Chris' Little Sister

NinjaOfTheShade által

91.5K 1.6K 58

What if when Chris came to the past he brought his little sister along? Több

Hey guys!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Final Chapter

Chapter 26

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NinjaOfTheShade által

(If your really religious then you probably don't want to read this chapter. Don't want to offend anyone that's why I put the warning up.)

I got up and went down stairs. Mom was in the kitchen, I didn't know where anyone else was at the moment.
"Hey KC. Sleep ok?"
Then Chris came in.
"Hey happy birthday kid." He said as went to get some coffee.
"It's your birthday?" Mom asked.
"Oh, I wish I would have known."
"It's not a big deal Mom."
"Not a big deal? It's my daughter's birthday. And you're what now? 13?"
"Yeah but really, it's fine."
"Well why don't we do something? I can even get your father to come down for a little bit, maybe even grandpa?"
"Mom really stop. It's just another stupid day. It's nothing special." I said and stormed out of the kitchen.
Chris just had to say something. He couldn't just ignore this day like everyone else does? I just want this day to be over with already.

(Chris POV)
I wish I had paid just a little more attention. I didn't see mom here when I said Happy birthday to KC. I'm so stupid.
"What was that all about?" Mom asked.
"I shouldn't have said anything." I said and took a drink of my coffee.
"Why? What's wrong Chris?"
"Her birthday's never been a happy day. I sat happy birthday, give her a present, that's it. She hates her birthday."
"Why? What happens?"
"Wyatt happens. Each year it gets worse."
"He needed KC for the power of three. She was most uninfluenced out of us, so he's so determined to make her like him."
"And she fights back?" I shook my head.
"She knows right and wrong, but she's too afraid to fight back, but she's strong enough not to the take orders from him. It doesn't end well most times."
"The scars on her back."
"Yeah. Not just physical either. He's made her watch some horrible things. She never breaks in front of him though."
"Sounds a lot like you."
"No, like you. She takes everything he give her on this day since she was little, not once has she screamed. He's seen tears but never heard her cry."
"She's like her dad actually. That sounds like him. Well why don't we make this a better day for her? Let her have some family."
"You can try. I won't promise anything." I said then left

(KC's POV)
I was up in the attic going through the book of shadows. I never had a chance to go through it and look at all the spells. Phoebe came in.
"Ah KC I've been looking for you. I have a question."
"how do you spell your name?"
"No like your full name."
"That's it. KC Halliwell."
"I know it has to stand for something. I know Piper wouldn't name her daughter KC."
"She didn't. Nobody remembers what my name used to be."
"then how did you get the name KC?"
"I just did ok!?" then I got up and ran out of the room.
I bumped into Chris and he look at me with that face. He heard everything. I didn't want to talk to him so I just ran out of the house.
I hated when people asked those questions. I hated everything that had to do with this day. I went to the one place I knew I could be alone.

(Chris' POV)
I watched KC run down the stairs. I can't even tell what's going on in her head now. Phoebe came out shortly after her.
"What's wrong with her? All I did was ask about her name."
"That's what's wrong. Her name's a touchy topic."
"just like her birthday?"
"Her life's kinda a touchy topic ok? She hasn't had the best childhood around." I said and went down stairs. I knew if KC was in any trouble or lost she would call for me.
"Well if you simply told us maybe things wouldn't end the way they do." Phoebe said following me.
"It's not things we like to talk about Phoebe. I've done the best I can to protect her from everything. To make things better but it blows up in my face. She's had nothing in her life but terror and loss ok? Everything has been taken from her at some point in her life."
"She has you."
"She didn't always. You have no idea what I had to do to get her back."
"Get who back?" Mom said walking over to us. "What's with all the yelling?"
"Chris you need to start talking." Phoebe said. "I know the that future is bad, but we have to know. You came here to change it right?" I stayed silent. Reliving everything that has happened to us, I just didn't wanna do it.
"Chris come on." Mom said. I looked her and finally nodded my head.
"Call dad and Paige. They should hear this too. Dad at least."
When everyone was there we sat down in the living room and I told them everything that happened after the event.
"Things were as ok as they could of been. KC and I stayed with grandpa. When I was fifteen, Wyatt started recruiting. He was sixteen, almost seventeen, and he was already pretty powerful. KC was five. Her birthday was coming up so grandpa and I were thinking of things we could do for her. Grandpa wanted to try and see if Wyatt wanted to come. I said I didn't want him anywhere near this family. There was a big fight, all that, but in the end grandpa understood and listened to me.
"Wyatt came to me one day and expected me to join him. I was his little brother, he said if anyone should share in her glory, I should. I refused. I wanted nothing to do with him. Well Wyatt, he didn't like my answer. He took KC from me. She was all I had left, and he took away. he said I had to earn my family back." I felt the tears forming in my eyes. "I never asked KC what happened to her. I won't ask her. It took almost a year to get her back. I did things I never wanted to do, but I did them for my sister.
"When I got KC back she was different. She didn't act like a normal six year old, she acted older. Nobody could remember her name either. Wyatt cast a spell so nobody could. He wanted KC to stand for what he stood for. He wanted to turn her into him."
"So then what's her name Chris?" Paige asked. I hesitated, wondering if I should tell them.
"Her full name is Killing Christ." Everyone's reactions were unreadable. "Christ stood for hope, Wyatt wanted KC to kill that hope. He thought he was clever. I refused to call her that, so I gave her the nickname KC. After months of getting my ass beat Wyatt finally allowed it."
"So then what happens on her birthday?" Dad asked.
"And why after all that, KC's still good?" Paige asked.
"Because even after everything she went through, she remembered me, she remembered grandpa, and very little but, she remembered you. She stayed strong through everything. Some of the things she's gone through, I wouldn't be able to handle."
"She's strong." Mom said.
"Very. That's why she acts the way she does. On her birthday Wyatt ups her training. Pretty much her getting the hell beat out of her, and on her birthday is when he decides to change things and make it harder. He pushes her."
"That's why you brought your sister with you." Dad said.
"I couldn't leave her behind, knowing that she would be left with Wyatt. He would have taken everything out on her. All the anger I caused him, everything. I couldn't do it. And her birthday is also the day she was taken away. That was when things got as bad as they could. That's why she doesn't like her birthday. It's not just the beatings, it's what the day stands for to her now."
"Well, now it stands for something else." Dad said. "Two kids coming to the past to save their family."
"And as a family, we want to celebrate the day that strong little girl came into the world." Mom said. "Now will you please go find your sister? Give us, and hour or so."
"We'll call." Paige said.
"I'll try." Then I orbed out. I knew where she would be.

(KC's POV)
I sat in the tree at the park grandpa used to take me. Chris would take me here all the time too. I looked at my feet as the dangled over the branch towards the ground. It had to be my birthday. It just had to be. This day has been nothing but problems for as long as I can remember.
I heard the sound of orbing. Chris. I looked over and saw he was sitting next me.
"It's ok. They don't know."
"They do now. I told them. Everything."
"Even my name?"
"Even your name."
"And what happens now?"
"Mom want to celebrate your birthday. They love you KC, they really do, and they just want to celebrate the day you were born."
"Why is it so important. It's just another day."
"You know what I thought the day you born?" I looked at Chris and gave him a look. "I thought, 'great, another sibling. Just what I need, a baby to get all the attention.' But then I watched you get older, and when everything went down, you were all that I have. I did what I could to protect you. I learned what being a brother is." He looked over at me. "I know that to you your birthday is a terrible day, but it's the day my world was brought to me. You're everything to me KC. So let's make today the best birthday you'll remember. Ok?"
I felt the tears forming in my eyes. I never knew Chris felt this way. I mean I knew he cared but, I never knew he cared this much. I looked back up at him.
"Ok." He smiled and I smiled back.

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