My First Thug Love*

By theeflowerqueen

1.9M 55.1K 3.7K


My First Thug Love
Funny beginnings
Thugs and shit
/ Lonely nights
Party timee!
Relaxation time
What did i do?
Fun :)
" Chillin "
Fight night .
Kiss but don't tell
bad day
Killing spree
It's go time .
double crossing
boom ,
He's back .
BOOM , goes the house.
freak & shopping
who took my money?
i found you.
night night nigga
Falling apart
why am i with you?
tears , pain and love
tough girl
back to normal
Diamond's birthday!
birthday sex
Life's good
First Day of School
im bacckkk
you don't know NOBODY!
Future wedding
If i don't make it home
Will i make it?
Misery to my ears
on the road to recovery
no love
who's in the hospital now?
Saved me
not a update
giving up
happy ending.
Not an update
Not an update.. kinda
Thank You

twisted games

28.9K 846 42
By theeflowerqueen

First I wanna give a shout out to my bestfriend & day one  nigga Zachary who is also the person I based the character on. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HOMIIEEEEE! y'all show him love on insta : @whois.zae  & Twitter: @whoiszae which ever floats y'all boats.  show him some love!




It's been two days I put a hit out for King. I wanted that nigga DEAD, if I didn't have respect for Diamond I would of killed him a long time. I've been getting notes everywhere in my house and people have been following me so I decided to move and dye my hair a dark purple. It's sexy btw.

Today I was gonna go get my baby back. He's not in a coma so Lord knows what's in that boys stomach probably nothing , nothing at all. I know for a fact that King wouldn't have Zae just lying in a empty trap or house all alone. He has people waiting for us in every corner there is.

I'm ready for this to be over and to me this is get PETTY. I'm putting on my bullet proof vest , zipping my pants up and putting bullets in my guns and into my pants. " Diamond you coming?" , I yelled out. Diamond came in my room with a fake smile on her face and responded " yeah , ready as ever." I could tell she was lying cause she put her head down.

I stopped loading my guns and walked towards her.

" Diamond if you don't wanna do this then you don't have too, okay? we don't have to go to war we can just get Zachary and leave." , I hugged her. I know if I was in her position I wouldn't have the guts to kill the love of my life. We weren't gonna kill him , we were gonna hit him a few times and leave but King wants us dead.

I called a meeting so everybody knew what was gonna happen. I didn't want nobody dying therefore everybody is shooting from the cars ; bulletproof Windows. Seems like everyone is on the same page so we gotta get this shit done.


Pulling up in front of the house my mind began to wonder. The house is beyond beautiful and it looks to familiar. Diamond had the same look on my face and she said something " this is his mom's house " she shook her head and got out the car.

"Diamond! Diamond what the fuck you doing?"  I yelled. " Diamond! Get yo ass back in the car!". sighing in frustration I got out and slammed the door. Telling people were to go , and when to be out. Walking up to the house I told the crew to shoot the guards.

Catching up to Diamond , I shook my head. Putting the silencer on the gun Diamond opened the door and I walked in first.

It's four of us so we split up. Diamond had two big ass niggas behind her and I did too so I wasn't worried that much. I decided to go upstairs , this house has me out of breath. The stairs are HUGE. Finally making it up the stairs I go in the first room I see.

Pretty small but it was nice I checked the closet, under the bed , the bathroom. nothing. I did that too all of the rooms but I left the master bedroom for the last.

Opening the door I almost wished that I didn't. A foul smell hit my nose almost to quick. It smelled like something died ; Panicking at what I just said I pushed the door aside and walked into a room.

It wasn't any room. It was Ms.B' s room. Putting down the gun and covering my mouth King's mom decaying body layed on a queen sized bed. Wanting to cry I put on my big girl shoes and walked around the room.

I walked in the bathroom but I heard ticking. It grew louder and louder. " What the fuck is that?" I yelled. I walked out the bathroom and in front of the closet, kicking the door aside a bomb was sitting there on the floor with a pretty red ribbon.

6 minutes to spare and a note on the side that red :


Times ticking better hurry up and find him before it's too late.

Fuck , I cursed. Taking the note I stuffed it into my pocket. " Lets go downstairs we have to find Zachary " I said running out the room and to the big ass steps.

" Diamond! Diamond where are you?" I screamed. " I'm over  here!" She replied. I ran to her voice and sure enough I found her.

" I found this in the basement,  Harmony it's a trap and I'll be damned if I end up in another explosion. Let's go now!" Diamond yanked me out the hallway and towards the front door but , I stopped in my tracks thinking about his mom.

" Harmony let's go! we don't have enough time! " I still didn't move. " man , can you guys pick her dumbass up? " diamond said . the actually picks  me up and dragged me out the house. Now being in the car and watching the house burst into flames I felt kinda bad for the lady. King is crazy and I'm gonna get him back for playing this twisted game , once I get Zachary I'm moving from Miami and starting over.

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