Bodyguard - ForthKit

By bbywin13

32.7K 1.4K 266

⚠️ Warnings: little space, SA/Harassment/R***, abuse Forth is the hired bodyguard for a little-named Kit. More

25. END.


737 46 9
By bbywin13

"Dadda!!!" Ren yelled from ForthKit's room.

ForthKit were tucking Mia and Johee into bed when Ren woke up from his nap.
Kit sighed and went to Ren while Forth finished tucking Mia in and reading her a story.

"What's wrong Ren?" Kit asked picking up the baby, Ren was pointing to his tummy which meant one of 3 things, he's hungry, his tummy hurts, or he needs a diaper.

"Eat!" Ren mumbled and Kit realised Ren never got to eat dinner, so Kit walked downstaris and set Ren down in his highchair so he could eat.

Forth came downstairs shirtless thinking that Kit was alone downstairs and flinching when Ren threw a plastic baby spoon at his chest.

"Ren never got to eat dinner so I'm gonna feed him before giving him a bath and putting him back in bed." Kit said picking up the spoon Ren threw and putting it in the sink.

Forth nodded understanding that and went to get the bath ready and Ren's clothes, he's using the kid's bathroom (not the one in their room).

- after Ren went back to bed -

Kit was really tired, he's been overworking himself too much this week so Forth, being the great boyfriend that he is, built Kit a pillowfort, just like he did a couple years ago when they were just meeting and not even dating yet.

"What's this for?" Kit asked standing in the doorway and seeing Forth laying in the middle of the fort.

"I figured you needed a break from everything so I re-built our pillowforts," Forth said and made Kit sit on his lap.

Kit smiled and kissed Forth, "I love you,"

"Love you too babe," Forth smiled and hugged the younger making him lay down with him so they could just cuddle and talk like they used to.

Forth even had a very special gift for Kit.

"Kit, don't kill me but I spent a lot of money earlier," Forth said and grabbed something from under his pillow

"How much?" Kit asked kinda worried that Forth bought something stupid again.

"About 15,000" Forth said sitting up and making Kit sit on his lap.

"It better be worth it then," Kit said wanting to see what Forth bought.

"I'm gonna just show you, see if you take the hint," Forth said and opened the box showing Kit the 2 rings inside.

Kit was shocked, and nodded saying yes to Forth. Forth smiled and kissed Kit while putting the ring on his finger.

"Was it worth it?" Forth asked

"It was worth it," Kit said and was extreamly happy hugging Forth and eventually falling asleep, after some 'things' happned.

- the next day -

ForthKit woke up to pounding on the front door and Kit's phone ringing like crazy. Kit answered the phone and was met with Ming yelling asking why Mia called him saying him and Forth wouldn't wake up. Ming thought something bad had happened when in reality the couple was just really tired.

Kit and Forth got up and opened the door, getting yelled at by BeamMing for awhile before the other couple asked ForthKit why they wouldn't wake up.

"Some stuff happned..." Forth said and Kit 'subtlety' moved his bangs making sure BeamMing could see he was trying to show off the ring.

Ming and Beam both gasped,

"You're getting married!?" They yelled and Mia yelled from the kitchen

"Finally dads! Took ya long enough!" Everyone just laughed and was excited for them.

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