Turtles Forever

By bleachanimefan

63.6K 825 211

Follows through the 2k3 series. Leonardo/Oc, Raphael/Oc, Michelangelo/Oc, Donatello/Oc. More

Not So Average Day
Let's Kick Some Shell
Shell Shocked
Coincidence, I Think Not
Darkness On The Edge Of Town
NANO Part 1
NANO Part 2
Dreams Or Reality
The Way Of Invisibility Part One
The Way Of Invisibility Part Two
Fallen Angel
The Garbage Man
The Shredder Strikes Part One
The Shredder Strikes Part Two
The Shredder Strikes Part Three
The Shredder Strikes Part Four
The Shredder Strikes Back Part One
The Shredder Strikes Back Part Two
Tales Of Leo
Monster Hunter
Return To New York Part One
Return To New York Part Two
Return To New York Part Three
Raphael Meets His Match
The Search For Splinter Part One
The Search For Splinter Part Two
Turtles In Space Part One The Fugitoid
Turtles In Space Part Two Trouble With the Triceratons
Turtles In Space Part Three The Big House
Turtles In Space Part Four The Arena
Turtles In Space Part Five Triceraton Wars
Secret Origins Part One
Secret Origins Part Two
Secret Origins Part Three
The Ultimate Ninja
What A Croc
Return To The Underground
City At War Part One
City At War Part Two
City At War Part Three
The Golden Puck
A Fight For The Future
Rogue In The House Part One
Rogue In The House Part Two
April's Artifact
Return Of The Justice Force
The Big Brawl Part One
The Big Brawl Part Two
The Big Brawl Part Three
The Big Brawl Part Four
Space Invaders Part One
Space Invaders Part Two
Space Invaders Part Three
Worlds Collide Part One
Worlds Collide Part Two
Worlds Collide Part Three
Touch And Go
Nobody's Fool
New Blood
The Lesson
The Christmas Aliens
Darkness Within
Mission Of Gravity
The Entity Below
Time Travails
Hun On The Run
Reality Check
Across The Universe
Same As It Never Was
The Real World Part One
The Real World Part Two
Bishop's Gambit
Exodus Part One
Exodus Part Two
Cousin Sid
The People's Choice
Sons of the Silent Age
I, Monster
Moon Eyes Part One
Moon Eyes Part Two
Moon Eyes Part Three
Moon Eyes Part Four
Grudge Match
A Wing and A Prayer

The Unconvincing Turtle Titan

852 12 3
By bleachanimefan

At night, a manhole slid open as Leo climbed out of it along with his brothers and Yuuki. They flipped over a car, except for Yuuki who ran around it, then took cover around a corner of an alley. "Remember that the purpose of this training exercise is to master the way of invisibility." Leo whispered to them then runs down as they followed staying in the shadows of the building, unseen.

"Haven't you noticed how much safer the streets are since we put the smackdown on that Shredder dude?" Mikey asked. They stopped and looked at him

"Looks like we really accomplished something for the greater good" Mikey pointed out with his hands on his hips.

Everyone busted out laughing, besides Yuuki who frowned at them as they did.

"Greater good? Please." Leo replied as he waved his hand

" What are you, running for office?" Donnie asked sarcastically

"Ha, get over yourself already." Raph commented

Police sirens could be heard growing closer to them.

"Fine, make fun but I still think that we could still be doing a whole lot more to help people." Mikey explained as they quickly hid behind a dumpster as the police car drove by them. They peeked up from the dumpster to see where it was going, curiously. They gasped in shock when they saw a building on fire. The fire department was struggling to try and put it out. Everyone watched in interest until they saw a little girl cry out who was stuck on the building.

Her parents tried to get through the barricade but a firefighter pushes them back "You gotta stay back." The girl coughed with tears in her eyes. Yuuki watched in sadness wanting to help.

" We gotta help that kid!" Mikey yelled out as he was about to jump in.

Leo stopped him "Hang on the fire department got it covered. Besides, we'd get spotted."

"But we could -"

"Don't worry Mikey. It's covered." Donnie answered as he looked up and smiled

"But what if they don't get her in time?" Mikey asked

"Then he will." Raph replied as he pointed to the sky.

A man in a silver suit a dark blue cape and mask flew up in front of the moon. "Wow." Mikey replied in awe" The man flys towards the window where the girl was "It's really him." Mikey murmured. They saw the man grab the girl from the window "Silver Century." Mikey explained. Silver Century flew down to the girls parents letting her run to them "Mommy! Daddy!" she exclaimed happily as she hugged them.

"My baby!" The mother replied in relief as she hugged her "Oh, you're safe! "

The building began to explode. "Stand back." Silver Century replied to the firefighters. He flew up then took in a deep breath and blowed the fire out like it was a candle and everyone cheered as he flew away.

"See, now that's what I'm talking about. There's a guy who doesn't have to stick to the shadows and look what he's able to do." Mikey commented as Donnie and Raph walked away

"Hey that's it! We should become superheroes!" He exclaimed out, excitingly. Donnie and Raph looked at him.

"Ex-squeeze me?!" Donnie asked in disbelief

"Yeah, yeah. Go on nightly patrols for crime, help the helpless, rescue...The rescue-less." Mikey explained slowly. "Isn't that what you guys already do?" Yuuki asked as she chimed in agreement, pointing at the other three brothers. Leo, Raph, and Donnie looked at her with bewilderment.

"Oh, no. Don't tell me you're actually falling for this too?" Raph asked while looking at her. Yuuki shrugged her shoulders.

" I think you've got your mask on too tight, Mikey. The oxygen's is not making it to your brain." Donnie replied as he pointed to his head. He and Raph jumped down into the streets.

"Don't you get it? We'd have secret identities to protect ourselves. We can work out in the open!" Mikey argued

"Reading way too many comic books, Mikey." Leo commented then he jumped down following after them.

Mikey hang his head down and pouted. Yuuki looked at him sadly.

Back at the lair, candles were lit. The brothers and Yuuki sat down in corners while Splinter Sat in the middle "Two greatest weapons at the ninjas disposal are placement and surprise. Tonight we perfect a move that utilizes both. Leonardo, flying dragon" Splinter explained spinning his staff.

He charges at the turtle and Leo flips over him with a kick and lands before bowing "Raphael." Splinter replied and Raph back flips and bowed " Donatello." Splinter ordered. Donnie charges before front flipping and landing. "Yuuki." Splinter replied and she jumped flipping over, but only making it halfway in the air then she fell and landed on her butt. She groaned and stood up rubbing it in pain "Need to work harder." Splinter commented and snickered then he looked towards Mikey "Michelangelo."


Splinter looked over his shoulder to see the turtle, distracted, drawing something in his hands "Michelangelo." Splinter called out again before he wacked him With his staff.

" Yow!" Mikey exclaimed in surprise

"What are you doing?" Splinter demanded and Mikey stood up

"Uh, nothing. " He answered while quickly hiding a book behind his back

"Oh yeah? Let me see." Raph smirked and replied then he grabbed the book from Mikey

"Hey! Give that back!" Mikey shouted as he reached out for it

Raph laughs and threw the book back and forth in his hands. The he threw it to Donnie "Keep away!" Donnie called out as it did keeping it away from Mikey as he tried to get it back. Donnie threw the book back to Raph then to Leo. Leo opened it "Hey check this out." Raph, Donnie, and Yuuki came over and looked at it

"What is this?" Raph asked He pointed to five drawings "The NinJustice League?" He asked sarcastically

"More like the Shell-tastic five." Donnie commented

" The Legion of Sewer Heros. " Leo joked before the three of them laughed. Yuuki looked at them with disbelief then she frowned. She didn't have any siblings growing up but nobody deserves to be treated this way. She angrily stared at them in silence.

"Well, hardy har. Even our level headed leader gets a funny in." Mikey interrupted

" You're not really serious about this superhero kick, are you? " Leo asked in disbelief holding up the drawing

"Why not!?" Mikey asked, snatching the book from his brother "Superheroes never have to hold back because they're scared somebody's going to see 'em. And would it be nice to get a little credit for the good we do?" He argued

"You're intentions are noble, Michelangelo. But never forget who you are. You are ninja. You operate in the shadows." Splinter explained. Yuuki stared at him in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing .

"But can't we accomplish so much more out in the open?" Mikey asked

"There are many paths my son. You must choose the one that is true to yourself. Now let us return to our training." Splinter replied as he walked back towards the three brothers and Yuuki

Mikey looked down at the book "I'm sorry sensei. But I gotta get out to clear my head." He explained. He ran off getting into the elevator.

Yuuki turned her head and glared at everyone, furiously.

"Woah! What are you mad about?!" Leo asked slightly intimidated

"How could you all do that to him!?" She shouted

"You're his brothers!" She pointed at Splinter " And your his father! You're supposed to support his dreams not crush it! You all should be ashamed of yourselves! I know that you all want to protect him but what you all did was wrong!" Then she ran off after him.

"Oh, look! It's wonder girl!" Raph replied sarcastically and laughed. Yuuki ignored him and got on the elevator. Leo stopped her "Let Mikey blow off some steam. He'll be back." Yuuki turned her head and glared at him "I don't want to even look at you right now." Leo flinched and quickly pulled back. She pressed the button ridding the elevator up.

Yuuki got off to see Mikey sitting on a wooden crate. He looked over his shoulder to see her "What do you want?" He replied a little angry

" Well, if you want to do this superhero hero thing. I'll help in any way." Yukki replied and smiled

Mikey looked at her surprised. Then he beamed, and jumped and flipped off of the crate. He ran over crushing her into a big hug "Really!? You'll be my sidekick!?"

Yuuki groaned at the force of it and answered "Let's not go that far. I said that I'll help. I have no interest in being a superhero. That's your dream."

He lets go of her and made a sheepish smile "Thanks." Mikey and Yuuki sat down, thinking "How do I get to be a superhero? Step one: Secret origin story covered." Mikey replied

"Step two: A cool mode of transport." He explained. The looked at the Battle Shell "The turtle mobile! "

"Nah, too limited." Mikey shook his head.

Yuuki looked down at her feet seeing a hook and a rope. She reached down and picked it up "What about this?" She asked and held it out to Mikey.

He grabbed them smiling "These would do nicely."

They stand on top of a rooftop looking down on the city. "Step three: go out on patrol." Mikey explained. They hear a scream and saw a man running away from a woman with her purse "Ah! Stop! Thief!"

Mikey gets his grappling hook and tied it to the satellite pole nearby. He slings Yuuki on to his back and swing down ,grabbing the man

"Don't you know that bag clashes with that outfit?" Mikey asked and the man let out a terrified yell. Mikey throws him into the trash making the man drop the purse. The satellite pole breaks and Mikey crashed on the ground along with Yuuki.

"Okay, so I loose points for style." He commented as got up helped her up as well "Still, mission accomplished. Now for the sweet expression of thanks from a grateful stranger." He replied as he picked up the purse and walked over to the woman "Here's your purse lady. No need to thank -" The woman grabbed it from him in disgust and also terrified "Get Away from me, freak!" She wacks Mikey with it and ran off.

" Me. " Mikey finished

"Yeah! Well, you're welcome lady! I actually hope that you get mugged again!" Yuuki shouted in anger as the woman ran away from them

"Yuuki let it go." Mikey grabbed her shoulder stopping her

"She can't talk to you like that!" Yuuki looked at him

" I said let it go." Mikey replied

He lets go then walks over to a window looking at his reflection "Maybe I'm approaching this wrong. Step four : Work on an appearance that doesn't actually freak out the people your trying to protect, if your a mutant turtle." Mikey replied thinking

"I need a superhero costume."

In April's shop, Mikey stood In front of April while Yuuki played with NANO "Then it dawned on me: If you want to act like a superhero, then you gotta look like a superhero." He explained to her holding the book in his hand. April took it from him looking at it "Pretty lame huh?" He asked as he looked down, forlorned

" No, not all. I think you should follow your dream. "

"You do?" Mikey looks at her shocked

"We just gotta find the right look for you." She explained

Mikey walked behind a changing station then came out wearing a knight outfit.

"Nah, too cumbersome." April replied. Then he tried on a magician like out with a top hat. "Too formal." Next, a red sweatshirt with a lighting bolt on it and a blue ski mask "Too mugger."

"Hang on...I think I got it! Introducing...Turtle Titan!" Mikey explained. He came out wearing brown boots , Brown gloves, the grappling hook on his side, a shield, and red cape with his initials on the front.

"Hmm...not bad." April commented, smiling

"Looks great! But, I'd lose the cape." Yuuki replied " It would get caught in something. "

"I wanna be a superhero!" NANO exclaimed happily

" Looks like you've got an admirer Mikey. " April replied

Later at night, Mikey, Yuuki and NANO stood on the rooftops. They see a man crossing the road as cars dodged him "A citizen in peril! This looks like a job for...Turtle Titan!" Mikey replied as he swinged his grappling hook. The man had yellow eyes no pupils. A trucker eating a hamburger nearly choked as he saw him in the road. He turned his wheel and slammed his foot on the brakes trying not to hit him. But it doesn't slow down. Mikey grabbed the man just in time pulling him out of the way "Never fear, the Turtle Titan is-!" Then crashed into a wall. Yuuki and NANO cringed as he did.

NANO flew down holding Yuuki and walked over towards him.

"Ow!" He explained, rubbing his head

"Sorry my bad. Hang on." Mikey replied to the man wrapping up his grappling hook. The man shook his head and wildly look around, confused. He noticed Mikey, NANO and Yuuki "Who are you?What's going on?!" He stood up and ran "Police! I'm being attacked by costumed freak who thinks he's a superhero! And a giant robot! They held a girl hostage as well!" He exclaimed in fear

Yuuki made a frown "Who are you calling a hostage pal?"

"Attacked? Dude, you were like this close to being road kill." Mikey replied with his hands on his hips.

Mikey paced around on top of the rooftops while Yuuki and NANO watched "Man I gotta get some superhero respect in this town." He commented. Suddenly, They hear a crash to see a guy breaking into a window of Crazy Manny's. "Good old fashioned robbery. Now that's more like it!" Mikey commented happily. He took out his grappling hook.

The man took money from the register putting it into a bag. His eyes were yellow like the one before. Mikey , Yuuki and NANO appeared at the door "Beware Evil doers Turtle Titan is in the house!" Mikey exclaimed. The man ignored him as if he didn't hear him, still stuffing money into the bag. "So much for striking fear in the hearts of criminals." Mikey commented. He pushed the man up against the wall.

"Once again, the names Turtle Titan remember that. And you're name is -" He looks behind the man to see the same guy in the poster "Crazy Manny?" Mikey asked in disbelief. Crazy Manny eyes turn back to normal and Mikey lets him go."W-What's going on?" He looks around confused before seeing the three of them"Oh my gosh! Please don't hurt me! Take anything, I got a family!" He pleaded.

Yuuki looked at him confused "Wait, we weren't breaking into your store, you were." She explained. She frowned thinking. Something doesn't add up. "Why would I do that?" Manny asked "That's what I want to know." Mikey interjected as a small but crawled off of Manny's neck "Hey, that doesn't look like part of your inventory." Mikey commented as they saw it crawl away. Yuuki saw flashing lights and heard sirens at front of the store the police had arrived.

"Officer, in here! Some nut jobs are trying to rip up my store! They're holding a girl hostage as well!" Manny called out saving his arms

"Why does everyone assume that I'm a hostage!?" Yuuki shouted . Mikey grabbed her and he and NANO ran out the back door.

The bug sneaks out of the store during the commotion.

A man in a red battle suit watches the scene and laughed maniacally "My mind control bugs are a success despite the inference of those fools." The bug crawls up to him and he picked it up

"One more field test to see how far I can push my helpless puppets. Then I will take control of my true target. Muhahaha!"

Mikey paced around the rooftops in deep thought. Then they heard a crash and car alarms from behind. A bus was driving out of control "What is up with people tonight?" He asked in disbelief

" This is too much of an coincidence." Yuuki muttered

Mikey grabbed Yuuki swing to the bus with NANO following behind landing on top of the bus. He quickly opened the hatch and they climbed in. Mikey approached the driver to see his eyes were yellow as well. He pushed him aside taking the wheel "Sorry pal. Nobody's going to break the bank tonight." He replied. Mikey pushed down the brakes, they didn't't work "Don't tell me you cut the breaks!" " Mikey... " Yuuki pointed to the river ahead of them "We're going to crash!" NANO let's out an ear piercing scream. The driver pushes Mikey down taking back the wheel "Have you totally lost it!" Mikey exclaimed before seeing the bug on the man's neck "Or have I totally found it..." He asked taking it off.

The man shakes head head confused "Where am I?"

"Offhand, we'd say that you were being mind-controlled by this mechanical doo-hickey. " Mikey replied smashing the bug into the pole "But you're safe."

"No, I'm not!" The man replied in fear as he saw that they were getting closer to the river. Mikey opened the door and Yuuki kicked the man out. Mikey gestured her to go first and she and NANO jumped out. Mikey jumped but his cape got caught in the doors as it shut.

"Mikey! I told you wearing cape was a bad idea!" Yuuki shouted as she and NANO chased after the bus. The bus jumped off but instead flew over the river. "Huh?" Mikey looked up confused and saw Silver Century lifting the bus into the air. He flew it back setting the bus down.

Mikey pulled his cape out from the door "Stupid cape." He muttered

" Are you guys alright? " Silver Century asked as he lowered himself down towards Mikey, Yuuki and NANO

"I-I...you...y-your him! Central Survey! Surfer Sundry" Mikey stuttered in shock

" Silver Century, and you are?" He answered. Mikey stood up "Michel-I mean, Turtle Titan. I'm a superhero. Just like you. We'll not just like you. But I've always admired your work!"

"Uh-huh." Silver Century replied slowly

"First night on the job, huh?" He asked

"Isn't it obvious?" Mikey replied sheepishly

" Uh, listen Turtle Titan, is it?" Silver questioned. He gestured to Mikey. Mikey smiled and nodded.

"I admire your good intentions, but this is an dangerous occupation. If you're not careful somebody's going to get hurt, most likely you." Silver Century explained "You might want to call it an night." Mikey mouth dropped as he saw him fly away.

"Wait!" He called out "You need to see this!" He explained and pulled out the bug. Silver Century flied back down to them "Someone been controlling people with these bugs. Making them do crazy things and then they don't remember."

He takes the bug from Mikey "Hm, looks like the work of my arch nemesis, Dr. Malignus." He replied in thought and flew into the air "You may have disabled it but it's still receiving an control signal."

His eyes pinpoint the location "It's originating from that warehouse." He flew down picking up Mikey in his arms while Yuuki rode on NANO " let's go! " "Woah!" Mikey cried out in alarm

"Are you alright?" Silver Century asked

" Sorry, this is a first for me." Mikey explained

"First time flying?" Silver Century asked

"First superhero, team up!" He told him. Then Silver Century flew off into a different direction setting him down

"Hey, wait a minute. I thought you said the bad guy's warehouse was in the other direction?" Mikey pointed out

"Let's get one thing straight, Turtle Titan. There will be no superhero team up tonight." Silver Century replied, sternly


"You've got a lot of heart, kid, and I appreciate the help, but you're in way over your head. You need to keep yourself safe and out of sight, while I deal with Malignus." Silver Century explained before flying off

"You don't understand! I took this gig so that I wouldn't have to hide in the shadows!" Mikey called out as he flew away.

"Eh, what does he know?"

"Mikey, we should stop. This is way over our heads." Yuuki commented

Without a boat or anything they were stuck "What I wouldn't give to have a turtle plane right about now." Mikey let out a sigh

"Guess we'll just have to get across the old fashioned way." He runs across the bridge with Yuuki and NANO following behind

"Yep defiantly need me a turtle mobile." He replied exhausted

As Mikey and Yuuki and NANO walked inside of the safe house. The found out that Malignus had Silver Century under his control. They struggled until Mikey had enough His eyes narrowed and he threw his costume off

"You know, maybe Master Splinter was right, again. Maybe it's time to get back to the basics."

" Ninja Style!" He shouted out

"You've said it!" Yuuki replied in agreement

Mikey and NANO who grabbed Silver Century from behind, managed to grab the bug off of the superhero and crushed it.

Silver Century placed both of his hands on their shoulders "Thanks Turtle Titan and NANO."

"You've earned your superhero team up. " He explained

"It's over Malignus. You've lost! " Silver Century declared angrily as he flew above him

"Only this round, Century." Malignus replied as the platform descended with him, before Century could reach him, trapping himself in the wires

"The game will continue." Malignus laughed evilly. Below the warehouse, the elevator descended down and the doors opened and Malignus stepped out

" Muscle-bound fool. Doesn't he know that I always have an escape plan? " He commented

"Hi, there. Remember us?" Mikey called out with Yuuki and NANO standing in front of him. He and Yuuki kicked Malignus back into the elevator, knocking him out cold.

"Who needs a shield and grappling book anyway?" Mikey asked

"You've said it. Superhero work is tiring." Yuuki replied

Mikey, NANO, and Yuuki watched from afar on top of a rooftop as they saw the police take Malignus away. Silver Century flew down to them. "Thanks for the help. You're welcome to team up with me anytime Turtle Titan and NANO."

"The names Michelangelo and for now on we'll leave the limelight to guys like you." Mikey explained "We can do alot more for this town in the shadows." He replied

Silver Century smiled and nodded "I understand." Then he looked at NANO "NANO, how would you like to be me out?

NANO makes a shocked face then hesitantly looks at Yuuki "Mommy?" Yuuki bent down to it .

"Go. You can do a whole lot more good if you go with him." She replied

Mikey and Yuuki watched as they saw Silver Century and NANO fly away.

"Come on. Let's go home." Mikey replied

He and Yuuki walked until she turned her head

"Goodbye,...NANO." She replied softly then followed after Mikey .

Back in the lair, Splinter walked up to the three brothers "And so my sons, we practice our moves very slowly so that we may execute them with great speed." Just as he finished, the elevator door opened and Mikey and Yuuki walked out of it. The three brothers run up to them.

"What do you know, it's Super Mikey and wonder girl?!" Raph replied sarcastically

"Returning to their secret turtle cave headquarters." Donnie teased

"How's life in the funny books?" Leo asked. Mikey grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV.

"In a Brooklyn warehouse, where the Silver Century has defeated and captured the criminal mastermind, Dr. Malignus. Any comments on the incident, Silver Century?" The newsman reported and looked at Silver Century

"I just want to say that I couldn't have done it without the help of Turtle Titan, Miss Anonymous, and my new sidekick NANO. " Silver Century explained and the camera rolled in closer to the robot and it waved.

"NANO?!" The three brothers exclaimed out in shock

Mikey turned off the TV.

"Guys, were those you the Silver Century was talking about?" Leo asked

Mikey stood up and faced them then smiled "I'm a turtle, not a titan. So, who's ready to get back to training?" He explained then bowed at Master Splinter.

Leo approached Yuuki cautiously "Are you still mad?"

She turned and looked at him. She smiled at him "No. I'm not mad."the

"So? Miss Anonymous? " Leo teased

Yuuki let out groan and slapped her forehead 

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