A Jedi's Journey

By thedjgirl

3.9K 232 93

Contu Wan-Gi is a twelve year old girl from the planet of Alderaan. Her parents have recently arranged for th... More

A Jedi's Journey
Welcome to Tatooine
The Hunt
Authors note
Canva, Kenobi, Baegon, Wan-Gi
Whose side are you on?
A Past Revisited
Trial one - Deception
Trial two - Stubborness
Trial three - family
Now what? (Epilogue)

More trouble

119 14 7
By thedjgirl

Contu and Cai layed by the tree for a long while engaged in idle conversation. It was a nice moment. But that was all it was... a moment. It was gone all too soon.

"Contu! There you are! Your mother and I have been worried sick!" A voice called to her.

She sat up and her jaw hit the floor. "Daddy? What are you doing here?" Panic began to settle in as the realization of his presence sunk in. He would turn her over to the Empire. To the Emporer to be trained as a Sith. But she saw what that did to Cai and now more than ever she wanted nothing to do with it.

"Lord Vadar sent me to find his boy servant, Cai. I just happened to find you in the process. Your mother will be so happy." He smiled and reached out to hug her but she pulled away.

She sneered at her father. "No. You mean the Emperor will be happy. You were gonna give me to him anyway. That's why I ran away."

Before Katai could respond, Cai stood up. "Wait. His boy servant? You're joking right?"

Katai rolled his eyes. "Stay out of this, I'll deal with you in a minute. Contu, you have immense power within you. The Emperor can unleash that power. You should feel honored."

She clenched her jaw. "No. Cai is a Sith apprentice and I now know to be true what I assumed was all along. I want nothing to do with the Sith or the dark side."

"You don't have a choice." Her father seethed.

Obi finally realized that something was wrong and came running out. "Woah! Who are you?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Katai sneered.

Obi pulled Contu close to his chest. "Come on, let's go insi....."

Katai swung his arm, his hand connecting with Obi-wan's cheek, making him stumble backwords. "You won't be taking my daughter anywhere!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Contu saw Cai ignite his lightsaber, so she copied his actions. Cai took a step forward. "Darth Galgron. I am Cai, the apprentice of Darth Vadar. It is by his authority that I command you to leave!"

Katai's eyes widened. "Of course! He never mentioned that you were his apprentice! I'll leave right away!" He looked over at Contu and snarled. "We're not done yet, little miss. Oh no, we are not done yet."

Inwardly, Contu hoped he would fall on a stake, or a carkoon pit. That would be nice. She smiled as she imagined a Carkoon swallowing the man whole. "Bye Dad!"

Obi dragged her inside with Cai hot on his tail. He set her down and got in her face. "That was your father?!"

She nodded, not wanting to upset him further with her voice.

"Your father... Vadar had to send your father. That means he knows that we're here. We need to leave. Now." Obi turned and got in Cai's face this time. "If you tell him where we're going this time... I'll personally cut out your tongue, and feed it to a bantha."

"Why do you assume it was me that told him your location?" Cai was offended by his lack of trust in him. "What if someone saw you and reported it?"

Obi chuckled. "So it wasn't you then? Just remember, I can see through your lies."

This time it was Cai who chuckled. "No, it was me... But I don't have to report again for another few days. I'll think up something between now and then."

He moved over to Ami when Obi nodded his approval and tried to wrap his arm around her waist, but she pushed him away. Some sort of silent communication passed between them before Cai stormed out of the room.

Sheema entered the room as Cai stormed out. "What was that all about?"

"It was my fault." Ami burried her head in her hands.

Obi groaned. "I'm going to have a head full of white hair by the time we're done."

Sheema silenced him with a glare. "Ami, what happened?"

Electra, followed by Conai, came in and whispered something in Obi's ear.

Ami sniffed but didn't answer. She simply got up and looked at Obi-wan. "Where to next General?"

Contu suddenly had a burst of inspiration... "Naboo! Let's go to Naboo!"

Obi spun around and looked at her like she had five heads. "Why in the universe would we go to Naboo?"

"Because Vadar won't follow is there..." Her grin was smug and it should be too. She had thought of something that no one else had. "Naboo is where his wife is burried. He won't go within five clicks of it!"

Ami smiled. "Genius. Pure genius."

"You're going to make a great Jedi Master some day Contu." Sheema said with a wide smile. "Come on Layla! We're going to the prettiest planet in this entire galaxy!"

Obi sighed. Everyone besides himself would be thrilled to go there. For him, it only held very painful memories. If he would have his way, he wouldn't be going within five clicks of Naboo. But he was out-voted so he had to face his demons and suck it up like a man. It wasn't long before they were flying through space at hyperspeed. Contu couldn't help but pick up on Obi's depressed mood. His wife, Lima, and son, Conai, were now also on board.... Cai had taken Ami, Sheema, and Layla so Contu was now on Laeta's ship. "Master? Is everything alright?"

Obi looked up from his brooding and forced a smile. She saw right through it. "I'm fine, Contu. Really I am."

"No you're not." It was a statement. It was a fact. and she knew it. He was dealing with something that he didn't want anyone else to know about.

He sighed... She just wasn't gonna drop it. It wasn't in her nature. She would pester him until he told her what was wrong. A smile crossed his features as he thought of her in Palpatine's service... Obi-wan did him a favor by taking her as his apprentice. He could see her feisty attitude clashing with his controlling nature. That would be a sight to see. "As usual, you are right, my very young and very wise apprentice." He saw the smile grace her lips as he said those words. "Naboo holds some not-so-fond memories for me." The image of Padme's funeral crossed his thoughts and he pressed back the urge to cry. "The last time I was on Naboo, I lost a great deal that day... Things that meant a lot to me." He looked up at her. She urged him to continue. "That day, I lost my apprentice to the dark side. His name was Anakin. Now he is known as Darth Vadar."

Gasps from everyone interrupted his story. Even his wife.

"Obi-wan! I knew Anni turned but.... Vadar?"

He nodded before continuing. "That day I also lost a close friend. She also happened to be his wife. Her name was Senator Padme Amidala. She now rests on Naboo. A reminder of her husband's fall to darkness. To think that I was there when it all happened. This is why I do not look forward to landing on Naboo."


Contu decided enough was enough. "I'm very sorry Obi. But Naboo is the safest place for us right now."

"I know, Contu. I know. I'll be ok. just give me a little bit."

She could do that.

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