Dead Over Heals

By rememberme77

350 27 12

Tired of vampire sparkling in the sunlight?! Me too. Ronnie (Rosalina) is a daughter of the famous vampire hu... More

Dead Over Heals
my life is totally average
shouldn't have gone
everything is a lie

closing time

44 5 1
By rememberme77

Chapter 4

So it was 10 minutes from closing and everyone left already. I went to all the tables and did a double check to make sure all was put away. Then I saw a few plates left on the table. Damn it Leah you were supposed to clean up everything. Ugh oh well I guess I'll go put them away in the kitchen. I was walking over to the double doors but something didn't feel right. I opened the doors thinking it was Todd because he said he wanted to meet me after.

I pushed open the two doors and a loud noise came from behind causing me to jump. I turned around to see what it was, it was only Todd.

"Holy shit! You scared the hell out of me Todd! What the hell are you doing here?! I thought you went home because I pissed you off earlier?" I asked him.

"Well I came back because we want you Rosalina; more importantly I want you." He told me with a blank expression.

"What are you talking about Todd?" I asked feeling a little on edge.

"Rosalina don't try to escape your destiny. You are one of us." Todd said in a monotone voice.

"Okay Todd you’re freaking me out!" I screamed.

"I am not this Todd you speak of." He explained.

"Then who the hell are you?" I questioned not really wanting to know.

"Rosalina how pathetic of you not to know who I am…I am Kane the one who watches you all through the night. I am a shape shifter. I am darkness." Kane said in a heavy Romanian accent.

"Okay Kane what do you want with me?" I asked curiously.

"I want to turn you; which I shall, along with the others have wished to change you for awhile. It would be for the best. But enough with the chit-chat I can't take it anymore your blood calls to me." Kane said while extracting his fangs.

Kane pulled me close and bent me back exposing my neck.

"This will only hurt a little." He commented with a dark chuckle.

He was less than an inch away when suddenly he flew away from me and I fell straight on my ass.

"Didn't I tell you not to lock up tonight?" A  deep voice questioned out to me.

"Mason?!?" I asked astounded. What the hell was going on?

"Yes. And I'm a little busy trying to save your ass so I'll explain later!" Mason yelled back at me.

In quick fluid movements I saw them. There fighting was so smooth and without error it looked rehearsed like a dance. I was distracted by trying to comprehend what was going on when all of the sudden I heard a scream and saw ashes. Oh my god Kane killed Mason!

"God I hate vampires." Mason said to himself.

"Mason your alive?" I asked making sure it wasn't the shape shifting whatever that thing/guy was.

"Yes I am but he is not, but he will be back." He said slowly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in wonder.

"I will explain in a little bit but first we have to take you home to pack. We leave in an hour." Mason said with a grim expression on his face.


Thanks so much guys!!! 733 on vampire!!!  

Keep it up!!!! Love all my fans and anyone who reads this!  

Thanks so much! 

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