Bodyguard - ForthKit

By bbywin13

31.8K 1.4K 260

⚠️ Warnings: little space, SA/Harassment/R***, abuse Forth is the hired bodyguard for a little-named Kit. More

25. END.


779 46 7
By bbywin13

"You sure they'll like me?" Kit asked nervous to meet Forth's parents and his 2 kids, Mia and Johee.

"They'll love you babe don't worry," Forth said and kissed Kit before the door opened and a small girl ran to Forth and hugged his legs, and a small toddler yelled from the arms of an older women. (Forth's mom).

"Dada!!" The tollder, Johee, yelled seeing Forth at the door.

"Hi baby, hi Mia," Forth said and leaned down picking up his daughter and kissing Johee on his head.

"Who are you?" Mia asked looking up at Kit,

"Let's go inside first," Forth's mom said and walked in with Johee and Mia climbed up so Forth was forced to carry her.

"You alright?" Forth asked looking down at Kit, Kit nodded.

"Yeah, my stomach hurts," Kit said and held Forth's hand.

"Did you eat today?" Forth asked

"No, I had some chips earlier with Beam," Kit said. Forth dragged Kit to the kitchen and told his mom Kit needed to eat first before talking with everyone. Kit stood next to the counter where Forth was making some chicken for Kit.

"They haven't eaten yet either since I figured you were gonna have them," Forth's mom said coming into the room with Mia and Johee who were very happy to see their dad after not seeing him for a few months. 

"Yeah, Mia what do you want for dinner?" Forth asked while finishing making Kit's dinner. 

"Cheese noodles!" Mia said, Forth just smiled and Kit was confused,

"Mac and cheese," Forth said to Kit and he nodded understanding. 

Mia smiled and helped get Johee's food out of the fridge and his highchair out of the cabinet. Forth smiled at her helping, 

"Thanks, Mia, " Forth said and she ran up to hug her dad before going and getting Johee to put in his chair. Kit saw her struggling to pick up the toddler so he got up and picked Johee up and put him in the highchair. Johee was smiling and said hi to Kit and Kit smiled before going over to Forth. 

"Need any help?" Kit asked and hugged Forth, Forth said no but handed Kit his plate of food and started making Mia's dinner.

- After everyone ate - 

"So, who is this?" Forth's mom asked Forth and looking at Kit who had Johee on his lap since while Forth was brushing Mia's hair. 

"This is my boyfriend Kit," Forth said introducing Kit to his family, 

"The boy you were hired to be a bodyguard for?" Forth's dad asked; Forth nodded. The four of them talked for hours before Mia finally said something, 

"Are you our other dad then?" Mia asked and ForthKit just looked at each other,

"I don't--- Am I?" Kit was confused and asked Forth,

"If you want to then yeah, I mean you're already going to be a dad anyway, might as well add two more right?" Forth said, Kit smiled and nodded and Mia attacked Kit in hugs and started calling Kit dad too. Kit smiled and hugged her and Forth smiled at them.

"Did you say you're already gonna be a dad? Forth, did you get him pregnant?" Forth's mom asked Forth nodded. 

"How have you not learned your lesson about that yet," Forth's dad asked, Forth shook his head no. 

"Obviously I haven't if Kit's pregnant," Forth said and Kit just laughed. 

"Dada?" Johee asked looking up at Kit, Forth picked up the 2-year-old and (tried to) explained that Kit is his dad now too and that he's going to have a little sibling soon, it was no use but Mia understood it and was really excited to be a big sister to 2 kids now. 

- later that night - 

"See? That went better than you thought it would," Forth said later that night once Mia and Johee were asleep on the air mattress next to ForthKit's bed in their dorm room. 

"It went a lot better than I thought it would, I'm happy they like me though," Kit said looking over to the 2 kids asleep next to their bed. Forth nodded and smiled hugging Kit and pulling him closer kissing his cheek. Kit smiled and kissed Forth before hiding in blankets and falling asleep. 

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