Where It Went Wrong » Larry

By jasminesx

49.6K 1.5K 349

Louis Tomlinson has everything he could want: a loving family, a good group of friends and he just released h... More

Where It Went Wrong » Larry
2 - Reunion and Declarations
3 - Welcome To My New Life
4 - It's Different Now
5 - Let's Forget Everything
6 - All The Support
7 - It's A Party
8 - Downfall
9 - Maybe I'm Not Enough
10 - Play The Game
11 - Loved You First
12 - In The Moment
13 - Tell Me A Story
14 - Maybe A Way Forward
15 - Kiss Me Like You Mean It
16 - It's Like Magic
17 - Baby We Were Fireproof
18 - It's Been So Long
19 - Can You Take Me Faraway?
20 - Attempts
21 - Explain It All
22 - Push Me To The Limits
23 - Too Damn Sober
24 - Come Back Home
25 - Get Up Now
26 - So Happily
27 - Say Hello To A New Beginning
28 - I Wanna Grow Old With You / Epilogue

1 - The Fame Life

2K 71 12
By jasminesx


Three years later, Louis was proud to say that he had really gained fame. He was one of the most known singers around the world and it was really weird for him to adjust to it. He wasn't used to the fact that he could type in: 'Louis Tomlinson' in Google and get 1,000+ picture results of his face everywhere. He don't think he could ever get used to how his life has taken such a drastic and fast turn, into something beyond what he could imagine.

He still had his usual dorky best friends: Niall, Liam and Zayn who were overly supportive of him and were by his side every step of the way. They were there when Louis released his first single, his first album, announced his first UK tour and now he was onto bigger things, bigger plans. He had just finished recording his second album and was announcing a world tour next year, being able to travel all over the world.

Louis was definitely grateful for all the achievements he's done. He has earned a lot of money, was living the easy life with a huge mansion right nearby his own family mansion he had purchased for his mum and sisters. He had made more friends with celebrities, getting friendly and cosy with familiar famous faces and he was attending prestige events.

But Louis received a lot of hate, a lot of bad media attention and he was constantly being photographed stumbling out of clubs late at night, drunk out of his minds. He was constantly smoking, getting high and no matter how much he tried to keep that negative image away from the cameras - trouble just seemed to love coming his way.

His management were furious as to how his media attention was turning out, trying hard to alter and change it by bribing with money. Louis just didn't want to be a bad role model for his sisters.

He also didn't want Harry to switch on the news and see the new trouble he was up to, what he was doing wrong now. He didn't want to disappoint Harry.

Harry Styles. 

Louis's first crush, Louis's first kiss and first love and even after all these years, exactly three years, he was still head over heels for the stupid lanky kid with curly hair and emerald, forest green eyes. But, he hadn't seen him since the cursed results day. He had heard of Harry here and there from the boys, updating him about his life but soon even they stopped.

Harry changed his number, deleted his social media sites and basically disappeared from the face of the Earth. Louis had no idea where he was, what he was doing and if he was okay. If he was still with that boy Dalton that seemed to be treating Harry so well that Harry thought he didn't need any other friends.

Louis was still devastated over the news like it was just yesterday, it was still a pang straight to the chest and he kept himself busy. Smoking, drugs, drinking to keep Harry out of his mind. Louis had enough going on, he had a hectic, busy life that consisted of recording, photoshoots, party, concerts and it was tiring. 

No one understood how hard the fame life was because you never got a break. You always had to be seen out in public, some publicity stunts that management would set up for Louis and fans would follow him around, paparazzi desperate to get a snap of the 22 year old who was just wanting to get to his destination.

He was always under the spotlight, every action and move was analysed and turned into major stories. It truly blew Louis's mind, made him realise just how hard it was to be famous and he wasn't sure if he was exactly enjoying it anymore. He just wanted a simple life, somewhere where he could make a difference to people but not to the extent where he could be mobbed, be spotted and chased after by teenage girls. He wanted his life to be simple.

Louis was with Liam in the cafe shop that was quite faraway from his home. He was afraid to go somewhere closer to his mansion incase people realised and figured out where he lived, that was his own place where he could hide away from others. They were sipping on their iced latte, grateful that it was still quite early in the morning before Louis had to run off to another meeting with his management and discuss about the new perfume they wanted to develop and launch. He still managed to keep his morning routine with his best friend: Liam. He was also grateful that there weren't many people around, not really caring that there was a popstar sitting amongst the civilians like an ordinary person.

No one was treating him any different, no one was taking pictures of him or asking to take selfies with him and he couldn't be more happy for how this morning was turning out. Hopefully, it was the start of many where he could just pause for a second and take a breather.

Liam looked content with his coffee, sipping happily. Ever since Louis had gotten famous, all his friends followed into the path of fame too. People were curious to know who Louis, Niall and Zayn were when they were photographed together, going out late at night and people often stopped them and ask for pictures. The boys would also often appear on stage during Louis's concert after staying backstage. 

"This is such a beautiful day!" Liam grinned.

Louis couldn't help but smile, nodding to agree. "It really is."

It was one of them days where Louis knew something great was coming and he was hoping it was because he finally got to discuss and put this perfume to plan. He couldn't wait to please his fans, one way or another.

"It's so quiet here, I like it. We should come here more often."

"I have to say, thank god it's so calm here." Louis sighed in relief as he gulped down a huge serving of his coffee. 

"I'm so glad you're off tour for this year, finally! Haven't been able to catch up with you like this in ages."

Louis sighed, again. Being on tour just reminded him of the endless tickets he mailed to Harry, right in front row so he could catch a glimpse of his ex best friend coming ton support him. He was gutted that ever since this journey had began, Harry wasn't even there once. He had not text him, called him or messaged him saying congralutions. It was like Harry didn't even care, wasn't even bothered and it was a stab to the chest each time the chair he had saved for Harry was empty.

He even sent backstage VIP passes but still no sign of Harry so Louis started to admit and accept the fact that maybe his best friend was just gone. He couldn't bring Harry back, even if he tried because he was so up Dalton's ass. Louis wished he could be happy for Harry, he really did but he hadn't met Dalton once and he couldn't give him blessings like that.

"Mate, I gave you guys free tickets to nearly every single one of my shows!" Louis frowned, rolling his eyes as he noticed a flash go off from outside the coffee shop. He glanced over to see some fans, waving through the windows.

Louis just nodded, waving back at them before directing his attention back to Liam. Liam smiled. "They're cute, giving you privacy and space."

"Love fans like that." Louis breathed out, leaning back in his chair and getting more comfortable.

"As I was saying, sure you gave us free tickets but we never got time to actually sit and talk like this. It was all a rush, you could come in, get ready and before you know it - you're being shoved onto a stage in front of screaming fans."

Louis remembered all the crazy tour memories, wanting to relive them. It was definitely the best part of this job even though he was only touring London, different arenas in each city but it was the best experience he could ask for. His fans were so dedicated, so head over heels with Louis and it was just adorable.

"I enjoyed it, so did you. I'm just glad we can do this as well." Louis gestured towards the table where their phones were, their drinks. "Something peaceful, get my mind off everything else."

Liam nodded. "We're all so proud of you Lou, you really have achieved more than adults have in just two years!"

Louis could never get tired of these compliments, telling him that they were proud of how far he was come and what he has to offer to the whole world. He flushed, looking down at his half empty cup. "I'm just estatic, this doesn't happen to everyone."

"Hell it doesn't! It's shocking, I'm just so proud."

"Thanks Li, stop being such a sap!" He grinned, looking away.

The coffee shop doorbell chimed and Louis looked over, wondering if it was a fan who wandered in and wanted to meet him. It had happened before and Louis was more than happy to thank the fans personally, get a picture with them and make sure he followed all the usernames that he was given. He loved meeting new people, just not when he was getting mobbed because that was dangerous and crazy. 

Instead, he saw a familiar figure make his way to the front of the shop. Louis felt his heart stop, his heart in his hands as he instantly recognised exactly who he was but wanting to hope and pray it was a dream. It was too good to be true.

After three years, there before his very own eyes, it was Harry. He was the same boy that Louis was in love with, was wasting thoughts on. His hair had gone much longer now, reaching his shoulders and curls out of control that were pulled back by a black scarf. He was wearing a button down shirt, buttoned all the way to the top and tight black jeans with grey boots. He looked older, more mature, a little moustache growing and Louis couldn't help but think how well puberty had blessed him.

Sure, Louis had grown up too in these past three years. He got rid of the hairstyle he had, straight and fringe. He kept the fringe, just styled his hair differently, spiking up in different directions that suited him well. He always kept a little beard, a little facial hair at all times but he was still the same Louis just like Harry was the same.

Louis felt like he stopped breathing before he felt Liam shoving him, shaking him and bringing him back down to earth. "Go and meet him!" Liam insisted, pushing at him again.

Louis frowned. "What if he doesn't want to?" He whispered, scared and afraid to approach Harry in case he was blown off. After all, the last time he had talked to Harry he was the one who was arguing and left there and then. Above all that, he was angry that Harry hadn't kept in touch and didn't care for the position Louis was in.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Mate, you're seeing him for the first time in three years. Go!"

"You go! He was your friend too!"

"I will, you need to talk to him more than I do."

Louis felt another shove at his back and he groaned inwardly, getting up and running his eyes down his outfit. Another thing about being 'famous' was that you needed to make sure you were dressed properly, looking presentable incase people were taking pictures of you. He was wearing a simple black vest top and jeans with his usual black vans. He cleared his throat, felt like he was sweating and his heart was racing as he approached Harry from behind.

He wasn't sure what to say, what to do but he wanted to vent out all the feelings of being hurt, abandoned, replaced to him. He wanted Harry to know exactly how he felt for these past three years.

"Harry?" He spoke up, his voice not clear but it caught Harry's attention straight away. He tensed up, turning around slowly and his eyes widening at the sight of his lost long friend standing before him. Louis could see a few tears building up with Harry's eyes but were blinked away instantly, clearing his throat.

"Louis?" He said, like he couldn't believe that he was standing before him and he was real. His mouth was hanging open. "Is that you?"

Louis scoffed. "I can't fucking believe you!" He jumped straight to the point, wanting to give Harry a good push or two for leaving him to do this all on his own. He needed his best friend more than anything in these past years, he needed support but Harry had just left him like he didn't mean shit all. "I can't believe you."

Harry grimaced. "What do you mean?"

"Where have you been, Harry? You deleted my number, you changed your number, you deleted everything and disappeared!"

"I moved out here..." Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Why didn't you care?" Louis asked, bringing his voice down to a low level and looking extremely sad. He tried to portray all the pain he had felt on his face as he looked deep within Harry's same old forest green eyes. "Why didn't you talk to me, keep in touch? Attend my concerts, come and make tell me how happy you were for me. You told me you would support me Harry, you did."

Harry frowned, looking guilty. "I'm sorry Louis, I didn't want all this to happen.."

"Except you did! It did happen and I no longer have you as my best friend. You're just another stranger to me. I needed you."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say."

The worker asked for Harry's order and he swiftly said. "The usual." smiling as he picked up two cookies.

Louis knew exactly who they were for. "You still with Dalton?"

The mention of Harry's boyfriend sent a slight smile to his face. "Yeah..."

"Three years strong, yes?"

"Louis..." Harry said slowly.

"Yes or no?" Louis repeated, more firmly and wanting to know the answer so Harry sighed, nodding.

"Three years strong, yes."

"Does he treat you well?"

"Why does it matter?" Harry rolled his eyes, moving down the line to retrieve his order. "I mean, I've just met you after three years. I'm sure there's a lot of questions you want to ask and know the answers to. Forget Dalton."

"A lot of the questions are based on Dalton."

Harry frowned. "Right."

"Your hairs grown," Louis pointed out the obvious, gesturing towards his wild curls that weren't tamed.

Harry blushed. "Yeah."

"Pretty long, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

There was an awkward silence between them and Louis had no idea what to say next. He really wanted to hug Harry, tell him exactly how much he had missed Harry but at the same time he wanted to punch his face in and make him feel the pain instead. There was so many words to say, so many unspoken feelings that were surfacing and threatening to spill. There was still the same sexual tension between Louis and Harry, an undeniable chemistry between them.

"Why?" Louis ended up asking again. "Just why, Harry?"

Harry got his drinks, putting them into a bag before turning to Louis and frowning. "I told you Louis, I don't have an answer why. I just... I've been busy with my life and Dalton."

"You've been busy?" Louis spluttered out, laughing. "What exactly have you been doing?"

"I've been... you know, around and about."

"Why didn't you attend the concerts I gave you tickets for?"

"I only received some before I moved away..."

"I gave you 10 tickets, Harry, 10." Louis said, his voice betraying him and the hostility clear in his tone.

Harry sighed, looking down and fiddling with the bag. He hadn't gotten over the habit of fiddling with things when he was nervous. "I'm sorry, I only got 5 of them."

"Goddamn, why didn't you attend the 5?"

"I told you Louis, I was busy! I don't have an answer!" Harry was yelling now, like he was going to explode before he stopped, lowering his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry."

Louis just snorted, shaking his head. "Do you even want to know me? I mean, you made it quite obvious you hate me."

Harry just shook his head, his eyes wide. "I could never hate you Louis, never! Please don't think that."

"Fine." Louis sighed in irriation, wanting to cut to the chase and just wanting to spend more time with him. He hadn't seen Harry in such a long time and there was so much to talk about. He didn't want Harry to slip away again. Obviously, Louis wasn't ready to forgive him just yet but he was willing to work on it if Harry wanted to.

"Okay, Louis. It was nice to meet you but I really do need to go.." He looked more panicked, glancing to the door.

"Can I at least have your number so we can keep in touch?" Louis asked.

"I... erm, don't have a phone actually." Harry shrugged. "I broke mine a week ago and can't afford another one but erm... we can meet up again?"

Louis seemed onboard with the idea, nodding. "Yes!" He sounded a bit excited so he brought his voice down a notch. "I mean, yes, sure."

"Do you know the park down this road with the hills?" Harry's words were coming out fast, in a rush to leave but Louis just wanted to stay in this moment forever.

He nodded. "Yup."

"See me there, come alone please? Tomorrow, at 3pm."

"I need my security guard with me Harry.." Louis frowned. "I'm not supposed to go out alone."

"Please. No one can know." Harry pleaded.

Louis sighed. "I'll see what I can do."

Before Harry could run out of the small cafe, he turned around and gave Louis the biggest grin, his dimples shining through just like how Louis loved them. "I'm sorry I never got a chance to say this the day you told me but I'm really... really.. really proud of you and overwhelmed with how far you've come. I listen to your music all the time, it's amazing. Keep going and keep up the work, I'm right behind ya."

And with that, he jogged out of the small place and Louis whispered to himself. "I wish you really were behind me with my work." Before returning back to Liam who was gutted he didn't get a chance to meet Harry. 

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