You Are Mine ✔


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Book One Nikita Anderson, a young werewolf from the Blood Moon pack. Shortly after her twentieth birthday she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Seven

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*Nikita's POV*

       An hour after being shown to my room I had made up my mind. My wolf and I argued over my decision but she reluctantly agreed with me. We were not going to be some "trophy wife" to this ass-hat. We will go home, back to our family and friends. The people who loved and cared about us, even if I was feeling slightly betrayed by John at the moment. Maybe he truly didn't know what Conan had planned for me. I don't know, I don't know what to think about the whole situation but I'll be damned if I'm just going to do what Conan wants.

The man completely and utterly confuses me. I was sure we were making progress on the way here. I could actually see myself building a future with that man, the man in the woods. He was amazing. Sweet, funny, caring.. the way a mate should be. His change in behavior nearly gave me whiplash, yes he had shown a rough side back in my pack but nothing like this. Here he was so cold.. he didn't care about me, about my feelings. Even when he knew I was hurting all he could say was "stop crying". The sadness inside me quickly turned to anger, how dare he. How dare he treat me like this. Fuck no. I'm out of here.

With my duffle bag slung over my shoulder I made my way towards his office. Now that I was here I began to feel nervous. Could I really do this? Could I really leave him? Setting my bag down next to the door I took a deep breath, you can do this Nikita. I raised my hand and knocked. Nothing.. Okay. Biting my lip before knocking again, still nothing. Anger began to build inside me. He is clearly inside, I can smell him from here. I knocked again, louder this time but he still did not answer. Screw this shit. I grab the door handle and barge right in. There he was, sitting behind a desk, paperwork spread out across it. He was staring at the wall to the right of the room.

"Conan." I used a soft polite tone, figuring you catch more flies with sugar than shit. He didn't even acknowledge me, just continued to stare at the damn wall. My anger was raging inside of me now, how fucking dare he bring me here. Treat me like I was nothing and now he's flat out ignoring me. I growled as I stepped into the room, hands on my hips. Conan turned, his eyes landing on me. A look of confusion crossed his face before it was quickly replaced with his blank expression.

"Can I help you with something?" His voice is flat. Only adding more fuel to my fire.

"Oh, now you notice me? I've been standing outside knocking. When you didn't answer I came in and you ignored me for damn near ten minutes." I retort. Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I didn't hear you knock, or come in. Is there something you need?"

"From you? No. I was simply here to inform you that I am leaving." My tone was firm as I put as much ice into my words as possible.

"Excuse me?" He asks, standing from his chair.

"You heard me. I am leaving, going back to my pack. You know, the one where I'm actually wanted."

"Nikita, you can not leave. You know as well as I do what will happen if you do." I scoff and shake my head. Like that would be enough to keep anyone here.

"Ha. Like I give a crap. I'd rather be criminally insane then stay here with someone like you." Hearing this Conan growls.

"I told you to watch your tone when speaking to me." I roll my eyes again.

"Oh stuff it up your ass Alpha Conan."

A snarl comes from him before he's standing in front of me. His body mere inches from mine, my breathing is ragged. I barely seen him move before he was in front of me. Damn he's fast. Anger is radiating off him in waves causing me to swallow hard.

"Do not disrespect me, mate." His voice sounding almost disgusted with the last word. Causing a shooting pain to my heart. His words only anger me more.

"Do not threaten me, Mate." I snarl, my movements quick as my arms dart forward. Pressing my hands against his chest and shoving with all my mite. His hands snatch my wrists, the grip tight but not painful. I want to rip his throat out right now.

"That is the second time you have put your hands on me. If you were not my mate, you wouldn't have lived the first time. Now I understand you are angry, but do not think you may do as you please here." He took a step towards me, fear rising up inside me. I take a step back, clearly not getting the message he steps forward again. For every step he takes I took another. Panic set in when my back was pressed against the wall. Crap..

"Get off of me." I gritted out through clenched teeth. From the corner of my eyes I see him smirk down at me. His body pressed into mine, pinning me to the wall. His hands released my wrists only to be placed above my head. I swallowed hard again as I feel him lean into me, his large body completely caging me in.

"You need to control yourself, Nikita. I am your mate, you are my Luna. I will show you all the respect you deserve but I expect you to do the same." His voice sending shivers through me, a small smirk played on his lips. This jerk was enjoying this! He knows what he does to me, and uses it against me.

"So what, I have to stay here? I'm just supposed to act like everything is fine? Be your Luna, take care of your pack? No thanks." My voice betrayed me, cracking slightly as my body reacted to his. My anger was gone only to be replaced with sadness and a need to be wanted. I wanted him to want me like I wanted him. He was breaking my heart with every word he spoke. My wolf was whining in the back of my head as we both felt rejected.

"Our pack, Nikita. I know I have said differently. I realize that was a mistake. This pack is as much yours as it is mine. You are my equal, the pack needs someone like you. Someone who isn't afraid to challenge me."

My eyes widened as he spoke. Does he really mean it? If he can change his mind about that..maybe, just maybe I can change his mind about being with me. My head tilted back, taking in his handsome face until my eyes met his. My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him. His eyes softened, concern clear as day in his eyes. Maybe I could change him?

I don't know what possessed him but his hand cupped my right cheek as he lowered his head, pressing his lips to mine. My eyes close as my body reacts instantly, lips moving against his as I feel his thumb brush away my tear. Conan's other hand dropped from the wall before falling to rest on my left hip. A small moan sounds from the back of my throat, sliding my arms up to curl around his neck. Pulling him closer to me, my fingers fisted into the hair at back of his neck. He growled approvingly as our kiss turned hot and passionate. Full of need, lust and want. I could tell he wanted me just as much as I wanted him in that moment. Conan's other hand left my cheek, both of his hands slid down my legs as he bent down. Gripping the back of my thighs he picks me up, a small moan escapes me as my body is pressed against his groin. I can feel his erection against me, he smirks into the kiss as my legs instinctively wrap around him. My body acting on its own as I grind into him. A gasp escapes me when I feel his throbbing member, his tongue slips into my mouth.

Our tongues battle for dominance, as he sucks on my tongue when it darts into his mouth before I feel him nibble on it softly. Causing my body to shudder and moan into his mouth. Conan's hands travel up from my thighs until I feel his thumbs hooking onto the hem of my tank top. Sliding it up as his fingers trail along my sides, sending shivers through me. Arching my back, pressing myself into him as I moan again. My top comes off before his hands slowly glide down my sides once more. Only stopping once they reach my hips again. I pull back in desperate need of air, panting. Conan's lips never leave me, trailing kisses down my jaw to my neck. Sucking and biting softly as he makes his way to the spot he will mark me. My head rolls to the side, giving him more access as I moan, grinding my hips into him. I feel him smile against the skin of my neck as I completely submit to him. His lips trail open mouth kisses across my throat. This very moment I feel fueled with a new decision. I was going to find out everything there is to know about this man. I am going to make him love me, no matter what. I am not going to give up on my chance of a happy ending. He is my mate, my destiny, the one who will always be there. The other half of my soul and soon he will feel the same. The feel of his canines elongating as he continues to kiss, suck and nibble on my throat has me panting in need. My body is hot as he reaches the spot on my neck that meets my shoulder, sucking softly. His tongue flicks out against the skin, I bite my lip to hide my pleasurable moans. Conan's canines lightly press into my neck, a small moan comes from me as I press against the back of his head. Begging him to do it already. His teeth sink in a little further and just when I think he's going to mark me, the damn door to the study opens. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me.

Conan snarls as he presses his body into mine. His arms wrap around my torso as he turns his back to the door, shielding me from view. My eyes are wide as I look at the man standing in the doorway with a alarmed look on his face. He's tall, probably just over six foot with sandy brown hair and green eyes. His eyes meet mine briefly before I duck and shove my face into the crook of Conan's neck. I can already feel the heat on my cheeks, surely I'm as red as a tomato. This is when I notice Conan is shaking violently, snarls ripping through his lips. I can feel a dull poke as his claws have extended, pressing into my skin.

"Shit.. sorry Conan, didn't know you uh.. had company." The man at the door says awkwardly. Seriously dude? Go away!

Conan seems to agree as a loud growl vibrates through the room. I see hair start to form on his chest and I know it's only a matter of seconds before he shifts into his wolf. I have to act fast before this turns ugly. I un-tuck my face from his neck, cup both of his cheeks. His eyes are pitch black as I look into them, a small sliver of fear creeps in but I swallow it down.

"It's okay, shh." I whisper so only he could hear before I press my lips to his in a soft reassuring kiss. I trail kisses over his cheek, down his jaw before tucking my face back into his neck.

"It's okay Conan, calm down." I whisper for him again as I press my lips to his neck. 

He cocks his head to the side, allowing me more access. His body has stopped shaking, the snarls and growls long gone along with the feeling of his claws in my back. I pull back to look at him, a small smile tugs at my lips. His eyes are back to their normal chocolate color as he stares at me, a unreadable emotion in his eyes. He blinks twice before his face returns to that blank almost bored expression.

"Brent." His voice is rough and scratchy as he speaks. Like he hasn't had water in days.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out!" Conan roars, the second he does the man at the door scrambles out of the room, not even bothering to shut the door behind him. I look towards the door before I look back at Conan, his eyes are closed as he takes a few deep breaths. When he opens them again, he looks directly into mine as he pulls my legs off of him and sets me down on the floor.

"You need to leave." My eyebrows pull together at his words.

"What?" I ask, my voice just above a whisper.

"You need to get out, Now!" Conan is practically yelling as he glares down at me.

The look on his face sends that little sliver of fear into a giant wave. My feet move, taking me away from his as fast as they can. I race towards the only place I know, my room. Slamming the door behind me I reach down and lock it. My heart is hammering in my chest, as tears threaten to spill again. Fucking hell, I need to stop that. I hate crying, I've never cried so much in my life. My knees give out, sliding down against the door. I lean back into as I try to calm my racing heart. My heart aches as my wolf and I start to feel that same dull pain of rejection. Conan didn't want me, he was just caught up in the heat of the moment. No, I refuse to believe that. He wanted it just as bad as I did. He was clearly fighting with himself when he told me to leave. I'm not going to give up that easily. I sigh before standing up, walking into the bathroom I do a double take. There I stand, in only my bra and pants but what really gets my attention is all the love bites and hickeys on my neck. This motherfucker, my eyes dart to the spot he was going to mark. Small indentations are still there. I watch as they all start to fade thanks to my fast healing. At least I won't have to walk around with on my neck. I think the embarrassment might just kill me. After I finish my business in the bathroom I walk back into the room, eyes scanning the floor for my bag.

"Shit!" I scream, pulling at the roots of my hair. I left my bag outside of his office.. what the hell am I supposed to wear? I sat on the bed thinking for a few seconds before rolling my eyes. Fuck it, it's not like I'm completely naked. I have pants and a bra on. I just need to get my bag and get back to my room quick enough.

Taking a deep calming breath, I turn the handle on the door and peak my head out. Seeing that the coast in clear I slip out of my room, leaving the door open for a quick entrance on the way back. I take soft slow steps down the hall, peeking over the railing of the steps to make sure no one is coming up before I continue on my way. As I creep closer to the door I can hear muffled voices coming from inside, the door is open a crack. I crouch down next to my bag, grabbing the strap. Their words causing me to freeze.

"What do you mean? You want me to show her around, why not you?" The man from earlier asks, Brent was it?

"Yes, I don't have the time to be dealing with her. Show her around the grounds. Introduce her to the women and children. Maybe Jenna can take her under her wing until she settles in." Conan's voice sounds tired as he speaks.

"Okay.. yeah I guess I can do that. If you really need me to, I just figured you'd want to show her around yourself. I mean she is your mate Dominic." Dominic? I thought his name was Conan? What the fudging catnip is going on.

"Just do it, Brent. like I said, I don't have the time." Conan sighs.

"Sure thing" It was silent for a moment before Brent speaks again. 

"You okay man? You look like shit." He chuckles softly. I shuffle closer to the door, peeking in through the crack. Conan is sitting in the chair at his desk while Brent is leaned against the left wall, arms crossed over his chest and a smile on his lips. Conan groans before his face falls into his hands, elbows on the desk.

"I don't know what to do Brent. My wolf is driving me crazy, she's driving me crazy. He wants me to mark her, claim her and mate her. Sure I could do that, but then what? She'll want more. She'll think it means something else. I can't give her that." This man sounds nothing like the Conan I know. He sounds Free? Why can't he talk like this all the time. Brent shakes his head and sighs.

"Come on man, why are you doing this to yourself. I know you have issues with this kind of stuff but, she is your mate. She was born to accept you. She won't be like them. You need to give her a chance. Don't judge her based on the sins of others." What the hell is he talking about? What others? Who's them?

"Do you really think I could do that? Hmm? Just let her in, when she could be like everyone else! No, I won't do it again Brent."

"Dominic, all I'm saying is, maybe give her a chance to prove she isn't like them. Just think about it okay?" Conan sighs again as he rubs his hands over his face.

"Fine, if it will get you to shut the hell up and leave me alone." Brent's face splits into a wide grin.

"Atta' boy!" He claps his hand on the back of Conan's shoulder, squeezing lightly. "Now that, that's over with. Jenna is calling for me, apparently one of the pups got his head stuck in the downstairs banister again." Conan chuckles and shakes his head.

"You have fun with that. Make sure to scare him a little, maybe it will stop him from doing it again." This makes Brent chuckle, as he walks towards the door he says

"Oh yeah, cuz it worked so well the last time. The pups all know I'm a pushover when it comes to this kind of stuff. Maybe the big bad Alpha should make an appearance, that would really have them shaking in their shoes." Conan snorts and shakes his head again.

"Nah, I don't think we need to go that far. Not yet anyway, if it happens again I might be more inclined to pay them a visit but for now I have to finish this paper work. See ya later brother." Brent nods

"Alright, see you at dinner then." Conan nods as he picks up a pen, looking over something on his desk.

As Brent turns around my body finally kicks into action. If I don't get the hell out of here now, they are gonna know I was listening. I slide away from the door and quickly stand, bringing my bag up with me as I do. Flinging it over my shoulder I turn and dash down the hall towards my door. As I reach my door I look over my shoulder, my eyes widen as I see Brent standing just outside Conan's study, his hand still on the door as he closes it. His eyes meet mine and I know that instant that I've been busted. He smirks playful and winks before walking to the staircase. Fudge on a candlestick, I'm so dead. I slip into my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding as I toss my bag onto my bed. What is Brent going to say or do? Will he tell Conan? Oh god.. I hope not. Digging through my bag I find a baggy white t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. Grabbing a clean set of underwear and socks, I head to the bathroom. I think a shower is in order. It will help me think, maybe I can even start to come up with a plan. A smile spreads on my lips as I turn the water on. Maybe I can even get Brent to help me, he seems like an okay guy and someone who cares about Conan. After stripping off my clothes, I step into the steamy shower. A plan already formulating in my mind.

Just you wait Conan, soon you'll be begging for me.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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