Jewel In The Palace(Lord Of T...

By Corinne_May

829K 28.4K 5.8K

*WATTYS 2015 WINNER* A woman has been living with the corsairs for centuries, she could only see the outside... More

A Girl's Errand
The Interrogation
Gideon's Madness
Mirialia and the Elk
The Sylphs
The White Wizard
Fight At The Borders
A Day At The Courtyard
The Royals of Rohan
A Change of Heart
The Maiden's Return
A Prisoner's Escape
Thranduil's Anger
Stolen Kiss
Sindarin Lessons
A Broken Love
The Abduction
Deceit And Sacrifice
When All Hope Is Lost
The Siege Of Belus
Divine Intervention
The Light Of Thranduil
One Last Chance
Tears Of Pain
Hidden Love
The Golden-Haired Elf
Lair Of The Flying Beasts
Hurt And Comfort
A Day Of Trouble
Pure Love
The Royal Wedding
Rebel Heart
The Tournament
The Duel
A Simple Conversation
A New Gift
Weight Gain, Hormones and...Pufferfish?
Mírien, The New Light
A Father's Moment
First Word
A Mother's Love
A Brother's Big Heart
The Unavoidable Question
Shot Through The Heart
A Happy Maiden's Heartache
The Queen's Journey
Upon Arrival
It's Mirialia's Turn
The Start Of It All
Meeting The Rebels
Serving Grimmond
The Revolt Begins
Battle At Heselon
Author's Note
Power, Strength and Courage
To Mend Both Hearts
A Thousand Years
Epilogue -- Long Live
Acknowledgement and Credits
No Final Goodbye (Sequel Teaser)


16.7K 555 292
By Corinne_May


"A messenger from Rohan came here and gave this letter. He said it's an invitation for Mirialia for Lady Eowyn's birthday." Calen informed Tauriel and the envelope to her.

"Le hannon. I will give this to her." she said.

"But she is still under punishment. I do not think the king will allow her to go." Calen voiced out his thought.

"But I do hope for forgiveness, Calen." the other replied.

Thranduil allowed the red-haired elf to visit Mirialia, to inform her about the upcoming celebration in Rohan. When she entered the room, she saw the woman studying on her small table. Her eyes were very focused on the book she was reading, Thranduil gave her another series of tests about their language.

A small smile curved on her lips. "You are doing well, Mirialia."

Mirialia almost jumped from her seat when Tauriel called her. "Oh! Tauriel, you startled me!"

"I'm sorry. A letter from Rohan arrived." the elf told her handing out the envelope. "It is an invitation for Lady Eowyn's birthday."

"Her birthday! How could I have almost forgotten?"Mirialia exclaimed, placing a hand on her forehead.

But her smile disappeared when she realized her present situation.

"Thank you, Tauriel. But I think I am not going anywhere." she said.

The elf gently stroke her shoulder, to ease her pain a little. "I do not hold the king's decision, neither your future. But, what I do know is everything that happened will lead into something better. There is always a reason. So, don't you lose that hope." She pointed at her heart. "Do what must be done while you hold onto it. Because in the end, hope will show you that it's all worth it."

Placing a soft kiss on her head, Tauriel left the room. Tears streamed down on Mirialia's face as she went back on her study. Everything the elf said truly touched her heart.

Lady Eowyn, whether I will be there on your special day or not, my heart goes out with you.


Later that evening, Thranduil saw her standing near the window. Gazing at the distant forest, she held the envelope on her hand.

"Are you done with the task I gave you?" he asked.

Mirialia quickly shifted her attention the moment she heard him. She picked up the papers on the table and gave it to him. Thranduil looked at her answers from one page to another. They were all correct.

"Very good." he complimented.

"Thank you." she said in a low voice.

The king did a quick glance at the envelope on her hand.

"I have been keeping her here for more than a month."

His friend answered his thought. "It is time."

"My lord," Mirialia's low voice interrupted.

Thranduil just stared back at her. She avoided his eyes and let the words came out.

"Diheno nin."  She uttered.

That one thing he had been waiting for her to do, the words he had been waiting for her to say, was finally heard. Hearing it in their language, he felt she was saying it with her whole heart. The king put the papers down on her small table, then faced her once more.

"Go." Thranduil said, looking at the door as it opened.

"My lord?" Mirialia asked with a bit of confusion.

"You can return to your chamber. Go now." he answered gently.

Mirialia, surprised at his decision, still did not move from her spot. "Does that mean-"

"Do you want me to change my mind?" he questioned her, showing a bit of irritation.

Mirialia said nothing and bowed as she slowly walked towards the door. But she stopped on her track and turned around when Thranduil called out to her.

"Prepare the things that you will be bringing for her birthday." he quickly added.

Mirialia understood what he meant and flashed a wide smile. "I will. Thank you, my lord."

She happily ran back to her chamber, where the sylphs saw her and they cheerfully greeted and flew around her.

"He forgave you, my lady!" Liath almost shouted in happiness.

"Yes, he did." Mirialia replied. "And he allow me to go to Rohan for Lady Eowyn's birthday!"

"That's great!" Fain exclaimed.

Legolas saw Mirialia entering her room, he then realized that his father might already had set her free.

"My father has let you go." he said to Mirialia.

"Yes, my lord. I hope you can forgive me too." she said it more like a plea.

"You are forgiven. Just don't break rules anymore." the prince told her.

"Thank you. I will remember that." she said.

When Thranduil settled himself down in the library, he piled up all requests the office has received in the long table. Seeing Mirialia's smile before she left his chamber, he could not help but to comment on it.

It was a loving smile.

"I feel lighter." he said.

"You are not a cold-hearted after all."

A small smile curved on his lips.

"I feel lighter." Mirialia whispered while lying on the bed.

"Well, that's good to hear." Fain said. "Sleep now, my lady. Tomorrow is a new day for you."


The next morning, Mirialia was walking around the palace, thinking of what she would give to the Lady of Rohan as a gift. She thought of a beautiful gown, but she already have plenty.

"An elvish blade?" she asked herself. "But she will not need it anymore."

She came across the throne room, where she found Calen, Tauriel and the Elvenking.

"Allow the trade, Tauriel." he said. "But make sure they will be escorted."

Walking down the stairs, he saw Mirialia and called her.

"Mirialia, Aphado nin."

"Yes, my lord." she obeyed.

"My lady, the Elvenking allowed a trade from the Woodmen. I think he is being more kind now. " Liath whispered.

"Really?" she said.


Thranduil led her further down the caverns, until they stopped in front of a huge door. He suddenly spoke something in Elvish and the door opened.

"This is my treasury." he announced as they walked in.

Mirialia stared with an open mouth when she saw the massive treasures in front of her. It even dwarfed Gideon's treasury. Precious gems, golden statues as high as fifteen feet, sparkled in her eyes.

"Pick a jewel." he commanded.

"My lord?" Mirialia asked.

"You don't have anything to give to Lady Eowyn, am I right?"

"Yes. But..."

"What is her favorite jewel?

"She really doesn't have a favorite, but I think she likes rubies?"

Thranduil picked up a box,  and handed it to her.

When she opened it, she saw thirty beautiful small rubies.

"I think she will like this, my lord." she said, smiling.

"Then give it as a gift for her." Thranduil said.

"Thank you." Mirialia said softly.


Mirialia thought they will be leaving the treasure room. But Thranduil still roamed around, scanning the jewels. Everytime he picked one up, he will look at Mirialia who was just standing behind the door.

"Come here." he said. She immediately marched towards him.

He picked up an emerald and gave it to her. "Put this on your belt."

He put the precious stone on top of the chest that she carries. Thranduil went to another table again, and picked one up. He looked at Mirialia from head to foot, then with a 'No.', he put the stone back.

It has been an hour when they entered the treasury, Thranduil was still circling the room, looking for the best jewels that will suit her. Mirialia was now holding seventeen stones, she tried very carefully not to drop them. Most of them were emeralds, silvers, and diamonds.

While Thranduil looked on another chest, she finally decided to ask curiously.

"My lord, why so many?"

"Do you not like the ones I have chosen for you?"

"No, they are beautiful, my lord. It's just that..."

"Wear them on the lady's birthday."

"I see."

"And this one suits you as well." he said as he hang a pearl necklace around her neck.

Mirialia could not help but admire his collection of stones. They are all beautiful.


When Mirialia returned to her chamber, she piled up the stones on the table beside her bed.

"Wow! They're beautiful!" Cielo exclaimed.

"Yes, they are. The chest is for Lady Eowyn." she said.

"The Elvenking gave all of this to you?" the sylph asked.

"Well, yes. I think." Mirialia replied.

"Hmm. I think he is changing because of you." Cielo said.

"What do you mean?" she asked the little fairy.

Their conversation was interrupted when an elf guard stood at her door.

"My lady, the king wants to meet you in the kitchen." he said.

"I will be there. Thank you." Mirialia said.


"Does the Lady of Rohan likes to eat pies?" Thranduil asked as they stood in front of a large wooden oven.

"Yes, she does. She likes the apple pie the most." Mirialia nodded.

"Same with my son. Let's bake one." the king said.

Thranduil pulled up the sleeves of his robe and wore an apron. Two elf maidens prepared the ingredients they will be needing.

"You know how to bake, my lord?" She threw a curious question.

Thranduil stared at her intently. "I raised Legolas by myself, my lady."

"Oh." was all Mirialia said. She felt stupid and embarrassed with her question. Of course, he raised his son alone so he must do all the work.

She tried to hide her smile, she could not help but admire the elf king as he moved from one side of the kitchen to the other.

"Are you just going to stand there and secretly smile at me while I do all the work here?" the Elvenking echoed.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I will help you."


Thranduil tried to light the oven several times but it was not igniting well. The last time he baked a pie, it was a couple of thousand years ago. Mirialia clearly heard him utter a few "Tsk."

"Do you want me to do it, my lord?" she offered her help.

"No, just continue with what you are doing." he said.

"Are you sure-" Mirialia asked again but she was interrupted.

"Yes!" Thranduil answered grumpily. "Now stand back, while I deal with this oven right here."

"Of course."

He swore he could hear Elrond laughing out loud at his balcony.

Finally, the oven has been perfectly lit and Mirialia put the pies inside it. As the two watched the oven, Thranduil wanted to know the amount of time that she planned to have.

"How long would you like to stay in Rohan?"

"I wish to stay for eight months long. Will you allow me, my lord?"

Thranduil nodded.

"I will be back." Mirialia said as she slightly smiled. "I will be coming back."

"And I will be waiting." he said softly.


Thank you for reading!

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