Bodyguard - ForthKit

By bbywin13

32.7K 1.4K 266

⚠️ Warnings: little space, SA/Harassment/R***, abuse Forth is the hired bodyguard for a little-named Kit. More

25. END.


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By bbywin13

The next morning Forth woke up to Kit gone from bed and both of the kids still asleep.

"Babe, you alright?" Forth asked knocking on the bathroom door after hearing Kit throwing up. A couple seconds later Kit opened the door and nodded.

"Just not feeling well," Kit said and laid back down in bed, Forth following behind him and laying down putting his arm around Kit's waist and using his other hand to play with the youngers hair; since it helps him fall asleep.

- the next week -

Kit was getting a lot worse, he was just really sick from the baby and the pregnancy itself. But what no one excpected was Kit to pass out in the middle of a presentation and have to be rushed to the hospital.

Kit was doing a presentation on a new form of cancer treatment when he just froze up, and fell (passed out). Pha and Beam rushed over to him while calling Forth and another student called for an ambulance.

- at the hospital -

Kit is NOT allowed to leave, at all. He is stuck here for the rest of the 5 months of the pregnancy. (When they found out Kit was pregnant it had already been 2 months into it, and by time this incident happens he's 3 months)
The doctors just want to keep an eye on Kit and the baby to make sure they're both ok. Kit was pissed, he didn't wanna be here for 5 months. But he had to if he wanted this baby to be perfectly fine.
Forth's with him now, so is Johee, Mia is at school and then going over to a friend's house. Johee was laying on the bed next to Kit and playing with a few small toys. Kit smiled and both him and Forth played with Johee when he said he wanted someone to play with since Mia wasn't there for him right now.

"Dada ok?" Johee asked looking up at Kit who was coughing a lot.

"He'll be ok Johee, don't worry too much ok?" Forth said picking up the toddler so the doctors could see how Kit was doing.

"You already have 1 son together?" The doctor asked not knowing Forth already had kids.

"I have two kids from a previous relationship," Forth said and Johee waved to the doctor because he was a nice and friendly kid, unless you steal his food and/or toys. Then he's MEAN.

"Oh, how old is he?" The doctor asked while taking Kit's blood for a blood test.

"I 2!" Johee said and held up 5 fingers. The doctor just smiled and showed Johee how to make 2 instead of 5 fingers.

"I 2!" Johee said again and showed 2 fingers this time.

- couple hours later -

Kit was asleep, alone, in the hosptial when there was a knock on the door to the room.

"Come in," Kit mumbled and turned on the small desk lamp next to the bed.

"Hey," Beam and Ming came in and sat next to Kit's bed.

"Did we wake you up?" Ming asked seeing how tired he was,

"A little bit, I'm fine though," Kit said and sat up a bit on the bed and talked with MingBeam for awhile.

"What's up?" Kit asked, the two just said they wanted to visit their best friend and see if he was ok.

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