Watcher (Twilight Fan-Fic)

By UnknownBeliever

28.3K 429 22

If you love Twilight then you Probably know Jasper Hale's Story, but what if she had a younger sister? Ente... More

Trouble at Home
Chapter 2: Welcome to Maine
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Not a Date
Chapter 6: Imprinting Sucks
Chapter 7: New Trouble
Chapter 8: Revelation
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12: The Return
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Changin Perspective (To Jasper's)
Chapter 21 - Back to Clara
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 16

618 7 0
By UnknownBeliever

This is suppose to be a few weeks/months later. As if I weren't making the plot hard to understand in the first place sorry... On with the story:                                                                                   ( -_- )


"Ain't you a little young to be in here kid?" The bartender behind the counter groaned in his sleepy-drawl. It was close to midnight, showing his utter need for sleep.

"My I.D says I'm old enough to be here." I handed him the card, his beady, tired eyes scanned it for any flaws. He drew the card so near it practically touched his thick, oval-shaped glasses.

"Fine," he said after a long pause of examination "what can I get you, or are you just lounging like the others? Their just getting off work."  I turned to see some men in the corner booths. They looked tired, and bored.

"What do they do, exactly?" They were covered in dirt and grime.

"Miners, welcome to Illinois kid," He laughed "We're you from anyhow?"

"Why does it matter, I'm not going back there." I shrugged off my jacket, though I was only wearing it for display anyway. How long had it been, six months, ten? I had stopped keeping track, what was the point?

"Are you sure you're 21?" I looked back at the man his phone was pulled out from under the counter "Is there anyone ya'd like me to call ms?" I shook my head.

"What I'm not aloud to complain?" I said laughing, he didn't loosen his grip on the phone until on of the older men moved up to the counter.

"Hey George, hows your evening?" The old bartender, George smiled at the man reaching over his counter to shake the younger mans hand.

"Hows this young thing," the man said, he was only about twenty, well twenty-one since he was in the bar. "Grand kid?"

"Kid is right, but no shes no kin of mine." He flipped a towel over his shoulder shrugging "Maybe she could use some company? Kid meet Drake, Drake meet the kid." they spoke as if I wasn't there.

"Like 'Billy the Kid'?" He asked jokingly.

"The names Clara. I'm traveling from Maine, and I most certainly am not a kid." I sniffed, but my tone purposely played on the word.

Drake Laughed, it was a deep, happy laugh that always seemed hard to come by. "Can I buy you a drink Clara?" I smiled and just shook my head.

"I don't drink," well not what you having, I thought jokingly to myself. "I came in here to get away from the rain." I pointed out to the window where a slushy rain was beating down on the already dark building.

Not to say that the place was depressing. It was clearly a center place for the towns inhabitants, with clippings of the local news paper, pool tables, plenty of open space. The lighting however, could've been better.

"Good, the crops can use the rain." he smiled to his buddies just a few feet away. "I'm gonna go back to my table, see you later Clara."  He waved before going back to his friends.

The bell above the door rang, making everyone turn to see who'd walk in. A man, his face mostly covered by a dark leather jacket walk in, sitting next to me at the bar. "There you are Clara I've been looking for you." I smiled.

"I told you I was gonna get out of the rain." He pulled off his hood, shaking water all over me when he ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's not that bad out." he looked around the bar, moving in the direction of the Drake's table in the corner. "Did you already eat without me?" he smiled, showing sharp, white teeth.

"Of course not, although knowing you they'll run out." I teased.

"Oh so you were waiting for some company after all," George said, coming from the back room "What can I get you two?" he asked, trying to sound more awake than we all knew he was.

"Actually George, I'm fine. I guess I'm not as hunger as I thought, come on let's go." I waved for him to follow me.

"Ok I guess, if you're in town again tomorrow feel free to come in for breakfast." George waved, I suppose he'd began to take a shining towards me in the hour of so i'd gotten to know him.

"What was that about Clara," He almost yelled when we were outside. "I know you starving."

"I can't do it," I sighed "this isn't working, I just can't kill someone Xavier." we walked to the side of the building, and I slid down the wall. I really was starving, it took everything I had not to kill everyone there. I pushed my slim fingers through my hair, shaking out the water. Why did I decide to do any of this?

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