One Night • j.b

By reveried

31.2K 1K 184

What happens when one night turns into the rest of our lives? For C... More

One Night // Justin Bieber
One - Moving On
Two - The Club
Three - "Consider yourself blamed"
Four - Nausea
Five - News
Six - Realization
Seven - The Diner
Eight - Over Thinking
Nine - "Meeting" Justin
Ten - Hanging Out
Eleven - "I like you"
Twelve - Baby Talk
Thirteen - They Know
Fourteen - Family Dinner
Sixteen - Studio Vibes
Seventeen - Party Drama

Fifteen - Kitchen Confessions

1.2K 51 13
By reveried

Crystal Whitley

"So they were completely cool about it?" Kaitlin asked as she picked up another dress to try on. This one was a shade of green.

"Yeah, they seemed pretty supportive of it." I picked up a red dress that was Kaitlin's size of of the rack and handed it to her. "Try this one on, you'd look hot in it."

Kaitlin and I were currently at the mall finding dresses to wear to her birthday party on Friday. It's her 21st, so she wants to go all out. All out as in inviting a bunch of people we go to college with and went to high school with and rent out a club—which nothing good can ever come out of, I've learned—for the night. She's going to finally be legal to drink, so I know she's going to go above and beyond with it. No more using her fake ID or getting guys to guy drinks for her. I'm was slightly disappointed that I wouldn't be able to drink with her, but I have to do what's best for the baby, and drinking would not be a good choose. I just really hope no one notices that I'm going to be refusing alcohol.

She took the dress from me and examined it. It fit her style perfectly, sexy yet elegant. She wasn't the type of girl to try to show off as much skin as possible. Instead, she aimed for things that showed just enough skin, and left boys wondering what was underneath. The dress was a scarlet red and all lace. It wasn't strapless which I know is something Kait prefers, and it stopped mid-thigh. She nodded in approval and rested it over her forearm.

"Well, that's good that they're supportive of it. I know my parents wouldn't be the same way. Theyd probably skin me alive, to be honest. Do they know about Justin?" She walked over to where the dressing rooms were and was directed into a stall by a lady that worked there. I stood outside of it.

"No, I didn't tell them specifically about him. He was obviously mentioned but I didn't say his name, I almost did but I didn't."

"When do you plan on telling your family—especially Allyson—that the person that got you prengant is Justin?" I could here her undressing from her clothes and pulling on one of the four dresses she had picked out.

"The Saturday after this weekend. They told me to invite him for one of our weekly dinners so I did. I know he's nervous about it though, and so am I."

I had told my parents the news three days ago, so it's now Tuesday. Justin and I have talked every day, but we haven't hung out since last Wednesday; I think. Honestly, I kind of miss his company. Even know I haven't known him very long, I know that I'm happy when I'm around him.

"You should be. Introducing your parents to your boyfriend is always nerve-wracking," Kaitlin said. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head at her comment.

"He isn't my boyfriend," I defended, crossing my arms over my chest.

"He should be. I totally ship it. Hashtag Justal." I couldn't see her, but I imagined one of her infamous smirks on her face as she said it.

I laughed. "Justal?"

"Yeah. I thought about it. And I was like 'well, Jrystal doesn't sound right.' And the girl's name always has to be the main part of the ship name, so I settled on 'Justal.'"

"The fact that you thought about it is just weird." I glanced down at my phone to check the time. 5:17 PM. "Are you almost done in there? We still need to find something for me to wear."

I could hear shuffling from inside the dressing room before Kaitlin spoke. "Actually yeah. But I want your opinion on this dress."

The door opened and my best friend stepped out, wearing the red dress I had picked out. To say it looked gorgeous on her would be an understatement. It hugged her body perfectly and the red really complimented her brown hair.

I nodded. "Yup, that's definitely the one. You look gorgeous in it," I complimented. "Now, let's find my dress."

She went back into the dressing room and when she came back out she was in her regular clothes holding the dress in her arms.

"Actually, the blue one I tried on would look really good on you. Try it on." Kaitlin shoved me into the dressing room and shut the door behind me before I could have a chance to protest.

I rested my hands on my hips and huffed. Glancing around the small changing room, I spotted the navy blue dress resting on the small bench that was in here. I quickly undressed and pulled it over my body. One look in the mirror and I knew that I'd found the dress I would wear the Kait's 21st birthday party.

The navy blue went well with my skin tone and light blonde hair. It wasn't too extravagant but not extremely simple and basic, either. It was perfect for me.

"Let me see it!" Kaitlin shouted from the other side of the door.

I stepped out of the changing room to where she was waiting. Spinning around in a circle to give her a full few of the dress, Kaitlin squealed in excitement.

"Yes, yes yes yes yes! You're getting this one!" she exclaimed.

"Planning on it." I smiled and went back into the dressing room to take it off.

"But seriously, Crystal, it looks absolutely perfect on you. Who knows? You may outshine me at my own party," she said, causing me to laugh.

"Not possible, but thank you," I said.

When I had changed back into my shorts and t-shirt, we purchased the dresses—which cost each of us about $70—and exited the store with dress bags on our arms.

"Do we need to get anything else?" I asked Kaitlin as we walked in a random direction.

She thought for a second. "Ummm, we still need to get shoes and accessories," I groaned. I liked shopping but I wasn't in the mood for it today. "Buuut, I know you're tired and moody so we can get that later this week."

I sighed in relief. Finally I get to go home and relax. Kait and I had been out all day, and I was ready to take off my shoes and take a nap. We began heading towards the exit that lead to the main parking lot where her car was parked.

"You should invite Justin." Kait broke the silence.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"I think you should invite Justin to my party," Kaitlin clarified.

"Why? He barely knows you and you've only met once."

"I don't know. How many people get to say that Justin Bieber went to their birthday party? And besides, I'm sure he'd love to see you in that dress," She smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "What makes you think he'd want to come?"

"He loves parties, duh," she said, as if I should've known this. "Invite him."

"I'll talk to him about it later."

When we got to her car, we hung the bags up on the hooks in the back seat and headed back to our apartments. We didn't speak on the car ride back, although there was plenty to talk about. I knew she could sense that I wasn't in the mood to talk. It had been a long day and my pillow and blanket sounded so good right now.

15 minutes later, I was finally back inside my apartment. Shutting the door behind me and locking it, I flicked the lights on, illuminating the living room in an orange glow; which is not good selfie lighting, by the way. I headed straight towards my bedroom closet to hang my dress up, and collapsed on my bed soon after.

I shut my eyes, exhaling a breathe that felt like it had been held in all day. Through the entire duration of the day, I had sat down maybe three times. My feet hurt and my back ached. A massage was something I would really appreciate right now.

Sleep was slowly beginning to take over my body. It was only around 6:00, but I was ready to sleep for the night. I had to wake up early for work tomorrow anyway.

Just as I began to feel the sensation of my body falling, meaning I was close to sleeping, my phone began vibrating in my back pocket, taking me out of my near-sleep.

"What the fuck," I groaned. Sitting up, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the caller ID.


He always seems to find the worst times to call or text me. He doesn't do it on purpose obviously, but it's become exasperating. I pushed the green button and pressed the phone to my ear, yawning.



"Justin," I mimicked.

"Are you busy?" he asked, completely oblivious the the tired tone in my voice.

Could I just say yes and go back to sleep? Yes. Will I? No.

"Um, no. why?" Yawn.

"Where are you?" Justin asked, ignoring my question.

"Home, why?"

"Can I come over?"

"I don't see why not. Why?"

"Damn, you always want to know why." A small laugh came through the speakers of my phone.

"Yeah, and you always want to avoid that question, since you haven't answered me." I slipped out of my bed to change into something a little more comfortable. I opened the second drawer from the top in my dresser, put my phone between my ear and shoulder, and rummaged through, searching for my favorite pair of sweatpants. "So, why?"

"I don't know, I'm bored, and we haven't seen each other since last week." I smiled. He wants to see me. "Can I come now?"

Pulling the pair of sweats out after I found them at the bottom of the drawer, I slipped off my shorts as well as I could without dropping my phone and pulled the sweatpants up my legs. "Yeah. Just please don't get caught by any paparazzi coming here. I'm lucky that my sister didn't notice that it was me in the picture of me at your house. She'd definitely suspect something if you came to my apartment building."

"I won't. See you soon, Crystal."

"See you," and I hung up.

Looking in the full-body mirror I had resting against the wall next to my dresser, I took in my appearance.

My hair and makeup still looked presentable, so I was good. I wasn't one of those people that didn't care what people thought of me, because I did, just to a certain extent. I didn't dress to impress anyone but I still didn't want to look like a complete no-makeup, messy hair slob around people either. I wasn't worried what I looked like around Justin anyway, I mean when I went to his house all he was wearing was sweats and a tank top.

Well, since I wasn't going to be sleeping any time soon, I might as well make dinner. Walking down my small hallway that only had four doors—the bathroom, my bedroom, and the washer and dryer, and a small closet—I headed to the kitchen that was right off of the living room. I looked in each cabinet that contained food, checked the fridge and freezer, and soon discovered that I don't have any dinner food.

Note to self: go grocery shopping after work tomorrow.

I took out my phone and called Kaitlin, even though she was only across the hall. She answered after the second ring.

"What do you need?" she asked.

I scoffed. "What makes you think I need something? What if I just want to chat?"

"Because then you'd get your lazy ass up and come over here," Kait laughed, "if you want or need something, you'd call me."

"Damn, Kait, you know me so well."

"Duh, why else am I your friend?"

"Shut up. Anyways, I need something to make for dinner. I'm all out of food," I told her.

"Hmm, I would, but I won't. Why don't you just run to the store?"

"A few seconds ago you called me 'lazy ass'. What makes you think I'll run to the store just to get something for dinner?" I leaned against the counter. I was still extremely tried but I was trying to brush it off.

Kaitlin laughed again. "You know what? You're right. How does freezer pizza sound?"

"I don't know. It depends on what kind it is." I was really picky when it came to food.

"Digiorno. Pepperoni and cheese."

I nodded, but then realized that she couldn't see me. "That's fine. Do you want me to pay you for it?"


I chuckled. "Okay. Bring it over. You're my lifesaver."

"You'd be nowhere without me." She hung up before I had time to say some witty remark back. I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my back pocket.

A few seconds later I heard a knock on my door. I rushed over to the door, unlocked it, and swung it open, expecting to see Kaitlin standing there with a pizza box in her hand, but it wasn't.

"Wow, you remembered my apartment number," I said to Justin, letting him in, but leaving the front door unlocked because Kaitlin would be here in a few seconds.

"Actually, I didn't. I was just hoping that I was at the right one. Imagine if it was the wrong one. I'd have to be explaining why they're seeing Justin Bieber in front of their door," he laughed, plopping down on the couch and kicking his shoes off.

I laughed too, and a second later, my best friend walked through the front door, holding the pizza in her hand, saying, "Alright, lazy ass, give me five dollars."

"What the hell," I protested. "That pizza isn't even worth five dollars!"

"There's a delivery fee. Pay up." She set the box on the coffee table and that's when she spotted Justin, who had an amused look on his face. "Oh. Hi Justin."

"Hi Kaitlin," Justin greeted, smiling. He gaze averted to me. "Crystal, I think you should pay her, it's only fair."

"How is that fair?" I asked him.

"Because I used all that energy to bring that to you, and left the comfort of my own home, when you could've gotten it yourself. Give me five dollars." Kaitlin answered my question that was directed towards Justin.

I groaned and pulled a five dollar bill out of my purse that was sitting on the table and flung it at her. Since it's paper it landed on the floor. "There's your five dollars. Now get out." I shoved her out of the door like she had shoved me in the dressing room earlier today. I shut the door behind her and turned to Justin.

"So," I said, "How does pizza sound?"

He smiled. "Good. I've barely eaten today."

Justin followed me into the kitchen and pulled his body up onto the counter and sat there, swinging his legs back and forth. "A fucking 'delivery fee'? She lives literally 5 feet away," I complained as I pulled the pizza out of the box.

He shrugged. "I think it was funny."

I preheated the oven to the temperature it said on the directions and looked at him. "Yeah, but you're not the one that had to pay five dollars for fucking frozen pizza."

"I could've payed for it for you," Justin pulled five dollar from a stack of money he had in his pocket and handed it to me. I took it from him.

"Thanks." I put the money in my pocket. I wasn't one to let people pay for stuff for me, but it was only five dollars and it looked like he had $1,000 in his pocket. He wouldn't miss it.

"No problem," he glanced at the oven. "It's heated, put the pizza in."

I did as he said. I put the pepperoni and cheese pizza on a pizza pan I had and slipped it in the oven, careful not to burn myself on the hot oven racks. I set the time for fifteen minutes and sat up on the counter next to Justin.

"So, how's your album coming?" I asked him out of curiosity.

Justin grabbed my hand that was resting on the counter next to him and laced his fingers with mine, I almost blushed, almost. "Actually, I finished it today. Do you want to hear it?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah."

"Alright. I don't have it with me right now, but I can take you to the studio tomorrow to listen to it, if you want." His thumb began to gently graze against the back of my hand.

"Tomorrow I don't get off work until four, and afterward I have to go grocery shopping. But maybe after?"

"Yeah that's fine. I think you'll like it," Justin said.

"Why wouldn't I like it?" I asked. It was true. I had always been a huge fan of Justin and I had never disliked any of his songs. I've also heard a few previews of his songs that he and his friends have posted, and I absolutely love them.

"I don't know," he said. "But I'm really proud of this album."

"Well then I can't wait to hear it." I slowly leaned my body against his and rested my head on his shoulder. We were still sitting on my counter and our hands were still intertwined. I sighed in contentment. We were silent for a minute until I remembered something.

"Oh, and Kaitlin's birthday party is this Friday night, and she's making me invite you," I told him.

Justin was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke. "I don't think I have any plans. Where is it?"

"Some club. I dread going to clubs now. They never lead to anything good."

"I don't think that's true," Justin said. "If you didn't go to the club that night I wouldn't know you. I'm glad I met you."

This time, I did blush. I was grateful that Justin couldn't see my face from where it was. "Yeah, but I also wouldn't be pregnant."

"But if you weren't pregnant you never would've called me, and we never would've seen each other again. And besides, it isn't that bad. I've always wanted kids. Not exactly right now, with a girl I just met but I'm glad it's you."

I sighed. "I guess you're right." I took my head off of his shoulder and looked at him.

He was looking straight ahead, into space, it seemed. I began to take in and admire his appearance. I had always found him attractive, ever since he was 15, but seeing him this close was completely different. I loved the way his hair always looked perfect, even when it was a mess. I loved the perfect shape of his lips. I loved his perfect jawline, his eyes, and the scar on his right cheek. Everything about him was perfect. I haven't known him very long, but I know that I really like him, and I wouldn't want anyone else to be the father of my child. Not even Brandon when we were together. He always hated kids and said he never wanted them. I tried to convince myself that I didn't either, but I did. I really did. And now I'm going to have that. I'm going to have a child with the guy had a crush on since I was fifteen. I'm going to have a family of my own.

Justin must've sensed me looking at him, because he broke out of his trance and looked down at me. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Why are you staring at me?" is what he said.

But I didn't answer his question. Instead, I kissed him. I kissed him, hoping to transfer my true happiness for our current situation. I may seem upset about it at times, but at the end of the day, I couldn't be happier. Justin smiled through the kiss, and applied just as much pressure as I was giving him. He got it. He got my feelings.

There was no tongue, no rushing, just passionate kissing. It was in the midst of that kiss that I realized that there was no other place I would want to be. I wanted to be with Justin.


this is the longest chapter yet. let me know what you think :)

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