Jewel In The Palace(Lord Of T...

By Corinne_May

829K 28.4K 5.8K

*WATTYS 2015 WINNER* A woman has been living with the corsairs for centuries, she could only see the outside... More

A Girl's Errand
The Interrogation
Gideon's Madness
Mirialia and the Elk
The Sylphs
The White Wizard
Fight At The Borders
A Day At The Courtyard
The Royals of Rohan
A Change of Heart
The Maiden's Return
A Prisoner's Escape
Thranduil's Anger
Sindarin Lessons
A Broken Love
The Abduction
Deceit And Sacrifice
When All Hope Is Lost
The Siege Of Belus
Divine Intervention
The Light Of Thranduil
One Last Chance
Tears Of Pain
Hidden Love
The Golden-Haired Elf
Lair Of The Flying Beasts
Hurt And Comfort
A Day Of Trouble
Pure Love
The Royal Wedding
Rebel Heart
The Tournament
The Duel
A Simple Conversation
A New Gift
Weight Gain, Hormones and...Pufferfish?
Mírien, The New Light
A Father's Moment
First Word
A Mother's Love
A Brother's Big Heart
The Unavoidable Question
Shot Through The Heart
A Happy Maiden's Heartache
The Queen's Journey
Upon Arrival
It's Mirialia's Turn
The Start Of It All
Meeting The Rebels
Serving Grimmond
The Revolt Begins
Battle At Heselon
Author's Note
Power, Strength and Courage
To Mend Both Hearts
A Thousand Years
Epilogue -- Long Live
Acknowledgement and Credits
No Final Goodbye (Sequel Teaser)

Stolen Kiss

17.4K 584 258
By Corinne_May


It has been three days since Mirialia was taken to the Elvenking's chamber. She welcomed herself in his abode, it was a place she would never imagined that she would be in.

Grand and homey.

Chairs and tables were smoothly polished, pillows and cushions were made of cotton. It was refreshing, she thought, but only when the king was not around. What happened at the throne room was still fresh in her mind, in fact at that time she was not sure if she heard the command right.

"My chamber will be her prison, take her there."

His words kept echoing in her head. Recalling the day when she was brought in to his room, Thranduil told her that the sylphs cannot enter his domain, so she cannot seek their help. A small bed was placed for her across his. Her regular visitors were two elf maidens. They were bringing her food, though she ate very little.

Most of the time, she would just stood near the window and gazed outside. Her only good source of entertainment were the books she brought in with her when she left Rohan, including the book 'Elvenkings'.

For the knowledge of feeling those emotions and learning from her mistake, she already have given up the idea of freedom and thought that nobody will no longer care for her. The door of his room, just like what the Elvenking said, will open and close at his will so there's no way she could escape. Mirialia sighed and sat on the bed. Though there was a part of her that says she did a good thing, her friend was finally free.

But it looks like he will never forgive me.


Thranduil scanned the night skies. However, he could only glance at the stars, but not own them. He was still enraged by what she did, but a familiar voice spoke in his mind.

"The heart clearly sees things denied in the eyes, do not blind its sight with anger or bitterness."

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and made his way back to his room. He opened the door that separated him from the subject of his disturbed feelings. There he saw her sleeping, her face upturned her right hand under her cheek and the left on her stomach. Her body was turned a little bit to her right while her legs escaped from the cover that draped on her torso.

He caressed her face with his fingers, he could not suppress a shiver. He felt warm even though it was very cold that night.

It had taken all of his concentration to stay in his own bed and watch her sleep. The main reason why he was always going out of his room every night. He pulled the blanket to cover her bare legs. He tried countless times to stop himself from openly staring at her, but he could not.


A cold wind woke her up. Her body shivered as her blanket was blown away from the bed. It fell on the ground near the Elvenking's bed. When she stood up and closed the window, she could still see the full moon.

"It's just past midnight." She murmured.

She walked over and reached out for the blanket, when she saw the king's bed empty. She remembered what Gandalf said to her from their last meeting,

"Elves require less sleep."

Suddenly, a shadow appeared coming from the small balcony. It was Thranduil who walked back in, she did not notice that he had been there. His angry stare made her bow in shame. Mirialia was about to go back to her bed, when she heard him speak.

"You have a heart of Men, and it's weak." Thranduil said coldly.

She tried to fight the tears building up in her eyes. She did not face him but took the courage to answer.

"At least I'm not a cold-hearted like you." Mirialia almost whispered.

Thranduil squinted his eyes at her answer, he can take it no longer. Without warning, he swiftly walked up to her, grabbed her arm, turned her around and pinned her to a pillar. Mirialia's eyes widened when she noticed Thranduil's face leaning fast towards her. When he didn't stop once his face was a mere five inches from hers, shivers ran down her spine. Mirialia wanted to turn her face away but it was too late when Thranduil pressed his lips onto hers. Several thoughts exploded in her head but they all melted. When she didn't kiss back, he wrapped his left arm on her waist, lifting her a few inches from the ground and his right held her cheek. The King pulled her even closer as he deepened the kiss.

Thranduil gently pulled out from the kiss but his face stayed inches from her, "You don't know how much I wanted to do that."

Seeing her visibly shaken by his action, a smirk curved on his lips.

"I'm only going to say this once, so listen. Do not run off again. Do not break my laws." His voice was gentle but his command was not. "I am still kind enough to spare your life."

He quickly pulled himself away from her and rushed out of the room. Leaving her alone, Mirialia sat down on the ground. Her back leaning against the pillar, tears finally fell down from her eyes. She sobbed as she touched her trembling lips with the tips of her fingers.

What have I gotten myself into?

Thranduil breathed out heavily as he stood outside the door. He could not believe what he just did either. 


Thank you for reading!

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