kiss. I didn't know."

He smirked at me. "It's nothing. As long as the fans are happy, right? Good job to us." He held out a hand and I shook it. "Anyway, I'm heading straight home. Want me to drop you off?" he offered.

Actually, P'Janean can't drive us home today, because she's going to a separate event tomorrow morning, so I brought my own car.

"No thanks, P'Tae. I have my car with me. Also, your girlfriend's here, she might want to have a celebration with you."

"She's here?" he looked around. "Where?"

"You seriously didn't see her? She stood beside you during the picture taking part. You seriously didn't recognize her? She was at the audience also, glaring at me. "

"Oh that, well, don't mind her. She kinda don't want me to do BL stuff."

Wow, this guy is so dense.

"Is that so? Did she say anything else?" I phished for information. The kiss with Savannah actually made me nervous. I don't care what Savannah might throw at me, but I don't want P'Tae to hate me.

"Nothing. We haven't talked lately since our practices were almost everyday. She has work too."

"Aaaah." I nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. "Then, I'll be going now. Holiday traffic is terrible." I said, although Thais don't really celebrate Christmas.

He nodded then waved at me.

I was escorted by security up to my car. I had parked it at the VIP parking so no fans can follow me here. I wai'd at them before entering it. They have went back inside the venue when I realized that I need to pee. Sighing, I hopped out again and went to the nearest restroom. When I came back, there was someone leaning on my car.


I rolled my eyes before approaching her.

"Sawadee krub P'Sav. If you're looking for P'Tae, he's still upstairs."

"Obviously, I went to your car so I'm looking for you." she said sarcastically.

"What can I do for you then?" I asked. I'm really exhausted right now, and all I want to do is sleep. I hate dealing with this woman.

"I thought I made myself clear that I don't want you with Tae?"

Is she crazy? A 'loveteam' that can't be seen with each other?

"P'Sav. How can we promote TaeTee if I won't be with P'Tae? Of course I have to go to practices with him, do fan service with him, and do this fanmeeting with him."

She walked towards me. Even without heels, she's still taller. "Then quit."


Did I hear that right?

"Quit. Quit being an actor. Move to another agency. Whatever. Just don't stay close to Tae."

"What is your problem?" I asked annoyed. Fatigue never really affected me this bad, but this is my life she's planning to control.

"You. You are my problem. You told me you like Tae. You kissed me, you crazy bastard. I couldn't even kiss him, because it's you who keeps on entering my mind whenever I'm close to his lips."

"Oh, have you fallen for me?" I asked, trying to annoy her more.

"Shiyyaa. You really are crazy. No way I would fall for you. Stay away from my boyfriend. You're just going to ruin whatever bright career he might have because you're always needed to be paired with him. You're not even good."

Alright. That hurt a lot.

I decided to just ignore her. I approached my car to enter it, but she held me by the arm.

"What -



OOOOW. That was my first time to get hit by a girl.

"That's for kissing me."


"And that's for trying to take my boyfriend away from me."

She pushed my chest so hard that I almost fell, good thing I bumped my back on the car or else I would've landed on my butt. The downside to that is my car's alarm blaring at the whole parking lot.

I stood up quickly, not wanting to get any unwanted attention. The bodyguards might be back. So much for being a gentleman. I opened my car door and pushed her slightly away from me.

She fell real hard on the ground. I stared at her.

"Ouch. Why did you do that?" tears started to form at the edge of her eyes.

It wasn't even a real push! I just used 2 of my fingers which hit her shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

I turned around.

Aaaah. So that was it.

"P'Tae." I sighed. Beside him was P'Janean and some other staff carrying the outfits we used for today.

He walked angrily towards me.

No, not towards me, but to Savannah.

So he does care for her after all. That hurt me again.

"Are you ok? Can you stand up?" he asked her.

"Yeah. I think so. Aah."

I raised my eyebrows. Great acting, missy. You fell on your own, and here you are acting like you sprained our ankle.

P'Janean approached us too. "What's this? What happened here?"

P'Tae glared at me and I gulped.

Clearly, from the angle where they were standing, they couldn't see properly what had happened. But Savannah's angle was accurate.

"Why did you push her?" he asked coldly.

"I didn't." I said with conviction.

"You did. I saw you."

"Oh you saw me?" I replied sarcastically. "And did you see the whole scene? She's clearly blocking my car door."

"You don't have to push her that hard. You can tell her."

"No, it's ok, Tae." she said in a soft tone. "It's true, I was kind of blocking the way."

Pfft. Begging for his sympathy?

"That doesn't give him the right to push you."

That snapped me out of my wits.

"Why are you so blind?" I asked him, my voice shaking.

"Hey, stop it you two." P'Janean moved forward and held my shoulder. She then whispered to me, "Com'n now, baby, just say sorry."


"Sorry?! Why would I? I didn't do anything wrong. She came over here telling me stuff -

"I wanted to congratulate Tee also for a successful birthday fanmeet." Savannah cut me off. "So I went here to greet him while waiting for you, Tae."

"Oh please, cut with the crap, P'Sav." I told her nastily. But it earned me a collar grab by P'Tae.

"What's wrong with you, Nong?" P'Tae said. I was almost choking because his grip on my collar was hard that it was blocking my neck too. "She's being nice to you."

I grabbed his wrist and tried to push him away. It resulted to half of my buttons flying away because of the force. "And what's wrong with you? You don't know the situation and you're barking at me like this."

"I didn't know you were this rude." he said.

"Stop! I said STOP!" P'Janean went between us, and with the strength that I didn't know she possessed, she pushed both of us apart. "I know you're both tired these past few days. Don't take it out on each other. We just had a very fun event, why are you suddenly like this?"

She turned to Tae. "Tae, you don't have to shout at him. Don't even hurt him." then she turned to me, "Tee, you don't have to push a girl." she told it like she was disappointed at me.

I don't like it at all when people I like get disappointed at me. This is getting out of hand and I seriously need a rest. The other staff were dead quiet, although I saw that they were looking at each other with meaningful looks. There were also a few of the bodyguards who went back after hearing my car alarm.

"No one would believe me anyway." I said while glaring at P'Tae. He had his arm around Savannah, who up to this point was still looking as though I had harassed her.

What great timing. She had probably saw P'Tae and the others coming and she took the opportunity to act when I slightly touched her.

I guess I'm reaping what I sow. Who knew that the kiss I gave her would amount to this?

Such a manipulative person.

P'Tae glared right back and turned his back on me, holding Savannah's hand.

"I'm going now, P'Janean. I'm dropping off Savannah first." he said coldly, while walking towards his car which was parked a few slots away from mine.

That jealousy slowly rose up in me again. I keep telling myself to forget my feelings for this person.


I was torn between wanting to explain my side and wanting to expose Savannah. But he was so convinced that I was the one at fault here. What's the point?

Gritting my teeth, I once again got in my car. I could hear P'Janean calling my name, but the voice was soon muted out by my car's engine. 

I angrily drove away.


P'Janean gave the go signal for us to finally go. Tee had already went ahead with her permission.

We were accompanied by other staff who will bring our used clothes to the van.

The glass walls of the parking lot was visible when the elevator doors opened.

Tee had his back to us and it looks like he want to enter his car. The next thing that happened was something unexpected.

And I can't believe what I saw.

Tee pushed Savannah and she fell on the ground.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted at him. Behind me, I could hear my companions running too. I pulled Savannah up.

And never in my entire life did I saw Tee this angry. His cheeks were really red and he looked close to crying.

Never also in my career did I imagine that I will be fighting with this guy.

"Sorry?! Why would I? I didn't do anything wrong. She came over here telling me stuff -

"I wanted to congratulate Tee also for a successful birthday fanmeet. So I went here to greet him while waiting for you, Tae." Savannah said.

Oh so that's why she's here. 

But then Tee answered, "Oh please, cut with the crap, P'Sav."

The moment I grabbed his collar, I regretted it. I don't know what made me do it. He was disrespectful to a woman and I'm not having any of it.

I have a younger sister, and my parents always told me to treat women with respect.

"What's wrong with you, Nong? She's being nice to you." I said angrily. My fatigue for this whole month is finally taking its toll on me.

He pushed me away with a strong force while I was still grabbing his collar. It ripped his clothing almost apart.

"And what's wrong with you? You don't know the situation and you're barking at me like this." he shouted.

What do I not know? I clearly saw everything.

When P'Janean pushed us apart, it sort of cleared my mind. In order to avoid any more unnecessary fights, I grabbed Savannah towards my car and bid P'Janean goodbye.

When I was in front of my car, it was only then did I realize that I was holding her hand. She was blushing.

I heard Tee's car drove away fast.

Should I follow him? It's dangerous to drive this hour, given both of our fatigues. But I already told them I'd drop Savannah off.

I breathed to calm myself. I opened the shotgun seat for her.

When we were both inside the car, I still couldn't grasp what had happened. I sat there looking blankly ahead.

I fought with Tee.

I just fought with him.

I gripped the stirring wheel madly.

"Tae?" Savannah called out softly. She placed a cold hand over mine and it helped me relax my grip. "I'm sorry, it was my fault. I shouldn't have gone here and spoke with him. It looked like he was tired when I approached him."

I breathed again. "Not your fault. He should learn to control himself. It's no reason to push you."

"I feel guilty." she sobbed. I looked at her quick. "You had a fight with your.. partner. And P'Janean was clearly sad about it."

I closed my eyes. If there's one thing I hate in this career, it's disappointing P'Janean.

"Still, he shouldn't have pushed you. I'll apologize to P'Janean tomorrow. Don't feel guilty about it. I'll talk it out with -

I stopped. 

Should I talk to Tee after this?

Clearly, the answer is yes. We can't continue this TaeTee thing if we're both angry with each other.

I regret my sudden outburst. Had I talked to him kindly, this wouldn't have happened. I have started to get used to him by my side, whether he's just silently sitting, or raucously annoying me and everybody, I've learned to accept his whole being.

I can't imagine being apart from Tee. He's not only a love team partner to me.

He's a friend that I cherish dearly.

We were given a week off after this event. Meaning, we could spend a whole week apart in peace.

"Forget it." I said. She nodded.

"Congratulations on a successful fanmeet, Tae. And advanced Happy Birthday." I saw her face coming closer then I felt her lips on mine.

I was dumbfounded. What a roller coaster of emotions in these past minute.

"I wanted to kiss you for a long time you know? I was waiting." she pouted those red lips. "So I just decided to make the first step."


"Tae. We're not teenagers anymore. Seriously. You haven't made any move once since you started dating me."

Why didn't I? I keep on asking myself that.

Then I also answered myself:

It's because I don't see her as my girl.

She has no connection to me whatsoever.

I don't feel anything amorous when I'm with her.

Even that peck earlier felt strange.

But I can't turn her down. It's not the right time yet. It felt rude to be protecting her from Tee earlier and then letting her down next.

I don't know how to answer her. Good thing, a knock on the window interrupted us. I lowered it.

"Krub, P'Janean?"

"We'll be going now. Are you sure you can drive?" she said worriedly.

"Krub." I started my engine then waved at her.

"I know you're feeling down. But still, don't forget to thank the fans through IG about earlier, okay? I've also told Tee through text."

"And did he reply?" I asked.

She just shook her head. I just smiled at her.

I drove away too.

That fanmeet earlier suddenly felt nothing special after our fight.

I don't like this heavy feeling at all.




After I dropped off Savannah at her place, she attempted to kiss me again and I just let her.

I sighed after I drove away.

I didn't realize it was this hard to turn down a pretty girl.

When I arrived home, I immediately opened my IG and saw that Tee already updated his post an hour ago.

Usually, P'Janean or P'Oh sends pictures on our emails, as well as the caption.

We are required to post five photos from this event, 3 couple pictures, 1 audience picture and 1 solo picture of our choice.

Today, obviously, Tee edited some of them.

He only had 2 photos posted. Both are audience photos. His IG story is a panning view of the fans as well. He can't do anything about the caption since he knows P'Janean made it. Nonetheless, I know he means the gratitude of that message.

I proceeded to post three photos. 1 of me, 1 of the audience, and no matter how angry I was with him, a long shot couple shot of him with the fans. I wrote exactly the same caption, then I threw my phone on the bed.

I lost my cool, I know it.

I regret it.

I'll try to talk to him about it before our vacation is over.

Otherwise, it will be a catastrophic journey for both of our careers.

Tee Jaruji! You're seriously giving me a headache!

[AN: Sorry for the short chapter. But have you guys heard? OUR TAETEE will star on TRIAGE! I seriously don't know the plot for it, I just read a summary about it, but I'm looking forward to it. I hope it's not just a bromance, because it seems to focus on the doctor's POV. I WANT BL FOR THEM!

If anyone has an English translation, please share it with me. I would love to read it.. ;__;

Oh.. Yeah, they unexpectedly fought in this chapter? What do you think will happen on the next chapter? Will it get worse? Will they make-up? Will TaeTee in this story be over?! 

Please rate and comment guys! So sorry for not being able to reply to your comments lately. I went to a place where wifi and signal was fluctuating..

Please rate and comment!

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