In The Eyes Of A Villain

By LunarLover370

348 30 91

*TO BE REVISED* Lila, an owner of a hunting shop has a twisted secret. Her dad had used her for scientific ex... More

:Backstory Time!!!:


14 2 0
By LunarLover370

    The bell from my store's door dings. Signalling that a customer has entered and would want help in finding something stupid.
   I roll my eyes and continue to work on the wires in front of me. Over the previous night or two I had worked hard. Soon I'll be able to get revenge on the one person I hate most.

    I breathe a guff of annoyance and go back to work. "Lila? My boss Lila? Oh are you sure there isn't anything I can do to help you?" Jasper says to the customer in the other room.

    "No I need to speak to Lila Dil please. Where is she anyways?" The stranger asks.

    "Well she's in the back. But!" I hear a shuffle of feet. "She's busy!! Please just let ME help you! Sir you can't go back there! Sir!"

    The curtain separating us is yanked open. A young man, possibly a teenager, strolls into my room. I stand, causing my chair to fly to the floor

    "Excuse me."

    "You're excused. Now are you Lila Dil?"

    My eyes narrow in suspicion.
    "Yes? And you are?"

    "Garrett. Garrett McAllen. Nice to meet ya!" His hand extends toward me but I continue to glare.
     "State your business."

   "Well, I am a writer for New Hampshire's news and I recently heard that you have met a new villain in town. Might have some information?"

    This causes my heart to skip but he didn't seem to notice my reaction. Words continue to spill from his lips even though I've begun to move. I'm going to need some coffee if I'm going to get through this encounter.

    "- Scamper recently robbed a few establishments for parts we believe are to build a bomb." My head swivels towards Garrett and my stomach sinks.
   "I know right? It is a little scary for you civilians but don't you worry. We have a whole group of Superheroes here to protect you!" He flashes a bright smile that reminds me of someone I've recently seen.

    "I can handle myself." I monotone. "Well, um" he begins to stutter, "we have reason to believe that she will be coming here, might have already been here, and I was wondering if you possibly have any information on her?"

    His crystallized sapphire eyes shine with hope. Suddenly, I didn't like the fact he was here. This Garrett McAllen character seems to familiar to me. He needs to go.

    "Sir I have no information for you and I believe it is time for you to leave unless there is something my employee Jasper can help you with." My stance widens as I cross my arms.

    Garrett's shiny, white teeth hide themselves behind his frown. "But-"

    "You heard her mister! Time to go. Shoo! Shoo!" Jasper says in faux confidence as he places his frail hands on the familiar teens shoulders and shoves him out of the store.

  "Garret McAllen. Where have I seen him before?" I silently ask myself as I watch his black hair bob while he walks away in defeat.

    "I swear I've seen him before." Shrugging my should, I turn back to my work. "Probably just my mind playing tricks on me."

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