The CEO's Supermodel | #Watt...

By Mila_333

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(Ranked #1 in Adult in 28K stories) #Wattys2020 🥇(1st place) Romance- The Platinum Awards 🥈(2nd place) Ch... More

Author's notes
Chapter One: Post fashion weeks
Chapter Two: Family Dinners
Chapter Three: A fresh start
Chapter Four: An impromtu meet
Chapter Five: Rejection hurts
Chapter Six: Making up the mood
Chapter Seven: Rise and Shine
Chapter Eight: The Answers to my Questions
Chapter Nine: An ugly Scandal
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Epilogue (Part One)
Epilogue (Part Two)

Chapter Twenty One

394 47 149
By Mila_333

Lisa's POV


My head still hurt like hell. I stood up and went to the bathroom attached to the unfamiliar room I was in. I rinsed my face with cold water.

"Ugh" I felt the pain and burn at the same time as I took a few steps backward, now taking a look at my face.


There were drops of blood all over it and the source of which was from a big unhealthy wound on my temple.

The door banged open and a man came in. I could tell he was a doctor, judging from his lab coat, gray squared briefcase, black-rimmed spectacles and the stethoscope around his neck.

"Miss. Please calm down. Come and please lay down here." He gently took me to the bed.

I did as he said without questioning him anything, although I had a thousands of questions parading my mind. I really wanted to know where I was and how I got in here. It was clear already that I did not remember this place.

A red haired woman and a man came in as the doctor was wiping the blood off my face with clean wipes. I closed my eyes feeling disgusted by the sight of blood. I felt nauseated.

"Doc. We want to know her condition." The man said.

"Relax Tony. Just let the man do his work." The woman said softly, placing a hand on Tony's arm.

I felt the doctor examine my head and he also checked my pulse.

"Her breathing has regained its normal course." He stated.

"Thank God. I was so scared for you. For once, I thought I would have lost you." The woman rushed to my side and I could feel her crying.

I opened my eyes slowly. Looking at her closely, I noticed her freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her ginger hair complemented well with her grey eyes and she appeared to be very charming. But right now, at the state she was in, I would rather say she seemed depressed. Her nose was red and her eyes were swollen and puffy from crying. There were traces of moisture on her cheeks. Her hair was dishevelled exuding a wholesome of worrisomeness.

"Who are you?" I asked, so freaking confused.

" can you forget me?" She asked, her brows furrowing.

"Isabella? Who is Isabella?" I asked, turning my head around to look for another person.

"Of course it's you. Who else?" The man came forward. He had the same grey eyes as his sister and completely dyed ash grey hair. I looked intently at him, trying to remember where I saw him but ended up hurting my head from thinking out too much.

"I am not Isabella and who are you?" I asked the man. All I got to know was his name, Tony but I could not recall anything else about him or where I saw him.

"Who are you then? What is your name?" The doctor intervened, now questioning me.

"My name...My name is....I.." I blinked.

I could not remember my name.

"My name is...I don't...I don't know." I tried remembering. But I could not. My head hurt too much.

"Ahhhhhh!" I turned on the bed. "My head!"

"Shhh! Calm down. Please relax. We are going to tell you everything. We are here for you. For now please, just relax and take deep breaths." The doctor said.

Once again I listened to him. He was so caring and treated me as if I was a delicate little thing.

He then injected me with some liquid after informing me about it. I felt relaxed and all my nerves instantly calmed down.

"I can officially declare that she has lost her memory and her state can be very critical. She cannot even identify herself." The doctor said.

"You mean she'll never be able to remember anything ever?" The lady asked in a shocking and depressed tone.

"We cannot confirm anything now. The memory loss can either be short term or long term. It is only with her actions and words, we'll be able to figure out her case and only then I can prescribe her medication. For now only the painkillers will do the work since her wounds are still fresh.

I request you not to ask her any questions regarding her past as it might aggravate her condition. If she asks any questions, try giving her information which is not stressful and unhealthy for her. Fill her with happy moments of her memories and give her hope that everything will be okay. Bring her out to do the things she loves. She will surely want to know about herself and will be on the outlook for a kind of a personality. Make sure you support her since she might find herself lost and hence get depressed. But remember not to exert too much pressure on her. It will only delay the process of knowing her exact condition and hence recovery."

"Thank you doctor. We'll do everything for Isabella's best." She sniffed and the doctor left telling her to take care of herself and me.

Aiden's POV

"What the... How dare you?" The bitch's face turned red with anger, her nose flaring and a vein popped on her face. "Did you just call me a bitch?" Lauren Wayne asked, stomping her foot on the ground, putting one hand on her waist.

"The truth hurts babe?"

"Fuck you Corristor. Get the hell out of my house." She said pointing her index finger towards the door.

"Not before I get what I want." I said not intending to move. I came to Miss Wayne's house to find out about Lisa. She was the only nemesis Lisa had who could go to such an extent to try to hurt her. And she had the audacity to think that I wanted her, after seeing me at her doorstep. She even threw herself at me.

She took a deep breath and asked, "What do you want?"

"Lisa." She led out a laugh.

"Are you here to joke with me or something?"

"Quit with the games Miss Wayne. Where is Lisa?" Luca spoke entering her house. Michael followed behind.

"What the? Who are these people? You're invading my privacy right now? Huh?" She said, disbelief on her face.

"Speak up Lauren." Nicole said from behind.

"Oh....Oh my Lord! Nicole? You're alive?" Lauren's eyes opened wide as saucers and her mouth hung open. It was as if she would now collapse on the floor.  "Oh my God! I can't believe this. Oh..."

"Forget about me. What the hell have you done to my sister?" Nicole asked furiously, grabbing Lauren's shoulder making her tremble with fear.

"I...I don't know. How will I know where Lisa is? I'm even restrained to go near her according to the law." Lauren's face metamorphosed from shock to confusion.

"Since when do you care about the law? You didn't mind tarnishing her image! Where was your damn care for the law then?" Nicole was seeing red by now.

"I...I regret doing that Nicole. I truly do. And I haven't seen Lisa ever since I was fired from the company. I swear if I knew something I would have told you." Lauren said.

"So you suddenly transformed from the black evil witch to the kind white angel?" Luca said. "I'm sure you don't want to cross with me, or better the Romanos."

Lauren gasped, "The Romano as in the mafia people?"

"That's right darling. You better tell us about Lisa. You are her only rival who can think of hurting her this much. " Nicole said, removing her gun pointing it on Lauren's forehead whose eyes widened like saucers and she began trembling as tears filled her eyes.

"Ni...Nicole I'm telling you all the truth. I do not know anything about Lisa. And I so much regret every single day what I did to her. I have always admired you before my modelling career and you were my inspiration, being a successful model. But I always had a crazy jealousy towards your sister when she entered the fashion industry because she was just as perfect as you. I could not think of competing with her when I was nothing compared to her. I started drawing out her faults in the clear in order to cover up my own insecurities. I even went to the extent of stealing the one she loves. I'm awful, I know." She cried as she dropped down on her knees.

"For once let's believe you regretted it. What about what happened five minutes earlier. You were so eager to get in my arms." I said.

"Because I feel something for you! It started when you danced with me during the grand opening of your hotel.  You played with me on that night! " She said standing up and pointing her finger at me.

"Please Lauren. Don't throw the blame on me when you were seducing me first."

"I admit I did. But you played along which clearly meant you wanted me too. You gave me hopes. " She said, her voice now trembling. Seeing Lauren Wayne in this state was undoubtedly surprising to all of us.

I pinched the bridge on my nose and said, "Look I'm sorry if I got you the wrong idea that we could have been together but I have to tell you honestly about my intentions that night. I have always liked Lisa, since the first time I saw her, which was before the party at my hotel. I never thought you would take it seriously. I'm sorry."

She looked at me wide eyed, as if not believing what she heard.

"You're apologising to me? Aiden Corristor never says sorry! What has happened to him? Wait are you his clone?"

"Man she's right. It's good you apologised but are you under some spell or what?" Luca chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch.

Lauren was back to being shocked. At this point, it was as if she did not realise what she was saying. But she was done clearing herself. I asked her whether she would cooperate to give certain details to Michael so as to clear out our doubts on her in this matter and she accepted without hesitation and we were back to square one once she was done. It seemed nearly impossible for Lauren to be behind all of this since we contacted some sources and collected proof of her location when the blast occurred. Hell, she was with different people the whole day till the evening and we investigated these people. Lauren Wayne was cleared.

"We have to find Lisa. If she's not with Lauren, then where can she be?" I closed my eyes and all I could see was my love's angelic face staring back at me.

Lisa's POV

I climbed down the stairs to meet  the woman and Tony on the patio.

"Uh hi." I  approached them.

"Oh you are awake." The red haired woman said.

"Yes. I didn't know we were at a beach house." I looked at the vast blue sea in front of me and admired the breathtaking sight whenever I looked outside from the window in my bedroom all I saw were huge dense trees forming a forest. It has been three days I was here according to what Tony told me. I was mostly sleeping the whole time. Tony told me it was the effect of the strong medication.

"Yes. That's where we used to spend our vacations Is." The  woman said with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm sorry but I can't remember anything and not even your name." I sat down to avoid the pressure in my head.

"It's Dia. It's okay Isabella. I promise you that I'll do anything to help you remember everything. Our friendship is the best the world has ever seen and for the sake of this pure bond, I know you will get well." She smiled sweetly at me, placing her hand on my knee as if comforting me.

"Thank you so much." I placed my hand on hers as I gave her a comforting smile.

"We can go sunbathing today?" Tony spoke, cutting us both.

"That is such a great idea. You've always loved this Isabella. But will you be fine if you go out in the sun? Your head still hurts?"

"Yes I can go. It does hurt now and then but I just took my medicine. I'll be fine." I was really excited to go out a bit and enjoy the sea and the sun.

"Come inside and I'll let you choose the new swimwear sets I got."


I wore a black piece of bikini which made me look really hot. My collarbones showed but didn't make me appear as a skeleton. In fact my body was well formed and curved in all the right places. My breasts were quite big for the slim body I've got. One could count my ribs whenever I stretched. I had a plump ass but not that nice round one would dream of. But the thing I loved the most was my endless legs. I believe they were the epitome of what a lady possessed. I wondered whether I liked the same things before or my tastes would be different.

"What are you looking at?" Dia said, making me turn back to look at her.

"Myself. I have such a nice figure and a body to die for, right?" I said with confidence, smiling to myself. Something flashed in her eyes but she quickly recovered and answered, "Of course. You're a model. You were trained to keep your body like that."

"Oh really? I was a model? Did I walk often on the runway? Oh my God! Do you have some photos which you can show me?" I asked excitedly.

"Unfortunately no. I can't let you go back to that world Isabella. You have a fierce enemy who tried to take your life. I'm sure you'll be in danger once he or she gets to know you're alive."

"Where are my parents and my family? They must be so worried looking for me."

"I don't know about your family, Is. I tried contacting your parents but they were not reachable. We'll try again later, okay?" She said as she hugged me.

"Okay. I don't even remember my parents' faces or names. I'm a horrible person. How can I forget my own mother?" Suddenly all my excitement flew out of the window and the lost feeling came back.

"Shh. It's okay. The doctor will do everything it takes to make you become your normal self again and it's not your fault that all of this happened. Now let's just put this past you so we can enjoy our time together."

"Dia! Isabella!" We heard Tony shouting downstairs. We went out to the sea and applied some sunscreen lotion. Relaxing on the hot white sand, I enjoyed the sunbath. But after some time, I started feeling my back and my arms burn. I changed my position but it only worsened. The feel of burn filled my entire body and my skin became so red. I ran inside the beach house and turned on the air conditioner. Dia and Tony rushed inside to see me.

"What's happening?" Tony asked frantically looking at me from head to toe.

"Ahhhh. I can't." I pressed my hand against my head.

"I think she's recalling something from her past." Tony said.

"No. She only got sunburns." Dia said as she lowered the temperature in the room.

She brought some fresh aloe vera cream and applied on the red spots on my body as I fell into a deep comforting sleep.

Tony's POV

"How the hell can she have sunburns for staying for such a short amount of time in the sun? She usually carries out long photo shoot hours at the beach." I said, feeling agitated once we were in the kitchen downstairs.

"She has this problem and her company usually offers her heavy protection creams."

"Oh okay." I nodded my head. "Wait-you knew about this?"

"Of course dumbo. You think I want to spend my time with my dear bestie?" She went to the refrigerator to take some sips from the bottle of water she took out.

"I thought you wanted to make her believe that we are her real close friends she has." All I thought about us going to enjoy our time at the beach together was to bond really well with her so we can gain her trust.

"Do you even know what it means to hit two goals with one stone?" She placed the water back and closed the refrigerator's door.

"So you wanted to gain her trust and at the same time make her suffer?" I asked once we were outside the beach house on the patio.

"Hell yeah. Did you seriously think that I brought her here to care for her. She's in for a hell of a torturous ride and she doesn't even have the slightest idea about it." She smiled cruelly at me and took a bite of the red apple she grabbed from the table.

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