Miss, Miss I Can't Do This. (...

By camrenlives17

60.6K 1.6K 881

Student teacher fiction. Camila = student Lauren = teacher What happens one day when they meet? Why is it d... More



2.8K 86 14
By camrenlives17


Camila hasn't been in class all week. I should have expected that. I wouldn't come to school if something like that happened between me and my teacher. I'd probably transfer school. She better not transfer schools.

She hasn't missed much in my lessons. All I've been doing is making the students research new artist's and think about what they want to do the final project on. I can explain it all to Camila on Monday. That's if she comes into school. At least then I can talk to her. Well not about the things I want to discuss, but little steps, right? 

The thing is, I want Camila so bad. I mean who wouldn't? Have you seen her? I would not turn down that woman. But she is a student, my student. And if anyone was to find out anything I would lose my job, my reputation and go to jail. And if that happened I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I've put so much hard work and dedication to be where I am today, to peruse a career where I am truly happy. I would love to be with Camila, in every way, shape and form possible. But when I am a teacher and she's my student that cannot happen. Not at all. 

And I know it can't. But I just can't stop thinking about her. I've kissed a lot of people in my time. But not a single one of them has made me feel the way Camila did. I felt so alive. And could feel everything. But at the same time nothing because I was too absorbed by those beautiful lips. She was so soft and rough at the same time. And I want it all over again. 

Tonight, I'm going out with Normani and her personal trainer, hopefully I'll meet someone and my mind will be taken off Camila. 

Well, that's the plan anyway. If not, I'll get so drunk that I won't be able to think at all, let alone about Camila.

The time is now 8 at night and me and Normani have just finished getting ready for our night out, we've already had a few pre-drinks, so we're slightly buzzed for when we go out soon.

We get an Uber to the club which is about 10 minuets away and meet her trainer.

Me and Normani look killer if I do say so myself.

This red dress hugs me in all the correct places, and I love it.

"What would you fine lady's like to drink?" Normani's personal trainer asks us. I think his name is Josh.

"I'll have a whiskey on the rocks" I say with a smile. 

"Me too" Normani says. 

"Ok, go find a table and I'll be right over" He says with a big grin. 

"Well, someone like's himself" I say whilst walking over to an empty table.

"Doesn't he just. He's actually really funny once you get to know him" Normani says.

"You telling me or yourself that?" I ask sitting down.

"Not sure" Normani says looking across the dancefloor to the man in question.

In a few minutes he returns with our drinks of choice and three bright green shots. 

"Drink up ladies" He says with a bright smile. Me and Normani just laugh at each other before grabbing a shot. 

"Cheers" We all say in time with one another before taking a shot of the blue liquid. Normani and Josh a cough a little whilst I just sit back and grin. 

"Badass" Josh says whilst nodding my way.

"I know" I say shrugging and sipping on my whiskey.

"So, Normani told me you're a teacher?" Josh asks.

"Yes, I am, and you're her personal trainer. Do you have your own list of clients?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm my own boss, I know a few people who work for gyms and have clients but that doesn't interest me" He explains.

"Oh, any reason why?" I ask, genuinely intrested.

"Well, if I'm being honest" He says with a chuckle. "It's the money. I get paid better being my own boss and I get a lot of perks too". 

"Ahh, that's good then" I say with a polite smile. 

"Sorry my love" He begins. "I never quite caught your name, mines John". Fuck, this whole time I thought his name was Josh. Good job I never called him it. 

"I'm Lauren" I say smiling.

After an hour and several more shots, I myself am really feeling the effect of the alcohol. I used to be able to hold it all so well. Now, it hits me hard, really quick.

I'm dancing with Normani on the dance floor, John is currently grinding on some blonde girl, but if I'm being honest. I don't think Normani is bothered, and I think he's doing this to get a rise out of her. Which he clearly hasn't got. I think he likes her, but the feelings aren't mutual. I thought they was earlier, but Normani hasn't batted an eye lid at his antics.

Me and Normani are dancing up close as we always do, and always have done. 

That's when I feel a firm hand on my bum, and a tight horrible squeeze follows it.

"The fuck" I turn around quickly. That's when I see his face. The dick from the pub.


"Hello beautiful" He says, with that stupid grin on his face. He's staring right at my face. When I raise an eye brow, that's when I see it in him, it clicks who I am. He recognises me. "You, you fucking dyke!" He shouts stepping aggressively closer to me, I didn't move though. I stayed there. His face very close to mine.

"The fuck are you?" Normani asks stepping next to my side.

"This Normani, is a homophobic prick I got fired for being a dick to a girl I had met" I say with a grin.

"You fucking cost me my job. You're not even worth that other girls attention. You've got nothing  on me" He says, his friends slowly gathering around us and him.

"Oh, I've got everything over you, looks, charm and I can actually flirt unlike you" I say grinning widely, as I see a few of his friend's giggle at my statement. 

"You're fucking disgusting. Vile vermin" With that, I see his right arm pull back. I knew exactly what this meant. I've had it more than once. I'm going to have a man try and fight me cause of my sexual preference. I love the world I live in. People are dicks.

His right arm comes flying towards my face, I lean back quickly. Before he has time to retract his arm, my left arm makes a strong connection to the right side of his chin, making his head fly upwards. His 'friend's' as this point all slowly backing off, clearly not looking for a fight tonight. He quickly regains his composure, looking around to all his friends looking ashamed at him, and others finding something very interesting on the floor that has taken their attention.

Before I can do anything to prevent it, he's spat at me. A whole other world of rage has been released at this vile act. I quickly start to swing my left arm at him and see him step back, but whilst he was dodging that, he didn't see my right arm delivering a powerful blow to his balls. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion. I see his whole face change, one of pure pain now fills what once was a smug look. I see John jump next to me and look between me and Brad. Only to give me a bright grin and motion something to a security guard that quickly comes over to talk to everyone, he quickly comes to the conclusion that it was not my fault, which is correct and removes Brad and a few of his friends who started getting loud once I floored there 'boy'.

"That was amazing!" Normani says, pulling me to the bathroom.

"I can't be doing shit like this anymore" I say putting my knuckles under the cold tap. "If I get arrest-"

"Everyone out there was on your side, you were provoked and he made the first swing. Self-defence." Normani said looking at me through the mirror. I just responded with a wide grin.

A few hours later and I was really feeling the alcohol, I'm at this point just sloppily throwing my limbs around the dance floor. Normani is currently cuddled up to a girl on a chair. For someone that has 'bi tendency's' she seems to always end up with a girl on a night out. Me and john are laughing at once another doing stupid dance moves, he just dropped to the floor and did a really messy attempt of the worm.

My body feels all fuzzy, and my vision is very questionable. 

I step out of the club to get some fresh air and before I even know what I'm doing I've sent Camila a text.

Lauren- hi im drank n I just wantd to say im sory 4 wot I did and I had a fight w brad frm bar xxxx

Shit no. I look down at my phone and see what I've done. And before I know it I've already typed another text. 

Lauren- im truly sorry I shouldn't ov kissed u again aftr telling u it was over. But I really do miis you camila. I relly do. Im so sorry if ive hurt u I didn't want to or mean too x

Once again, I had sent it before thinking it through. My back slowly slides down the brick wall I was leaning against and I sit down. It's midnight, and I'm sat outside a pub texting a girl who could put me in jail. What has my life come too?

A/N its me bitchesssss, i haven't written in forever, this is a pre-written chapter. Enjoy my loves xxx

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