Best Day of My Life (Adoption...

Por alldayeverydaybeebo

3.7K 73 21

Emmy a young girl that has been living in the orphanage. She's been there her entire life, ever since her par... M谩s

A Big Change
Things Have Changed for Me and That Okay
Feeling Loved
First Timers
New things everyday
Chaos in the House
"Stop Babying Me"
A Long Day
Just A Dream
Phew Phew
Weird, but in a Good Way
We Got a Problem
Is it really you
Decisions (A/N)
Another A/N

Chillax Bro!!

160 5 0
Por alldayeverydaybeebo


I woke up and looked at the alarm clock. It's 9am. I might as well just get up and make breakfast while I'm at it.

I got up went to use the bathroom and walked to the kitchen to make some coffee and this time since Emmy complained about leftovers. We are having leftovers for breakfast.

I took out my phone and texted Sarah.

Me: Good Morning babe, have a wonderful day! I love you 😘

Sarah Smiles 😘: Aww, Good morning to you too and love you bye xox 💖

I turned off my phone and decided to wake up Emmy.

" Emmy, are you awake??" I said peaking my head through the door.

There was no sound. Alright plan B.

I ran to her bed and jumped on it trying to wake her up.

She looked at me angrily, grabbed the pillow smack me in the face with it and groaned and went back to sleep. Geez someone is in the mood.

Alright Plan C and this is totally going to work.

I ran to her bathroom and got a cup of water. Emmy was sound asleep.

Alright and I splashed Emmy with the water and she got up angrily and marched after me. I took off running into the kitchen and acted like nothing happened.

"Good Morning Sweetheart" I said, trying not to laugh.

She grunted. " Wow, someone is not in the mood, did the dogs kiss you too much or something?" I asked.

" No, it's just that my father splashed water on my face and won't let me have my beauty sleep." She answers back.

" Alright. I'm sorry, my sleeping beauty." I said running over to her giving her a big hug.

" breakfast is on the table, and why are you in a mood this morning?" I asked.

" Well 1 thanks and 2 I just don't like morning, plus I have school tomorrow and people are gonna question me." She said.

" Ah, Okay I see" I said.

" So, do you want to do anything or just stay home?" I asked.

" Can we stay home, I mean I love going out with you and all, but I just want to spend quality time with you" She said. I awed in her reply.

" Yea, sure what do you want to do then??" I asked.

I would say the pool, but it's November and it's starting to get cold and I don't want any of us getting sick.

She got up and walked to the couch. I followed her. She took the remote and put on YouTube.

I sat down and grabbed a blanket and placed it on top of us making us cuddle. Penny and Bogart came and sat on our laps.

Emmy started searching something on YouTube. She then searched up karaoke and she started to sing along.

She started with This is Gospel Piano Version. I couldn't help it, but sing along with her.

" You have an awesome voice" I said, glancing at her.

" Thanks, but you have a way better voice than me" She said.

"What was all that about?" I asked.

"Oh back in the orphanage, we would have days like this and well we would do karaoke and maybe play games and etc." she said. I nodded.

" You know, I have a karaoke machine, right baby" I said.

"Wait did you just call me baby?" She asked. I nodded she just hugged me. I'm assuming that's the first.

" Yes I called you baby, because 1 you are my everything and 2 you are my baby, you are little my princess." I said.

" Oh that explains" she said. I got up and set it up. I brought the mic back to us and grabbed us some water.

"Okay, what song should we do?" I asked. She just shrugged.

" Wanna do panic! Songs then." I suggested. She nodded.

I searched up more panic! karaoke songs. Then I picked Nicotine.

Emmy started off the song.

"Cross my heart and hope to die
Burn my lungs and curse my eyes
I've lost control and I don't want it back
Going numb, I've been hijacked.
It a fucking drag"

I started to sing my part while Emmy stopped to let me sing. " I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you
So I said damn your kiss and the awful things you do

Yea, you're worst than nicotine (x2)

Yeah" then my phone started to vibrate. I checked my phone to see that Pete was calling. I let Emmy sing the rest while I went into the kitchen to answer the call.


I decided to make a good decision. I called up Brendon.

He picked up his phone after the third ring.

" Hey, wassup" he said.

" Nothing" I said.

" Well, I might come by later. Just letting you know" I said.

He was okay with it plus he's my best friend.

"Alright, I'll see you later bud" I said, hanging up the phone.


I was singing with Brendon and I actually enjoyed it.

We were in the middle of Nicotine when Brendon notices his phone is vibrating.

Pete was calling him. It was probably important call. Brendon got up and walked into the kitchen. I just carried on with the song. Brendon returned a few minutes later. He didn't say anything, so I assume nothing happened really.

Brendon came back and grabbed the mic as the next song plays.

He started jumping around the room singing dtmwagt.

I laughed at how he sorta acted the way he was in the video. It was hilarious when in the music video it showed how he got hit by a lamp. At that part I picked up one of the couch cushions and threw it at him.

It hit him right in the face and it knocked him down. I died of laughter. When I realized Brendon was still on the ground I ran over to him.

" Hey dad are you okay?" I asked. He was still face down and he didn't say anything.
I flipped him over and still nothing.

" DAD, DAD COME ON STOP PLAYING WITH ME" I screamed still no reply. I hugged him tightly and cried.

I started to panicked then I started to think. Is this it? Is Brendon going to be okay? Will he wake up? What if he sends me back and I kept questioned so many things and sobbing into Brendon he still didn't wake up and he was knocked out cold.

Then I heard the door ring. I ran to see who it was. It was Pete with a box of pizza. I let him in.

He saw me and hugged me.

" Hey em, Why are you crying?" He asked. I stood there sobbing on him and pointed over to where Brendon was.


I arrived at my friend's house I rang the door Bell and I was greeted to a crying Emmy.

I put down the box of pizza and asked Emmy.

" Hey em, why are you crying?" I asked. She pointed on the ground where Brendon was laying at.

I ran over to him and he was knocked out cold. I went for his pulse. It was still there. But he wasn't waking up. I shook him and still nope he wouldn't wake up. I decided to make the right choice and call 9-1-1. I told them about the situation.

In 5 minutes the paramedics arrived and examined him. They put him on a stretcher and put him inside the ambulance and drove to the nearest hospital. I took Emmy along with me and drove following the ambulance to the hospital. When we arrived they told us to wait in the waiting room.

Emmy took out her phone and dialed Sarah. After that I saw a worried Sarah run into the waiting room. We hugged her and exchanged worried looks.

After 5 minutes of waiting the nurse called us and brought us to Brendon's room.

He laying there on the bed still unconscious.

I saw Emmy crying and she walked out. Sarah ran after her and I stayed to see what the nurse had to say.


Emmy walked into the room. All we saw was a knocked out Brendon and he was unconscious.

I ran after Emmy to see what was happening.

" This is all my fault!" She said crying.

I ran over to her and hugged her shushing her.

" No, it's not, it's no one's fault okay." I said hugging her again. I walked into Brendon's room with her hand in mine and Brendon is still out.

I ran over to Brendon and held his hands.

" Hey, babe I know you're in there somewhere. Emmy is pretty worried and she blames herself for you being in this state. We need you here Brendon." I said rubbing his Knuckles. Still nothing.

Now it was Emmy's turn.
" Hey dad. I'm sorry you are like this. It's all my fault. Please come back I love you." She said crying into him.

The nurse came back in telling us it was time for us to leave.

We left and I took Emmy home. I didn't want to leave her alone so I slept with her making her as comfortable as I can. She needed me more importantly Brendon.

I wish I could help her. I wish I can take her out of school for one more day, but she had to go back to school.

As she drifted off to sleep she decided to ask me a question.
" Do you know if he'll wake up?" She asked.

" Yes, I know he's going to wake up. He loves you to death. And he's strong he can get through this okay." She nodded.

I kissed her on her forehead.
" Hey Sarah, can you sing me a song please?" She asked I nodded.

I thought of something to sing.

" Turn away
If you could give me a drink
Of water cause my lips are chapped and faded
Call my aunt Marie

Help her gather all my things
And Bury me
In all my favorite colors
My Sisters and my brother's, still

I will not kiss you
Cause the hardest part of this
is leaving you

Now turn away
Cause I'm awful just to see
Cause all my hair's abandoned all my body
All my agony
Know that I will never marry
Baby I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go

It just ain't living
And I just hope you know
That if you say (if you say)

Good-Bye today (good-bye today)
I'd ask you to be true (if ask you to be true)

Cause the hardest part of this
Is leaving you

Cause the hardest part of this
is leaving you"

I sang to her. My eyes becoming cloudy by tears. I kissed Emmy on the forehead. I tried to get up and leave but Emmy begged for me to sleep with her.

Wow this chapter is long ish. First I was playing around and I decided to make it serious for some reason. And then I felt bad, but hey more conflicts tho. Plus I was mad so I had to put the part of throwing stuff in the story lmao. Alright much love 😘!

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