Bodyguard - ForthKit

By bbywin13

32.7K 1.4K 266

⚠️ Warnings: little space, SA/Harassment/R***, abuse Forth is the hired bodyguard for a little-named Kit. More

25. END.


735 42 7
By bbywin13

- 2 years later -

Kit was really happy today, no reason why, he just woke up extreamly happy and that made Forth really happy seeing that Kit was ok. He's finally ok and over what happned, he's completely healed and no longer in therapy.

"You're happy today baby," Forth said and hugged Kit from behind while Kit was doing his hair in the bathroom.

"I am," Kit said and smiled before turning around and hugging Forth.

"You alright?" Forth asked just a bit worried about Kit's sudden mood change.

"Yeah, I'm ok," Kit said still really happy

"You found the candy didn't you little one?" Forth whispered in Kit's ear

"I did, how'd you know?" Kit asked, he was little today if you couldn't tell.

"Because you're hyper," Forth said keeping his arms around Kit's waist so he stays in one place.

Kit just smiled and leaned on Forth when he finished doing his hair. Forth was looking around and saw a pregnancy test on the counter.

"Yours?" Forth asked looking over at the test.

"Beam's, he came over last night i was supposed to text him what the result was this morning," Kit said and grabbed his phone and texted Beam.

"Is he pregnant?" Forth asked,

"He is," Kit nodded and Forth smiled happy to be an uncle again.

"What about you? You've been acting a bit different lately," Forth said putting his arms around Kit again knowing something was up.

"Maybe, maybe not," Kit said and Forth looked at Kit again more serious

"Yeah, I'm pregnant again," Kit said and smiled seeing Forth so happy about another baby. Kit smiled and liked that Forth was so happy about it.

Now Mia has 3 younger siblings.
Mia - 9
Johee - 7
Ren - 5
New Baby - 0

Forth smiled and kissed Kit happy to hear some more good news for once, Forth's parents are coming over today, so are Kit's, and BeamMing+kids are coming over today.
Like a mini-family reunion but with close family and not 29272 cousins.

"Dad! Johee is being annyoing!" Mia yelled from her room.

"She stole my blanket!" Johee yelled

"I want to sleep! Stop making noise!" Ren yelled and sounded like he was crying.

ForthKit sighed and looked at each other,

"You get them I'll get Ren," Kit said and went to Ren/Johee's room, the boys share a room and Mia gets her own.
But not for long, Kit's having a baby girl.

- after everyone showed up -

"Mom!" Kit was happy to see his mom, he hasn't seen her in about 2 years, she came over shortly after Kit got out of the hosptial.

"I missed you, sorry we couldn't come by any sooner, things have been crazy at the shop," (Kit's) Mom said and hugged her son. His dad came up and hugged Kit aswell.

Ren ran up and hugged his grandpa (Kit's dad) happy to see him. He loves his grandpa a lot, they get along really well.

- after everyone talked for awhile -

"We have something to tell you guys," Kit said and looked over at Forth.

Forth nodded and their parents looked at them wanting to know what news they had.

"I'm pregnant again," Kit said and their parents were just really happy for them,

"How far along?" Forth's dad asked looking at his son and son-in-law. Well, almost son-in-law.

"Couple months, It's a girl," Kit said, Forth didn't know that.

"Really?" Forth asked, Kit nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Forth asked,

"Because, Beam and I had this whole thing planned on how to tell you and Ming but then he let it slip a few minutes ago so I followed and just told you guys," Kit said and Beam nodded agreeing.

The kids just looked at ForthKit,

"Another baby?" Ren asked

"Yeah!" Johee and Mia were happy and Ren was a bit confused but still very happy.

"So...when are the weddings?" Ming's dad asked looking at BeamMing and ForthKit.

The 2 couples looked at each other and then, at the same time said,

"August 27,"

"Combined wedding?" Kit's mom asked, they nodded,

"That'll be cute, when are you guys due?" Beam's mom asked Beam and Kit.

"December again," Kit said,

"September," Beam said.

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