BTS Oneshots

By Aquadextrous

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Just a glimpse on how Bangtan lives their daily lives in the dorm #62- btsoneshots #86- btsoneshots #106- bts... More

Typical Day-offs
Shyness and Hugs (jikook)
Nighttime Playtimes
Dance Practice
Pillow Fights
The Morning After
Zombies and Ghosts
Fight Between
Chemistry Arguments
Walking Is Such Great Pastime
Stuck In An Elevator
Taehyung Wear Your Shoes
Just a lil rant
Differences Between
Nights With Taehyung
Who's That Gurl?
Yoongi's Day In The Grocery Store
Who's That Gurl 2
Scaredy Cats!


488 3 1
By Aquadextrous

I saw a frckin funny post where Bangtan is a fam haha I laughed then suddenly it came to me: hey why not make a story? Aghh this is my first time to do this crap so pls bear with me. Gimme a shoutout guyz tell me ur there. Ur free to vote and comment

And since this is a fam, I'mma make the others gurlz

Alright I found the pic haha c/o Ella Sava in Youtube

"Honey hurry up the bus is about to arrive soon," Namjoon tells his wife as he comes into the kitchen trying fix his tie.

Jin gives her husband a glare as she stirs vegetables in a pan. "You try cooking for once Kim Namjoon. Maybe then you'll understand how hard it is to make food." She pauses. "On second thought don't come near my kitchen. I'll burn you alive with hot sauce and barbecue."

Namjoon shuddered before leaving.

"Daddy look Jiminie's got my hairbrush!" exclaims a voice. Namjoon turns to see a disgruntled Hoseok. He kneels down to her eye level.

"Awe don't pout baby girl I'll talk to her for you now where is she?"

"Playing dress up with the boys."


He stands and looks around the house, seeing the other areas empty. That could only mean-

"Kim Jimin! Where are you?!"

A girlish giggle erupts from upstairs, followed by a "You bish what the fudge do you think you're doing to my faceu?!"

"Aw Yoongi-oppa it's called make up! And now it's Tae's turn! Where are you Taehyung?" Jimin's high voice calls out.

The father is alerted to loud footsteps and in seconds a scared-looking Taehyung appears, eyes wide and face stricken. Once he catches sight of his dad he immediately goes to him to clutch his hand, hiding behind his tall figure.

"Jiminie's planning on putting make up on my face!"

Hoseok gives her younger brother a weird look. "What's so wrong with make up?"

Taehyung turns his gaze to his noona. (Sorry Hobi) "What's wrong noona? It's make up that's what! Boys don't wear make up!" he exclaims.

"What kind of sex discrimination is that? Even Jungkook wears eyeliner and he's a boy."

Said boy appears holding his backpack, throwing a pencil up then catching it in his hands. He catches sight of his dad and two siblings and smiles before disappearing into the kitchen.

"See?" Hoseok rolls her eyes and flips her orange-colored hair. "You're such a scaredy cat. Jiminie once did my make up and let me tell you she's amazing."

"Unnie, that's cuz I plan to be a beautician," says another female voice. It was the devil herself with a concealer in hand. Yoongi trudged behind her, smudges of lipstick still on his lips.

Namjoon doesn't know what to say anymore. Five kids is such a handful but he really wouldn't have it any other way. Meeting Seokjin was the best and having kids was such a blessing. He just didn't expect to have five of them. But it's okay. He can handle them.

Taehyung looks at her sister. "I thought you said you wanted to be a policewoman."

Jimin fixed her brother a gaze. Taehyung felt a shiver run down his spine. Darn, why do all the women in his life love to intimidate him in some way? It's so bizarre.

"That was when I was still a little tomboyish. But now I think I know better."

Hoseok gives her only sister a proud smile and pat on the shoulder. She looks up to her father. "Daddy now tell her she took my hairbrush."


"Oppa why the long faceu?" asks Hoseok as she sees her eldest brother walking with hands in his pockets, the dismissal bell still ringing in the background.

He shot a glare her way but she's not unfazed. Any other person would flinch and leave him alone but not Hoseok. She's been thrown that same cold look from him ever since she was born and since a lot of time had passed, she'd grown immune to that sort of look.

Yoongi sighs since he too knows this fact. "My teacher scolded me."

"Well that's new," says the girl sarcastically. It's not.

And they both know it.

"She says it's bad to stab people."

Hoseok stills. That's new. Her eyes tentatively look to her brother. "Stab? Where did you do it?"

"Calm down pabo I just stabbed his arm with a pencil."

Hoseok's eyes widen. Now she knows pencils are dangerous when in the wrong hands. She slaps Yoongi's shoulder.

"You're the pabo! Once Daddy hears about this you'll be in for a lot of trouble, especially Mommy."

Yoongi stops. He groans. "Aww another annoying woman in my life!"

The girl scowled. "I'll tell Mommy."

"What's the difference? That's what you always do, tattletale."

The younger girl doesn't give a glance as she walks away, Yoongi's eyes still on her figure making sure she was safe. Wait why was he watching over her? He's supposed to leave her alone. Ah whatever. This is such a pain.

On the other part of school spots a certain orange-haired girl with her younger brother of almost a year. They were born in the same year but they weren't twins though one could mistake them for being a pair due to their closeness.

"Yah Jimin c'mon hurry up Mommy's gonna be picking us up."

"I know Taehyung but please wait. A girl needs her beauty time too you know."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I'll never understand you women. All this make up and dresses."

Jimin giggled as she closed her locker. "Let's go. I bet Kookie's already waiting and he's gonna complain that we took so long."

The boy smirked. "Wanna bet?"

"Would I?"

As they reach the parking area it's to see Jungkook's hand clasped in Jin's hold, her neck craning around to spot her other two kids. Once she caught sight of them she furiously waves them over.

"You reckless kids! I've been standing here for fifteen minutes and it's to see you two still taking your sweet time. Your older siblings are in the car fuming since they had a sort of fight," she rolls her eyes as she starts to walk, Jungkook's hand still in hers.

"Mommy you don't have to hold me anymore like I'm five. I'm twelve."


"So? I'm big enough to walk on my own."

Jin hums. "No. I'm not taking any chances of you falling on your face kid."

Jungkook hears his two older siblings snicker. He blushes in embarrassment.

"Jungkookie's so cute," coos Jimin.

"Shut up noona don't make me do something you'll regret."

"Ooh scary," mocks Tae. Jimin giggles. "Just look at him," he tells his older sister, who nods.

They reach the car and all go inside.

Jin fixes her mirrors and starts the engine. "Seatbelts everyone," she singsongs. She's satisfied to hear five clicks of the safety gear before she moves.

"Alright sweethearts how was your day?" the mother asks, looking at her cherubs through the rearview mirror.

"I got a perfect score in my Maths test!" exclaims Taehyung.

"Oh good for you sweetie." She's genuinely happy, since it wasn't everyday Taehyung would perfect a test, let alone Math.

"I talked to a girl today," shares a timid Jungkook.

Jin beams at her youngest son. "I'm so proud of you baby keep going."

"I helped seongsang-nim with the test papers and I talked to a janitor today," shares a happy Jimin.

Jin smiles fondly and knowingly. "As expected from my sweet angel," she tells her middle child daughter. "I couldn't expect less."

Hoseok stared out the car window, not really paying attention to the family sharing. She loved her siblings yes, but it's oppa she's worried about. Why does he always have to land himself in trouble? She's growing concerned for him, especially his behavior toward others.

"Hoseok baby?"

At her name she snapped out of her reverie to lock eyes with her mother. "Ne eomma?"

Jin could see the distraction and chaos in those eyes. Even when they weren't directly in contact she could feel her young one's inner turmoil.

The car stopped in traffic and Jin took the available time to really look her daughter in the eye. She stared back.

"Sweetie is there something you wanna tell me?"

Hoseok's gaze flitted every once in a while to her brother, who was by the other side with headphones snug around his ears. He had his eyes closed.

She turned back to the kind eyes of her mother. Jin merely gave her an encouraging lift of the lips.

"Yes mom."

The others were very oblivious to this exchange. The moment Jin turned up front Taehyung screamed "Eomma CAR!"

They all grunted as the front of their car collided with the back of the car in front of them.


The people at the front whipped their heads toward their back, where Jin met eyes with the furious driver. She only smiled sheepishly.

"Well kids, Mommy's in big trouble," she tells her five children nervously.

Jimin stared back at her with big eyes. "Daddy's gonna be so pissed about the car."

She was shot a warning glare and so promptly cowered behind Taehyung.

"Language child."


"You WHAT!" Namjoon exclaimed as soon as he heard the story from his wife.

"Calm the fudge down!" Jin slapped his arm indignantly. "Be thankful the kids weren't hurt."

Namjoon could only gape and grab his hair. "Wh- how did this happen?"

Jin rolled her eyes. "Oh husband you silly man. Is the car all you can think about when your beautiful wife is right in front of you?"

"I'm worrying cuz that's our only car my lovely wife."

Jin gave him an affronted look. "Are you blind?! You just used the other one to go to work. Don't tell me you forgot!"

"That's not mine! It's the company's car that I take great care of, unlike you, who broke not only our car, but also a stranger's car," Namjoon told his wife, who merely rolled her eyes in annoyance.

She flipped her hair and turned around so her brown tresses could whip his face. "Watevur. I'm gonna go talk to my Hobi. Call me when you're finished with your witch fit. Toodles!" She waved goodbye as she sauntered away, leaving a gaping and hopelessly useless Kim Namjoon.

What the fluck just happened?


"Okay so picnic mats are set, sandwiches are packed and Taehyung is safely out of the way," Jin lists as she checks the things needed for their picnic.

Said boy pouts. "Eomma you say it as if I'm not here. Well I can hear you, and that wasn't very nice."

Jin laughs a bit and goes over to him to squish his cheeks. "Ahh my son you know I love you from the bottom of my amygdala." She lets go and a rather stern look is visible on those soft features. "But I don't want last time happening."


The Kims were going to have their traditional picnic near the tree on top of a small hill.

Jin instructed her son Taehyung to be in charge of s'mores and other snacks that required little to no cooking, thinking that the child was more than capable to handle such an easy task.

The boy was excited and hyped to do something and contribute to the family gathering.

When all had to be ruined by the stove.

He tried cooking an omelette but failed miserably and put the kitchen on fire.

The whole family panicked before Jungkook was able to grab ahold of the phone and call the fire department for his reckless brother's doings. He was only nine that time.

Since then Kim Taehyung couldn't be allowed near the kitchen.


"N- ne eomma," stutters a nervous Taehyung.

The smile is back and his head is pet before Jin left the boy to tend to the basket, her other children appearing every now and then to ask or give something.

"You dumbo who the frick puts pepper on spaghetti?!"

Jin's ears perk. She could easily recognize that as her hot-headed son Yoongi. His curses were apparent and she knew that he wanted to say the full word. But since he was under Jin and Namjoon's supervision, such wasn't allowed.

"Hyung I was only trying to cook!" Ohh now that tone was sweeter and mellower, evidently her youngest Jungkook.

"I wanna try too!" Ahh her middle child the sweetest and nicest of them all, Jimin.

"I should be first!" Yes of course; the diva and happy child Hoseok.

Now back to-

"Who's ready to RRUMBOOLL??!!"


Jin whipped to find Tae's seat empty. How did he- oh never mind. That kid was always funky in his own way.

Back to cooking.

And there you have it folks, a slice of life of our very own Kim Family.

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