Black Luna

By littleballerina_29

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Pain was all she knew. And if happiness was what she was seeking, she has to uncover her hidden past and her... More

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Mate
Chapter 3 Luna
Chapter 4 Moving in
Chapter 5 Competition
Chapter 6 Shocked
Chapter 7 Found Out
Chapter 8 Moment
Chapter 9 Interaction
Chapter 10 Misunderstood
Chapter 11 Disappointment
Chapter 12 Broken Trust
Chapter 13 Her Name
Chapter 14 Mistake
Chapter 15 Pain
Chapter 16 Got Away
Chapter 17 A New Change
Chapter 18 Mission
Chapter 19 Encounter
Choose Cover
Chapter 20 Questions
Chapter 21 Face 2
Chapter 22 Lies
Chapter 23 Embraced
Chapter 24 Truth
Chapter 26 Secrets
Chapter 27 Breakdown
Chapter 28 Lost
Chapter 29 Broken
Chapter 30 Goodbye

Chapter 25 Luna Ceremony

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By littleballerina_29

After things cleared up with mate, life went on as it seems.

Mate and I mated that night and now I have a beautiful mark on my neck.

The wolf looking up to the moon was just so stylish.

I don't even know how to express how unique the mark is.

Dylan and Diana had yet to mate. It was kinda disappointed especially since I saw how close they are every day. What the hell is Dylan waiting for?!

4 months have passed since the day I returned "home".

And today, is the day I am crowned Luna of the Blood Moon Pack. I was excited, yet, I'm feeling really uneasy. Why? I don't know.

So now, Diana is still busy doing my make-up and hair.

I could feel Diana pulling my hair.

"Diana! What are you doing to my hair- ouch!"

"Relax Annabel. Trust me."

The pulling continued before she finally said finish.

"And voila!"


"And now, make up."


And she applied make up to me.

"I'm just getting crowned, not getting married."

"...yet." She winked.

I couldn't help but blush. Luckily the blusher was on.

"Ok. Now go and get changed."

"Ladies, you have 10 more min." Dylan knocked on the door.

"Ok! Thank you!" Diana shouted.

"What are you waiting for?! Go, quickly!" She urged me into the bathroom.

"Ok ok! Geez!"

I went in and out the silky dress on. It was so smooth on my skin. I felt like a princess for a moment.

"Now, the shoes."

Diana lifted the heels up and my jaw dropped.

"Diana! The heels are too high!"


"I can't wear this."

"Ugh! Come on Annabel.."

"I'm sorry."

She ruffled her hair for a moment before lighting up.

"Hayden!!!!" She yelled.

I covered my ears.

"What." He said at the door.

"Get me the shoe box under my bed in my room stat. "


"Do you want to see your Luna in 5 minutes or not."

"I'm on my way!"

"Now, are these better?" She showed me the shoes.

I smiled.

"Much. Thank you."

"Your welcome, Luna." She smiled back.

And I took a look at myself at what Diana had done.

And I was shocked with all my life.

This. Is just too perfect. If Diana could pull off this, I don't know what to expect at my wedding.


"Hey! Why are you crying?! Don't ruin your make-up. " She tried wiping a tear off my face.

I immediately hugged her.


"Thank you thank you. How could I ever repay you?"

"Well, just don't abandon us ever again and be the best Luna this pack has ever had."


Why did I say that?

I couldn't...

"Annabel, everyone has already accepted you for who you are. We know, we know you're the Queen Of The Rogues. And did we care? No. We still wanted you to be our Luna. We will fight alongside with you. So you're not alone anymore. Please, don't ever forget that. Ok?"

I won't run. I won't leave. I will fight Jayden and end him. But if mate doesn't agree...I'll accept it and wait for my fate. I still have many things to accomplish. But ending Jayden's life is my 2nd priority. My first priority is my pack.

"Let's go." I said.

Hand in hand, we walked out of the room.

As we stood at the high stairway, everybody's eyes were on us.

All the men were staring at me head to toe, some even whistled.

Hayden let out a warning growl, telling them not to stare at his mate.

I walked down and took Hayden's hand.

"Stunning." He whispered to me.

I blushed.

"Today we are here to present my mate, Annabel Ferrars, as the new Luna. "

He turned to face me.

"Annabel Ferrars. Will you sacrifice yourself to protect your pack?"

"I will."

"Will you uphold your title as Luna and do your duties with pride?"

"I will."

"Will you always be there for your pack when necessary?"

"I will."

"And with that I shall crown you as the new Luna of Blood Moon Pack."

He gently took my hand and muffled a "sorry" before cutting wrist. He cut his own wrist and he let the blood drip into mine.

Suddenly, my emotions were clouded and my mind was full.

I felt so much warmth and love.

Many members tested out the mind link and I could read everyone's thoughts.

"Welcome Luna."

"Congratulations Luna."

"Hello Luna!"

So many welcomings.

They actually don't mind who I am.

No, they don't.


What? It's just natural.

Get off my mind!

Haha! Sorry love. No can do.






As night rose, Mate and I took a shower before climbing into his bed.

I had practically shifted into his bedroom.

"Hey, mate.."


We hugged under the blanket.

"Uhm, if Jayden is hunting me down, can't we..hunt him down?"

He sighed.

"You are suggesting we kill him aren't you?" He said the obvious.


"We have no choice. He's gonna keep hunting you down till you're at the foot of his doorstep. God knows what he'll do if he has you."

His grip around me tightened.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere anymore."

I should tell him what he said to me in NYC.

"Mate, remember when I had accused you of when we were at NYC?"


Maybe tomorrow is better to tell him.

"N-nothing. "

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Good night."

"Good night. I love you."

"I love you too."

And we both fell asleep on each other's arms.

Tomorrow shall be the first day I'm Luna.






I fell on my back.

"Well well well. Look who we have here. A runaway cat."

I kept my eyes shut. Unwilling to see the horrible reality awaiting me when I open my eyes.

"Cat?" I asked.

"Only a cat could easily sneak off from it's owner. It's just so...sly. "

His voice. There's a change in his voice, his tone. Something changed in him. And his grip was getting tighter.

"Mate, you're hurting me." I said quietly.

"Oh am I?" He tightened even more.

There's bound to be a red mark afterwards.

"Yes! Now get off me! "

I kicked him with all my might.

"Down kitty. We wouldn't want your face to be filled with scratches do we?"

"W-what?" I questioned him.

"Listen love. I'm gonna need you to be good and follow me back. If not, a bad punishment awaits you." He smirked.

This is not Hayden. This is not mate. I do not know this man.

"N-no. I can't. I won't. I will not follow you."

And then.

He slapped me.

"Now will you listen? Or do I have to go further than that."

"Did you just-"

"I've changed love. I've changed ever since you left me for a stupid reason. Now, you'll pay the consequences."

No. No way am I going back. God knows what he'll do if I obey and follow him back.

With all my might I kicked him in his stomach and made a run for it.

"Bitch! Come back!" He yelled.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" I shot up of the bed.

"What's wrong?!" Mate tried touching me.

"No! Don't touch me!"

I tried leaning away from him but fell off the bed.


I breathed in and out, in and out, in and out, over and over again.


Don't worry. It isn't true. The event is over already. It isn't true. That wasn't mate.

That wasn't mate. That wasn't mate. That wasn't mate. That wants mate. That wasn't mate.

I took one last deep breath and hugged my knees in.

"Hey, a-are you okay? What did that mean?" He made no movement to touch me but he sat close to me on the carpeted floor.

"I-i'm sorry."

"It's okay. What did you mean?"

Remember! They have mated, so they could actually hear each other's thoughts or when they're talking to their wolves unless they blocked their mate out.

"Back at NYC, that man looked exactly like you. It was terrifying. Till now, I still think it was exactly you."

"I know we were twins but we didn't really look alike."

"M-may I see his photo?"

"Sure. But for now, let's go to bed."

"Can I grab a glass of water first?"

"Go ahead. I'll be waiting." He kissed me on the cheek.

I got up and went down for a drink. I poured a glass of water and gulped it down.







Suddenly at the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow running away from the house through the window.

And for a split second, I swore I saw Dylan.

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